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levi eden r Mar 2020
it just felt like i was doing everything wrong.
it's beginning hard to tell if your distance is actually there or in my mind.
i know sometimes people get bored but of me, but please,
please, not you.
you're the best thing i've had in a long time
and i know you won't hurt me
but why is this hurting me?
it's not supposed to hurt right? or is it?
i can't tell anymore.
please tell me it's in my head,
please tell me you still like me.
i can count the messages we've exchanged in the past few days on both of my hands and it's terrifying.
i don't know if i'm too much or too little.
i'm used to the abandon and the demanding and the mean,
but no, please,
please, not you.
i keep reassuring myself that you still want to be here, with me.
even though i marked it as a blue day in my mood tracker,
i want to go to sleep knowing you still like me.
i'm afraid it's gone to your head, the things you hear about how we're supposed to be, or how you expected me to be.
please tell me it's in my head,
please tell you still like me.
twitter: @omw2you
instagram: @awake6.23

i do $6 tarot readings, cashapp only!! dm!
113 · Dec 2019
after the moment
levi eden r Dec 2019
falling asleep in your arms has to be my favorite part,
i will always love watching your eyes go from fluttering to completely shut.
us having competitions as to who could stay awake longer.
tears would be brought to my eyes sometimes from how beautiful you are.
my chest on yours, feeling your breathing slow down and then feeling mine.
twitter : @omw2you
113 · Aug 2019
pt.4 - coming to an end
levi eden r Aug 2019
i told you about things i haven't even told my closest friend.
we met a few months ago and i told you about my parents,
about jake,
about heather,
about my fears and passions.
you held me close and i wrote you poems,
i wrote you melodies and butterflies that danced in the afternoon sky made me think of you.

it all came crashing down.
slowly then all at once.
113 · Jul 2019
let them in
levi eden r Jul 2019
i dream of being free.
of being a bird or finally,
just finally,
be the me who is free.

i dream of letting go and letting my shoulders drop.
of running, not caring of being out of breath.
of closing my eyes and letting my emotions be me.
113 · Jul 2019
1:46 am
levi eden r Jul 2019
i looked back at everything that i've written,
out of curiosity.
it's all so different.
every month brought something new or carried something old.
i almost left,
so many times.
but i'm here.
i made it,
i've almost made it.
levi eden r Jul 2019
how could i Not fall for you?
i wish i could hold you again,
or you hold me,
or we hold each other
how did you make the world stop with your warmth?
it made no sense how easily i turned into goo in front of you.
i can't explain it but you know how sometimes music leaves you speechless and wide eyed?
that was me in his presence.
the halo around him and the light that surrounded him was captivating and beautiful.
how could i Not fall for him?
112 · Feb 2019
sounds like honey
levi eden r Feb 2019
i can clearly remember the sound of sneaking out the front door,
how i would close my eyes when i very, very slowly shut it,
making it seem like if i squeezed my eyes tighter, there would be no sound.
the fresh air is like no other.
looking up at the streetlight lit sky,
i started to run.
first, down my street
then, down the park trail in my neighborhood.
i kept running,
with tears in my eyes.
these secret hours felt like i was truly Free.
in these hours,
i could be anyone i wanted to be,
i could make a story in my head as to why i'm out here at three in the morning.
i sat on the neighborhood slide as i watched the sun rise.
eyelids getting heavier, i tried with all my might to watch the sky change.
112 · Sep 2019
about my first love pt. 7
levi eden r Sep 2019
months passed and one late, late night,
we talked deeply.

i told you about my parents,
you told me about your past.
you told me how much you cared about me.

then you told me you knew.
oh, i knew how obvious i was!
how could i hide it?

you told me not in this moment in time.
your words like thorns on a rose.

yet painful.

it's okay,
you said.

and i told you,
i know.
instagram: @heavenforecaster
111 · Aug 2018
levi eden r Aug 2018
i won't be able to make it another year.
two days in and my entire soul and anything alive in me feels like it's been ****** out.
i refuse to let my mental health get bad again.
i can't let myself become the me i was before again.
111 · Jan 2020
special kind of pain
levi eden r Jan 2020
when i left, the days followed were
horrible, terrible, full of misery.
i'd sit with myself, no intention of thinking of you,
no intention of doing anything with you,
but there i would be,
writing out everything
i wanted to keep the memories of Us alive and because of this,
my salted wounds stung and left scars,
they made time move both slower and faster at the same time.
we got farther away from each other yet the concept of Us remained.
i began to wonder if any of it was real.
i couldn't see you anymore so was it real in the first place?
i really nope it was because even now,
i'm still debating it.
maybe it was my best nightmare,
maybe it always will be just that.
i stare out the window wondering if you think of me as often as i think of you.
i wonder if one day you'll come back and say you're sorry, and i'd fall to my knees in joy that you're just... Back,
that you're Here again.

