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Not the first, nor hundredth view inside.
Masks forgotten with departed boundaries,
Tied through inner worlds and silenced words;
Stripped. Of everything but a shadowed view of depth.

With this, a fall into bottomless fragility.
A glittering lock of unknown vulnerability;
A naked tether. Souls on show.
An illuminance playing in purity below.

Outlines blurred of who, or what, we are,
With memories brought ashore in tidal waves.
After learning to float, succumb to the intricate sway
Of days spent glimpsing our reality.
Lb  Feb 2015
Lb Feb 2015
You're the ambient light that dawns through the cracks of my door in the lonely dark of the night
You're hope
Colm Nov 2017
The same sky smiles down on us
Happy to see the same
Or similar these dreamy thoughts
Your milky eyes
But are you looking back at these
Or at someone else?
At the moon or the song which reverberates and comes back to you
For yellow is in your veins
All the things - Briar
Currin  May 2016
Currin May 2016
they say you have to have courage to be an artist
I say I’m working on it
there is a door inside of my heart
and it is bulging outward in the middle
I'd be lying if I said it wasn’t full of light
but so much light is a little bit scary
I’m not so sure what i’m afraid of,
but as many times as my mind has argued that
fear is irrational, my heart has always managed to
fight back and win
Not today
Today I am going to turn that doorknob ⅛ of an inch
and tomorrow I am going to turn it ⅛ of an inch more
One day soon, I am going to be radiant
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, feels=good ----- feelings=no good:(

the balance arises she points
illuminance not the right joint
like the sun overdosed in the sky
clouds disappear in the high
flipped worlds refraction in swords

in an instant speed
nightfall glitches in a scream
kiss the moon in a double tick
the fulls bright convincing a vision trick
save the day
in no way

spinal chords in the dark serenading the blue
but my colors drained from every single hue
the center of the system remains golden
confusion enlightens a feeling so broken
trapped the whole breathing
and my lungs are still bleeding

Shreekant Dhuri Jan 2017
There's a serenity in all of the chaos.
A calm within the roar of the waves.
A frozen heart beating inside an inferno.
A shadow beneath the illuminance of rays.

There's a thundering silence in all the noise.
A dulcet tranquil in the eye of the storm.
A faint scrawl on the blank of a page.
A feeling of home in the strangeness of a dorm.

There's a hint of truth in every artistic lie.
A foreshadowing of the future hidden in the past.
A glimmer of a tear in every moment of joy.
A sense of triumph even in finishing last.

There's a bitter tinge in the heavenly delish of sweet.
A lasting perfume of life on the stone of a grave.
A trace of youth in the smile of the old.
A sparkle of freedom in the eyes of a slave.

There's a ripple of bravery in the tremble of fear.
A fuzzy warmth in the embrace of the rain.
A hope of luxury in the dreams of the penniless.
A shade of humility in the swaggering of the vain.

There's a subtlety of violence in the acts of the kind.
An implicit sacrifice behind every advance.
A whisper of melody in the harmony of a human soul.
A flickering doubt in the faith of a religious stance.

There are butterflies fluttering in the orchard.
Dear narcissus in full bloom.
Take a moment to glimpse the beauty.
For its fleeting, they will be gone too soon.
The world is a harmony of such beautiful juxtapositions and contradictions. We must take a few moments from time to time out of our busy lives to appreciate it.
Jarel Allen Mar 2014
Someone like you, I want to be able to share to the world as my own. Standing a bit over 5 feet above the ground, you carry so much power in that vessel you wear protecting a soul with a capable heart which you show transparently. Letting the world know your true colors, adding this beautiful mosaic of your once blank canvas, and it grows in value creating a price of priceless, where no one can claim to wager a soul like yours. Blessed with a gift, where all you are able to do is share it, but refrain from abusing your individuality at the same time as remaining a queen where you sacrifice it all, reminding others it's not about you, but it is for them. And that is what we need, in this spherical planet which breeds life that we call earth.

I wish for someone like you to be the one I can share to the world as my own. Your presence lights up a room filled with nothing but darkness and ugly, giving birth to illuminance of something which presented no value or any worth. But you shown to us the beauty of it all.

Blessed would be the one you marry for a strong woman is eternity and something all men should acquire. Just keep in mind that hearts are somewhat like a blanket, keeping you warm, but if you leave it somewhere else you cannot claim it as your own anymore.

So, wear your powerful heart, but keep it out of the reach of others, and create a sphinx to be the keeper of your divinity where only the first to solve the riddle earns a piece of you. Not giving them the power of owning you, but the ability to call you theirs. For your are a white dove amongst a crowd of black crows in search of something new, something pure and special. Finding someone like you.
E Townsend Jan 2016
Eclipse, n.
A phase when the universe is completely dark, minus the illuminance of millions of stars dancing around the earth and the moon, celebrating the reunion of two objects in an embrace of shadows and light, in which no one can see what happens on the other side of this event, but you and I know exactly what is happening.
If I ever publish a book of poetry, I would have an entire section just for her and title it "Eclipse" and add my definition.
wordvango Dec 2014
to limit me
embarked on a quest
to mysteriously float above
what I and all was.

With stars as illuminance
as sharks swimming in the dark
I saw a new day
remade my bounds as limitless

and grew oblivious and shrunk me
and swelled all of man and kind and
spoke of difference,
to society, not of man but philosophy.

— The End —