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i can write a book on
how much i hate still loving her,
every chapter
dedicated to paradoxical disdain
or paint a picture
of the void she left
the obscene colors of my pain

i can sing forever
about the time we lost
to the tune
of the games we played
or i could just get over her
but i cant
or explain
 Nov 2014 Michelle Garcia
We are broken
Laying in a bin full of legos
Potential to be beautiful
To be whole again

We wait for the right hands
To mend us into something more
Than the broken body parts in the mirror
Build me into something new
Something more than myself
You focus on your flaws
not knowing
that without them all,
I wouldn't love you.
And every time you rear your ugly head,
I see diamonds
and gold,
Not you getting old.
And those scars
are art,
And your fat
a map,
of where my kids came from.
Your screams like a siren
sing me to sleep.
And your condescending tone
makes me want to *******,
Don't pity me.
From your ashy knees,
to hearing you ***,
*I love you.
Daniel David Perez
"I'm yours now. You can do whatever you want to me."
I didn't even know what to say,
I never did,
I was still shocked you could want anything to do with me

You said you had hopes for us,
But what hope was there?
We had no direction, no plans,
We just plodded forward hoping this foundation we built could brave the trials of winter

I've read that soulmates can come together and apart just as easily,
A tragic scenario to be certain,
And if that's the case,
What is a soulmate but a reminder that love is eternal agony?

I do still love you,
Love is,
It's become like breathing,

I can't even remember life before this,
What it was like to be absentminded,
The loveliness of ignorance,
Oh how I would gorge on its sweetbreads

But this is simply life now,
I live in flashbacks and moments,
I love ghosts and candied words,
And I drink the liquor of empty hopes
 Nov 2014 Michelle Garcia
 Nov 2014 Michelle Garcia
if the past is over
and you love me now,
tell me how long
now is
so i can cherish every
cherish your "now"s..
you were never mine to cry over;
but here I am with tears in my eyes,
because even though I said that you weren't what I wanted,
you're still the only one on my mind
 Nov 2014 Michelle Garcia
Before you, my world was dull,
The trees had no colour and neither did the sun.
I kept looking around for something to hold onto , but there was none
I never thought I would be able to see the day where I was blissful.

Like a storm, you came in,
Your eyes as piercing as a knife
And that smile that could give life
It was as if you were yang and i was yin.

I was the dark that was seeping into your life
But you didn’t mind as you smiled and guided me through
I could hear the demons pulling me back but you fought them all off
Unfortunately, they feed off chaos and strife

But the demons scared you..and nonchalantly you fled.
And like everyone else, you left me for dead.
"I'm yours and you're mine, for now."

I should've listened till the very end.

Because now you're gone and now I'm just waiting for the day I'll be gone too.
 Nov 2014 Michelle Garcia
i think i miss you on
saturday nights the most,
because that's when the realization
really kicks in, the realization
that i love you more than myself
and anything beautiful in
this ****** up world,
when you're the only star
worth dying for.
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