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466 · Jul 2018
trains can hold (can let
Rohan P Jul 2018
i think trains roll
like tires, at night.

their rubber arms can

can let go.
happy belated canada day
Rohan P Apr 2019
Remember the headrest—muted
and pasted to your arms.
How it felt to smother in voicelessness.

Remember hair stains, decade-weary leather.
Remember the revolutions around ourselves.

Remember as inky sky purples from sunlight;
Confront the oppressive curls of memory.
445 · Jul 2018
medallion of the gray skies
Rohan P Jul 2018
the oak tree rolls
(a medallion, a junction)
darker than the soil

     than the gray skies.
439 · May 2018
Rohan P May 2018
she was named after the mountains—
her irises flashed white and howled;
her sleep rumbled with the earthiness
of winter; her mind wandered through
fields of


i wanted to wander
with her. i wanted to bury my head in the drifts
and sink into her core. i wanted
to stroke her gently:

kiss the

428 · Nov 2018
amass, the flesh
Rohan P Nov 2018
amass, the flesh.

we're just spinning brains
without a central axis.

and i thought that you would
steady me, i thought

you would expect more.
towards the centre, like an earth.
417 · Aug 2018
not yet oblivion
Rohan P Aug 2018
i can't recreate the
memories of
you, crumbling

into dust, falling
into open spaces: we stumbled

oblivion to
your heart.
417 · Mar 2018
the folds
Rohan P Mar 2018
she was temporal;
she poured like a loon and
splashed on
warmer and blanketed white;

the folds crackled;
she disaffected—

that colour,
acquitted in your

that time,
quieted in your

that coldness, tacit
in your
417 · Aug 2018
Rohan P Aug 2018
starlight trickling
into sea; she nodded
beside me, gracefully.
she fell into never,
beside me.
and you—can make it last forever (you).

♥ SP
411 · Jan 2018
Rohan P Jan 2018
softness flows over
rocks and rivulets, jettisoning
the clouding embraces of treetops,
holding the modulating fog on brushed canvases:
away, floating away, currents of love.
402 · Feb 2019
haec fessos terrae
Rohan P Feb 2019
We are that which hashes

That which expends her swirling muscled tones

That which chisel at
this four-by-four;
her cedar

      a vessel desecrated.

We are terse,
we are pixels projecting this

Her steady plateau
Her watery eyes
391 · Sep 2018
Rohan P Sep 2018
i bare my shoulders to the wind's chill.
i sit next to you on the car ride home.
i watch as shadows gather on your skin.
i pine for twilight after the sun sets—

and still hear you in the pine air
and still feel you in my pining breath
and still hold you in each pined sigh.
385 · Oct 2018
i want to melt into you
Rohan P Oct 2018
i feel your words pressing
into me

they're softer
than i ever thought

"i want to melt into you"

why are they only in my head
in my mind we're holding each other right now we're falling asleep we're ending it all
384 · Jan 2018
ending, in time
Rohan P Jan 2018
—loneliness; and watching the graphite
scratch and scatter into
moonlight, you spread through
the inky sea and swim up
through the angled crests
of understanding: while you
remember last night's stars,
i stand and stare at the
colours of our ending.
384 · Oct 2018
twisted graves rise,
Rohan P Oct 2018
twisted graves rise,

not quite dark
383 · Jun 2018
waning moon
Rohan P Jun 2018
i scattered flowers
in her

hair (they

seemed to wane
with the moon
372 · Feb 2018
Rohan P Feb 2018
consider the folly of a thousand sunrises as
an appellation of your eyes—
i’ll think of moors and massifs as
a reflection of that
buried inside.
366 · Dec 2017
studies in love
Rohan P Dec 2017
there’s a cold, electronic melancholia in the
crevices of lighted rooms, in the imaginations of
giants, in the suffocating, wondrous monochromes of the night
in whispered, blinding, broken, dull,
in relief maps, in cold hands running alongside climactic surfaces,
in small, imposing shadows—in model ships, dying reeds and houseplants,
pieced-together wolves, as close an imitation as can be dared, in stained glass, dusty
aves and books and windows, closed, and closed and closed and warm;
cables, flooring, displaced, obscured, scratched-out names and labels and figures and
facts: beautiful facts, useless facts, cold and impersonal, lively and running,
i remember the small smile, that slight wave of your hand as you passed by, but never quite
left me.
365 · Nov 2018
crimson dress
Rohan P Nov 2018
I want your crimson—

