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6.6k · Mar 2021
I wonder....
Rose Diamond Mar 2021
Do butterflies realize their beauty,
The wonderful way in which they fly,
Or do they compare themselves to every insect
Wondering if they should hide their colorful wings with dye.

Do they admire their wing’s softness
Their calming patterns, soft and light
Or do they think there’s something wrong with them
If there's something faulty with their size

Do they hate carrying the weight
of those stunning patterned wings
Do they ask themselves why they don't look the same
Or do they realize it is because they're queens.

Do they recognize they have nothing to be jealous of.
That they’re special and unique
Those wings are part of who they are
And without them, they would just be weak.

Do butterflies realize their wings’ beauty
And know they need them to reach the sky
Because without them they would be incomplete
And would remain “butter” without “fly”.
Rose Diamond Oct 2021
I pressed the red button
Your smile the last thing I saw
I bid you good night
And was left alone with my thoughts

I told you I would write something happy
and you I wish to impress
but what if the only thing I can write about
are the thoughts that run obsessively through my head

I can only write about dreams
that I wish I had
about charming scenarios
where the ending is never sad

about others’s love life
their feelings and pains
I try to get in their head to decipher
what it contains

is it love or lust
that keeps him going
does he really love her
Or it’s fake love that’s showing

my dear sweet sister
says my poems are too gloomy
she asks why can’t i write
of things that are sunny

she asks for joy,
excitement and fun
but how can I write of feelings
I can’t out run

I do feel happiness
I try to explain
but what can I do when
it’s much easier to write about the pain

about heart breaks and sleepless nights
Crying and feeling alone inside
conflicting emotions when I’m feeling low
I just let my tears guide the way in how they flow

but my dear sister and friend of mine
maybe it’s time to have a change of heart
I should think when I feel and seek the good
for its inside me and I only have to find that page in the book

look deeper
than what I thought I knew
and write about how
my dreams come true

Write about friendships family and cake
smiles and laughter road trips and games
find what really drives me the motivation of my heart
and finally write a story that includes every part

Add my smiles,
the way I get up in the mornings,
my love for reading
and a steaming cup of coffee

The pain in my legs,
after a long night cooking
and how sleepless nights are worth it
when you see how big their smiles are looking

Find within myself
stories that are blended
and change the narrative to include
beginnings, middles and endings.
There are multiple sides to every story... “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” - Charles R. Swindoll
841 · Nov 2020
Rose Diamond Nov 2020
They told me you were dangerous
The baddest of our kind
That only with a single look
You’d get all girls to sigh

You were quite the charmer
Of that i was very sure
But what I didn’t really expect
Was to fall myself much more

I thought that i was different
That you’d also fall for me
For my attributes and laughter
For my smile on every eve

But that didn’t really happen
I got a wake up call
And while i was expecting a miracle
You didn’t notice at all

But it's ok, i learned a lesson
And to you i bid goodbye
Because I realized I didn’t need your love
To make myself fly high

Now i am much better
Im learning to love myself
I forgot all about you
And you smile in that hotel

Maybe i will never forgive you
For the tears i shed that night
But they taught me to love myself
For i'm the only one who can

I still remember those words
They told me at those times
Not to fall for a player
Who would only break my heart

But while they thought you were dangerous
And too charming to be true
I knew y what you were hiding
Behind your “too cool” crew

And i still remember
the way that i felt
The night you broke my heart
, just like they said

Although they did not warn me
Of how much i was to grow
And all that i would learn
When i finally let you go

So the next time they tell me
To look before i fall
I'll remind them of all i learned
Because i dared to try

Yet i still want to wish you
All the best i can
And that you someday find
A girl for whom you'll fall

And maybe then you'll understand
How easy it was for me
To fall for someone dangerous
While i was quite naive

I'll lend you a page from my book
If you dare to take it
Im sure youll find it helpful
With the girl who they'll call dangerous
413 · Jun 2019
Rose Diamond Jun 2019
i wonder sometimes,
if ill ever be okay,
if this felling of sadness
will ever go away

if my smile would be real
and the gleamer in my eyes will return
if ill ever love myself again

is it too bad to hope for things to get better,
because they say that before the light comes the dark
is it okay to cry a little forever
i wish i knew what has been planed.

so ill hope for the best,
try and keep my hopes high,
fake a smile every day
till it becomes real at last.
394 · Dec 2019
Rose Diamond Dec 2019
They told me you were dangerous
The baddest of our kind
That with only a single look
You’d get all girls to sigh

You were quite the charmer
Of that i was quite sure
But what I didn’t really expect
Was to fall myself much more

I thought that i was different
That you’d also fall for me
For my attributes and laughter
For my smile on every eve

But that didn’t really happen
I got a wake up call
And while i was expecting a miracle
You didn’t notice at all

But its ok, i learned a lesson
And to you i bid goodbye
Because i realized I didn’t need your love
To make myself fly high
363 · Dec 2019
My hero
Rose Diamond Dec 2019
He’s always there
In the night and day
Protecting me, if scared
Keeping me out of harm's way

My knight in shining armor
A poet and a writer
A doctor if needed too
He comes out of the blue.

He’s also a scientist
Teaching me at every step
I wonder, Is he ever wrong?
As i try to comprehend

Pushing me always to do my best
Never settling for any less
He helps me achieve all my goals
Punishing me lightly when i do wrong

A teacher, soldier
And my best friend too
Let me ask you a question
What is your father to you?
311 · Mar 2020
What is it about you?!
Rose Diamond Mar 2020
Maybe it’s your smile
Or the way you style your hair
Maybe it's the glimmer in your eyes when you deeply stare
It might be the lightning, it might be the air
Or maybe it's that calmness you unknowingly share
I wonder if your looks may play any part
Your dark brown hair, or your deep auburn eyes
Your height, your skin, how are you so lean?
The fact that you’re dressed sharp and clean.
What can I say? That's also perfect
And a little kiss might just be worth it.
I wonder, do you think about me?
Does it cross your mind that we might be?
I hope that your good, and with that i bid goodbye
Cause if i keep this up i won't sleep all night,
You don't notice me, to you im long gone
But I'll leave you now before my heart breaks at dawn.
288 · Jun 2019
Rose Diamond Jun 2019
Together we are stronger, we keep each other safe,
No problem is too little, no fear is too great;
You make me stronger you make me brave,
Proudly beside me with a smile on your face.

I know the time has come, to say our goodbyes;
4 years to college, we have grown up,
Time to face our fears and try the best we can;
But don’t worry, for I am in your heart.

I think sometimes we're foolish, and we make mistakes;
But you’re never too far, to correct and keep me safe,
I know I am the only one, the one you must protect,
The flower around trees, the jewel of our nest.

The world is at our feet, were a queen and kings,
Ready to make an enormous change,
in our history.

It doesn't matter where we'll be in 5 years,
Will we get married?
Will we have kids?
Will be even closer than we are now,
Still unstoppable, as it was then it will be now.

We’ll keep in touch,
All the time,
I will have you on my mind;
No matter when ill always be there ,
After all in just one call away


— The End —