i shouldn't want that.
i shouldn't want you to come back
but right now, i do and it hurts.
everything hurts again,
over and over again.
why did you have to be so perfect?
you were a piece of heaven and you destructed my life so beautifully and gracefully that i thanked you for it.
why did i love you so deeply?
i know soulmates and twin flames and other halves are cliche to you but we were all of it combined,
all of it at once and i loved every moment of Us.
you were my soulmate, my other half, my most lovely and loved partner.
i kept saying that we were just in different dimensions when we ended but now i'm afraid that that was actually the truth.
we're both somewhere else now and maybe,
maybe you won't come back.
i'm trying to be okay with that possible, maybe fact.
but right now,
i'll love you and i'll hurt over and over again.
twitter: @omw2you
instagram: @awake6.23
111 · Aug 2019
yellow tinted life
levi eden r Aug 2019
it all flashed before my eyes again.
looking at you,
i forgot where i was,
that any of this was real again,
that i was here,
that You were here too.

i think was scares me most is us never meeting again.
even more than the world ending,
even more than never being able to breathe again.
i just want to meet you in every lifetime.

will you meet me here again?
instagram: awake6.23
111 · Sep 2018
levi eden r Sep 2018
it made no sense at all.
why did i care so much about things that shouldn't matter and don't exist at all?
why do i do this to myself?
what's wrong with me and why does it not want me alive?
sitting in these classroom chairs,
i don't know if i can make it.
i can't seem to see how or where i'll turn out.
what am i doing here?
levi eden r Dec 2019
i didn't think i'd miss you as much as i do now.
i was just making a playlist and every song reminded me of you.
i started to think about the days that we spent on my bedroom floor.
heads touching,
we reached our hands to the ceiling and it was like every day leading up to This point was supposed to happen.
i was meant to be here,
with you.
the sunlight from my window hit our faces as it went down and
once again, our fingers found themselves to be intertwined.
twitter: @omw2you
110 · Apr 2018
let go
levi eden r Apr 2018
i'm trying.

i think holding it all in, compressing it with everything in me,
hoping one day that if i press hard enough, it'll just
and i'm here,
as anxious as i come,
hoping for the best like i always do.

i'm trying my best.
109 · Sep 2019
about my first love pt.6
levi eden r Sep 2019
one night,
we went walking.

days before your birthday.

walking to meet you at the corner curb,
i hid your birthday present behind my back.

i remember reaching you and you were eating a hot pocket.
i fell more in love each time i saw you.

you hugged me after i gave it to you.

i gave you my beret that night too.
complimenting you on how good you looked and how,
you can pull it off very well.

we walked close that night.

we sat on the swings at the park over the bridge and you told me about your love for constellations.
i don't know much about them and you told me to look at the sky.

one hand on my back,
the other pointing to the sky.

"do you see it?"

i couldn't take my eyes off of You.

i could make my own constellations in the galaxies in your eyes.

instagram: @heavenforecaster
109 · Oct 2018
don't let me be gone
levi eden r Oct 2018
an airplane and bird cross paths
the worry and anxious feeling in my stomach grew as the airplane slowly got smaller and disappeared into the grey clouds and how the bird kept flying,
just flying in the other direction.
there was something in me,
something in this moment that felt like this scene broke a string in my life.

walking home,
there was no wind,
there was no one outside.
no sign of moving cars or walking dogs on leashes.
i stood there abruptly,
wondering if this is how it would feel to leave and truly be alone.
in this moment,
time stopped for me and it was the most terrifying thing i've yet to experience.
109 · May 2019
levi eden r May 2019
i feel like all i could talk about now was the universes in your eyes and how you were the only person that could convince me to watch an action movie.
i ran to the ends of the world for you and i would gladly live this life all over to do it again.
109 · Oct 2018
levi eden r Oct 2018
i was drifting away again.
time seemed to fly over my head and i was left with a reflection looking back at me.
the weight of the world fell on my shoulders again.
the pain that grew in my heart was unbearable again.
again, and again, and again, and again.
i kept feeling like this,
one way or another.
i'm drifting away again,
this time hopefully forever.
i held my hands close to my chest,
not interest in holding onto earth anymore.
108 · Nov 2019
levi eden r Nov 2019
my heart began to beat faster around more people than i could count on my fingers.
i started to feel smaller and seen but in the worst way.
my stomach did turns and i could swear everyone could hear my heavy breathing.
i held my own hand,
in hopes that it would feel like someone elses
and maybe,
just maybe
i could calm down.
twitter : @omw2you
108 · Sep 2019
about my first love pt. 2
levi eden r Sep 2019
we became friends over time.

