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Dec 2016 · 595
Robert Gutierrez Dec 2016
you are a beat
and I could listen
for years without
growing weary of the
music you are.

you are wild
and enchanting
like the drop
in an electronic song.
your pulse and
movements enthrall
every vein in my system.

you are serene and
charming like a ballad
from the Renaissance.
intertwined as we glide
with the rhythm you are,
every move you make
sweeps me off my feet.
you have me swooning.

mysterious and
deep like the lyrics
of an alternative indie song.
stories that pour
from your lovely lips
mesmerize me to
the point of captivation.
I yearn to know every
detail about your soul.

comfortable and *****
like a banjo strum in a country
song is how you make me feel.
your glossy looks of adore
have me drowning in the
blue pools
you have for eyes, yet I've
no desire to escape for
fear of losing you.

you are the music
to my life.
you are my favorite
song to dance to.
you are the lyrics
I have fallen head
over heels for.
you are the genre
preferred over others.
your sounds dazzle
every inch of my being.
you are a beat and
there's no one else
I'd listen to but you.
Dec 2014 · 933
Robert Gutierrez Dec 2014
wild and crazy
like a bull released
for a fight.
I always try to
look away but
you're such a
magnificent sight.

by and by time
seems to pass,
but when I'm
with you, it
feels like forever
it'll last.

as cliché as
it may be,
there are
many fish
in the ocean,
but you're the
only one I crave
from the sea.

reckless and
crazy, yet tame
and sincere,
with every word
that spills from
your mouth,
you have me
hanging by the ear.

you're chaos and
I like it.
Nov 2014 · 867
Robert Gutierrez Nov 2014
tiptoes on eggshells:
whispers instead of screams.
being with you is more
enchanting than
living my wildest dreams.

sweeter than taffy and
chocolate chips, I find
myself falling for the
words that pour out
your lips.

borderline crazy
and jump off a cliff
yet you have me
latched on tighter
than some kind of
leather choker necklace.

3,000 miles per hour-
you're coming at fast
speed, but I'm too in
awe to run away from
the buffalo stampede.

this may be nothing,
or it may be everything.
I only know that I look
forward to what
you can or cannot bring.
Oct 2014 · 9.5k
Robert Gutierrez Oct 2014
And tonight I'll write
a thousand words
to shout what my
mouth is too afraid
to whisper.

For far too long
I was a hopeless soul -
wandering lost
at sea like a
until your beams
brought me back to

your rays of light
traveled to my ship
in sound waves and
beautiful songs
of childhood
stories and dreams
of the future
guiding me
back to land.

the way you gleam
has me blinded and
too in awe to function.
the sound of your
voice as you speak
of things dear to
your heart makes
me melt faster than
ice cream on a blazing
summer day.

a dazzle of your eyes
in the sun is a maze of
excitement and adventures.
i could get lost forever
and never ever
want to return.

you're you and
no one is better.
that's truer than true.
only time will tell
of what may come.

but as for now,
I only wish to
thank you
for being
my lighthouse.
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Robert Gutierrez Aug 2014
I'm drowning in gooey tan sand and there's no chance of escaping. Deeper I plummet as I gasp for breaths I never receive. Strangely, I'm okay with that. I hear you spilling out tall tales of your life while I sink but I'm too wrapped up in your stories to notice I'm slowly vanishing. Beneath the ground I can feel butterflies fluttering and trying to make their way out alive but there's just as much hope for them as there is for me. I want you to rescue me. I want you to pull me up and out. But you wouldn't if you could, so you don't. So I disappear. Sunken and devoured by quicksand.
Jul 2014 · 1.9k
Robert Gutierrez Jul 2014
bright and brilliant
is what you are.
empowering and
majestic in every way

i could try to
escape, but you
flow faster than
my legs can sprint
and you'd end up in my
path again.

i could stare
into you forever
and find a new color
in your eyes
every time.

i could listen to
your voice on end
and never
grow weary of the
stories that spill.

you are hot
and boiling magma
racing towards me;
threatening my well-being,
but you have me too
in awe to flee.

faster and faster
you trickle in
my direction
down the
mountainside volcano.

