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ishaan khandpur  Jul 2018
ishaan khandpur Jul 2018
Boohoo, Boohoo,
Weeps the self pitying fool,
A heartfelt cry, cried every night,
The world he feels is too cruel.

Boohoo, Boohoo,
The gods have been untrue,
A prayer sung right, is to reap great heights,
Yes the pious man lays unswooned.

Boohoo, Boohoo,
He sings this merry tune,
He sings to the world, hoping someone will hear,
And tell him he'll grow to.

Boohoo, Boohoo,
The melancholy seeps through,
His world spins around, all upside down,
Yet unchanged he continues.

Boohoo, Boohoo,
The weeping man's a fool,
He lost it all, his girl and consorts,
This man is failure come to.
delilah Jul 2018
i started drawing
because my dad used to
i started writing
because my dad always did
i started watching football
so we could watch together
and so we did
every sunday
and the occasional monday
but slowly
every game
turned into every other
and eventually none
he stopped asking to see my work too
and i stopped trying to share
wow sad face when i went from daddy's favorite to daddy doesn't even notice when your home
ZWS  Jun 2013
Big Furry
ZWS Jun 2013
Cancel Haloween, I'm not the monster here
Fall's my favorite season, but hell October's doggie days for me
Stagnant rivers, and pockets full of leaves
I try to run a little faster just to escape these things catching up to me
Big furrys and little monsters at my knees

Oh, geeze-la-weeze
I need to feed on something sweet
So give me your neck girl,
I need your flesh, give me your blood, your best
Give me your glitter, your neon *******
Oh, get me the hell out of this monsters nest

Adrenaline pumped into me, I feel every blood platelet intimately rushing through me.
Radioactively synthesized, authenticity arise
Don't wait on me babe, I'm just trying to synchronize

Worry about me, and I'll let the tension build
Till I get the attention fill I need, babe.
Raid my mind with all your battleships and heavy war machines
Break me down until you find something worth keeping

I've bartered the black market selling love for lust, and my dreams for less
I barter for pleasures, but I always want more
I've lived a shallow life, assured
I've become a monster, and a *****, all while trying something new
That I was told was a cure
Now I follow with the bewildered beasts boohoo
Now I follow with the bewildered beasts boohoo
Eridan Ampora Aug 2014
I admit that in the past I was a nice guy
But I think it's time I better make a switch
So you'll find that nowadays
I've changed all my ways!
I've slaughtered, spilled their blood, oh yes a switch!
Oh Yes!
And I fortunately don't care about you
It's a feeling that I do not posses
Oh my fans, I think it's time
To end them all just like those Limes
Of all the Trolls so the story can progress

Poor Unfortunate Trolls!
In Pain,In Need!
D--> That one longing to be less Sweaty
This one wwants to get the girl
Should I help them?

Poor Unfortunate Trolls
So sad, so true
they come flocking to the fourth wall crying
Please Hussie, Please!
and do I help them?

Now it's happened once or twice
I did something really nice
but then next update

And I hear your sighs and complaints
but I simply am a Saint! (I made them after all)
To these Poor Unfortunate Trolls


Every Troll in either Session will be Slaughtered!
There's a lot of trolls to ****, that's for sure.
The Kids in either session may stay
but I will **** them another day
and if they die then they'll go god tier *yawn

Until you all adore you Huss
say goodbye since Haitus, my dear fans
In a sweep, and a song
the story will move along
and the pain, yes the pain will start again!

Come on you
Poor Unfortunate Fans
Go ahead
hail your Huss!
I'm the creator
Their Maker
and I've got Eternal life*

If you speak against me
then boohoo

You Poor Unfortunate Trolls
Life *****, for you
If you want to go adventuring
then you have to pay the toll

**** it up and get to dying for me
since I'm in full control!
And with my precious power, dear
All their heads will roll!

*Lime Bloods, they're all dead btw
The one who longs to be less Sweaty is Equius, thats why I put the Bow and Arrow. And Eridan Ampora is the one wwho wwants to get the girl. The --- part is where Dialouge which I'll fix later, comment some lines and I'll thank ya for em Plus I found the center option! WOO,
**read this as agan, not again.
***Inside Joke about Andrew
Jeremy Betts Jan 22
I'm not trying to be all "poor me"
I just write what I know
I'm not trying to make you feel sorry for me
But what I feel and what I see is what I show
I know how sappy and pathetic my writing can be
But again
I just write what I know and I know a life full of sorrow
I'm glad that maybe you don't get why all my pieces are a bit gloom and doomy
Just please know
I am SO glad you don't know

I prefer to shirk mine as the days go on,
But always make sure to mow the lawn,
And do the dishes and rake the leaves,
And always, Always eat my peas,
But I swear... I swear on this dumb ol' planet,
In my thirteen years on this earth **** it---

---Hey! Stop! say you're sorry!
No cursing! No cursing! I'm gunna tell mommy!

If you tattle on me, I'll curse you in the head!
And in a couple weeks, I swear you'll be dead!

