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I am afraid of getting sick.
I am afraid of having to stay inside all the time in my bed.
I am afraid that I will lose all my friends.
I am afraid that my friends will be scared of me because I am sick.
I am even scared my friends will think they can catch this cancer from me.

I am afraid of losing my hair.
I am afraid of all those chemicals the doctors are giving me.
I am afraid that my life will end in pain.
I am afraid that my brain is going to stop working.
I am even afraid I will never have ice cream again.

I want to get healthy again.
I want my hair to grow back.
I want to go outside and play in the sunshine.
I want I want this cancer to disappear.
I even want to taste ice cream again.

I want to ride my bicycle down to the ocean pier.
I want to have my twenty first birthday party.
I want to go shopping for new clothes.
I want to play with all my friends.

I even want to help others who have this horrible disease cancer.

Most of all!
I wish this horrible nightmare of cancer was just a bad dream.

© Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Brave at U of M Amplatz Children's Hospital
 Nov 2014 Michelle Garcia
i want to
hold on
but when i
gave you
all of me
i gave you
my hands
 Nov 2014 Michelle Garcia
i am trying to be okay
with the way my hair falls
into place all over
and how my voice gets
really small when i talk to
new people
i am trying to be okay
with how i cannot please
everyone to their liking
and how i stumble over my
words in public
and how my hands shake when
i don't know what to do

i am trying to be okay with myself
and who i am
but i am learning
and this is a journey
i am learning to love myself
because i am the only one who
will be there when i lay in bed
to rest
and how can i rest peacefully
when i have the voices in my
mind criticizing me for every
flaw i have made
so this is going to stop
because im on a journey to
love myself
 Nov 2014 Michelle Garcia
I'm not bitter. I've bit my bottom lip too hard twice too many times, but I still wonder why my lips are bleeding. I've said few too many prayers to a God that shut me out before I even reached salvation in the first place. I've swallowed too many handfuls of dirt and sunflower seeds in the hopes that something beautiful will grow inside of me. I'm sad with a boy that loved me so much that it hurt him, and I'm sad without him. My windows are nailed shut, but the curtains won't stop blowing. I'm still trying to figure out how many times I have to get drunk in a church parking lot before I build the courage up to tell you I'm sorry. God speaks in tongues, but I was only ever taught to bite mine. Okay. Maybe I am bitter, but I have the right to be.

— The End —