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 Nov 2018 stopdoopy
 Nov 2018 stopdoopy
I’m mourning a love that was dead too long ago.
I was late.
Like I was late to notice that your eyes refused to meet mine.
Like I was late to notice the stiffness in your embrace.
Like I was late to notice that your lips don’t taste the same.
Like I was late to notice you didn’t say ‘I love you’.
I knew things were rough.
But things get rough.
But you get through them as a team.
But I was late
To notice we were never a team.
I was late to notice that every hope I had In you was empty and meaningless.
Like I was late to notice I lost myself completely to you.
Like you are going to be too late to notice you lost the universe.
Like you will be too late to notice that you had the best thing.
But by then I will be grown again
I will be stronger than I was before and your words will no longer touch me.
You will be too late to reel me in again.
You will be too late to win my love back.
You will be too late.
And I will be just on time.
 Nov 2018 stopdoopy
 Nov 2018 stopdoopy
Variations of your lies
Mixed with ultraviolet lights.
The last time you looked me in the eye.
I should’ve known.
Now I’m on my own.
Wouldn’t have it any other way.

The train went by so fast.
Not even a flash.
Broken souls.
Nothing more.
Cold nights.
Hidden signs.
You were never really mine.
It’s hard to sleep at night.
I see her in my dreams.
I feel the burn crawling up my nose .
Temporary pain relief.
Thoughts detached  from one another.
I lost you in never ending spirals.
But I had to break the cycle.
You’ll try to find me in another.
Failure every time.
Losing yourself until you cry.
Cant blame me
I tried.
 Nov 2018 stopdoopy
i beg for other people’s *** stories,
because i am broken and unloved...

and when boys snarl,
                             i feel alone, although
i know that they are just laughing...

i’ve found that womanhood is
half shame before everything else,

so i can only notice how
other girls wave their successes above my head,
as though being ****** is a prize and being loved is an end game,

that screams GAME OVER in bright red.

i will take my silence over your lifestyle any day,
despite the fact that i still cry when you leave.
women can’t exist without being analyzed, tested, and corrected. i wish girls wrote poems about being happy instead. Don’t @ me.
You are the pink rose,
Gently swaying in the cool air,
Drops of dew kissing your silky petals.
You are the first soft snowflakes,
Falling on a wintry day,
Creating an ambience of serenity.
You are the Spring astir,
With a sense of  tender caress,
In the whisper of the gentle breeze.
Or the wealth of the Summer that comes with joyous abandon.
Or the glowing colours in the painting of Autumn.
You are the smile that soothes my heart,
My strength to uphold my weakness,
An inspiration to my soul,
My guide,
My Angel from above.
Grief is a tide,
It ebbs and floods,
It never ends,
A matter of heart and soul.
So carry it well,
Balance it,
Hug it.
Let it be a salty tear on your cheek,
A tiny memory in some corner of your heart.
Have Faith,
Grieve it out,
Swallow your anger,
Have no fear,
If possible laugh it away,
Make it your companion,
Then find strength,
To make a path through your grief,
Move forward.
 Sep 2018 stopdoopy
i wanted to give you everything ,
and ended up giving you myself
instead —

and i
called it giving myself up the only way i knew how ..

little wounds you can’t even sew shut,
id say you didn’t even try.

words can mean so much,
and still you zipped your lips tight —
and decided ,,

that love is simply ***.

you forget me, equating me to some image of
a dead body —

leave me to burn , like when i cried all
little rivers
that you did not even see ...

guess you’ll just have to be locked up,
with the rest of them

wondering why —
like most people do,
why is she so angry?

your punishment
will be torture,

and finally you’ll know —
just what i went through ,
for you
most people would call this good acting but i just think it’s womanhood. Not my best work but I’m trying
He knocked gently on the door of my tender heart,
He came as a respected guest,
And stayed back as more than a friend.
When he departed suddenly,
He left a footprint  on my heart,
I was never the same again.
A house without children is..
peaceful, neat, orderly and quiet,
But, it is bare like a tree without fruits.
Don't look back,
Lest you see my tears fall to end on my lips,
Where I taste the saltiness of your betrayal.
 Aug 2018 stopdoopy
imagine —
you are the last of your species,

an angel, who dances on

film that protects
this earth ,
your wings are broken ,
and these are the pieces of you that cannot go
home .

so on
tiptoes, this cracked marble
does not shatter,
everyone gets to watch you perform ,
unknowing of the cold truth that you are shackled
to ,

a ballerina in a box
that hums a sweet tune —

you still dance ,
even as the last of your species,
even though
you are all that you have left.

even though
you have decided that love is a form of
i didn’t know what to title this but my comedy lit class was assigned plato’s the allegory of the cave and i loved it.... this is somewhat a different style (or concept) for me but i hope you still enjoy. this was another poem where I wrote the ending lines before the beginning ha ha. Meaning Is up for interpretation
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