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 Nov 2014 pat
Suzy Hazelwood
Like a dove
I land softly on shoulders
I'm kind in nature
generous in discernment

But cross me once
the suspect will be marked
cross me twice
and my friendship
will be no more

It's a waste of breath
for me to show
the extent of violation
to intend to destroy

I have no need
to action revenge
when a clown
can quite easily stumble
over their own stupidity

I won't lower myself
to the mire
when I can sit by fresh waters
and observe
the downfall
of a dumb mind
 Nov 2014 pat
Suzy Hazelwood
I would rather sleep
on a cold stone floor
than lay solitary
in the lie of luxury
loveless sheets
a bed full of wishes
where I need you to be
 Nov 2014 pat
Suzy Hazelwood
I don’t need a Romeo or Casanova.  If I need anyone, then I need someone who I can talk to.  Someone to share real life.   Someone who’s present, here, and not over there.  Someone who can be honest with me, and I with them.  Someone who’s got words worth listening to.  Someone, who’s interested in what I have to say.

Is it too much to ask for friendship first?  Does that sound unrealistic or old fashioned?  And why does the expectation of new relationships have to start out like a **** movie?  Why can’t men be friends with women instead of wanting pieces of their body first?  I’m a person, with feelings, hopes and plans, not an item of lust.

Why do women fall in the trap of wanting to find a man who'll provide everything, make them happier than they've ever been before?   A man like that can't be found.  A man is human, not a mystic angel.  He doesn’t exist to make a woman find happiness.

On the day she finds he contains no magic to elevate her emotions into happy ever after, and he discovers she not got much to lust for, the only thing left will be - friendship.  So what is left if friendship can't be found?  

If love can grow from a friend, and lust grow from love - then I might be interested.  Friendship is what matters, anything less, can go to hell...
 Nov 2014 pat
Amitav Radiance
We emphasize, we are different, but there is an underlying sameness, which we ignore
 Nov 2014 pat
Amitav Radiance
Whisper to the winds
Breathe words in it
Enthuse the moment
Before it takes off
Through the winding path
Mountains, seas, woods
Valleys and deserts
Message will travel far
Beyond your vision
You will be heard
Your words shall speak
Stories of your heart
Beyond the realm
Your world is infinite
You words shall travel
With the wind
 Nov 2014 pat
I am italicized*

We sing and we simmer
Our cosmic tumble tune
Hardly yet wholly
A place without room
Stardust dancing along side our gate
Black hole chancing just beyond our escape

If that gate can be an escape
An entrance to the unknown world
Fistful of stardust
Blow it to the wind
Let the wind be our guide
Beyond the canvas of our life
Our imagination captured beyond the horizon

Sunset washes the day clean
Brilliant peach orange blaze
Still left wondering what this all means
I am connected to you
As I am to this tree
Whole and in pieces
Full picture you see
The circle comes round
We dance to it's beat
Evolving masterpieces
Rarely repleat
Fingertips touching
Secrets yielded to soft sigh
Hoping with sore hearts
You'll always feel this high

In the circle of eternity
The known rhythm is back
In concentric circles
Frenzied steps
Spark that kindles two hearts
Blazing through the night sky
Touch of freedom
Paints the encircled world
Hearts healed with magic potion
Trust emboldens the souls
To soar higher and higher
It’s an eternity
Now, the saga shall continue
Thank you for writing with me :) I thoroughly enjoyed it!
 Nov 2014 pat
Amitav Radiance
Night, smeared
In the morning sky
Melancholic feelings
Casts a shadow
The fire is doused
Only ashes remain
 Nov 2014 pat
Amitav Radiance
Do words scare us?
When it stays inside
For too long
Tripping the brain
With unusual activities
Prancing around
Every corner of the mind
Neurons getting agitated
High voltage drama
That creates havoc
Mixed with emotions
They dissolve in our blood
Weird chemical reactions
Make us edgy
Sometimes, hallucinations
Insides reverberating
As to find a release
Tensions running high
Words upon words
Building a fortress
Not long, we hide behind them
A prisoner in the mind
The ink has to flow
Where’s the conduit?
Search for the pen
Wield the unsheathed sword
Cut across the fortress walls
Let the emotions flow
Words no more
Till the next time
For now, there’s peace
 Nov 2014 pat
Margaret Austin Go
I felt the earth at the back of my hand
Resting my head in these warm grass
As it tickles my skin
I look up keenly
A caprice has struck my reverie
Drawn to this tree
laden with plethora of leaves
Whilst the wind sings a familiar melody
You engulf my miseries
Hues of orange, red and green
Heraldic of revivification
Mesmeric elegance
You flail these leaves
Scroop of vigor
with the glint of sunlight
Scintillating glow
Gentle serenity
Where do you hide your sorrows?
Your mystery enthralling
I am defeated by your beauty

-Talisay, Margaret Austin Go
Talisay Tree  (a.k.a Umbrella Tree/ Indian Almond)
 Nov 2014 pat
Margaret Austin Go
With eager eyes
we spin the dice
Nebulous haze
Frantic gaze
Gates agape
Let's start the chase

Everybody's in for the craze
There's no time to waste
Flushed faces
Biting snares
Constrictor snakes
We rush in till we cascade

Not to realize
This is but a masquerade
Chasing our tails
In a daze
We stumble
Helter skelter

Life ask you to be in control of your pace
Stay calm, at ease, and humble
Do not listen to all the drunkard's tales
because no one's going to pay for your bail
Do what's right
until we reach the finish line
With dimes in our eyes
for a deep slumber in our graves

-A Race To Our Graves, Margaret Austin Go
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