Fine I won't tell, but call off your voodoo,
I dont wanna die! Boohoo! Boohoo!

Hey, buddy. Im sorry, see?
No, I would never curse you, why we're on the same team!
It's you and me versus the world!
And hey we can go sailing later, with a pirate flag unfurled!

Sniff. well yea alright I see,
Do you mean it, the team? Just you and me?

Thats right my man, just us two!
We'll do whatever we want, just me and you.
Look at that, you're smiling already!
Now stand up steady, smell that? Dinner is almost ready!
Ricky Oct 2018
My 9-5 doesn’t make me feel alive.
But with the money, I can put gas in my car so I can drive.

I want to drive away from all the problems of the world. The anger, the hate, and the weird situation I have with this one girl.

Although my love for her is deep and true, we had weird misunderstandings before, and now I guess her feelings are through.

Today I feel blue.
On a good day my soul would feel like mangos and pineapples in a smoothie, but because of my 9-5 my days have slowly become more gloomy.

Oh ‘boohoo’ me
“Look boy that’s just reality.
You think all day you can just sit at home play video games and watch TV?”

Well no it’s not like that, but I really do feel like this just ain’t the life for me.

I want to be happy. I want to be free. I want to have good company, and stop feeling so ******* lonely.

I want to feel hope
not sit inside the house looking for different ways to cope.

They say a job like this it’s just a stepping stone,
But why does it feel like they’re throwing stones?

Now my body and spirit feels too weak to try and find something else.


Cry Baby, Cry,
Cry so that you don’t lose your mind.
Cry Baby, Cry,
Cry so that you don’t feel like **** inside.
I wrote this during a time where I was feeling Trapped or Stuck.
I wanted to leave so bad, but I would only hurt myself if I did.
If you want something bad enough, opportunities do come, you just gotta stay aware of them.
After some time
I finally left the job I was working at.
Now I’m in school for culinary arts.
More determined than ever.
Shit Asstrology Jul 2015
Hmphh. The Goat. Ruled by the Black Hand of our solar system. Gate of the Gods, but you truly fail to see your real potential because you're clueless how real motivation works. You are not a prodigy, you are the most basic construct of a human, next to the over achieving Leo. The two idiots of the zodiac flitting about. You would think with being the Goat, you'd want to aim high, climb, and grab life by the ******* *****, right? Nope, most of you are homebodies who are phobia ridden. Saturn got your pessimistic ways? Boohoo, go cry with Cancer, there's a "whipping sign" you can take out your miserly and grudging ways on. Discipline? More like, "I'd rather watch paint dry than your ridiculous dreams you always seem to be chasing". And why you try to come off as hard workers is beyond me. You do very minimal and claim some ******* grandiosity; highly annoying in your braggart ways. ***** please, don't come off as serious, we all know Elvis died on the toilet. Get over it.

Advice: Do some real work without all the nonsensical stupid, dry humor. You aren't as brilliant as you think.
Harry J Baxter  Mar 2014
Harry J Baxter Mar 2014
cracked out
humble with heaps of pride
braggadocio Pinocchio
I haven’t slept in days
so watch the hours turn into haze
blown out of barely open windows
hide me from the world
I’m making a pristine machine - unbreakable
foreseeable as a weapon of poor taste
chasing wasted with chasers
are you shaking?
only with excitement
My dad says get a job, get an education
so I chose a dead vocation with no hopes of vacations
and everybody is talking about the future as if it exists
it only exists in clenched fists and endless lists
of all the wrong turns you made on the journey
from then to now
I’m eating sacred cow meat - medium rare please
coming up with ways to scare these dumb ******* kids away from apathy
to put the shield over their hearts and the rifle in their hands
but wah wah nobody understands blah blah blah
shut the **** up for once
act like you actually have a pair of *****
even if you don’t
back in the day when we used to rob neighborhood garages of beer
and played with pills like candy
nobody threw tantrums about how unfair it all is
so you think the world owes you something?
the only thing it owes you is one death
so why are you wasting all of our time with your I could have saved the world
cry baby *******
I’m looking for slutty girls
pearl necklace on her checklist
so I can slam her on page verse
me versus the world, right?
left out by all the cool kids
drinking boohoo flavored kool-aid
so I made myself a parody of pretension
cunning, coming, *******
you are the joke so I guess that makes me a punchline
I’m running sprints from the baseline until I’m throwing up the right choices
so continue with all of that angsty impotent sadness
so long as you stay out of my part of town
Eve K Mar 2022
It's a tale as old as time,
Like a fine wine that's aged.
Getting more bitter, rather than sweeter.

I look in the mirror. My reflections stares back at me.
The edges blur and fizzle, waiting to reveal, to see.
The face in the mirror resembles my face, only less clear.
Instead she looks at me, eyes wide with fear.
She snarls her nose, growls and hisses.
I look back, in time, she reminisces.
About the days we would share the same face.
About a time, we lived in the same place.

Now she shouts, WHAT DO YOU WANT?
I scream, she continues to haunt.
Why don't you like me? What's so wrong?