Like fractals to rub my hands

Kindling aplenty
as the snows set in.
357 · Mar 2018
wisps of you
Rohan P Mar 2018
carrying the white-flecked wisps
of you hurt like tomorrow. sometimes they
whispered, when the sun quieted:
“you’re like frost—
you melt into the dark”.
356 · Aug 2019
Rohan P Aug 2019
It is unlatched
so two shades of blue shine
      unseen, darkening.
There is no pale impression from
the ceiling light, just indigo,
      just midnight,
ink on a page unread.
You can’t make out the dust
anymore. You can’t remember
the last notes played here,
354 · Sep 2019
Rohan P Sep 2019
         suspends space—
too much space—between fringe and
fringe; moonlight
pools through windowsill—
         a mirror of its shadowed self.
351 · Dec 2017
∫ sin^2x dx
Rohan P Dec 2017
—formula for your endings; for these numbers to fade away, bespeaking something of infinity, i hear you laugh; beside you, i am only counting, continuing.
351 · Jan 2018
where love sleeps
Rohan P Jan 2018
love sleeps on goosefeathers and moonlight moors,
withering on the solemn slopes of moss and

heather where
hummingbirds climb on raindrops,
sailing on the pattering and

puddling where
fog layers on hillsides, augmenting
the shades of evergreen, folded and

ambient where
light shines through panelled oak and
purrs with the howl of the lonely sun, speckled and

blurred where
you sigh, narrowly, and long for the tides
beyond forty-five degrees (where it's

cold, i think) where
lorries stop to breathe and you
step, i think, to be closer to magic
and further from me.
for evie
347 · Sep 2018
Rohan P Sep 2018
you're floating out in the sea, you're washing laundry,
strung and folded in the storm.

you want to crease your
jacket with the tide: it's black and grey like your limbs
and arteries.

but i wanted you to press against me. i wanted you
to give up, to say "i remember".

we're running out:
we're ***** and worn and no ocean can open our
rusted, rotting hearts.

i think you're waiting
for the decay.

you stare into the depths and let them float away.
346 · Jan 2018
afternoon hues
Rohan P Jan 2018
whiter upon the flowing, her sounds
rested in morning coffee and echoed
in wildflower honey. i remembered her in
halcyon hues: she
folded down; i crossed and uncrossed;
she smiled at my clumsy ramblings and
i watched the lingering, icy
344 · Jun 2018
oregon fog
Rohan P Jun 2018
foggy inclines, green saplings
and pines: you always loved
the water.

you long for
elsewhere, but
the currents stirred and

you swept into the fir.
for acacia (dewdrop).
343 · Dec 2017
forest rainfall
Rohan P Dec 2017
desert and abandon these
warm and sullen affects; upon you,
a wolf, thoughtful and reproachful as you
shook your snow at the starlight, and pondered
upon the mysteries of the pattering,
puddling, flowing liveliness of granite nothings…

and the turquoise faded into one horizon, the
other expanded outward, catching the humming of
the air, and the soft intake of the flowers…the green sloped
and shuddered through the lens of the hillside, and above,
the clouds shivered as you painted their likeness in the sky.
342 · Mar 2019
Rohan P Mar 2019
Crystalline cold upon asphalt:


It melts for me,
I am colder by you,

We do not collide.
missed james today
337 · Jan 2018
Rohan P Jan 2018
for displacement of
covers matches the rising, the
floating of your soul — the green
fades to thinner pines and
wilted evergreens, while the snow
piles and clusters in cones:
up to grey, then
small, then
336 · Jan 2019
On Refrain.
Rohan P Jan 2019
Colonize the atoms
along your collar:

"it took me a long time to meet your eyes"

faded hallways,
caravans of heather.
a tamed world is a heather world.
Rohan P May 2019
They are strings of letters unset
from their horizons.
Swollen ink smearing
in air;
their little stalks, serene, suffocated,
like pockets of dust, attended
but in passing. Pieces
of you—agile, remiss—
spark notes in shattered
melody. The dying refrain
only the echoes are staining. She
is like a tumbling highway,
still tumbling through full-stop.
Decay of sibilance;
Varying structural emphases;
Enjambment as emphasis;
Change in reference pronoun;
Line break with em-dash to de-emphasise the natural chiastic connotation of that device.
331 · Nov 2018
something's burned
Rohan P Nov 2018
something's burned
you and me. I didn't
smell the smoke,
feel the flames
stir the pensive
she's just an ideal of who i want you to be.

who you are is tearing me apart.
who she is is keeping me holding on.

i know you won't fall in love with me, surely, but you fall in love with *him*, not to mention *him*, and I'm lost among your laughter. You just scroll: new faces, new angles, new everything. Novelty. Is that what's important to you? That's not, I think, what she cares about. She cares about relation; she is my ecology. She exists between things; you exist as things.

i'm being too harsh, i know, and i condemn myself for it. you're living your life, never mind if it's not *her* life. that's not your fault. i'm glad you're happy. i tell myself that every day and maybe one day it'll be true.

i'll never truly have her, no matter what you say. i know this because she's already been found. Found, embodied, then lost.
330 · Feb 2018
city: heart
Rohan P Feb 2018
spinning, you were
the same heart beating—

but dissonant: your eyes wandered

when you

the dark fell away in waves,
your heart still hid away.
329 · Jan 2018
Rohan P Jan 2018
ambience echoes in caverns and
caves: i press my ear against
the wall and wait for your
327 · Feb 2018
Rohan P Feb 2018
she was a heron,flying
under pale,
blackened fields of reeds

she was a mallard,floating
under pale,
overcast fields of green.

