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nina Apr 2017
blessed am i for loving you
blessed am i for ever having your love
blessed am i for being together with you for 2 years
& blessed would i be to ever find something as beautiful again
i haven't written in a long time but i hope to keep writing again, starting now.
nina Dec 2016
you have been lying to me.
you have let me curled up beside you & stare at you with starry eyes,
letting me believe that it was just my mind creating this doubt about your honesty but my soul was screaming at me to pay attention because somehow deep down i know that you have been lying to me.
i told myself that i trusted you & that i wouldn't look at your phone even though you spend more time starting at the glow of your phone than you do speaking to me.
i told myself i wouldn't look at your phone so i tried to forget the four digits that make up your password but i memorized them & i tried to confuse myself by saying as many numbers in my mind as possible but i memorized them.
i memoriezed them because i'm nosy & untrusting of men but also because you have proven more than once before that you are untrustworthy.
yet still i ignored the growling & snarling underneath my heart telling me you were hiding something from me, yet i still ignored the tightness in my chest & the migraines building in my brain from stress of lying to myself about your deceptions.
but of course, the growling became roaring & i couldn't contain the anxiety, the fear & curiousity of what the f#k are you doing behind my back?
so as you were in the kitchen i pressed in those four digits to reveal the lies you kept from me & immediately the pain of a thousand sharpened needles pierced my chest yet a part of me was not surprised, after all this wasn't the first time...
& i told you to get out & for a moment i was strong enough to let go but the more i explained my pain, the less i could resist & i fell again under your seduction & empty promises of changing...
& as i got ready for work this morning, suppressing the open wounds in my heart & the hollowness in my breath, i saw you sleeping in the bed.
for a moment i smiled but then remembered all you've done to tear apart my heart & soul & soon enough i felt my fingers curl around your phone again to be sure that you meant it this time.
but all i saw was that you decided to change only the platform on which you hide your lies from me...

but i am insane
& i stay

i can feel myself transforming into the empty shell of a human, a ghost haunting myself, a memory of a being that was once so loving, kind, strong & intelligent.
but i now am just a silhouette that you can project whatever you'd like onto it.
you have created an empty body, a doll, a toy, a puppet that you can make dance for you at any moment in time.
is that what you wanted? because if so then..
*you win
nina Dec 2016
i wear your sweaters when you're asleep & i wear them when your not home to remind me of who i am;
your girlfriend, your fantasy, the love of your life;
but suddenly my mind wonders who am i without you?
i've lost myself inside of you, i've buried myself deep beneath your ribcages & made home inside your chest;
but then i remember i never existed to begin with because i've always been a shapeshifter.
twisting & morphing into what everyone else wants me to be, forgetting that i have a body, a mind & a soul all of my own;
feeling guilty for taking a second to breathe through the bars on this jail cell window.
i've been laying on the floor like a carpet,
letting everyone walk on me & pretending that it's completely acceptable;
& i've always hosted the parties to give myself a sense of control when in reality all i'm doing is serving people.
but please, my love, don't misunderstand me;
my love for you is always here inside of me even if it's gone into hiding;
this illness clouding my brain has been growing from a pinprick into a wrecking ball;
turning everything into black & white as if i'm living on a zebras skin.
you always loved the yin & yang symbol, well that's how my mind self-destructs;
for anyone who doesn't know, the yin & yang symbolizes the good & the bad, with a little good in the bad & a little bad in the good;
a small light in the dark & a hint of shadow in the light;
except the way my mind works, there is no flicker of a flame in the darkness & darkness does not exist in the light;
at least that's how my mind perceives things...
when i'm treated with love & adoration, my heart suddenly beats & you are an angelic being i am undeserving of;
but then again i never deserved any form of happiness, according to my thoughts;
when i am treated with abuse & neglect (or what my brain tells me is abuse & neglect), i shut down my emotions & once again become a ghost to my own body;
but then again this hollow numbness is the home i grew up in...
i don't remember much of my childhood & sometimes i wonder if that's a good thing;
was it to protect myself from the horrors that i'm not sure even existed,
or was it really a wonderful childhood that i purposefully forgot so i could give all the blame to my family?
i don't remember much of my childhood but i know i forgot it to relieve myself of some of this pressure;
some of this pressure that pushes down on me every minute of every day;
how do you expect me to feel when every feeling i ever expressed was shoved back down my throat because it was too inconvenient for someone else;
how do you expect me to speak when i was trained to bite my tongue because i was always too intelligent for anyone else's comfort;
how do you expect me to live when all i've lived for was to satisfy the needs of those around me so i could feel worthy of the air in my lungs;
& when i say "you", i don't mean you, just you as one sole being, i mean everyone;
everyone i've ever met has expected something of me;
whether it be my body, my mind, my skills or my words,
my heart, my thoughts, my possessions or me;
& you my love, you are everything to me despite my contradictive actions,
because you're the only one who has ever taken a moment to look at me dead in the eyes & ask me with pure love & selflessness
well what do*  you  want...?
*...i wear your sweaters when you're asleep & i wear them when you're not home to remind me that you love me as much as i love you.
& you may be the only person that could truly know who i am.
nina Nov 2016
just us in this slow-motion moment
of the smile that slowly blossomed across your face
as i described to you, your wings & halo
you kissed my hand, which seems like such a small thing & yet...
you give yourself with so much passion, meaning & grace
through your lips, i could feel your energy flowing into my veins
a lively fire, as if the sun itself had blessed you with it
you appreciated life for introducing us
a deep breath, "i love you with all my heart"
those words dancing in my chest
your eyes twinkling & sparkling
as if the stars decided to rest in your syrup-colored irises
this moment forever locked into my beating heart
& framed in a room in the back of my mind
this moment forever is & forever will be
& i will never forget it

