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Once, I knew what I wanted, and it was you.
Now, you left and handed back my heart
But what you didn't notice
Was that I slipped it in your back pocket
When you walked away from me
My edges have always been too sharp

Step away

Before you get cut
Dying has suddenly become my specialty
 May 2016 Skipping Stones
I tried to play a simple song,
a song until it breaks -
Imagining the melodies,
a broken piano makes.

I strike a note, it makes a noise,
a noise of deep despair -
I notice now the noise it makes,
a noise beyond repair.

But do not fear or cower here,
although the noise is strong -
it's just a simple melody,
a broken piano's song.
2 days
Of internal despair,
My lungs seemed to
Have forgotten what it is
To breathe.

My body isn't mine anymore,
I'm stuck in it,
My mind racing with thoughts
Of the night you tried
To make me yours.

Never have I been able to
Truly overwhelm
Over songs that narrate
Stories I never thought
I'd have to tell.

My bed never felt so empty,
I've never felt so hopeless
Over humanity.

So when I sit and see
The horizon,
It's as if the waves
Wash away the lies within.
When the below temperature water
Washes over my feet,
It's in those few seconds
That I begin to feel like me.


The one who kept hope
Despite her father's constant "no."
The one with veins profound in color
And in the words that seep out of them.

My second day of
Internal despair,
And as I waked upon pink sea **** so rare,
I inhaled salt water...
And for the first time in days,
My lungs remember air.
 May 2016 Skipping Stones
on days like this it seems
there is not much to write about.
my mind blurs most things over
and I have become used to nothing happening to me.

my heart is a reckless thing;
it either pounds itself against my ribcage,
haphazard, rushing, angry,
or beats too quietly,
a noiseless bleat, a silence.

on days like this I wonder
‘what exactly might be the point of me?’
and it is never a question I can answer.
(I leave even most poems unfinished.)

on days like this my body aches
like a tired machine, rusted out far too early,
far too quick,
and it begs me for sleep.

but for a day like this one—
for this one I breathe through it,
breathe deep and long and clean,
and declare for no one but myself that it will be enough.
it is not so unsurvivable.

on a day like this one I sit back,
listen to the rain hammer itself upon the streets,
listen to the thunder scream just outside my window,
watch the lightning try to be its own sun.

I breathe in and exhale hard.
even now I do not know what to write about.
but what does it matter.

I convince myself that this—
it is not so hard.
not so unsurvivable.

I check for my heartbeat, and it is quiet—
but it is constant.
it is there.
who exactly am i?
notice how their clothes are growing, living out new dreams
ready to be a part of something bigger,
no longer attached to dead weight.
watch their skeleton collapse from
neutering their ambitions

ask, "are you okay?"
don't listen for the answer
stare past them at the wall
wonder what's for dinner
teen depression is a myth, anyway.

give a sympathetic smile
"i've been blue before, too."
no worries, they're probably just tired
probably just hungry
probably just bored

tell them to get a good night's sleep
and eat a hearty breakfast
so they don't become one of those poster children,
a beautiful soul "gone too soon"
that'll fix it.
 May 2016 Skipping Stones
Black ***** cats
dark thoughts, true and unkind
always seem to find their way back home.

It's ugly,
like all those crooked stars in the sky.

Pain swells up and grows
like poison ivy in the cracks
of broken vertebrae, wooden chairs,
and in the faces of grieving mothers.
In the shadows, distant banshees wail
strident vipers dangle like ropes
hissing and enticing
slithering nooses around the necks
of teenagers.
When I sit on the edge of hill
Taking the fresh air
Mixed with sea salt
And smell of some foreign lands

I Think in myself
This is all what I need

When I lie on fresh cut grass
Leting my body to connect
To the beginning of my self
And feeling the tickles of other beings

I think in myself
That's all what I need.

When I give my hand to a stranger
Or just a lovley word for his tired soul
Seeing his thankful guard
and smile on his face

I Think in myself
That's all what I need.

I think in myself often
How beatiful this world could be
If everyone could just open
And go back to the place
Where they are free.

M.T. 2016
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