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Sep 2021 · 754
Memories here and there
rootsbudsflowers Sep 2021
Of a familiar

A tune
To follow
The bridge
To remind us
Of past love

The new

Of an
Old song
New roots
rootsbudsflowers Nov 2018
Scared to hurt you
Scared to commit

Afraid of kindness

In search of
Oct 2018 · 1.4k
rootsbudsflowers Oct 2018
You say
I have

K i n d. E y e s.

I say
"Wait till you
Get me to

C l o s e. T h e m."
Jul 2018 · 430
rootsbudsflowers Jul 2018
Come home to me
I beg of you
My love.

You want flowers?
I'll grow them for you.
I'll learn to cook.

You'd like some music?
I'll create it.
A special song?
I'll sing for you.

All my riches?
Take my wallet.
A brighter sky?
I'll paint it blue.

Anything you ask
I will provide for you
My love.
Come home to me,
I swear that I'll be
Jul 2018 · 358
Please //come back// home
rootsbudsflowers Jul 2018



Jun 2018 · 324
So so so. So-so
rootsbudsflowers Jun 2018
So I'm
Addicted to

                            So what
Jun 2018 · 327
rootsbudsflowers Jun 2018
Comes across my lips
So frequently
It's as though
I'm not apologizing for
My actions
But rather
My existence.
Jun 2018 · 235
I'm losing it help help
rootsbudsflowers Jun 2018
And as I take you in
With one deep breathe

This exhale screams of

rootsbudsflowers Jun 2018
is weird right?
Like why
How did we even
That's not important
I actually love you
A lot.
But really milk?
Just hop on under that cow and
How do you always smell so nice GOD it's infuriating
And your eyes make me want to
And then we drink it?! Like what come on
That's just ridiculous.
Can you imagine the guy who was the first one to even TRY
to hold your hand. God I'd love to. But I can't. Because
It had to weird out some people honestly this can't just be me who's out here thinking about when on earth did we start just drinking cow's milk. Was someone just like "Well when I was younger my mother
And then you smile.
Oh my god I can't breathe and you ask me something.
**** what did you say.
I was watching your mouth move and you said something now your eyes your eyes they're looking at me and I don't know what you said so I just say
***** milk I guess whatever though.
rootsbudsflowers Jun 2018
I was only meant to be here for a season.

Some call me Summer.
The way I light up a room.
Bright and warm and full of laughter.

He called me Autumn.
Because he fell for me.
Cozy nights by the fire.
Color and brisk walks and smiles.

She told me I remind her of the Spring.
New beginnings and hopeful futures.
Spashing in puddles and planting flowers.

But you know that I'm
A brisk walk to a cold car.
A shiver down your spine.
Ice and shut windows closed doors and frostbite.
You catch a glimpse of my snowflakes and claim beauty before my snow storm blizzard white-out black ice on zero viability roads in your cold cold car takes their place.
I'm cold.
Jun 2018 · 216
Done driving
rootsbudsflowers Jun 2018
How is it
I always find myself
In this sort of
Sorry place.

Surprise I've
Messed up again.
Are we in shock?
Are we in awe?
The crowd goes wild with
'I told you so's.

I'll just keep this up.
And then one day
I'll be gone.
Apr 2018 · 207
You're like this
rootsbudsflowers Apr 2018
Some thing
Never change
Old tricks
New dog

Mar 2018 · 239
What you // need
rootsbudsflowers Mar 2018
Just tell me
Where you
Need me

I'll be there
Mar 2018 · 10.0k
Shame on
rootsbudsflowers Mar 2018
I am not at fault.
I didn't do anything wrong.
Why am I being treated as though I did?

Stop it with the pity and the shame.
I am not ashamed. I don't need pity.
Especially not yours.

Life is messed up, but I am not.

One in five. one in five. ONE IN FIVE
One in five LGBTQ+ people have been mistreated because of their ****** orientation. It's not that hard to find these statistics. Look it up. Look up anything about LGBTQ+ people and I'm sure you'll find mistreatment.
I'm sure you'll find harm.
I'm sure you'll find that they harm themselves.
Because they feel at fault.
It's not their fault that they feel a common emotion towards another person you, selfish, close-minded..

