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  Mar 2016 Secret-Author
Sarah Spang
I got low
I went down
In my descent
I brushed the ground
And down below
Amidst the dirt
My ***** fingers
Combed the earth
I went deeper
Nails and teeth
The bones of trees
The stones beneath.
And then- at last-
Upon the fringe
My hands brushed hell
My fingers singed
I reached bottom
Saw you there
Immersed in fire's
Dancing flare.

At the bottom
At the end
I watched you burn
And fell again.

The inferno's twice as hot
When you have to watch someone you love

Secret-Author Mar 2016
Is it a twist
That you're looking for?
Combing through
The graveyard floor.

As you say one thing
But do another.
Being a foe
Instead of a brother.

You know what's real
Yet you hunt for lies.
You see the truth
But then close your eyes.

So don't try to tell me
That you don't believe
Or  that you're afraid of a loss
You know you won't grieve.

Look at me now
Look at my face.
See the love
You can never erase.

For I will love you
In sickness and in health.
And follow you eternally
Through hardship and through wealth.
  Mar 2016 Secret-Author
Sarah Spang
He told her she was pottery; a vase with grooves and cracks.
The patterns of the history she hid behind her back.

Within his words he layered in- like thread upon a loom-
The sweetest undercurrent to illuminate that gloom.

In certain cultures, he decreed, when pottery is cracked
They aggrandize them with gleaming gold to bring their splendor back

For they believe, with certainty, once damage has been wrought
Those tiny cracks, now filled with light, hold truths that can't be taught.
Secret-Author Mar 2016
Do you ever feel frustrated?

I'm overcome with a million words
                                                                ­that I know I'll never say.

Time stops around me,
But my brain is  a l i v e.

Thoughts gather,                
                                                  ­               aornud
Until I can't make sense of what I'm feeling.
E v e r y t h i n g  becomes me.
I'm a deep, wide river
                                dried up in the sun.
Somehow barren,
                              ­        drowning.

I'm walking along this road,
                                                     not going anywhere.

I'm living each day of the year,
But it's routine, copied,
                                            routine, copied,
                                                         ­                   routine, copied

The same    t i c k,    
                                    t o c k,    
                     t i c k,  
                                    t o c k,

Until I can't make sense,
                                          Of where I'm going.

I am nowhere.

I'm spinning in every direction,

Standing on top of the world.
                                                                ­                L O S T

But here
All the same.
Secret-Author Mar 2016
There is that one summer. This is mine.
I always longed to have that experience in time.
Where you wake up in the morning,
Every day,
And get out of bed,
And always say:

"Today will be good, today will be mine,
Everything will be okay, and the sun will shine."
And the weather is grand! As you knew it would be,
But it's not just the weather,
It's you.
And it's me.

This is happiness. This is me when I'm whole.
My story's re-written, and I'm the main role.
I know how to breathe here,
How to be me.
How to be loved,
And how to be free.

Let's all go back again. Just one more time.
To where everything's golden, and everyone shines.
Where you wake up in the morning,
Every day,
And get out of bed,
And *know it's OK*.
Secret-Author Mar 2016
Oh how I miss the way you'd smile,
And keep up the mischief all the while,
The way I knew you inside out,
And understood what made you shout,
What left you sad and broke your heart,
And even broke your bones apart,
And despite all the worries and the pain,
I'd give anything to do it again, because
You made me better, and made me true,
And taught me to be strong without you,
So that over the years, on every day,
I can wake up each morning, and be okay.
Secret-Author Mar 2016
I cannot move
I cannot be
Sailing alone
On this sea
Towards who knows
Or who can say
Oh so lonely
Like every day
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