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It only takes words
For me to fall
For you
Be careful
What you say
And What you wish
I fall to easy, I don't need to see you to fall just your caressing words.
 Dec 2014 Monique Olivier
I beg forgiveness to the sky
For stealing two of the brightest stars
To to put them into your eyes

Because I swear,
Every time I look into those eyes of yours
*My heart already made a wish,
Before my mind could even form a sentence
I left myself
With words unspoken
Falling down
On a heart, unbroken.

I fell within,
my deepest conscious.
I learned to swim,
Although I was cautious.

I take a breath,
of my polluted surroundings.
My soul full,
of worthless doubting.

I  walked along,
went with the crowd,
I hid myself,
in the shadows.

I fell asleep,
I dreamt my dreams,
Where everything is as it seems.

And as I wake,
Each day I say,
Welcome, welcome to another.

Another day, of hope and prey,
as I search for meaning,

The life of a long lost lover.
 Dec 2014 Monique Olivier
By 7pm I will get dressed in my night gown
And leave the window open
Like some corny movie form the 70’s
I will hope you climb through my window and make love to me

By 8:30 I might turn on the news and mute the TV just to pretend I care about the world

At 9 I will turn my phone off, after checking 337 times if you have texted back
When suddenly realizing you have not
I will open the bottle of wine that’s hidden in my closet

By 10:30 I will probably be too drunk to realize I am drunk
So I will turn my phone back on
And realize love life is lacking
Or life at all

By 11 you will have turned your phone off
Probably annoyed at woman who keeps ringing

By 11:15 I will surrender into my room
Probably too drunk to stand on my own
I will turn computer on and begin typing

It’s 12:14 now.

Wondering if sheep count drunk women as they fall asleep
 Dec 2014 Monique Olivier
marie w
I initiated the confession,

A confession marked by much importance of my feelings to you.

Only a page long, and unromantic as it is, presented on a blank Word Document.

A confession planned for years,

As my mind was pressuring itself, searching for the most appropriate words to be put across.

They were sent.

All sent to the rightful owner who deserves to hear the honesty, sincerity and generosity of a naive yet passionate girl in love,

It ended in an awkward pose.

With no sincere reply, but a mere greeting to imply that I should give up.

I knocked my head a few times,

But there was no revelation.

I imagined myself being stabbed to death,

But nothing was telling me to stop.

Then I thought,

"How could it stop when my heart has stopped functioning long ago?"

I cried.
This poem depicts the persona's desperation for the lover's reciprocation for her declaration of love through a written confession.
Never been so attracted
to one being.
Wildly attracted
to traits of many,
always fleeting.
So many rolled
into one man
leaves me speechless,
intrigued and fiending.
He mirrors my lunacy,
and my fiery independence,
our duality.
Water bearers
pour streams
adjoined from
the heavens, unencumbered.
After years of finding
the streams gravitating
into one,
we ditch a gourd.
Our fingers intertwined
under the neck
and the base of
the remaining one.
Our eyes mingle mysteriously
each morning,
and when they find stars
they get to pouring.
"Man on the Moon" series. 9/20/14 Dominant aspects of our emotional sides of our Natal chart we share (moonchildren, cancers) and strong commonality of being weirdos (Aquarius ). The thing I love the most that my past love embodied, he keeps hold of independence with a death grip except for when it sneaks out from under him. A good example for me to not hand over my power along with my love unconditionally. Us ending has brought about everything we've needed to see.. I could never fall out of love easily, but I can take notes. It's survival of the fittest out there and I'm scurred so I lunge. Not at some one, u kno, the kind to mold my ***. Anyway, back then when I was love drunk writing this, I thought it was so silly and a result of fantasmical wishes. I see now this vision painted in my mind come alive before it ever found words is a perfect demonstration of our shared skill of clairvoyance or rather shared-vision. I see from afar this symbolism is loosely demonstrating our shared vision (ditching a gourd is working past differences and holding unbreakable perfect vision, to me at least looking back, we are holding God, pouring the wisdoms of truth. Drink tha drank its good for you. I kno now how important shares vision and good faith in a relationship is detrimental to my own romantic happinesses. This man blessed my life. God sent this one and he will send another.
She resided in smiles that were her strength
And wore love like protection
She spoke to heartbeats
In the language of dreams
Her eyes reached silences that dealt in prayers
She is whom poets borrow their words from
 Dec 2014 Monique Olivier
You said I was your world but ****** you were my universe. You were my sun sustaining life, but I was your black hole, nothing to you. If I was the plant you were the carbon, but if you were the magnificent tree, I wouldn't be your sturdy roots, or your nutritious soil, nor your quenching water. No. I would be your skimpy leaves, something tossed out when no longer needed or beautiful.
Madness came.

I watched as he took residents within my battered skull
bringing with him a freedom of sorts.
As the demon took hold he started eating away my emotions and
I became aware of the soothing darkness contained within my soul.

Peace came and I was Happy.

I was a cold person all along
but yet a flicker of flame remained.
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