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 Nov 2017 Inkveined
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
forgive me
but i still think of him
while you hold me
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
David Lessard
Thank You Lord, for this day,
for quiet meditation;
for sins You've washed away,
for joy... and for elation.
For the blessings I receive,
for health and happiness;
for strength when ere I grieve,
for fortitude when I have less.
Thank You Lord, for this night,
that gives us restful sleep;
for guiding us to do what's right,
as Your promises we keep.
Let us always praise Your name,
in any situation;
for being our continual flame,
in this Godless, stricken nation.
Thank You Lord, for Your Word,
that as a light, shines through;
for precious love that's always heard,
wrapped in arms we seldom knew.
how would you address
if i wear this tight black dress
as dark as the nights
i might
spend with you
and might not

would you pay for me
at the restaurant?
thinking that you have already
won my sympathy
by this act of courting
hoping that i'll kiss you
on the first date
in addition

or will you blame me for my
female magic spells
because this is what tells
that i am just another
pragmatic *****
in a dress that made
your breath

tricked you into this act
like it's not
a well-known fact
that i went out with you
just because you
leave me alone
and i couldn't
defend my own
without my make up
nice smiles and black dress on

so how will you address me
after that?
it's an old piece. well, not really, from last year, but i never posted it
so here it goes
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
meet at 6 pm
at the sunset glow
crossing between
the day and the night
till broaden
the perspective
of its landscape
shading the sky
more of a blue,
as it warm by the moon
in light to shine.
written: 9:17 pm/thurs aug 24,2017
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
David Lessard
Do you want to be,
in God's great
coming kingdom?
Then my friend,
He wants you
in His fold;
there's security in
you can forget everything
that you've been told.
They're only lies and
false deception,
told by the father of
all lies;
the truth is never in him,
he longs to hear
your moans
and cries.
There is a kingdom
coming to
this fractured earth,
that will erase all pain
and sorrow;
that will bring peace
to all the world,
it's coming soon
my friends,
perhaps tomorrow.
God calls to all,
but few do hear,
they follow other gods,
in vain;
they need to open up
their ears
their hearts and minds,
to know the one true God,
who soon will reign.
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
For all the fires in my heart
And all the verses I try to start
All of the poems that distract me from time
And run loose through my heart and sing in my mind
For all the muses in my head, muttering like one sage
I somehow can't always put it on a page
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
helena alexis
if a poet falls in
love with you be
prepared to be
written about

in every possible way
from the way your eyes
sparkle under the moon

to how your lips form
that ever-so perfect smile
it’s the little things that
poets write about

the little things about you
makes a poet want to write
and write until their hand breaks
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