then you reach me
and I'm buried and
burned under beautiful
****** lava that is you.
Jul 2014 · 2.2k
Robert Gutierrez Jul 2014
I've always been cold until I visited the Far East and you pranced into my life like a wild gazelle in the grasslands. I've always been cold until you laid your head on my chest while you fell asleep and the aroma of your cocoa brown hair intoxicated me to the point of snores and the most pleasant dreams I've ever had. I've always been cold until you wrapped your arm around my stomach and I could feel your veins circulating on the contours of my abdomen. I've always been cold until you looked at me with your macchiato eyes and my state of matter went from solid to liquid as I tried to construct myself back together like an artist sculpting an ice statue outside in the middle of May in Mexico. I've always been cold until your kiss electrified my lips like an underwater eel and I felt 12,000 watts circulate my body bringing to attention every cell that flows within my valves. I've always been cold like an iceberg near the Antarctic and nothing's ever changed that. Nothing except for you. Thank you for being my fireplace in the middle of an ice cold winter. Thank you for being my heat.
Jul 2014 · 1.6k
Robert Gutierrez Jul 2014
trickle your finger
down the spine of
my back while
I caress your
sweet spot.

you're all I
want and
everything I
never knew I

fireworks ignite
as our lips collide
like tectonic plates
meeting for the first
time. sparks
dance around
our mouths and
heaven tastes so

a slip inside
and the center
of the universe is us.
so beautiful,
wonderful and

slower with more
pleasure and
passion, then
harder and faster
all at once.
your high pitched
gasps are motivation
to my effort.

you are the only one
for me and I want to
make you feel it.

a shudder overcomes
your body and our moans
escape and waltz
melodically together.

we are done
and that was
pure ecstasy.
Jul 2014 · 2.8k
Robert Gutierrez Jul 2014
Simple, sweet,
and so delectable.
The taste of your kiss
lingers on my lips.
Enticing and you have
me yearning for more.

**** visions play
in my head like
roll on a film.
Seduction surges
my body and
makes me stiff.

I climb on top
of you and
your body
intertwines with mine;
DNA stranded perfectly

My arm wraps around
your back. As I pull
your body close to mine,
your gasp whispers in
my ear.
You want more.

So soft are your legs,
which my fingers
My hands are curious
creatures, and you are
too inviting for my
own good.

Another kiss. This one
is fire. Passion blazing
while flames and heat
transfer from your
mouth to mine.

Then we are one.
Two halves finally
Equalling a whole.
A light yelp
escapes your mouth
and transforms
into a soft moan.

We are soaring
above cloud nine;
higher than we could
even imagine.
You are me.
I am you.
This is we.
We are passion.
Jun 2014 · 2.0k
Robert Gutierrez Jun 2014
emotions scattered on a page;
manipulating letters to form
in a world with so much to give,
all I could offer were words.

a beautiful soul like yours
deserves endless compassion.

love is honest.
love is kind.
love is patient.
love is everything I am not.

you've crept and crawled
into the deepest cavity
of my heart.
a baby bird nestled in
the comfort of their home.

words that flow like
freshwater down a stream
are all I could offer.
as I tried to be
the mama bird nestling
and caring, I realized I'd
only let you down.

many nights I lay awake,
with the trials and tribulations
fencing in my head.

you saw a beauty in me
I had lost sight of myself.
I saw a beauty in you
You never realized existed.

you are flawless.
a beautiful swan
resting and gliding
upon crystal clear water
that is life.

in every such way
you represent perfection.
a masterpiece discovered
by an unknown artist who is me.

you are fire;
sparks sparkling and
embers flashing.
mesmerizing every
gazer who glimpses.

you are marvelous and
you are radiant.
Jun 2014 · 279
Robert Gutierrez Jun 2014
Every end is a new beginning.
But where do you start
when there was no end?

Life is tricky.
Love is even trickier.
One thought can change the way
you think entirely.

You may think you have it all
figured out. Only to have
one person distort your

I had thought I knew what life
and love was.
Then you came into my life and
had me scrambling to fit pieces
into a puzzle that didn't belong.

