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levi eden r May 2020
i thought that if i spoke louder than you then you'd finally be able to hear me
but you don't.
your hands push me away and i remember being stuck to your doorway, i saw how scared your eyes were and the venom you spout out wasn't you,
i knew it wasn't you.
i let you break my heart because it made you feel better
and if my words couldn't then at least the cracking and, ultimately, breaking of my heart would.
and that's all that mattered to me.
100 · Sep 2018
don't let go
levi eden r Sep 2018
tell me about the smile of the one you love the most,
how everything seems to slow down and the only thing you can focus on is how their eyes almost disappear from their wide grin.
how their "happy face" is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
tell me about your childhood birthday parties,
how your family would come over and there's something about childhood birthday parties that make reality seem altered.
how the cake your mother set in front of you makes you sigh with content and with ease.
how they all sing happy birthday and you shift in your seat with a smile on your face,
tell me about the first hand you felt.
how soft it was and how it perfectly fit yours,
like two puzzle pieces coming together.
oh how your stomach has a field full of butterflies in it when you grip that hand,
how warm and Right it feels.
and no matter how sweaty yours or their hand gets,
you don't let go.
tell me about the dark times.
when you couldn't seem to get out of bed
or the devastation you felt when your parents split.
how heavy your mind and heart felt,
how you wanted to cry out of nowhere because everything
tell me about the day you saw light within yourself.
how you wanted to cry because you made it.
it's something to be proud of.
how you could breathe and feel light.
100 · Apr 2018
i want to forget
levi eden r Apr 2018
it's hard to write about the happy things or the happy times.
i used to write in the perspectives of other people so i can purposely lose myself.
i did everything i could to forget my name.
i forced my heavy eyelids to stay open while five sleeping pills tried to do their job,
this feeling made me feel not scared when the ceiling spun in circles over and over again.
i learned how to make my mind go into space while my body and soul were still here and every time i do it,
i regret it every time.
none of it works anymore though.
no matter how hard i try,
there's always a point in the night that reminds me that
i'm me.
instagram // @introawake
levi eden r Oct 2018
it feels like my head is someone else.
constantly reminding me of every single thing.
like it's constantly running.
it's hard to speak how i feel,
words just won't come out and i end up speaking in key terms.
there are some days where i can feel the  chemical imbalance in  my brain.
nothing seems to make sense and no matter how hard i pay attention in class,
i can't retain information.
i feel like there's something wrong with me.
nothing feels right,
levi eden r Apr 2018
i sat in the car
writing and rewriting my end.
"god, why do you have to be so sad?"
i closed my eyes in attempt to drown everything out,
to attempt to drown myself out.
i want to be new again.
i want to unexperience everything i've seen
for it has only scared me and thrown out the memories that would save my life.
on my knees,
i'm begging please,
if someone is up there please make me feel like i'm not just talking to my ceiling every night.
i've prayed and prayed but please if i'm not meant to be here,
please give me a sign.
i've been waiting and waiting for something,
and if this is all a punishment for me,
please tell me because i can't do this anymore.
i've tried everything and got everything taken away from me.
i've been beat and thrown around to the point where i feel like i've been put here as a breathing, living punching bag.
i feel like i'm only here for the benefit of other people.
i've been screaming in the dark and touching every corner to find the hope that been taken away from me.

if i'm not meant to be here,
please tell me
99 · Feb 2019
why i should be here
levi eden r Feb 2019
why should i be here?

it feels like a question that's been planted inside my head for years and years. i ask myself this question during my darkest hours.

but it becomes clear to me when i see you. you, a light, a light that never fails to make me want to stay. looking at you, that answer disappears. not answered, but disappears.

but you aren't there all the time. i end my days alone and once again, that same neon light lights up my room, keeping me from sleeping, keeping me from even imaging you.

i sit facing that sign, tilting my head as if it'll give me answers if i stand differently. it doesn't.

in my darkest hours, i cry. the plans i had for the future: the apple farm, the cafe, the bakery, the dogs and cats, everything, it all seemed pointless and far away.

but eventually, with a flicker, the sign goes dark and, once again, i'm given a break from everything, from myself. eventually, i'll be okay again. eventually, i'll remember that the reasons i'm here are to love...

