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 Jul 2014 Nicole
"I love you" is what i said. But as soon as those words escaped my lips i wanted to eat them again. I wanted to re-consume that broken whisper of a sentence and never let it out again.
About a girl in love with a boy and desperately trying to make him see that she is what he needs but she doesn't want her heart to be fractured by a fickle man.
 Jul 2014 Nicole
 Jul 2014 Nicole
I know i matter most
 Jun 2014 Nicole
Kelly McCarthy
I want you
to be
the only
fall in love with.
The only one
to know
and longitudes.
To memorize
my degrees
and geographies.
bask near
my skin
like ships
with sails
made of
your hopes – my love – our dreams.
I want you to
be my North star.
My guiding
to see me
safely to
your shores.
I want you
to never
let go.
Like the moon
as the
sun rises
in the
I want
to be
Compass Rose.
To be there
you loose
To be
starting point.
To be something
the world
has gone
dark and ugly.
you are
You are my
My map of my world.
The sun I revolve around.
My moon and the stars my fingers trace in the night sky.
The one I love.
And will always love.
 Jun 2014 Nicole
Daniel Samuelson
I'll not bother with the trivialities.
I'll forgo the lingering, longing stares
nix the stuttered words and long-departed trains of thought
skip the goofy, giddy smiles and tangential conversations
and I'll never utter the words,
"I think you're truly beautiful"
because you are,
and because you are
you've heard it all before.
Late night histrionics have got the better of me and my mind, and out came words. Briefly breaking my hiatus. I'll be back now and then and again but life is kind of not conducive to writing or thought at the moment. Not cool. Ah, well. Hope you all are doing fantastically. =)
Hello love
I'm sure you're sleeping
But I have to remind you
How much I love you

You were on my mind this morning
When the sun broke through he curtains
And hit my face
And it was pleasant because
The warmth of it's glow
Reminded me of how it feels
To wake up next to you
And I was happy

I walked outside to smoke today,
And I thought about how much you'd enjoy
This sunrise if you were with me
And how we'd have a thousand pointless conversations
About our dreams and where we want to go
But the only roads I want to travel
Are the ones that lead back to you
My dear.
Because other roads aren't worth traveling
Unless we go together.

When I'm alone I think about you
And how nice it'd be if you were here
Even for just a moment
So I could kiss you
And tell you how black my world is
Without your light
You're a candle in the darkness
The flame in my chest cavity
When those three words leave your mouth
They dance from my ears,
Run their fingers down my neck,
And hold my heart gently
Hell, you could rip it out for all I care
As long as it was our hand that
Pulled it from my chest
It'd still beat for you
Long after I've left this world
And all that's left is a headstone and a memory

I love you.
You are love.
For me the words been redefined
If I look at it in the dictionary,
All that lies there
Is a picture of you
Because words can't describe
How beautiful you are
To me

When you wake up, I want you to smile
Because you deserve too
I don't know what I ever did
To deserve someone like you
But I'm thanking my God today
For bringing me the love of my life
In such a wonderful, simplistic way

But for now, I'll pluck out a song
Upon my own heart strings
And sing for you
Even though I'm off key
I hope the sounds remind you
That you're the rhythm in my soul
This is a real poem I wrote for my girlfriend this morning. I love you, Cheyenne. You're my whole world baby doll. Stay beautiful
 May 2014 Nicole
Jonny Angel
I am forgetting
the taste
of her lips,
her pleasant contours,
the way she held me
giving her all,
it's been
far too long
& it's slowly
killing me,
if she
only knew.
 May 2014 Nicole
 May 2014 Nicole
I am stranger to the taste
of candor, honor, or courage

a bland and simple fruit.

Exceptional at nothing,
I am exceptionally nothing--

withered from the stem,
the whole way through.

However I have seen
the pallor in your cheek:
a tempting succulence.

Salvation rests beneath
your ripened skin.

I will break the unmarked flesh

I will learn

to be
honorable too,

once I have had

the whole of you.
 May 2014 Nicole
Alyanne Cooper
He was the perfect height for her.
Tall enough that her head fell
Right tight under his sculpted chin
But not so tall that he was called "giant".

She was the perfect shape for him.
Not so skinny that he worried
About breaking her bones with a hug,
But curvy in all the places
That made him say a throaty "whoa".

She was a bookworm who loved TV.
He was a chef who loved Mac and Cheese.
They both adored animals,
Though he might have loved reptiles just a little too much.
And they both hated politics,
Though she might have set fire
To one too many campaign signs.

They argued about music, money, and kids.
They debated the merits of dancing in the rain.
They held hands in the moonlight,
And kissed at midday.
They grew old together and never strayed
Too far from the home they had built.

Then one day his chin wasn't high enough
For her head to fit snuggly below.
Her dresses, though comely,
No longer made him say "whoa".

But they still held hands and kissed
And remembered the days of their youth
When they were still learning
What being perfect for each other meant.

It wasn't until the night her heart gave out,
That she realized how he was perfect for her.
It wasn't his charm and dashing good looks,
Or his witty retorts and clever touchés,
But the simple fact
That through all of the years,
He loved her,
And that made him perfect for her.

It wasn't until she took her last breath,
That he understood how perfect she'd been.
She was perfect not because of her curves,
Her smile, her laugh, or her intelligence.
She was perfect for him because she loved him.

They'd been perfect in each other's eyes
Because love is blind.
And sometimes that's not a bad thing.
I surrender my heart,
for it has a goal,
to feel what's real,
pure, and whole.

The palace is clean,
and calling my colours.

& A rainbow will be,
in each corner of me.
For I, For You.
For Once, For Truth.

I will put ALL of me in my Kiss.

Orenda rests in the crystal mist.

& I will delve into the lips,
Of vulnerable places.
Letting go of me.
New water is invasive.
With the levels so deep,
Resting between,
Your forever speech,
And crystalline,
Bridge of Senses.
We're on the fence of,
Time and Space.

& I move through your Kiss, yes,

Tacenda rests on your lips.
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