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I love the way you lie
The poison that drips from your lips and keeps me wanting more
The way you lie is like a bee trying to find honey
I'm addicted to it
It's like a drug that I know messes me up every time
But I can't stop hitting it
The way you lie when you tell me you love me
Is the reason why I keep falling

Your scent keeps me from leaving you
The way I smell it as I drift away into sleep
Your scent fills my brain like the drugs of your words
It's like ***** to me
And I'm an alcoholic

You body keeps me grounded
The way your physique is next to me
All the cracks and crevasses of your face
The way you push me around with your muscles

But you are not good for me
And at some point I will leave you
But for now
Keep lying to me and saying you love me
Keep filling up my senses with your scent
Keep pushing me around and harming me
It's like poison
And I'm trying to die
But I had to get it out of me
hes not good for me
but I still love him
but I will move on soon
In this place we call home I swear none of us have the right morals to look up to and we’re all on social media wishing for acceptance in the for of likes and followers and views and friends on snapchat. In this place we call home were banning people from their dreams and are taken away from their families and are laughed at because of their color on the outside and not by the inside on the space of their hearts and is separated by who they pray to and how they celebrate their life. In this place we call home, we all have messed up minds.
the words just kinda flowed out of me and this is what happened
Dear the silenced girl in the corner
I know you're in pain watching all these pretty girls
I know you wanna look like them
Dear the silenced girl in the corner
I know you starve and strive to be like those cheerleaders
Take it from me dear it isn't worth it
Dear the silenced girl in the corner
You're fading away in the hospital, waiting to get those girls approval
Dear the silenced girl in the corner
You have my approval.
This one is from deep down in my heart. Ive had similar experiences like this and this just came out and flowed
I know a place where the roses all grow
Even through winter they still survive
I know a place where the roses all grow
Even when we pick them they still come back
I know a place where the roses all grow
This poem is about how you can make it through hard times. You're not alone. You will find your rosebush one day too.
Don't get it twisted
Happily ever afters only happens in the stories
My reality is laying on the floor in aching pain after he comes home
My reality is brutal hits and kicks and screaming in agony
The reality is, love hurts.
This one is about domestic violence and how for some people, happily ever afters are just in the books
Because of social media I've learned I am not good enough

Because of social media I've learned my best isn't truly my best

Because of social media I've learned that if I don't look a certain way, I will be shamed

Because of social media I feel obligated to wear makeup

Because of social media I've learned to hate myself
No girl or boy should have to hate them selves because of the double standards we have today. Everyone should feel the way they wanna feel, and they can look how ever they want.
I've seen brighter days man and I just don't know what to do I've been left all alone with my thoughts and these days I don't even know how to talk so I'll cover my mouth and sit in silence and hope and pray that someone will finally understand I don't know how to talk to anyone and that I can't be alone anymore
My depression is like when you get invited to a party, but you don't wanna go but you know you should go
My depression is like when you try to get out of bed, but you just can't
My depression is like that aching pain in your chest when you feel bad for blowing someone off, but you can't help it
My depression is like that distant old friend who showed up to the party without an invite
My depression keeps me from doing the things I love most
this is my first one so if it is not that great, I'll try and get better with feedback helping me grow

— The End —