Four in five. four in five. FOUR IN FIVE
Don't talk about it.
The way they were mistreated.
If you don't really get that
If you can't  really fathom that
Almost all of them
Almost every single one of these people that have been mistreated don't even talk about it they don't reach out they don't tell

of LGBTQ+ people in school are bullied
Are mistreated
Are hurt
Are mocked
Are called names
In school.
Yeah, bullying happens all the time over stupid ****. All the time. Wearing glasses, looking different, being gay.
I get it.
It happens.
Nearly half.

"72 countries criminalise same-*** relationships ...
The death penalty is either ‘allowed’, or evidence of its existence occurs, in 8 countries
In more than half the world, LGBT people may not be protected from discrimination by workplace law
Most governments deny trans people the right to legally change their name and gender from those that were assigned to them at birth
Between 2008 and 2014, there were 1,612 trans people were murdered across 62 countries - equivalent to a killing every two days
A quarter of the world’s population believes that being LGBT should be a crime"

Oh hey, just some statistics. Isn't that interesting. Isn't it cool to take a step back and check that out. That's pretty crazy huh? Pretty outrageous. But, you know, maybe if you weren't such a

I did nothing
I tried to stop it.
I tried.
But how can you stop

People are hurting
People are dying
People are being killed
People are killing themselves

Stop it with the pity and the shame.

We are not to blame.
All statistics were taken from this website.
Mar 2018 · 238
rootsbudsflowers Mar 2018
I'm just not feeling
Mar 2018 · 460
Good, you?
rootsbudsflowers Mar 2018
I'm not okay.
I can't speak.
It's hard to breathe.
My body is restless
But it can't leave the bed.
I'm crying without reason.

I can't even find the words and writing is what I love but you guys I'm losing my passion every day and I'm scared for myself.

I want to tell someone.
I want help.
But how do you tell
A stranger that
You're dying.
Feb 2018 · 1.0k
That way
rootsbudsflowers Feb 2018
The look
The lips
The way
The moves
Defeat me
Feb 2018 · 1.5k
rootsbudsflowers Feb 2018
He she her him they them us
Out there
All together

Forget the norm
People are people
People are us
We are changing
Changing changing

Stop it with the
there's here or there or then or now
there's everything at once and nothing at all

Stop it with the
define define
explain explain explain

You don't have to understand
just love
You don't have to be comforted
just love
You don't have to change others
just love
You don't have the final say so
just love

People are people are people are us
Let's cut the ******* now
and just love
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
rootsbudsflowers Feb 2017
It seems I've let my insecurities take control of me.
It's true what they say,
that people hurt other people because they are hurt within themselves. That's really what it's all about.
We did something that we aren't proud of
and instead of accepting that and learning,
we find it in someone else and we blame them.
It's time to take charge of our faults.
It's time for me to blame myself.
It's time.
Sep 2016 · 477
This is until the end.
rootsbudsflowers Sep 2016
And how silly it all seems now
To have been so worried,
So concerned,
About finding the one for me.
Looking and
Searching and
Picking through people
Sort them with a mental machine.

You broke the trend.
You didn't follow the rules.
I didn't find you.

You stepped in and I was welcomed home.
You were a mess of all my future kisses and desire.
You made me stop.
Picking through people.
You broke my mental sorting machine.

And now
I am with you
And you are with me.
And I am free.
Sep 2016 · 433
Happy too. Have you.
rootsbudsflowers Sep 2016
She's the gift
That every birthday
Has been leading up to.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
And I don't want the months to pass
I'm not looking forward to Christmas,
No Thanksgiving or
No snowballs or fallen leaves.
That's less time
For you and me.
Pause today.
Live with me.
No more holidays.
No candy.
No pumpkin pie
Or Christmas tree.
Just you. Just me.
This bed. These blankets.
Your eyes. Your lips.
On mine.
*No time.
Aug 2016 · 455
Move with it, blue.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
Frozen in this dance
For now or for
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
we will love while we are near
we will love from afar
we will love with every sunrise
with every sunset
with every snowfall and rain storm
with every change in the weather
and with every flavor of the sky
we will love
and all the lights may be out but you're shining so brightly my dear
Aug 2016 · 407
Around the world.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
So simple
So sweet
So secure
Aug 2016 · 324
In your arms, I am.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
"Keep me safe"
I pleaded.
Aug 2016 · 345
Do not forget.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
That even if you are having
A rough tough time in life
You are always allowed to have
A good day.
Each day is its own. Whatever you're going through, allow yourself to enjoy the day.
Aug 2016 · 340
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
Life through the light
was lovely
and clean.
Darkness hides
a mess.
***** little things.
Such a stigma
to what lies in
shallow corners.
The desire
the need to bring it
out into the sun.
Let it be.
Let them see.
Shut your eyes.
Welcome the night.
Let it be.
to be me.
Aug 2016 · 463
The Sultry Sonata
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
moving with you
arching bodies
flowing with
your breath
heart beating
Aug 2016 · 411
Hello there, lost one.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
You bring about
The parts of me
That I have been dying
To meet.
Aug 2016 · 401
lil blu.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
water and air
and a toss of your hair

