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I use to write alot when I was depressed, I guess the idea of putting my thoughts on paper made my sadness feel so much more real. At the time I liked it, I liked the feeling of being fragile. It made me feel vulnerable. But I started distancing myself from it. I didn't want to live in darkness any more. My happiness grew and I nurtured it as one would do taking care of a rose grown from a seed planted in your most needed time. My perspective of life changed, it was like I was reborn into the spiritual realm and my life was but a seedling sprouting from ashes. I looked to the sun for unconditional love and I found it in the flames of a thousand skies.I reached out towards it in the hopes of finding the answers that I needed,I loved ever moment of it even though I was burning on the way. In a sense you could say I burnt myself down but only so that I could rise again. I had the opportunity to mold myself and I choose to become the closest living embodiment of mother nature herself,  I haven't fully achieved that yet but I was created in the belly of a star and my veins run with blood infused with star dust. I am a magical being or atleast I'd like to think that I am, I don't want to be anything less, than a women whom someone could never forget.
 Oct 2015 loveinquandary
You're looking for love
but I'm right here?

I promised you I'd share my world
so why aren't you here?

I want to feel your hands
wrapped around my face
curling around the edge
of the stubble you hate.

But instead you're gone.
And your hands long to be
on another face.
Looking for the love
I was so eager to give.
I am so permanently yours.
 Oct 2015 loveinquandary
sometimes i wish
you'd see beyond
the color of my eyes
and the cloth wrapped around my head

i wish you would
think of me as an individual
put away my appearance
and regard me as a person

my thoughts matter
my ideas aren't all bad
i have opinions
and i choose to speak my mind
if only you would
listen to my words
and try to comprehend what i'm saying
rather than focusing on my accent
and the way my lips curve when i speak

the cloth on my head
does not rid me of ideas
it does not limit my mental capabilities
it does not lower my tolerance
have a debate with me
spark a conversation

instead of complimenting my smile
compliment my mind
instead of assuming that my beliefs are enforced upon me
ask me what i believe
ask me what i value

tell me what you base your morals on
question me
give me counterarguments
talk to me

instead of staring at me
and making biased assumptions
already concluding who i am
and where i come from
before you've even
said hello!

i am not just the color of my skin
i am not just the size of my thighs
i am not just the design of my clothes
i am not just the price of my purse
i am not just the pattern of my headscarf
i am not just the length of my nails
i am not just a body

i am a mind
i am a heart
i am a soul

i am my theories
i am my thoughts
i am my perceptions
i am my opinions
i am my viewpoints
i am my objectives
i am my purpose
i am my outlooks
i am my intentions
i am my reasons
i am my perspectives
i am my choices
i am my principles
i am my ideologies

i am a thinking, feeling, living, stimulated, motivated, inspired being

i've got a world inside of me
take a look see
before you choose to pass judgment on me.
growing up as a female in a male dominated society, arguably a male dominated world, it's not always easy to be taken seriously. your ideas disregarded, and passion dismissed as "overly emotional".
i crave stimulating conversations, & feel as if my physique comes before my psyche. and to me, that is painful. so as always, i chose to write about the hurt.
 Oct 2015 loveinquandary
she was so unaware
i couldn't help but stare
she was lost
she was emerged
in the world
within those pages

my gaze unintentionally fixated
on the girl
with green speckled eyes
and the loveliest lips i've ever seen

her fingers
so delicate
turning the page
quietly, gently
as if not to hurt
nor disrespect
the yellowing pages
and the tiny print

the range of emotions
so clearly displayed
through her expressions
as she read through
i was entertained
by the little smirk
which turned into
furrowed brows
then sorrowful sighs
as the story went on

she went through the emotions
and took me along with her

everyday since then
at 12:04pm
i look for the girl
in the library
hoping to catch a glimpse
of my
*literary fantasy
give me the chance to love you, i'll tell you the only reason why: cause you are on my mind.
 Oct 2015 loveinquandary
he can't tell
that she's been crying
while she promises him
she's "fine"
he can't tell
that she's slowly dying
when she tells him
"everything's alright"

you'll lose her
she's fading
this won't last long
you'll be left
empty handed
where you went wrong
by that time
it'll be
too late
she'll be
so cliché i'm gagging
I just want you to know there’s going to be a day when everything is okay. There’s going to be a day where you’ll cry tears of joy to a sad song. There’s going to be a day where you won’t care about what people have said. There’s going to be days when you won’t hate getting out of bed. And I just want you to know to keep waking up, because that day could be sooner than you think.
 Oct 2015 loveinquandary
"If you could only hear my genuine feelings within these locutions,
If I was only good at expressing my exact emotions,
Then maybe I wouldn't be giving you these mixed signals
And maybe I wasn't left with the segmented petals."

I wonder how many times the owner tried to find this letter,
I wonder how much effort was made before he gave up
Or did he even find time to look for this? Did he even read this?
I wonder how he felt.

I wanted to tell him, "Don't give up!"
Don't we all show confused emotions?
I wanted to tell the person who wrote the letter, "Take the risk!"
Aren't we all eager to know the after-possibilities?

Yet, I can't.
There are reasons behind every action.
She's perchance too hurt to give her whole soul,
He's perhaps too tired to have another heartache.
 Oct 2015 loveinquandary
"she's a simple girl"
they say about me
judging me upon
my plain clothes,
and even plainer face

"she's a simple girl"
they say about me
judging me upon
my lack of words
regarding frivolous topics
hair, make-up,
who's dating who

"she's a simple girl"
they say about me
judging me upon
the fact that i'd rather stay in
with a book curled up in bed
as opposed to a wild night out
downing glasses of God knows what

but would they invest the effort
and just a little bit of their time
to try and understand
the complexities of my mind
the ideas
the perspectives,
the roads less traveled

would they ask me what i am passionate about
they would receive not a few words
but uncountable volumes full of my greatest dreams
and most sacred desires

ask me what i love and i will tell you
about how deeply i care for the concept of community
humanitarianism, how my biggest dream
is to bring people together

if they saw the thoughts which keep me up all night
how was i created? why was i created?
why me? why not?
my purpose and philosophy of life?
to be, or not to be?
who? what? where? why?

if only they tried to look beyond the surface
and dive in deep
they would realize that i am no shallow pond
but a raging deep ocean
full of emotion and thought
belief, and purpose.

i am a simple girl* when it comes to matters of materialism
i am a simple girl when it comes to speaking my mind
i am a simple girl when it comes to my lack of interest in manipulation, mind-games and gossip

i am a simple girl
until you stop judging me for what you see
*begin understanding me for who i am
simple [sɪmp(ə)l/]: easily understood or done; plain, basic, or uncomplicated in form, nature, or design
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