he offered his shoulder when i was feeling down and waved goodbye when he got off the bus.

time went by and he had to leave.

two years then there he was again,
it all came back.
every time i saw him it was like seeing him for the first time
instagram : @heavenforecaster
108 · Aug 2019
somebody new
levi eden r Aug 2019
then it all went away.

i wonder where it all went.
but it's gone.
i look at you and see nothing.
i look at you and sometimes see them,
108 · Oct 2018
it's okay, you're okay
levi eden r Oct 2018
i sat there as my world spun.
all i could do was breathe and somehow
the universe was telling me that was Enough.
levi eden r Apr 2018
one that cleans to the point where the endless chemicals and dish scrubbing makes my fingers peel and look like raisins.

who feels the overwhelming happiness seeing my friends smile and laugh.

who stays up until my alarms go off both panicking and studying.

who can't feel a thing most of the time.

a boy who doesn't understand how this whole living thing works and wants to desperately, oh so desperately, know what's on the other side.

who will be okay.
cause i always am.
this turned out differently than how i planned in my head, but it's still okay right? right
108 · Jun 2018
obstacle 1
levi eden r Jun 2018
i let myself feel sad because they told me that it's okay to just feel,
"let it out",
so i did that.
i held my head underwater to feel the pressure in my ears to match the pressure against my heart.
i sat in that red chair and looked at nothing,
listening to brand new,
feeling like every sad movie ending crumbled into one sad person.
a deep breath followed by a sad sigh.
everything is so sad,
i don't really know how to write right now
108 · Dec 2019
i want them back
levi eden r Dec 2019
all i wanted was to fall into your arms but looked at me like i was crazy.
my feelings inside grew smaller and it was like i was flicked off the earth for feeling sad.
it wasn't okay, and i was "crazy" for feeling like this,

i looked behind me and you weren't there anymore.
the only thing that was left for me to fall back on when things got too hard,
when my head was too much for me,
was my bedroom wall.
i spent my childhood sitting against it,
looking at my bleeding wrists and wishing that maybe,
just maybe,
if i looked behind me you'd be there.

that's all i wanted.
it was like god took my parents away when i turned 10,
all the love i was supposed to get,
the love that was supposed to hold me and mold me was gone.
how can a 10 year old teach himself all of this?
twitter: @omw2you
levi eden r Apr 2018
satan held me closer than you ever had.
they all whispered sweet nothings and empty words into my ears as they "loved" me.
and i believe them.
i believe them when they said they loved me,
satan played with my hands and looked into my eyes,
telling me that they'll put me back together again.
107 · Sep 2018
rest easy
levi eden r Sep 2018
one six,
that's how old you were when you left us.
you didn't get to walk the stage with us,
or propose to your high school sweetheart.
you were sixteen.
a friend from school passed away.

i hope you're in peace now, friend. i hope we meet again.
107 · Apr 2019
to get through the night
levi eden r Apr 2019
i remember standing in front of my bedroom window when i had my first anxiety attack.
my first boyfriend expressed anger towards me and it triggered something in me.
the yelling he had towards me reminded me of my parents.
with my parents, i never got anxiety attacks.
i would just be scared.
but then this happened,
i had to step away.
it was the summer time so i always kept my window open for the air to come in.
so i stepped away and found myself in front of my window.
i heard my heartbeat through my ears and felt its thumping shake my body.
the lump in my throat made it difficult to breathe and i remember thinking that i was going to die in that moment.
i closed my eyes and felt the cold summer wind hit my face.
it was the first time something felt like a hug that wasn't a pair of arms.
levi eden r Apr 2018
i don't think i'll ever come back again.
i'm afraid there'll be a day where i stare at nothing again but never come back again.
instragram // @introawake
107 · Feb 2019
levi eden r Feb 2019
last night, i asked god to forgive me,
i asked every god and the universe to forgive me for what i was planning to do.
my face hot from holding in sobs,
i held my hands together,
i brought my forehead down to them
and on my knees,
i asked for forgiveness.
106 · Jan 2019
high school butterflies
levi eden r Jan 2019
every thought and way that ran through my brain as to how i could tell you,
how i should tell you.
i wanted to write you a note or letter,
maybe even serenade you,
or take it slow and sit next to you in class,
ask you for a pencil and then everything would just play out.
your hand grazed over mine and i swear that,
in this moment,
the world stopped spinning.
i made you a playlist and my finger has been hovering over the send button.
i don't know how to tell you i like you.
105 · Mar 2020
levi eden r Mar 2020
it was so weird.
i didn't doubt anything yet i expecting you to ask for my clothes,
you didn't.
i felt like a teenager dating another teenager.
two boys enjoying each other's company,
liking each other for our own self.
not because you twitched in your pants when i sat a certain way or dressed a certain way.
but just us.
teenagers, finally.
twt: @omw2you
ig: @awake6.23