and of course, making sure i have the apple farm, cafe, bakery, and dogs and cats.
99 · Aug 2018
levi eden r Aug 2018
she told me not to so i could finish my shampoo bottle and conditioner bottle at the same time.
i never do.
one is either too full,
i'll never finish them at the same time and i think that was the point but why do you want me here?

i love the way the trees look when it's windy but recently,
not even they make me want to stay.
i'm sorry.

i can't shake this empty feeling that fills up my entire body,
my entire soul,
my whole existence.
it's something that's too big for me to ignore and it hovers over me,
waiting for me to get better.
waiting for me to smile, to laugh.
and when i do then it hits me,
i feel nothing again.

why should i stay?
97 · Dec 2019
once again... you
levi eden r Dec 2019
you filled my notebooks with poems about your eyes
and how my stomach felt when i was around you.
the past was the past yet it still lingered and had the same effect on me as if it was still happening.
twitter: @omw2you
97 · Dec 2018
you, a star
levi eden r Dec 2018
you're like a star that lost their way and ended up here on earth,
with us,
with me.
your eyes,
oh god your eyes are more beautiful than any falling star,
they'd still be more beautiful even if it was raining crystals.
every time i see you all i can see are crisp autumn leaves,
the feeling of sunshine on my face,
everything good in the world.
when i look at you i start to understand what it means to be in complete awe of someone,
i'm starting to understand what love is because of you.
97 · Sep 2019
levi eden r Sep 2019
you will not be my muse.
i won't let the hurt you've inflicted on me to be the base and formation of what i write
for i am done with writing about people who have pained me.

you will not be my muse.
97 · Jan 2020
wave of you
levi eden r Jan 2020
last night, i let go of you.
i stopped waiting by the phone,
as if you'd ever even called in the first place.
i closed my eyes and thought of
your rose tinted cheeks,
your smile,
your laugh,
your emerald colored eyes,
the way you said you said you loved me,
the way i could feel you even if you were far away from me,
just one last time
i thought of all these things.
i held my chin up high and i swallowed the lump in my throat.
twitter: @omw2you
96 · Apr 2018
levi eden r Apr 2018
i remember crying so hard that breathing was something i felt i never knew.
crying that much felt like the end,
i truly felt like it was the end.
i wasn't afraid,
just sad.
i kissed death on the lips and welcomed it once again.
this scene in my life,
felt like a movie.
i covered my face to mute my sobs
and tossed and turned on my bed.
it was silent.
i remember feeling like this once,
the first time i wanted to leave.
i can remember both of these events so vividly.
the walls of my bedroom hovered over me and caved in on me.

what would they say?
"he was so nice,
so nice to everyone.
he did his work and was quiet but sweet."
or maybe some ******* answer from someone who didn't even know me,
"he loved being around people.
he smiled so much.
he was so beautiful".
what would my friends say?
would they even say anything?
instagram // @introawake
levi eden r Jun 2019
i looked up at you from rock bottom,
a place where i've called home more times than i can count.
i see everyone hugged each other,
where are my hugs?
the harder i tried to be present the deeper this well got.
95 · Jun 2019
levi eden r Jun 2019
the way you make my heart race is incomparable.
i swear you can hear the beat of it over the phone.
you held me so close,
closer than anyone ever has.
we confessed to each other multiple times.
telling each other that we miss each other even when we haven't met yet,
if we ever do.
how do you miss someone you've never met?
i don't know how, but i do.
i fell in love with you and i'm happy you said it first because the butterflies in my stomach became so greatly, i could barely look at you.

but i don't think it's real.
we so far away from each other.
i'm no one.
you're everything.
94 · Aug 2018
i want to write a book
levi eden r Aug 2018
i've always wanted to. like ever since i was young. i've loved writing and writing about what i've been through, my opinions on things, my morals, just everything. i've even written short fiction stories, which i have deleted but i still did that. as i've grown and gotten older, i've found a love and passion for writing.

so yes, i want to write a book. i understand that i'm still young but i'm not letting that stop me. it's something i truly want to do. and i've (in my opinion) improved in my poetry compared to when i first started. and idk, it's been a long time since i've had my mind set on something 100% so this feels nice.

maybe i could even pursue in writing/poetry? please, if you want, give me feedback on poetry/writings i've put out so far on here.