something i wrote about a week ago
nina Sep 2016
your eyes like maple syrup
light brown with golden hues
sweet & comforting
your lips like silk
a soft touch against my fingertips
seductive & smooth
your body like a fireplace
curled up into the heat you create
mesmerizing & fierce
you love like instrumental music
captures my heart in a trance of imperfect perfection
exhilarating & peaceful at once

this is why i didn't give up on you
nina Sep 2016
hold me, hold me,
oh my gosh, you're beautiful
hold me, hold me,
i wish we could lay this way forever.
kiss me, kiss me,
sweetly, softly, lovingly
kiss me, kiss me,
on my nose, my forehead & cheeks
love me, love me
i love you, i feel your heart
love me, love me
this beautifully always
nina Jul 2016
people don't understand me
when I talk about you.
so highly, so lowly,
constantly changing my view.
saying how much I love you
yet how much you confuse me.
how we're happy, but heartbroken
& wonder why I can't just let you be.
but they don't see what I see,
they don't know the you that I know.
they haven't seen every part of you
& they don't see how much you grow.
the issues that we've had
the problems that we've faced,
how much we've both learned,
I could never label that as a waste.
you went through phases
as I did too
but every single phase
led me back to you.
it's hard to move on
it's hard to let go
when you're both still in love
man, it's so hard to say "no".
hard to say "no" or "bye" forever
when it always feels right
despite every moment of pain
I still dream of you at night.
I dream of what we've been through
I dream of loving & holding you
I dream of making you jealous
I dream of the things you do too.
you stayed because you love me &
I left because I love you, no past tense
you had to leave to be with me
remind me how that makes sense?
like trying to build a home
on an unfinished foundation
we had to tear the home apart
to prevent further frustration.
& we build our own foundations
filtered through loving eyes
aimed directly at each other
when will we realize?
we need to focus before we
leave these foundations unfinished again
because when they're finally done
we can start building that home again.
my thoughts trail a bit. but basically how I feel right now.
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