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Nishant Rawat May 2020
You cerebral might be blown
When I talk my **** in lyrical form
To this world, I don't conform
I am a unicorn in the human form
Just getting rid of some itchiness to rhyme
Nishant Rawat May 2021
It took me years to realize
that nobody is supposed to
see parts of yourself
that you yourself don't understand yet.
Nishant Rawat Dec 2019
Let's liberate each other
From the chains of society
Let's be real
Share each other's fears and anxiety
Let's be us
And try to find some similarities
Even if we are not the same
Sometimes it's ok not to have parity
I will be me
Hope you will be you
Till the time
It's figured out that I can be yours
And you can be mine
Well, it sounds stupid
Still, a good enough reason to rhyme
All I need is a reason to rhyme
Nishant Rawat Jun 2021
All these words are just ingredients
for the recipe called feelings.
Recipe Called Feelings
Nishant Rawat Aug 2020
Lately, I have been reminiscing a lot.
Of all the lame fights we fought.
Arguing for hours in a loop,
Never let it go.
I guess, we both had too much ego.
Or maybe we weren't right for each other.
Maybe we weren't meant to last forever.
But I still do think of you sometimes.
Whenever I look at that picture of you and mine.
Nishant Rawat May 2020
The fear of losing you is much awful than fear of not finding me.
But the worth of finding me is much precious than holding on to you.
Midnight thought
Nishant Rawat Sep 2020
Why think of settling down?
When we can rise up and above together.
just a thought
Nishant Rawat Aug 2020
Sometimes, it feels like we are living in a simulation.
A simulation designed to ultimately doom all of us.
Midnight Thought
Nishant Rawat Nov 2020
I have been struggling
Daily guzzling
Bottles of alcohol
Just to fill up the hole
Left open since you are gone.
Since you are gone
Nishant Rawat Mar 2022
This feeling of sinking
keeps on growing as it sinks in.
Nishant Rawat Jul 2020
Sometimes, some lies are worth living for.
Just a thought nothing major here.
Nishant Rawat May 2021
I spend too much time imagining
thinking, writing, dreaming
about someone who will never be mine.
Midnight thoughts
Nishant Rawat Aug 2020
It's strange
How we went
From talking forever,
To rarer,
To never.
To all the old friends.
Nishant Rawat Apr 2020
There is something about her,
It isn't easy to state.
She is a stranger to me,
Only once have we met.
Yet so familiar,
Like sunrise-sunset.
I wish to write it down,
But I'm no poet.
There is something about her, even I don't know yet
Nishant Rawat May 2020
You want all my love
But gives no affection
You push me away
Still expect my passion
You treat me wildly
But accept nothing frictional
Remember, this ain't a fairy tale
This love isn't unconditional
Unconditional love happens in fairy tales only
Nishant Rawat Nov 2020
Sometimes our hunger for external validation
Leads us to our extinction.
Nishant Rawat Apr 2020
People say love can fix everything
What if love broke you in the first place?
People say life's all about cherishing
What if all you ever got was a disgrace?
People say friends are the family you choose
What if you are born renegade?
Nishant Rawat Dec 2019
Words and thoughts were left unsaid,
Deeds and things were left undone.
We come and go, showing ourselves to the world outside
But tries to run and hide from the truth which is inside
Why is it that we hold out on those who mean the most?
Why is it that we brag and boast?
Why we bother about the petty things?
Why can't we just enjoy the happiness that love and friendship bring?
We all need something in our lives, something good,
But yet we evade ourselves from doing the things we should.
Instead of work we play.
Instead of taking each moment, we waste away the day.
But now I will not say more.
Let's hold each precious moment as it is, before
The end comes and takes us all away.
Now, that's all that I say...
Nishant Rawat Oct 2020
What's the point of
hiding your emotions
and trying to pretend?.
When you know
nothing gonna matter
in the end.
Random thoughts
Nishant Rawat May 2020
What would you do?
When every word you utter fails you
What would you do?
When nothing in this world enthralls you
What would you do?
When you don't know how to let loose
What would you do?
When you don't know what to feel too
What would you do?
Are the same questions in your mind too?
Or if you have answers that I might woo
Could you share with me, give me some clues?
To the road, I should choose
And figure out what should I do
What would you do?
Nishant Rawat Dec 2019
I am someone who doesn’t know himself after all these years.
I am someone who has unknown fears.
I am someone who wants to express without being vocal.
I am someone who wants to share, without being social.
I am someone who doesn’t care but still cares.
I am someone who looks harsh but has emotional layers.
I am someone who enjoys loneliness, the company of his own.
I am someone who connects and stares through the phone.
I am someone who wants to travel roads and miles.
I am someone whose life is entangled in files.
I am someone who dreams like a child.
I am someone who acts weird and wild.
I am a human, a mere human I am.
This is who I am, I have no shame.
This is me.
Nishant Rawat Dec 2019
Why it always happens to me?
Why I can't set myself free?
Why I don't know what is right?
Why I don't have a reason to fight?
Why I never understood what is essential?
Why I never did justice to my potential?
Why I am so misunderstood?
Why I have nothing to look for in this concrete wood?
Why I never understood who were my friends?
Why I never got that this is not the end?
Why I am always skeptic about my belief?
Why I never felt that relief?
Why I am asking so many questions to myself?
Why I never had someone with me to help?
Why I am being so pessimist?
Why I have nothing to wish?
Is it because of not understanding myself?
Or Is it because of not being with you when you needed help?
I don't know the reason for this cyclone inside me
But this time I decided not to flee
Decided to fight against it with whatever I have
Ready to do everything to get out of this dark cave
So that I can find a new way and see a new sunshine
And once again decorate my life with new rhymes.
Nishant Rawat Apr 2020
Stay with me
I'm gonna write you a song
A song you can spin on repeat
Whenever you are alone
A song made of memories
That can be framed on your wall
A song that will keep you calm
Whenever things are going wrong
A song that will keep your spirit up
Whenever you descend to fall 
A song that will feel like I'm there
Even if I'm gone
A song that will put a smile on your face
Even if it's for a second or so
Stay with me
I'm gonna write you a song
Sometimes all you need is a song

— The End —