Unfinished poetry is normal to me now,
because there is never an end to emotions.
What you may feel now, may not be how
you think later.

Poetry has a beginning,
but it doesn't always have to
have an...
Jun 2014 · 658
Robert Gutierrez Jun 2014
Lay back down
while I whisper
sweet nothings.

I've never laid
eyes on something
so marvelous.
You're the buried treasure
to my pirate life.

Your sweet skin
rubs against mine
and tingles quiver
throughout my body.
Electric eels couldn't
do what you do.

Kiss my lips again
as our inhales and
exhales coincide;
gasping for breaths
we need but don't want.
Your lips are all I need to

Kiss me longer.
Kiss me harder.
Tell me how you feel
without using words.

I surrender my body
to yours and we are one.
One being within
two bodies.

You fill the gaps in my soul
I didn't realize were empty
until you blessed yourself
into my life.

You're everything I want,
and everything I never
knew I needed.
You're my greatest present.
You're so incredibly pleasant.
May 2014 · 914
Robert Gutierrez May 2014
A gentle breeze strikes my face;
Fresh spring wind colliding with
the sound waves of your laugh
creating the most angelic sound
a person could hear.
It echoes and swims in my ear
leaving me like chocolate on a
scorching summer day.

Your lively lit caramel eyes
dance on my skin like warm
sun rays shooting from above.
My body tingles with excitement
as the warmth surges
through my entire body -
Every vein, every valve, every tube
overflowing with passion
from your gaze.

A single kiss pulls me down
like a whirlpool flushing its
next victim. I'm sinking
deeper and deeper; gasping
for saltwater breaths I don't get.

Then I'm flying-
Above the clouds.
Above the heavens.
Above the universe itself.
I'm lost in space and the only
thing keeping me alive is you.
You are every breath I take.
The more I inhale, the longer
I stay alive.

You are the wind that pushes me
You are the water that keeps me
You are the earth that ensures
I am steadily afoot.
You are the fire that fuels
My heart, soul and mind.
You are nature
and you are so
Magnificent and Beautiful.
May 2014 · 477
Robert Gutierrez May 2014
There's beauty in every single
Person's point of view,
And lately I only see it when
I look at you.

I don't know
when or where or how
these thoughts came to be.
I only understand the feelings
When you're looking at me.

A look of comfort.
A look of hope.
A look of wonder.
Everything in the world
That makes my heart fluster.

Could it be the macchiato
eyes that leave
Me on the edge of my seat?
Or that smile that sweeps
Me completely off my feet?

It might be the laugh-
That I wouldn't deny loving
Even if I had to for a polygraph.

Or it might be your mind -
So open, so loving..
All the qualities that have
Men pushing and shoving.

You may not see a thing
That makes guys think
You're a cutie.
But, to me,
I'll always recognize
Your inner and outer
May 2014 · 746
Robert Gutierrez May 2014
Hope is that part of you
That goes to sleep knowing
You'll awake to a tomorrow.

It's the piece of your heart
That still loves
Even after a ruthless heartbreak

It's the part of your soul
That stays faithful
When you feel you've lost it all

The part of your mind that finds the
Light when you're trapped in
A dark tunnel

That is hope.
That is what's worth
Looking forward to.

And when all hope is lost,
Know that it never really is,
Because you fall asleep
Knowing you'll wake to a
And that is the beauty of hope.
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
Robert Gutierrez Sep 2013
A simple wish upon a star
Has finally come true.
Everything always feels so wrong
Until I'm lying right next to you.

If you saw yourself
Through my eyes,
You'd see how much you light up
My world: like little fireflies.

We have our fights.
We have our fusses,
But without you,
My life's a ruckus.

I may not be your
Perfect lover,
But I'll try harder
Than any other.

You came into my life
And cast a spell.
It's safe to say
You're my perfect fairytale.
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Stormy Weather
Robert Gutierrez Sep 2013
You are my umbrella
when the skies turn gray
and the rain drops attack
in packs from the heavens above.

You are my umbrella
that protects me from
each problem that is a raindrop.

You are my umbrella
that keeps me dry
and lets no harm come my way.

You are my umbrella,
but you are also the rain.

— The End —