thank you for reading my words. i know i only have a few people reading them but i'm very grateful, thank you.
levi eden r Aug 2019
in just a small period of time,
you became my muse.
the type of muse that rips the bandaid off of your heart to finally write something,
to write anything.
the type of muse that makes everything hurt when you're alone and when it's just you, your thoughts, and your past.
instagram : @awake6.23

twitter: @introadrift
93 · Aug 2019
sun on flowers, again
levi eden r Aug 2019
maybe i'll never understand the darkness behind my eyes
or the reason the universe gave you the life it did.
but maybe that's okay,
i'm learning that it's okay.
it's okay to never fully understand.

i'll never understand the divorce,
the heart break,
the hurt,
the pain,
the way you cried in my arms that one time,
or the way i cried in yours.

but it's okay.
levi eden r May 2020
i sat here thinking,
i thought about how i was beat with words and fists my entire life,
i thought about everything they used to tell me
"you're worthless.
i don't love you.
no one loves you.
you're the reason why you're alone.
you're ugly.
you're fat.
you're a burden.
i remember the bruises, the scratches, the broken heart that i used to believe was broken forever.
it's not.
how am i still here?
how do i still love?
how do i still forgive?
how do i smile?

i find love in everything,
i still find love and find things to love about myself.
i am love,
i am worthy.
they are wrong, they always were.
i am here,
i am staying.

i am love.
i am okay.
i am love, love, and love.
my dad is kicking me out in a few days, if you can send even a dollar, anything would help. thank you friends. my c*shapp is $blipofjoy
levi eden r Apr 2020
she was always my hero.
i think that's why i never got into superhero movies or anything,
because i had one and, better yet, she was my sister.
i've seen the light in her eyes,
it's brighter than the sun.
i've also seen that same light turn into the darkest room in the world.
her soul has been hurt so many times,
her skin bruise,
tear stained face,
and a life that seemed to only be full of bad days.

take me instead of her.
god, gods, universe, anything,
take me instead.
for she still has that light, trust me.
these days and, truthfully, years have been the hardest for her.
take me instead.
she deserves to feel the sunlight on her skin and to feel the grass in between her toes.
take me instead.

i promise you she still has that light.
i can see it in her when she writes or when talks about her favorite songs,
i promise you it's still here.
give her time.
she'll come back.
93 · Sep 2019
about my first love pt. 4
levi eden r Sep 2019
i dmed him first.
how could i not?

pretending like i forgot,
"hey!! i think we went to school together! my name is _!!"

"i remember!!! i wanted to say something earlier!"
instagram: @heavenforecaster
92 · Sep 2019
about my first love pt. 3
levi eden r Sep 2019
the bus.

the school bus once again.

"is that really him?", i thought looking at him through the mirror in the front of the bus,
trying to not get caught staring.

he looked at me and then i knew,
yes it was.

instagram: @heavenforecaster
91 · Nov 2019
wrong to miss you
levi eden r Nov 2019
i just wanted to be in your arms again.
no matter how bruised they made me and broke my heart,
i would do it over and over again,
for you.
and i hate myself for it.
twitter: @omw2you
90 · Apr 2020
stay, please
levi eden r Apr 2020
when my door closed, i felt the wave again. the same wave i felt as i drifted off to sleep during the day and the same wave i feel as i go to sleep every night. this wave of sadness and it makes me feel small again.i'm reminded of every reason i'm not enough, reminded of every reason why no one could ever love me.

and i cry. it takes a while to get to my bed but i do it. the tears running down my face and i look at nothing and think of you. you. closing my eyes, it hits me harder. it's hard to breathe now. i sit back and let it take me. i let the wave hit me over and over again, trying to deep breaths, just like how everyone taught me.

it's not enough. because even i slow my breathing, even if the tears stop, it's all still there. i still feel small, i still feel inadequate. and i scan my room like it'll give me answers but the only thing it gifts me is reminders. i can still see these past stained walls through both the sun and moonlight.

