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Vilakshan Gaur Feb 2016
As dead as death's dull, deep, dark eyes
and cold as coffins carved in ice
the beast that breathes beneath the moon
has left his languid, lone cocoon

His howl is heard from highest hill
new night brings nasty need to ****
bright, the blood burns bubbling hot
and flows from farthest frozen frost

Vile, his vice of violent kind
meets malice of his maddened mind
A shape as sharp as shards of glass
its silhouette stands as seasons pass

Do you dread the darkest days of death?
the darkest demon's darkest breath
this tyrant turns the trees to dust
and seas of salt to seas of rust

The green of grass will grow so gray
no light on leaves or land will lay
no sun will soar to soothe the sky
red rain will rage with wrath from high

Now embrace the embers ending all
the baneful beast will bring the fall
Can you catch the creature crawling free?
This monster mad in menace is me
Sky Apr 2016
smothering me
I can't breathe;
fill my eyes
as silence
kills me
Inflection detection in wording circumspection.
Emotion induction from sentence construction.
Thinking,reckless, breathless.

Intrepid interpolated  meaning interpretation.
Conclusive concussive membrane concussive.
Paranoid, panoramic, irrational.

Dogmatic denial Vexing act servile.
Divisional divisive delusional decisive .

Thinking,reckless, breathless.
Paranoid, panoramic, irrational.
Dornish Bastard Mar 2016
My headphones are turned up high
And I'm trapped in a musical trance.
I'm unseeing, under a spell.
My digits do a little tap dance.
They deem me a daydreamer
As the beats bore into my being.
The rhythm refuses to release me
From this great grasp I'm gladly enduring
Because sometimes surrender is sweeter
Than fruitlessly fighting to be free.
And if your captor can cause such comfort,
Then how is it an actual adversary?
Take note that this is about music, not actual kidnapping or Stockholm Syndrome or whatever. Okay? Right. I just wanted to try out alliterations. A bit much, I know, but eh. I like it.
First draft made on September 2, 2015.
Anthony Carrasco Mar 2016
Swiftly swiping through frozen memories, & I stumbled upon something astounding.

A spectacle that didn't seem to surprise, just another example of the standard sensitized society that we have been settled into for far too long.

It was an image of a couple that I steadily "stalked", per se, but more of supported from a secluded distance. Spread across the picture were the same two sapiens so surely in love; yet I could see the sadness in both their sockets as clear as a sunset on a cloudless day.

Smiles stretched from side to side on both their faces, but if you stared sharply you could spot the sorrow submerged in their souls.

The inseparable twosome were ironically split from each other, standing on opposite sides of a sidekick whose sole purpose was to serve as a distraction to the shadowed love which never dare show its existence to spectators.

Secrets sorted into the minds of offspring, scared to say the truth because of suspicion that they might surrender the love they once secured.

You see, being straight is the sustainable selection for the future of our race, the single method of sharing in the responsibility of our species' survival.
A decision of sexuality spoken during sermon that is made for us by a creator... long before conception.

As sinful as this may sound, I refuse to concede to a forsaken life sanctioned by a story scripted 3500 years ago.

It sickens me to witness a universal sensation of emotion between two spirits be the reason for such substantial suffering.

A person need not be scorned due to their desired source of seduction or for having that undescribable sense of freedom we never discerned was enslaved to begin with.

We don't get to choose what sparks our minds to skyrocket, our knees to shiver,  and certainly not our hearts to break.

We are deserving of safety in our own sanity, a sanctuary where stress couldn't search even if it had a warrant.

There ought to be a set of statutes that don't segregate humans for seeking associations with members of the same ***.

The laws we have now are schemes designed to set aside our natural tendency to scour for bliss. Let me tell you precisely why I broke those rules and was sentenced to serve an eternity in prison.

I stole binoculars from the store so I could see a sight too distant for my eyes; I searched a century ahead of our time and spied on a social world not similar to ours, one seasoned enough to where I don't need to sugar coat my findings. Simply put, we surged away from stereotypes and settled into a state of serenity.
Inspired by a photo I saw of a couple I follow on social media. They are beyond in love with each other, yet one is scared to show any affection in their pictures.
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
Pocket pills of purple pinks in pity pants
Talking to the things that cause this total trance
Choking coughs from cold degrees or circumstance
Glazing eyes gliding through a gruesome glance
Ripping ribs and retched rings due rough romance
Dagger diamonds digging deep throughout a dance
So no **** she's so good at suicide stance
There was a tecnique in dance that I personally called "the suicide stance" because it looked as if you were hanging. My teacher always told me I completed that one very well, and I believe I know why...
Zack Phillips Feb 2016
Perpetually ******, peeved and put-out
                        Cocked my cans back to give them a clout
                        Surrounded by slithering serpents suffocating my shout
                        Asking angry ******* what their apathy is about

Longing for her luscious locks to be locked with a look
Burgeoning, bumbling, believing love's broken book
Tired of the teasing, I take what I've come to took
Nestling near, cradling only my pillow in my arm crook

                              *******, *******, **** right you're going down
                              Fixing your ******* face into a freckled frown
                              Grouchy and greedy, I gasped seeing her gown
                              Hungry and *****, I can't leave the scent, like a hound

              Where was 'we' written in the wedding
              Roaring raucously, I rip off her ring
              Zealous, jeaous, I zag away from my zig
              Can't you cantankerous ***** see I want to be **KING
Sorry for the foul language! Written in one sitting during a moment of inspiration
Katie Perner Jan 2016
How little you know,
you poor ignorant soul.
You spoke with a mouth full of hate,
your body shook with might
as you tried to instill me with a certain fright
as if I might finally bow down to your glory,
kiss your feet, and say that I am sorry.
Yet here I stand,
the knife in my hand,
it is my turn to tell you the story
of how I became so grand!
Your words filled me with a certain spiteful motivation,
one that has led me to a compelling revelation!
I now have you in my hands,
you are now mine!
You shall see,
you poor little flea,
you are only but a pest!
You have no influence over me!
Nobody can deny my power as I watch you cower,
you poor pathetic pest,
now you kiss thy feet!
-k.p. 11.27.15-
This is one of my pieces I would like to perform one day.
Paul Jones Jan 2016
The storm has passed. Its     surrender was swift
as chalk wiped away     from a wet, slate board.
Paul Jones Dec 2015
What haunts the hollow     hallway of dark hours
fails again. A friend,     not fear, grips me.
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