a little blue
and every thought of you
Aug 2016 · 1.8k
Family. Where are you.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
My house is a closet
And I spend my days peeking through the cracks
In the door.

Trying to get out
While you cling to the keys
And lock me inside.
I am gay, bi, lesbian, lgbtq. I am not a title. I am love. People turn that into a terrible, *****, ugly thing. Why? Why does my love make you uneasy? And what gives you the right to have a say in it. It breaks my heart that people will discount me  for such a lovely thing. I am not ashamed. I am not embarrassed. I am sad. And a bit alone.
Aug 2016 · 753
Sexy words that turn me on.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
I respect you.
I'll protect you.
I care about you.
Nice ***.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
Have you ever smiled for days in a row?
Non stop.
Come what may.
Car trouble
People trouble
Personal trouble
Doesn't matter.
Just a smile on your face
So genuine and true.

What caused that?
Find it.
Keep it.
Pursue it for the rest of your life.
Aug 2016 · 282
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
Finding someone
Who makes you feel
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
Such a wonderful thing
To stay up late for.
To stay awake for.
To stay trapped inside this moment
Feeding on your foundation
And living in that look on your face
Aug 2016 · 366
Take a bite.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
The middle of the night.
In plain sight.

Don't be afraid
To do what
Feels right.
Aug 2016 · 330
Lighten my heart.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
Is nothing
Wrong with me.

I am
I am.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
Who is this *******
Who gave me permission
To do things like

What kind of a person allows that?

Did they not realize
That I would crave
To act on those

Of course I will love.
Of course I will kiss.
Of course I will desire.

But why would someone gift me
Things that can
Hurt me in return?


How cruel of the person
Who gave me permission
To try.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
And every thought of you.
Aug 2016 · 290
Nature create.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
You deserve every flower.

The ones that people worked to create.

And the ones that people had no part in.
Aug 2016 · 369
On my own.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
And now
It is time
To get to know myself.

What a frightening
Aug 2016 · 339
Gap-toothed smile, my dear.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
And it's not that you loved me
Despite my imperfections..

It's that you never saw them to begin with.
Aug 2016 · 370
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
Her lips
And your kiss.

Her eyes
And your sparkle.

Her movements
On your body.

If I could
Mix and match
Your pieces

Make you dance for me
Make you comfort me
Make you love me

This new concoction of
Mismatched parts
That don't belong together
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
And nothing's the

And I'm losing it
I'm losing touch with myself

Because I lost touch with you.

You stopped writing me.
I looked for your words of love
But they were no where to be found.

Because I asked you to stop them.
Because I asked you.
I did.

But now they're gone.
And nothing is the
Same anymore.
We're all still smiling but nothing's the same. Not the change I craved. Not the heartache I asked for. Nothing is right anymore.
Aug 2016 · 325
Not many. Not much.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
Who do you have to cry to
At 3 o'clock
In the
I threw the cigarettes away. I threw them away. I threw them away.
Aug 2016 · 346
Smoke it out.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
I can't escape you
In every lustful thought
You're there.

If my mind is wandering
It's headed straight into your arms.

So I can wrap my wrists around your waist.
So I can taste your mouth until I mistake it for my own.
So I can become entirely caught up in you.

I just want to
Escape you
I'm being taken over
Aug 2016 · 350
I'm not entirely myself.
rootsbudsflowers Aug 2016
And my god it's going to be impossible
To find someone to love now.

Because before
All I had to do
Was find someone who held
A little bit of her
In them.

Her smile or
The way she glanced my way.
The toss of her hair or
The way she bit her lip.

But now
Look at me.
A mess.

It appears I must have fallen.

Because while I'm searching for her
I find myself looking for more of you.
Idaho and botched raspberry kisses.
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