eventually, i'll be able to close my eyes without tears slipping from them. and that's when i'll be ready to, hopefully, feel nothing until the sun comes up. if i'm lucky, my dreams will be nothing. if i'm lucky, i'll sleep through my alarms. if i'm lucky, i'll wake up feeling better.
90 · Apr 2018
levi eden r Apr 2018
i've drained myself out.
i dug deeper and deeper into my own grave.
everything sounded the same to me.
i tilted my head in order to understand the words you've been saying to me
but i don't understand.
they all try to pull me out of this "rut" but it's like quick sand and i'm not afraid anymore.
levi eden r May 2020
your phone is ringing in your bedroom,
you're too busy in the kitchen talking about another life,
talking about the future
like you're so sure about it.
your vocabulary only has "am",
i see your chest puff out with so much certainty.
i grew up wondering how you did it,
i always wondered what your secret was to making everything okay even when it really, really wasn't okay.
i grew up hoping, wishing, praying that it was genetic,
i wanted to make everything okay too.
but it wasn't,
it wasn't in my bones or my veins or woven into my existence.
89 · Feb 2019
another one about you
levi eden r Feb 2019
i kept seeing that eventually i'd have to let go of your hand
and i didn't even want to think about it.
we promised each other to stay in this space together.
i won't let go.
i'll never stop thinking about u bub
88 · Oct 2018
i think i got it now
levi eden r Oct 2018
for the longest time, i believed i wasn't meant to be here. living without a reason, walking through these streets with feet that dragged like chains were attached to them.

things now are different. the sky may not always be clear but it'll always be there and i find comfort in that.

it's love. what's always brought me back was love. i was meant to love and to be loved. i am here to love immensely and although that's a simple meaning to my life, it's more than enough for me.
levi eden r Sep 2018
i have to love myself. i really do. and i'm learning, i'm getting better at everyday. and i'm so proud of myself. without the people in my life, without their love, i would have never made it this far.

there are times where i regret that i stayed for this long but there's starting to be more moment that even on my dark days, i still find peace and beauty in the world and in myself that makes me want to stay.

i don't have a dream in life. from a young age, i didn't know i'd make it this far. i thought i'd die at a very young age but i'm here. i don't have a dream and it's still a scary thing for me. i'm learning to not be afraid. it's okay to not have a dream. i'm going to be okay, i'll be okay.
over the past week, i've reflected on who i am, where i'm going from here, and what this path i'm making will take me. it's a lot to take in at once. but it's something that i've been needing to do. i don't want to start making promises to myself because i really need to take it day by day, it's how i need to live.

i'm going to be okay. even when i'm not okay, i'll be okay.
87 · May 2018
what a mess
levi eden r May 2018
what do you mean that the universe is still growing?
what do you mean that we're just a small speck on this great universe where,
in the end,
don't know if we're real or not?
you feel real,
i feel real,
our love feels real,
but is it?
nights and classes wasted reading story upon story of those who kissed death.
what do you mean you don't think anything happens in the afterlife?
when i leave, will you look at butterflies and think of me?
for i too want to be remembered.
will you remember me?
levi eden r Jan 2020
i'm 18 but still not grown enough for this.
i'm not grown enough to call the police when things are scary again.
i'm not grown enough to hold my head up high, holding the world down for my family.

i can't comfort everyone again.
i can't be the rock that you're expecting me to be right now.

that night, i couldn't stop shaking.
i could barely form words to reassure my sister that no, she doesn't need to worry, it's all okay,
it's going to be okay.

the shaking brought me back to the me i was when my parents made my life fall apart for the first time.
i heard from everyone that things like that make you grow up faster than other kids but it was times like these were,
i'm still that small, scared, shaking kid.

