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Let's get out!
Just You and Me.

Away from all the trivialities
Which drag us down.
All the irrelevant issues
Which won't let us sleep.

Just drive away. You and Me.
Turn the radio on.
Watch the scenery passing by.

The memories of our songs.
Flashing in front of our eyes.
You are smiling,  humming a new song.
It is so happy and peaceful.
Like home.

Further and Further
The car takes us away from the past.
The music let us forget our sorrows.

Let's get into the car
And drive
Would you?
Jerusalem swings his massive body,
Underneath the falls.
Where only a true warrior,
Will call.

The Throm is close,
Beyond the pallid caves.
Deep beneath the earth.
A fiery vain.

"Be cautious young one,
I fear Alakan is close..
I can smell his smoke...
He is annoyed of us both."

Jerusalem proved worthy,
Of such caution at the time.
With a hand on my blade,
I stride forth.

I seek questions,
And answers.
For my future awaits...

Betrayal is not all to well known,
By the Dov, The Dragon's Age.

Said a thunderous voice.
"You have come far from home..
What do you seek from Throm?"

Jerusalem growled and raised his wings,
"I have brought my rider Kekay.
She wishes for Answers."

The Unique Valkyrie,
Alakan rose from the shadows,
Revealing a massive beast.

His wings were gold and tattered,
His marks red and long.
His horns were of the devil,
But his voice was calm..

"Knoweth of my name,
Tis true indeed.
Yes I am Kekay.
I come in peace..."

With heart pounding,
Soul burning.
We enter with Alakan.

To the Great,
Archaic Library.
The Throm.

Walls lined with books,
Spoken in the Dragon language.
Dov do Hi amal.
This is nothing to imagine..

Alakan uses his talons,
to grasp a globe.
His raises his eyes to me,
Beckoning me forward.

"Come forth,
Take in the Library of the Ancients.."

"Come now,
The Unique Valkyrie.."
Read The long journey of dragon and rider, and the Unique Valkyrie
We glided east,
Past the canyons of Trevall.
Over the lake of Ebony.

Thy long journey hath proved a struggle,
For my dragon and I.
We only seek the seer of all Dragons..

Jerusalem growls,
Smoke escaping his nostrils.
He seemed annoyed,
By a raven bird below.

"Eas Jerusalem Sa Eh."
I say with comfort.
"Our journey is long...
Conserve thy energy."

With a flourish of his massive wings,
He dives below the tree's.
Snaking his body around the oak,
Elderwood and Evergleam.

My dragon and I are weary,
for this Journey is long.

As a Dark Angel,
A betrayed Valkyrie.
What lies ahead?
For I Cannot see the Throm.
Throm- The Cave of the Dragon Library
Eas- Easy now
Sa Eh- Stop the nonsense.
Jerusalem- Massive black dragon raised by the character from a dracling.
My eyes are blue,
My armor is black.
My Wings of black.

I am a Dark Angel.
I fear none,
But see all.

My heart of stone,
Is only used to the cold.
Heat only burns it's core.

Forsaken tis I!
A dark angel of the frozen skies...
With Blue eyes,
I scout the world below.
Searching for a sign of hope...
To those of broken, dark and Violet wings.
I stand alone,
Under the eye of the Ebony storm.
Creating what was once beautiful.
Now humiliated.

Cries of the innocence,
Fade into the dark.
As the Storm increases in fury.

My wings spread,
I soar high.
Soaking every feather,
Every tear.
Every Lie.

No scars shalt come.
Only time will tell.
I stand as a lone wolf, broken from the family of feud.
Trigger the party?
State your right.
Enter the War,
Of bodies.

Hearts desire,
Lust's dance.
Meet the one.
That night of trance.
There's just something about them.
I love gazing into peoples eyes.
The eyes of those I love.
Those who I am intimate with.
They are the gateway to the soul,
To the core of an individual.
You can see through their eyes,
The love, The pain,
The passion, The devotion,
The struggles, The triumphs,
That is kept hidden within.
You may be the best actress or actor,
But when looked straight in the eyes,
You become defenseless.
Your eyes renders your mind useless, it betrays the mind.
They show the truth that lies beneath all the skin and bones.
A soft and naive soul who does not want to be harmed.
A soul too scared to show its true colours to the world,
Scared that it will be rejected, ignored, misunderstood.
A battered soul that hides within.
A soul who has become so strong through all the struggles.
Say my name, like a whisper among the trees.
Say my name and make me weak; I'll fall to my knees.

Cloud by senses and deceive me.
Let me know that nothing is easy.

This world and you just don't fit right,
The pieces of your puzzle are too tight.

Nothing works out in your delusional world,
Neither in fantasy or reality, all of your wishes swirl.

So say my name just this once, my dear.
If you do, the answers will be crystal clear.
My heart is weary.
My mind is weak.
Survival is all I know.

I only Survive,
For the one I love.
Maybe one day.
I can end this War.
Something stands before me,
Obstructing my strides.
It stares with pain.
I can see it in it's eyes.

The irises of red,
Boil with lust.
I wield my blade.
Ready to for war.

I walk within the shadows,
Serving those who are Just.
"Remove yourself."
Or I will destroy thy soul.

Anger's Inferno,
Charges full fury.
I close the distance,
Facing reality.

Black out,
Blood stains.
This kid falls.
Weakened by my blade.

"I don't ****,
I only wish to serve."

"Die now in vain."
Your crimes have been purged.

You took everything I knew.
Defeated my purpose to live.

I am renewed,
I will not bow to your will.
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