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Aug 2017 · 485
Like Honey
SDC Aug 2017
When I am in my place
and the world is quiet
I know the body flows
like Earthy warriors
wrapping 1, 2, 3 on the window of God.

She sits there, elusive,
masochistically questioning
the chemistry of all that Is:
a train-wreck consisting
of a rabid mouse
in slow-motion quicksand.

She knows that wisdom is her keeper.
She is sane and soft like water.
She loves unconditionally,
squirming delicately back to the top.
She's quick like honey
and soft like glue.
Aug 2017 · 296
Rise, Tidal, Rise!
SDC Aug 2017
Rise, tidal, Rise!
Cyclical inferno--
from whence you came
won't you return--
with half the luck
gone from thy bounty?

Rise, country, Rise!
Don't you escape
the madness--
From shining ducts
to endless chatter
won't you ascend this morbid ladder?

**, land, **!
We've nearly reached the sea--
from dire strait
to senseless bait
these tired men sail on.

Explain to me,
Oh Kindred Soul,
why haven't you shown brightly?
I want thy grace,
I crave thy love,
but for me ever sweetly.

Call out these horses
Tell dames they've peaked
for kind-men rivers flow nicely.

Spill out my fortune
Follow this strange thing
my brain, it seems,
holds invisible ink.
Aug 2017 · 378
SDC Aug 2017
Does she know I love her?
pain-stricken lover
Every hardened letter
draws us in together.

I crave her beauty
and want her near me
She paints in circles;
I draw her clearly.

Soft passion blooms here,
friendship first it looms here.
Does she know her power?
Like a witch she towers
over me, gently,
She plants a seat right near me.

Lovingly, I
wish to vine my arms around her
Hip bones like the ocean I so desperately need.

Can it be: velveteen connection?
Can it be: that I see her, that she sees me?

Dear one,
how I wanted you
the moment that I saw you,
out there playing footsie with the flowers.
SDC Aug 2017
I tried to be a witch tonight,
followed the the moon's seductive rays.
How frightened was I-- the terror!
To see such light, not in day.

She howled like a wolverine,
coming up from the mountain.
She hushed away the good, the angel,
and there was space
for dark to prey.

These times, I see,
the feminist inferno--
She sings, "I feel the blame."
When men on Earth shun out her sorrow
She clings, and prays, and calls my name.
Aug 2017 · 350
Full Harvest Moon
SDC Aug 2017
Gentle and soft,
tonight our moon is crimson like a sigh.
can't she look so sweet
without us
Running our little feet
fresh across the ground?

Gentle Mother moon
She has a quality like you--
her skin is less placid, though.
Her hair covers galaxies
and creates creases where air once lived.

Like a fire, she becomes crescent, burnt,
an imminent star burst.
But, like most light, she likes to leave.
Aug 2017 · 230
I Am A Shadow
SDC Aug 2017
I am a shadow, living here--
energy dispersed,
memory foggy.

I am a shadow--
where did my mind go?
Where went the girl
who ate sunshine and rainbows?

I walk around
like a ghost--
my attentions precede me.
My actions unfold
like a bayonet--
rising and falling.
I watch them,
they watch me.

This is not destiny.
No one can save me.
I'll admit,
I like being high-risk.
It gives me
an identity.
depersonalization, shadow, poetry, depression, suicide
Dec 2015 · 417
you're not
SDC Dec 2015
you're not
here nor there
you lay
still beside me,
a carcass in its natural habitat.

you're not
alive and well
you breathe
better on your own
you're not
mine to keep
you stay
still without me
I'll wait
here beside you
I'll speak
only to wear your name out.
Dec 2015 · 447
SDC Dec 2015
I'm a slave to the morning
my brain's the barking master
His thoughts weigh more each day
Her heart is a disaster
By noon I finally cave
and Sleep on steps to my future
but soon the Boss-Man finds me
For I am His lowly creature

By evening I'm almost free
and walk out amongst the crowd
of those with brighter faces
whose bases lie in the ground

For a moment we are one
the quiet them, the longing I
The sun warns me of the coming night
Saying give it another try

A chance to lay the chains to rest
and fight until their silver weight
Escapes this ruby chest.

To the ones who came before
and filled their mouths with dust
Your tongues were tangled from the drought,
the tidal wave a brain concussed.

Your eyes were cold and drenched in doubt,
Your mind was lost in cloud,
Your solar plexus spinning round
but it was not your fault.

So say it with me, while you can,
"I am just as worthy."
And till the time when mind meets man
These fears of mine I'll bury.
Nov 2014 · 558
I am Young
SDC Nov 2014
I am young,
but I must move slowly.
Wind rushes through me, stirs up
my little cells like waking monsters.
They crank and churn like broken clockwork.
Buried somewhere is the infinite teenager, floating in ecstasy.
She is God.
She is omnipresent and whole.
She is endless abundance.

Walls in my body burst forth
with life and movement:
Vibrating atoms and sprawling bacteria.
I am human.
Thick like sludge, I wade through the day.

I mine for gold in a swamp,
Microcosms and meta-cosmos
spinning frantically in static.  
Under microscopes, life moves still
but here, everything dances.
Sep 2014 · 915
SDC Sep 2014
I don’t see people anymore,
only shadows.
I see their past and future
trailing behind and ahead
the constant lagging and catching up of them.
I am the patch-work mish-mosh
made-up creature-being
with Past / Future / Present
silly-goose whatnots.
I am the girl you laugh with at Starbucks
because you’re too ****** bored to live for coffee.
I get it.
Let your smiling teeth do the talking.
I am the one-liner two-timing
*****-less wretch of a lady you call friend.
I am the cigarette loser who watches your dogs.
I will burn your children alive.
I am the tree-hugging
nonchalant ******* handing out flyers.
I will plant a seedling then rip it to shreds.
I will wear its bark for armor.
Your precious ******* oak
puts out cigarette butts now.
And from its death we grow cancer cells for fun.
Hell, we’re past time for past-times.
It’s all coffee and cigarettes now.
Coffee and cigarettes
and honking horns.
Coffee and cigarettes and honking horns
and shadows.
No more people.
Sep 2014 · 4.9k
The Dinner
SDC Sep 2014
I took Death out to dinner last night,
dressed up
in my favorite costume.
Dripping diamonds
and champagne tear-ducts--
I clogged my pores
with soggy make-up.

We wined and dined
and wore out our shoes--
I told him my secrets
He nodded and listened.

We shuffled down side-streets
and looked into mirrors--
I shivered in darkness
He drew me in nearer.

His body a bone-yard
Lovely but broken--
I heard his soft breath
I felt fingers stroking.

But crawling back homeward
Aching and tired--
We parted by day-fall
I watched him shrink inward.

With farewell promises
to meet again soon--
I swallowed the sunrise,
I cursed out the moon.
Sep 2014 · 835
Pocket Daisies
SDC Sep 2014
pocket daisies stripped of sun
where do you go when autumn comes?

under strangers stitching forests
cott-on weather vanes lost in wind;

hide yourselves in golden tombs
let your drums beat out the dust

sleep until the days are done
when all that's left is cold and worn.

— The End —