18 now and 19 later this year,
i'm still a kid.
let me be a kid, a normal kid,
just once.
twitter: @omw2you
86 · Oct 2018
this was it
levi eden r Oct 2018
i couldn't see myself standing on the edge anymore.
i lectured myself before thinking those kinds of thoughts again.
that's not who i am,
and even if it's how i am sometimes,
the happy me is the Real me.
i closed my eyes in your embrace,
this was enough to keep me grounded.
i don't see myself on the edge anymore.
levi eden r May 2020
mouth open, i wondered if the tears running down my face was enough to make you want to stay.
"you can't drive right now,
i need you. i need you here
with me
i need you here."
i still remember how your face soften when you saw the way you pushed me into the wall was too hard,
but i still remember how quickly the darkness in your eyes came back.
i didn't care if anyone heard me scream for you,
i just wanted you to hear me.
i needed you there with me.
83 · Nov 2019
home by sunrise
levi eden r Nov 2019
i threw away 22 pages of writing because it didn't matter.
the things i've seen and lived through,
it doesn't matter.
i mean,
it does,
but i'm here now.
when it did it get so hard to write about now?
twitter: @omw2you
82 · Sep 2018
without u
levi eden r Sep 2018
"i know you feel uneasy about the future but i'll be right by your side."
this sentence in your handwriting meant the world to me.
looking ahead of me,
it doesn't seem dark anymore.
i've learned to not value my self worth based on my grades.
this is a huge thing for me.
do you know how many nights i've spent crying because of school?
i guess it happens to everyone but i almost left the world because my grades didn't match my needs or the teachers treated me like ****.
i'm learning to push those thoughts in the trash whenever they surface,
not to the back of my mind,
in the trash.
things are Very slowly,
but surely,
going to be okay.
positive moon is the best moon
82 · Apr 2018
i'm yours
levi eden r Apr 2018
the tears i felt run down my cheeks didn't feel real anymore.
every time i talked to you it felt like that last and i'm sorry that all i do is say i love you
but i can't say it enough.
i want you to know that you were always the one,
you'll always be the one.
levi eden r Jan 2020
you're just as beautiful as i remember.
you stood there,
rose cheeks,
towering over me,
you and you again.
you held my hands and i felt warm,
falling into your palms then your open chest.

we drove to the sea and i looked at you the whole ride there.
barely talking, i knew that you were still home.
the sea this time was unfamiliar and you were my sea this time,
you became my home.
it's like you always were.

you held me tight and i begged myself to not wake up.
i can't describe the cold and ache in my heart when my eyes opened and they were locked into yours.

will i see you again tonight?
twitter: @omw2you
instagram: @awake6.23
levi eden r Aug 2019
made something out of nothing.
of course he just wanted what was underneath my clothes,
i mean look at where we met.

you told me i was perfect,
you told me i was your favorite,
you told me i was the prettiest person you've ever seen,
you told me i was special,
you told me i made your heart full with love.

i told you to take care of my heart,
i told i've gifted it to you and you told me you'd take care of it.

you tossed it back and forth in your hands and you skipped around me,
i mistook it for something else.
i keep doing that.

but of course,
i was wrong.
let your beautiful voice and sweet compliments hug me and fill the air with pink smoke.
i was wrong,
78 · Jul 2019
pick up the phone!
levi eden r Jul 2019
picked up the phone and heard my voice telling myself that it would be okay,
instagram where i post art and poetry: @moondiiary

twitter where i retweet and tweet things!! (i sometimes tweet about personal stuff as well) : @introadrift
71 · Oct 2018
i miss you a lot tonight
levi eden r Oct 2018
i felt it more tonight than the past few nights.
it was raining today,
looking outside the bus window,
it felt like you were still here.
for a while,
i convince myself you're still here with me,
with us.
i close my eyes and i can hear your voice again.
closing my eyes,
i can see yours,
they hold galaxies and universes inside them.
i try to swallow the lump in my throat,
closing my eyes tighter,
you're not here.
i'll see you again when it's my time but it feels so far away.
i want to hold you again,
i want you to tell me i did well like you always would.
i'll never forget about you j. i miss you with everything i have and i would give anything to see you again. please wait for me up there.
much love,
levi eden r Jun 2020
but then everything was silent,
everything was still.
and i saw you sitting across from me,
breathing and with a beating heart
and i could hear it, i could hear you.
and everything exploded again.
i felt my heart expand and burst into millions,
over and over again.
your hand touched mine, bringing me back.
our hearts synched and i could never ask for more,
i will never ask for anything else other than moments like these.
moments like these with you remind me of what it is to be alive,
to truly be alive.
help me get out of my abusive home: $blipofjoy
levi eden r Apr 2018
i tried to tell them.
you don't understand how scared i was knocking on my counselor's door,
hands shaking,
knees numb,
on the verge of tears.
i couldn't do this anymore but i wanted to live,
i needed help.
for the first time,
i wanted to get better.
so i did it,
i knocked on the door of another with a ghost mind.
"i'm going to be healed. it's only up from here, i can feel it. things are going to get better."
i told her everything,
from my parents
to my siblings
to my friends
to how school drained me out to the point where i was numb.
she called my parents and my sisters and my brothers.
made me take a test to evaluate how sad i am.
she gave my mother papers of places to get help,
i did it.
i'm going to make it.
i'm going to see my graduation day.
i'm going to see my sisters and brothers get married.
i'm going to live.

