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Zack Ripley May 2021
I would be lying
If I said I wasn't afraid of failing.
But I'm more afraid of succeeding.
There's so much more pressure.
You have more to lose.
Your actions have more consequences.
You have to think more carefully
Before you choose.
But sometimes, you have to take risks.
You just have to decide
If it's worth the extra stress.
Simon May 2021
A "Tireless Impression" is nothing but pure nonsense, when you finally come to grips with what is mostly costly away from what makes up something that starts (as an impression), then abruptly transmits directly over towards the impression that gives good advice...that can't give good advice for itself.
The Tireless part, is the only remedy to an awakening that doesn't count for the (already built up nonsense) that can't keep it's own self away from such sudden shame... That it adopts a certain willpower that counts itself lucky literally become increasingly ill-tempered at the very lifestyle it chose, for the very direct impression... Of a Tireless will.
Tireless impression is about someone not agreeing with what is truly happening with their very current standards in life. (Even thou it looks like everything is seemingly going more than possibly right for themselves, as that's not an already obvious enough potential benefit hanging too high in the air, for its own good.)
I worry so much about your actions I see,
because they remind me of mistakes made by me.
I could count my mistakes like drops of rain
, and to the people I love I gave so much pain.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
Even during our good times,
Or bad, life will always bring us happy times together,
and others when we are sad.
I worry all the time trying to accept whatever this life decides to deal,
Often, I am clueless not showing the emotions I feel.
I try to hold inside so many actions of my life in the past,
Always trying new adventures to turn my world around at last.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
I know I am supposed to lead you standing tall and strong,
I’ve always tried my best and sometimes I am right, but often I’ve been wrong.
Many times, in the past I was wrong in the way’s I’ve sowed my seeds,
    I will always love you and be there in your times of need.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
I know sometimes I seem insane when my feelings come out from inside,
letting out pressure that builds, while trying to survive, during this life’s ride.
Life has so much to offer us and a lot of knowledge we can share and gain,
Always look towards a happy future, even during our times of pain.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.

          Copyright Tom Maxwell 05/10/03
dailythoughts Mar 2021
I pour a basket of chances to cover all your unjustifiable actions
One year from now, where will you be?
Will you choose? Or just wait and see?

Choose to act - create some changes
From small steps, life rearranges

One year from now, will life be great?
Will you take actions that elevate?

Read new books and learn handy skills?
Or just cruise along to pay the bills?

One year from now, you’ll be the same
Unless you act to increase your game

Think new ideas - meet some new friends
Better thoughts lead to better ends
This is Prosperity Poem ** at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).

I often share with people the general idea, "One year from now, you'll be much the same as you are today, except for the books you read and the people you meet."  

Sometimes I use "Five Years", but the idea is the same.  And it's true!  You can choose to make changes.  Get those new ideas!  Read those best books and listen to life changing audios. Meet new people.
The politicians, along with the news media,
Keep stirring the ***, to keep separation, alive
Inside of every one’s mind,
Otherwise, most all of us, get along, fine.
Eliminate the greed, and power race, we are all the same, inside,
We live this short life, then our human body, dies.
There is no reason, to live a life, of fake rumors, and lies,
Even the most powerful, have days, they cry.
Competition, in this life, is just A big game,
Accept who you are, or drive yourself, insane,
Everyone still gets wet, in A pouring rain,
In this life, we all need to work together,
For not one of us alone, can stop A moving train.
Our inner spirit, and knowledge,
Show, our true colors, who we are, every day,
Never try to impress others, be yourself,
Within your actions, and the words, you say,
For very few remember, the design on your shirt,
The very next day,
One bad action, or A few words, they label you,
Your branded, for the rest of your stay.

Tom Maxwell © 1/18/22021 AD   1:00 PM
Each day will blessings flow your way
From your sure and consistent pace
Like the story told of a speedy hare
And the tortoise who won the race

Your dreams need daily attention
Which draws them to your embrace
So trade your fitful stops and starts
For that steady, consistent pace

Yes, quick and powerful actions -
At times they may have their place
But more success is gained by far
From a stable consistent pace

So when you plan your daily life
Save some focused time and space
For the daily thoughts and actions
That keep your consistent pace
This is Prosperity Poem 106 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

I've been putting some classic (old) parables and some new parables on my Mom's website for her.  As I built the page about the tortoise and the hare, I thought how effective (and prosperous) we can be when we act with consistent pace.

We all have different personalities, and some lean toward a consistent pace naturally.  My Dad and I can easily take a huge project and work a bit a day on it for 100 days.  Some others in my family...  don't naturally do that.
However, there is magic and power in a consistent pace!
A Beginner's Guide
To manifesting your dreams
And achieving prosperity

Clarify your end result
Visualize with inner eyes
Take incremental actions
Watch angelic forces rise

Trust in powerful beings
Embrace their loving aid
Shape intelligent matter
Forge reality - unafraid

Give thanks for all you use
Enjoy each glorious day
Accept, forgive, rejoice
Reach out to help, and pray
This is Prosperity Poem 105 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

Everyone has talents and strengths.  I've always enjoyed working with words and I'm so grateful for the gift and inspiration that allows these thoughts to flow through me.  

I keep a huge list of possible words and ideas for future poems, but most often the most recent poem is sparked by something I see or hear that day.  Lately I've been studying Geology and one of my books is "A Beginner's Guide to Minerals", and that was the spark.

Wouldn't it be helpful if we had a beginner's guide to prosperity?  So, I wrote one.
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