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 May 2016 robely reyes
I get that I'm a **** up
I get that I'll never be good enough
I get that no matter how hard I try
you'll always be there to criticize
 May 2016 robely reyes
You were my everything
now i'm your nothing
you loved me once
you never will again
not only were you my lover
you were my best friend
whether or not
you're in the arms of another
it doesn't matter
i'll never hold you in mine
i'll never forget our days together
not until the end of time
because that's when you said
that you would stop loving me
now i have to live in this reality
a hell you said would never be
this poem
is not about you

even though
your spirit is in every word
your voice sounds strong
in the halls of my mind
telling me things
I am now sure
I want to know

this poem is
about me

trying to understand
It is give and take
but  u never understood me
I was just the dirt under your shoes
I stayed  and always saw the good
My mind always  told me walk away
But my heart was too caring
I always  had your back
I  fallen for caring your weight
you could never see past the image u wanted  to see
There was no magic to wipe away your views
You hated who I  was  deep inside
But you never seem  to mind the kindest i should  to you
I felt stuck in this quick sand hoping for change
I am just the dirt under your shoes
This about people in your life who deep down you know person will never change or  put in same as you. It was always hard the people who care our hearts are too big to see the big pic. Sometimes  you just have walk away
I can t think
Only about how you taste
I wonder if  you knew the feeling

I walked so many miles
Looking for you
You never saw it coming

I can see it still beating in my hand

You never knew how it would feel
To have your heart ripped out

So weak and helpless
Maybe  i should give it back
It taste too good not too
I can't  be person you see
I am not just another sheep
My flaws cover my face
The past that can;t be un done
Feeling alone inside
As my thoughts tear me apart
The words that stuck my skin
I am broken without no glue
But who would knew
This  was just another mask that need be broken
 May 2016 robely reyes
My anger flares,
I draw my weapon,
And I pull the trigger,
My words blow holes in your mentality.
My vocabulary splatters your imagination on the ground.
I take another breath,
and reload,
Preparing to fire again.
 May 2016 robely reyes
i have to remind myself
that i am beautiful
or else i forget
gotta remind myself to love myself again
I need your hand
But you turned way
You mind  is  set on the I  told so
All  I wanted was your love
My tears stained my skin
I look up for the sun
But all saw was  the moon
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