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  Oct 2020 Nadine Peñaverde
sing me your inspiration,
so that words may blossom
through the rings of the tree
in my paper.

gift me your passions,
so that pathways may carve
through inked rivers
and graphite daydreams.

paint me your love,
so that I may palette
your rainbow
and color my canvas

with my favorite colors of you.

the soft pink
of the inside of your lips,
and the offset grey
haloed through your eyelashes.

tiger lily freckles framed
by sweet peach
and wallflower blushes.

rainfall wrists
and dutch cocoa silk.

all my canvas needs
are the colors of you.
acrylic affirmations and watercolor whispers
  Oct 2020 Nadine Peñaverde
i wasn't even looking when i found you,
you just snuck up on me.
i wasn't even asking when the universe sent you,
like magic you were suddenly part of my world.
i wasn't even aware that you were exactly what i wanted,
it's been 16 years
you're still here
still magic
i still find peace in you,
you still make me smile,
it's been 16 years
and i don't want anyone else
i want you
i need you,
she showed up beautifully
though the clouds are still on her way
i watched her, long enough to witness
her light, telling me she will not fade away
it's been a while since i saw the moon, i'm glad i've seen it again
  Oct 2020 Nadine Peñaverde
It’s okay

You’ve done beautiful things in the past
And you’ll do beautiful things again
To slow is not to stop
And what has stopped can be rekindled

It’s okay,
To rest,
To breathe,
Look after yourself
I am not overwhelmed
but I am stunned by your beauty
so effortlessly you make my jaw drop
and turn my eyes heart eyes
you aren't my dream girl, you're the dream it self
with your beautiful brown eyes and your lovely short hair I can't help but running my fingers through

as i fall for you like I'm the last leaf of autumn
I will adore the way you laugh
as i fall for you like a tear of joy
I will adore the way you smile

and I am planning to never get up
the thought of another human
falling wholeheartedly in love with me
is absolutely terrifying
because that would mean they would accept me, all of me
all of my beliefs, and faults, and strenghts, and weaknesses
me as a being and as a whole
they would see and look at and accept
and yet throughout all of that they would still love me

the concept of that i will never be able to accept
because there is a lot of me
there is a lot of personality, and thought, and being that goes into being me
i'm a human
and i'm a mess majority of the time
so why would someone look at me and talk to me
and thinks "wow, i absolutely love her"

and what makes it terrifying most to me
is that this human would first have to see the true me
the rough, over thinking, exhausted, emotionally inept me
they will see every inch of my soul and my existence
and they will see that not everything is exactly as i present it

and that is what is most shocking about it
to know that someone i absolutely adore does the same to me
throughout everything that i am
they still love me and accept me
if the ink kept flowing still,
even when i'm gone,
the parchment would've worn and will
keep bleeding until dawn
a meek and mild fawn,
our hands intertwined, i see
love, but can it be?

and the ink was like a void,
endless, it drew me in
strong, yet slim and coy
it didn't end or begin;
the places it has seen?
everywhere, it seems
from stars to broken dreams
it never lets go of me

if it had stopped again,
it'd surely be a mistake
but i'm lying now, my friend
and these feelings no longer wake
our hearts, why must it ache?
yet, not for love, you see
to be adored and be set free

my lamp was like the sun
the paper, but a moon
they both depend on each other,
or so, they thought, but soon
sadly, tender moon
knew about the lies
the moon was never needed,
not even in the sky

and things like tumbleweeds,
tangled ***** of string,
express my thoughts in me
but don't even begin
to tell what i think within
it's so messy, yet so clean
my thoughts of shattered dreams

and upon a slender flower,
a tender little stem,
we have undying power
to speak feelings within
a pen glazed in glittered gold
easily has told,
by trickling some ink,
and using fragile strokes,
you can say just what you think,
even the untold.
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