but it didn't happen.
my family hugged me and for a few days there was hope,
there was talk of appointments.
but nothing.

a few days later, she told me that i should stay where i was,
my gpa was good and that's what mattered right?
it didn't matter if i've broke down while in class
or lashed out to teachers
or cried myself to sleep because of my class
or that this ******* class was one of the root that fed me my sadness,

i found every paper given to my parents in the trash.
my siblings returned to their normal lives.
my counselor stopped seeing me.

it was like it never happened.
instagram // @introawake
70 · Jun 2020
december '19
levi eden r Jun 2020
he turned to me like everything came back to him again.
"i remembered your voice."
i haven't heard yours since i was 10 but i still remember the softness of your hands and ** you looked at everything will an expression that might as well be the textbook definition of gentleness.
i remember the drawings you gave me the day i left, you told my dad that although i was young,
i already knew who i wanted to be.
i didn't know what you meant then but after everything that's happened,
i do now.
help me get out of my abusive home: $blipofjoy
69 · Apr 2018
i promise
levi eden r Apr 2018
i just want to say that i'll be okay,
not only for your sake but also for mine.
for one day i'll wake up and my eyes will look the dark chocolate brown like when i was born,
without scars.
for one day i promise you that i will go out with you,
outside and order my own food and eat with out counting the calories in my mind .
i'll be okay i promise.
this chemical imbalance or i'm a victim of circumstances,
but i promise you where i make it out alive or whether i get to That point,
i will die happy and at peace,
just like you wanted.
i just want you to know that i'll be okay.
i'll scare away my demons and all the dark clouds that hover over me and consume me,
i will let you love me without me second guessing those three words you say when you lovingly look into my eyes.
i will love you with it not feeling real.
i will feel real again, i promise.

i just want you to know that i'll be okay.
instagram // @introawake
65 · Jan 2020
on my own
levi eden r Jan 2020
i looked at you and felt close to nothing.
i felt my soul leave my body and my mind turned off,
i disconnected from reality
and this was the first time i thanked my mind for this coping mechanism.

i didn't want to be living this life.
it took a complete turn and i didn't want to stand here,
looking at your life fall apart too.

the feeling in my hands left and i could feel my nose run.
i've never felt more here and more grounded and hated it.
i looked up to the grey sky and wondered why.

why did my life fall apart right when i thought it was going to be okay?
twitter : @omw2you
instagram: @awake6.23
levi eden r Apr 2018
this is me.
this is where i am.
sitting in the library instead of the cafeteria.
studying my *** off only to get an average grade.
friends that love me but i can't feel.
i can't feel.
i walk through the halls that seem like they glow like in my dreams,
some days my feet feel heavy and some days i walk on clouds.
i can feel my mind weighing me down when i run.
but i can't feel their love.
i've forgotten what it feels like to feel love.
i tell them i love them with every inch of my heart but i can't feel it most of the time.
i can feel their concern and uncertainty when i look at nothing and tell them i'm okay today,
that today was okay.

this is where "i chose to be".
instagram // @introawake

i read from one friend's post that "wherever you are in life, this is where you chose to be." and it got me thinking. i can't help but be the way i am. i know i have control of my life and all but it doesn't seem like it. i feel like i'm in the backseat of my own life most of the time. i just wanted to write something about it lol
56 · Apr 2018
levi eden r Apr 2018
there are moments of silence and chaos.
losing the only thing keeping me plugged into reality made me realize how loud everything is and everyone was.
your voice in my ears,
life seemed like a 1920 silent film,
everyone moved and talked,
slapstick comedy that only a rare amount laughed.
but now your voice seems to far away and hearing everyone live and witnessing everything all at once,
was too much.
far too much.
i miss the days where i would look outside at the rain and feel comfort.
now i can only make your face out of the pouring rain painting the pavement when i wish you were here.

you deserve to be here.
instagram // @introawake

— The End —