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 Aug 2014 Patricia Vaz
I was asked, why do I write and all I could think of to say,
was because I believe.

I believe looks matter.
There is
healing in a look of compassion,
love in understanding,
comfort in tears cried with me.

But one look away, ignoring
can break a heart.

I believe touch matters.
There is
care enclosed in a hug,
relief in a hand placed on a shoulder,
encouragement in a touch on the passing by.

But pulling away, distance
can break a heart.

I believe words matter.
There is
acceptance in words of forgiveness,
restoration in mercy and grace,
healing in kind, soothing whispers.

But one word out of bitterness, hatred
can break a person.

I write because I believe words matter.
I write because I believe you matter.

Sometimes it takes
thousands of words
to heal a broken soul

and I want to tell you,

I will write
word after word,
paragraph after paragraph,
page after page.
As long as it takes,
I will write until you finally believe
that you matter.
Is it possible to miss someone you have never met ?

To crave their touch even though you have never truly experienced it.      

To miss their presence even though they have never been with you.

Well I hope with all my heart it is.

Because some how I find myself missing you...
I met a guy for a moment but I don't think ill ever forget him.
 Aug 2014 Patricia Vaz
It seems as if everyone is telling me that I cannot think of you that way.

Not again.

I know more than anyone of how much trouble you can be.

I know I shouldn't want to take chances when I already know the outcome.

But sometimes I do because sometimes I miss you.

Sometimes I miss the way you would caress my hand and hold it tight.

Sometimes I miss your hugs that reassured me everything's gunna' be


Sometimes I miss the way your lips taunted mine in the moonlight.

Sometimes I miss the gentleness of your kiss on my mouth.

Sometimes I miss the "goodnight, beautiful" and "good morning,

sunshine!" messages that brought tears to my eyes as I looked back at


Sometimes I miss you, I really do.
I am new to this, so comments would be highly appreciated.
 Jul 2014 Patricia Vaz
I love you but not as before
When everything I can I would give
But now, not anymore.

I love you but some things changed
You're not the one bringing my smile
It is somebody that must not be named.

I love you but I don't miss your voice
I'm content now with your seldom text
That's not my making, it's your choice.

I love you but you're not what I need
When before your words gave me warmth
But now you withhold but I will never plead.

I love you as I know you love me
Twisted to some
But for us, it's the way and how we see.

I love you and that means
"Te Amo, my friend"
Now, I'm spilling the beans.

 Jul 2014 Patricia Vaz
Sam Po
If, one day,  a fairy went to my room and grant me a wish, I would ask her to give a one day tour at fairy tale land.

First, I will seek Cinderella and introduce her the new released washing machine.  I will give her an elegant Primadonna shoes and create an escalator in Prince Charming's castle for her convenience.

Next, I will wake up Aurora from her nightmare with my full blast metallic rock music. I will give her the gift of gorgeousness and she will be called "The Sleeping Gorgeous".

I  will look for Rapunzel's hidden castle and give her a new pixie cut hair. I will suggest her to have an elevator in her elevated castle. I can endorse her Prince the microphone, so it would be effortless for him to shout  "Rapunzel! Let down your hair".

I will also go to Snow White and add bananas, mangoes and cream to her apple and give her the recipe of fruit salad. To maintain her white skin, I will give her BB cream and cherry red lipstick from Mac, for her kissable lips.

Lastly, I will take a photo with the fairy tale characters and post it on Instagram, with a caption "TOUCH DOWN! FAIRY TALE LAND"
My wild fantasy :p
 Jul 2014 Patricia Vaz
Kim Hines
Sometimes to love is to lose.
Forever single or forever alone, you choose.
Both undesirable, yet not so comparable.
To love yourself is the key.
Don't let anyone else determine who you should be.
To really love is to love unconditionally.
No need to change if you really love me
Make up your mind, who's it gonna be,
Cuz I don't need your love, i'll just keep doing me.
You can give me all your secrets
I'll keep them well hid for you
I'm not here to pass any judgement
On what you did or didn't do

I've not been appointed as your judge
For all you've done in life
I have a hard enough time understanding
What all I've done in mine

I can never let it get out
I'm not who they think I am
That the life I've portrayed for so many years
Has been no more than a sham

So don't worry about your secrets
They're all safe with me
Because if all the secrets I hold spilled out
It's the real me that they might see
 Jun 2014 Patricia Vaz
 Jun 2014 Patricia Vaz
Is the best solution for everything.
Let us not forget the blessings and the things that we had right now and that was all possible with God.
"God is good all the time. All the time God is good."

Was reading Heaven is for Real and i was really touched every details of the story especially the verses coming in the Bible and how Colton describes the heaven, God of the Holy Spirit and Jesus himself <3 this is worth to read and i highly recommended this!!! (:
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