“sway, sunlight,”she pined,
Rohan P Mar 2018
driving over these
blue lines is like bridges
without arched triangles—

your arched and aching triangles.
an experiment in absurdist poetry.
320 · Jan 2018
Rohan P Jan 2018
while the holocene climaxes
through empty, breezing streets (seeing
your leaves and flowers wither and curl on the two-edged
backlane, loose gravel and overhanging apartments looming
like sharp needlepoints of darker grey)
drops, just streams, coalesce on dark green leaves,
dirt scatters on the phosphorescent, forgotten film—imperceptibly,
rain blurs your lonely photographs (i hold

them in boxes and under books, and
gaze at scrawls where your hand once touched, and
ponder at surfaces where your mind once wandered, and
shadow them on my heart, and
shatter them on my memories).
319 · Oct 2018
won't make you feel better
Rohan P Oct 2018
i am everything you need:

linear along this dais—

red, dying.
319 · Aug 2018
close breath
Rohan P Aug 2018
heavy air, close thunderclouds
closing, now

closer than breath
(breathe, thunderclouds,

inspired by mbv's "lose my breath"
312 · Aug 2018
i heard you in the wind
Rohan P Aug 2018
i think you ride
on the wind:

colour the dark
climb the edge of the sun.

i left the window open
     for you.
"don't delete the kisses".
312 · Jan 2019
Rohan P Jan 2019
mind the spiders, mending you.

mind them in flaming trees—dark
sky, ashes in their voided eyes.

mind them crawling in your skin;
mind their daggered
hearts, their twin eyes.

mind the spiders: let loose your love
in this lost, lithe lethargy.
Inspired by MACHINA/The Machines of God.
311 · Dec 2017
Rohan P Dec 2017
lark, perched and persistent,
upon that willow,
and billowing, that screeching wind around you;
and willowing, those branches stretched out to guide you;
and singing, that song reaching out to hold you;
and ages dying, fading away beneath those yellowed branches—
now you wait for the advent of spring, an eternal lament
of slowed, persistent flowing, of pointed, ageless growing—
of wallowing in the hollows
and promising in the branches,
and leaving in the sunset,
and learning in the shade:
she flew away, I think, to the edges of the sea.
310 · Aug 2018
wake up
Rohan P Aug 2018
i love
your morning gaze,

like silk
—torn, ethereal:

the world
disappears when

you touch me.
i want to fall in love
305 · Feb 2018
receding, you
Rohan P Feb 2018
her palette unfolded like a
sea of roses and you
remembered “trees

and couplets
of tomorrows”:

just enough to feel the
breeze and hear her
gently recede.
pulling away?
303 · Jun 2018
stone blue
Rohan P Jun 2018
graves are silent in passing;
stone withers like snow
cracked and weathered: the horizon
pales in shades of blue.
300 · Feb 2018
Rohan P Feb 2018
lights flare and colour
the compressions of mislaid understanding

they turn like
spring without flowers
and spin like
winter without snow

they vacate like faded
concrete and burn like
wasted, pressing aisles

they sway like promises
of heartbreak, and crumple
like sharp, reflected whispers

they move like
formless shadows and
imagine like closeness

to you

—i bend:
298 · Dec 2018
my world mine
Rohan P Dec 2018
its whirling, wheeling whys.

you're my World.  
My mine; my
only why,
my world, my whirling,

my world mine.
you're my world—all my world.

"England is mine"
- Morrissey
298 · Aug 2018
Rohan P Aug 2018
half-brightened in starlight's silver stream,
pulsing like the gentle whisper of your dream;
pulled from the cradle of spring's bright
and tucked into winter's evernight.
For Anusha.

I imagine you, standing in the starlight, ephemeral, radiant. You illuminate my world more than they ever could.
Rohan P Jan 2019
Lamenting lines filling

Find love in me, tarn.

    this still.

Ripple on the window.
Window as liminal zone;

Suspend imagery.

"Before our love got lost", you said
296 · Apr 2018
Rohan P Apr 2018
your indignant snow seemed
so wasteful,
so condemned:
i remembered
your halo calming me as
the stage lights trembled;
i remembered your unabashed
stillness, the defenceless apathy of

you lay wan,
abject, an object of
blank disposability,
howling in the roundness
of dust.
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