i do tarot readings for $8!!! cashapp only! dm for more info!!
levi eden r Jul 2018
i've been thinking a lot about memories, spirituality, and how i can never see myself in five years let alone one. i don't know what to make out of these three things that seem to circle around my mind like vultures.

there are some i wish to forget. those memories make me sad and they make me feel small again, i wish to get rid of these maybe replace them with really really happy ones. but these memories are sometimes my muse and kick to writing what some people would call beautiful. it's hard writing about good things or good times and i don't know why.

i've realized over and over again that i have lost myself, you can say. i've tried time and time again reaching this part of myself and i have multiple times but i've also let go. whether it be because i was busy or i just couldn't feel what they said they felt. i want to connect with this part of me again and hold tightly to it.

how i can never see myself in [blank] years:
i went through a rough time at a very young age. it started in third grade, that's when it got bad but it can date back to first. through the years, things got harder and i understood less of myself. i wanted to end my life in sixth grade, that's the first time i felt that way. i didn't, obviously, but that thought has been woven into my mind. i didn't think i would make it this far. i planned my days until, what i thought would be my departure. but i'm still here and i'm lost. again, i didn't think i would make it this far.

these three things are what worry me the most. writing about them is like the tangy smell of orange peels.
i hope it's okay with everyone that i start making posts like these. not regularly but sporadically.
105 · Mar 2019
levi eden r Mar 2019
an old friend would tell me that even on my darkest days,
the look in my eyes showed that i still had even at least a small bit of fight left in me.
he would always tell me that but i never believed him,
for when i looked into the mirror,
dark, glossy eyes looked back at me,
eyes that were filled with no hope left,
no fight left.
until now.
i see it.
i see the fight he's talking about.
i see it when i force myself to get up in the morning,
i see it when i speak up and
i see it when i write.
thinking of you josh, hope you're doing okay man
104 · Jan 2019
please visit me
levi eden r Jan 2019
in my dreams, you come in forms of light.
if i'm lucky,
i'll see your face again.
i want to cup your face in my hands again.
even it is in my dreams.
never stop visiting me in my dreams.
i miss you
104 · Oct 2018
they all keep lying to me
levi eden r Oct 2018
there are scars and wounds that never heal from when you beat your fists into me.
the scars all over my body,
my "hiding" places that only pulled the curtain when i knew i was alone.
my hand shook as the blade fell from it.
my mind filled up with every thought possible.
how i never change,
how i will always be as broken as i was the first time i let myself fall.
levi eden r Apr 2018
i remember giving you the cutest nicknames in the world.
lovebug made you hold my hand and pull me close.
baby made you look into my sad eyes and smile.
apple pie made you say those three words that would save my life.

i remember holding your hand.
how your cheeks would turn the most beautiful rose pink.
how my heart would literally bang my chest to hold you too.

i remember how being around you felt like autumn in texas.
it reminded me of all the good times and how the times we spent together were 10 times better.

but it all fades you see,
slowly then all at once.
one day we woke up and you realized that for the past five years,
you want to stay behind,
in the past,
with every nightmare and empty cup of coffee was.

pulling my arm to stay behind too,
i couldn't.