I look away, count to three.
Ground my feet, think of me.
I am not weak.
I look at her again. I am NOT weak,
I say with a look so bleak.
YOU ARE she judges,
JUST LOOK AT YOU, she begrudges.

I bite my nail, look away again.
I try to hide the pain.
The girl in the reflection laughs and chortles
YOOU ARE FEEBLE, just like all mortals.

But look at you, getting defensive against your own reflection
You could say it's merely a deflection,
Of your self worth
You might as well be a still birth.
You bring no value to this world.
She spits the words, lips curled.

I collapse on the floor,
I can't take much more.
What will the next face bring?
I rise from the abyss,
I can barely withstand this.

The next face is kinder.
Another meek body behind her.
Who are you?
I ask askew.
I am you, and you are me.
Let me show you what I can see.
I see a person whose been through a lot.
Every-time they get back up, down they are shot.

I nod cautiously, is this a trick?
Quickly she'll be coming back, I'll be quick.
There's many faces that you can see,
Be it you, us or me.
I understand the torture you hold inside,
Let it go, be free, we want to take your side.
But how? I cry, tears falling of my cheek.
Keep going slowly, week, by week.
I nod slowly, I cry a lot more.
My arms are shaking my throat is sore.
I can't keep fighting, the monster in my mirror.
Every day she keeps coming nearer.

That's okay, you will see.
One of these days you will be me.
And the little girl hiding behind you?
It's another face of you know who.
I shakily nod, and enquire,
Why she's hiding, as if about to transpire.
She's hiding from the face in the mirror.
Just like you, it's becoming clearer.
We don't like what we can see.
I don't like it anymore please believe me.
I know, I know, my reflection says.
But please let it be just a haze.
The girl in the mirror stood before you.
You can choose what she does do.
It's a hard rope to walk, and I walk it well.
I know it's hard, for you to tell,
But you have a choice, a voice, a speech and sound.
It's hard when she's screaming, I feel drowned.
Shush now, it will be alright.
I can't keep fighting this ****** fight.
I feel so tired, exhausted and spent.
I know, I'm sorry but it's time we both went.

I stare at my reflection. She stares back at me.
Eyes brown, hair soft, no expression to see.
She doesn't blink. I don't too.
We are now the only two.
Blankly looking out at me.
Wishing that we both were free.
Who are you? I mouth at her,
She copies me with silence despair.
I don't know and **** my head.
She does too, heavy as lead.
I'm so drained, she echoes my words.
Is she mocking me, like mocking birds.
She scrunches her nose, as do I.
We nod to each other and say good bye.

I avoid the mirror the next day or two.
Hiding from the reflection, keeping out of view.
One day, the body decided to choose, they all wanted a say, win or lose. Never knowing who was boss, had made them all tired, on that day, this is what transpired...

The heart said* "I should be in charge, I'm the toughest muscle and my love is large"
Said the feet, "Well, that's not fair. Without me you could go nowhere."
The hands spoke up, "Who helps you eat and drives your auto down the street?"

"Don't you like your balance, and how we help you dance, without us, you'd never stand a chance" said the arms in unison.
"Oh! But I'm not done" entered the heart, singing this tune "I guide you all blindly along, bringing hope and faith, why not sing my song?"

This sorely raised the sphincter's ire... "Without me, all you would expire... I'll constipate and blur the eyes, make you weak within the thighs. Make the brain go comatose, dribble on you feet, yea, that would be gross..."

****** says to all, clear as day "Excuse me! I have something to say! Without me, you'd all be no more, for I give life, you're all a bore. I'm done with this stupid dispute!"
"Ummm, excuse me love muffin," says the thighs, "But if I didn't open wide, your point would be mute!"

The eyes chimed in, "Look here... Oh, that's right... You cannot see... Who better to guide you along... Without my help, how lost you'd be"

"I have a question." said the brain.  "Don't you thin... Oh, wait... Without me you're all nothing. Legs couldn't walk, mouth could not talk, heart wouldn't believe and no one would breathe!"

"I'm your pull toy, your magic ****... I make the babies... Yes, I be a *****!" said Mr. You Know Who
"I think you smell funny" laughed the nose,  "Go cry to your mommy,  Boohoo!"

"If you think that smells bad," said miss muffin... "Take a lick on this and then get stuffin!"

"Don't forget about me! I can hear, I'm important too, I'm your ear!"
"Well, I'm more important, I let you all breathe" said the lungs.
"Without me you couldn't speak!" said the mouth, sticking out his tongue.

Said the sphincter, "I've told you all so... Without me working you'd be slow, you'd grow weak and cease to function and I'll close up with no compunction...."  The other vital organs heard and then conceded without a word and then came the extremities who had no choice but to agree.

*Now you know, this little story goes, you don't need to be a brain to be boss, just an *******.
Working with Quin! I truly fangirled a little, such an amazing opportunity! This collaboration was so much fun! Thanks again to you Quin, for writing this with me! ❤

— The End —