looking back i would've done it differently.
i would've sat next to you and continued to burn pieces of my heart and soul for you to make light in the darkness you wanted to live in.
instagram // @introawake
levi eden r Jul 2019
and it slowly began to less be about being someone but being
because that's end goal for me.
i want to be Me,
i wanted to paint and write and love,
just ******* love everything and everyone because that is
i am a physical embodiment of what love is.
i am creative and beautiful and no,
no, i'm not useless or disposable.
i am meant to be here.
i was made to love and be loved.
i was made to create and to be heard and to listen.
it isn't about getting you to read between the lines of my words,
it's about sharing my peaceful pain and tears of joy.
104 · Oct 2018
levi eden r Oct 2018
i'd go the longest without talking.
the silence ran through my veins,
replacing the blood streaming through them with sadness and the feeling of being empty.
open mouthed,
i forgot how to talk again.
at random times my eyes would get teary again.
who wants me here anyways?
103 · Jun 2018
best part
levi eden r Jun 2018
i stared at you as you changed the night sky to the morning sky.
i felt your heartbeat pulsate through my entire body.
you're beautiful
but so far away.
i can see your hands reaching for me as the morning wind blows in my face
and i'll gladly accept them with my open heart.
you're angelic.
i close my eyes and see us,
you're ethereal.
we're alive.
levi eden r Nov 2019
i miss you.
i'm coming home.
i forgive you.
please welcome me with open arms.
i'm sorry,
please forgive me.
i miss your warmth,
i need your warmth.
i'm coming home.
102 · Sep 2019
about my first love pt. 1
levi eden r Sep 2019
his name was luis.

i met him when i was in sixth grade, he was in eighth.

the first time we talked was when he apologized for him accidentally bumping into me on the bus after school.
right then, right there,

he had long hair and wore band tees and in my book,
that was everything.

the short smile that he had on his face made me fall deeper.
i swear, i remember my breath being taken away when i first saw him.

love at first sight.
instagram : @heavenforecaster
102 · Apr 2020
it's raining in a few hours
levi eden r Apr 2020
i wondered where your eyes went when you would look outside,
or when you, yourself, went when you touched a tree.
it's like you went somewhere else,
or where so grounded that you were that somewhere else.
twitter: @omw2you
instagram: @awake6.23
levi eden r Sep 2018
it was in that moment,
i see two forms of light and loving smiling at me.
walking over to them
i felt their warmth wrap around me,
i never wanted to let go.
it was in that moment i knew i never wanted to leave the soil.
they wanted me here,
i wanted to be here.
102 · Sep 2019
about my first love pt. 5
levi eden r Sep 2019
dms back and forth.
sharing music.
taking candid pictures of each other only to send them later.

he lived a street away.

we exchanged numbers.

we began going on walks.

the sun kissed his face,
as if it was praising him for being Him.
i could relate.

once again,

instagram: @heavenforecaster
102 · May 2020
end of the line
levi eden r May 2020
for the first time in a long time, i feel like i can't be here.

yesterday, sitting in that chair, sitting in my desk chair in my room,
i felt insignificant.
i tried to imagine my life past this point and i couldn't.
i looked back at every single thing that happened to me that led up to this moment,
in horror, in sadness, in grief.
101 · Aug 2019
rain today
levi eden r Aug 2019
the rainy day today reminds me of elementary school.
early elementary school where the teacher would read us books about butterflies or trolls guarding a bridge.
this rainy day reminds me of my mother picking me up from school,
resting my head against the window and feel the rain patter on it.
days where i'd have no homework and the best thing to eat on rainy days like these is stew.
the kind where there's carrots and chicken in it.
101 · Aug 2018
levi eden r Aug 2018
i carefully wrap my sorrow and pain up tight in a cloth and keep it hidden away.
some days, even i forget where it's gone but nights,
no, mornings,
like this is when i remember.
carefully unwrapping it,
i hold it to my chest like my favorite childhood toy.
suddenly, i feel alone again.
minutes turn into hours and before i know it,
my tears flow from my eyes,
i don't even try to hold it back.
101 · Feb 2019
levi eden r Feb 2019
i feel like nothing.
your touch feels cold and nothing seems warm anymore,
not even the sun.
my stomach kept turning every time i would tell myself that leaving would be the only way out.
i didn't know what to do.
suddenly i forgot what it was like to be happy again.
instead, i started to remember how it felt like to not care what happened after i would take my very last breath.
101 · Dec 2018
almost one year without you
levi eden r Dec 2018
there are so many drafts of this hidden away,
even from my own eyes.
the eighteenth will be one year.
i miss you.
i've been trying to come up with words to put how i'm feeling but i can't do it.
i miss you,
that's all i can say.
i promised you i'd stay and i'm here.
i miss you and one day, we will be in each others arms again.
save a seat up there for me.
i will forever love you.
i miss you.
i would trade anything to be up there with you, j. i love and miss you dearly.
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