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Dec 2014 · 693
If Words Fail
Meenu Syriac Dec 2014
If words fail
And in your eyes I'm just an empty book
Pages upon pages blank
And my mind is but a withering leaf.
If words fail
And my eyes cannot tell you what I feel.
If the rain could hide my tears
And my lips quivered with the mention of your name.
If words fail
And if a blue jay cannot sing to the beautiful day
If your voice could softly say
How my dreams have always been about you.
If words fail
And I cannot speak what I mean to
Hold my hands and feel my heart beat
Because nothing could keep me away from you.
© Meenu Syriac
Dec 2014 · 322
Echoes and Images
Meenu Syriac Dec 2014
Silent deeds are like whispered echoes.
In a hallway of mirrors
Its not just your image reflected,
As even echoes become a part of your symphony.
Saint or a sinner,
Your song to sing.
Even a single ray of light,
Can show someone their way home.
© Meenu Syriac
Dec 2014 · 471
Thoughts Unhindered
Meenu Syriac Dec 2014
Will your mind open to the unknown?
As an open road softly calls.
Join, in wonder
Oh weary pilgrim.
This life is yet to unravel.
As my knees give in to the weight of the world.
These burdens shall leave their mark on my doorstep
Shining glory of a path I forgot.
Like paradise sought and found
Silent whispers void of desolation.
Idle, pretentious, scared to wander.
This universe shall leave you in awe,
Untangle yourself from your web of lies.
Oh weary pilgrim,
Lend me your mind,
As an other world reveals
Thoughts unhindered.
© Meenu Syriac
Nov 2014 · 484
Meenu Syriac Nov 2014
Will sweet dreams with the sourest links to you, be traced?
As unkind dreams, they come to haunt.
But shadows loom under the sky of a setting sun,
Will angels come as the walls fall down?
Death comes with a silent taunt
Sands of time, a mirage left intact in the world's eye.
Show me meaning, show me life,
With the dawn comes light,
So why does it feel like I can never wake up?
© Meenu Syriac
Nov 2014 · 331
Meenu Syriac Nov 2014
Because all her teardrops fell like snowflakes,
And when summer came, they melted into the ground.
Like dew drops hanging in the mist,
She gave what a fairytale needed,
To end the plight.
And with her music she brought tears to his eyes,
With every note that struck air and made life.
But if the stars might burn with all the fiery warmth of her heart
Then they may know all the tears she's wiped with her hand.
The muffled screams, pocketed within the deepest trenches of her heart.
Only a shadow remains where once she knew light,
Because his eyes could hold no more of her sight,
And in every dark alley, pledged his allegiance to the night.
She was once all he had,
But now his soul he sold to the devil's reign.
Slowly slipping into darkness... Her image reflected in his eyes
Judith, like dust, you fly with the passing wind,
*A memory forgotten in his mind.
©Meenu Syriac
Nov 2014 · 314
Her Flames of Glory
Meenu Syriac Nov 2014
She laid down in flames of glory
Flawless lust to the shine that leaves him breathless.
Her eyes as radiant as the moonlight reflected by the waters.
Her image was as fiery as the fire
That burnt his own heart at night.
Her flaming self running,
  Into nothing but darkness.
And he ran thru the cold night,
Calling her name out.
Into the darkness her soul walked,
Leaving him burning,
Suddenly awoken, an ache in his chest,
With a name he cannot remember
And a face he cannot forget,
As the sunlight streams into his room.
© Meenu Syriac
Meenu Syriac Nov 2014
On a ship back home,
These high sailing seas
Tear this weary soul of mine.
And the deafening roars of the gods,
Ascertained with every thunder that rocks.
With every wind that wails,
My heart longs,
To see the ends of these dark waters.
As the rising tides commune,
Fear drives me away,
*But hope guides me home.
© Meenu Syriac
Oct 2014 · 306
Meenu Syriac Oct 2014
He's been waiting,
Watching the leaves fall with the autumn sky
With every breath that fogs up the glass
And every flower that blooms in his hand.
Days, months, years gone,
He's been waiting
Counting the stars.
He's been waiting
Only believing in
What he knows inside,
Waiting, with every dawn and dusk
That goes by.
And as her face, inked in his mind
Her eyes, soft with wanting,
By his side,
Like a gentle breeze,
Her voice, like the rise and fall of tide
And this time, he knows,
It's not just another dream.
©Meenu Syriac
Oct 2014 · 502
Plastic Puppets
Meenu Syriac Oct 2014
As dawn breaks the paradoxical darkness of night,
Sunlight splitting through a canopy of concrete mazes, sky high
Shielding, towering, blinding
All wonders of the skies.
In them, we crawl, owning but tiny spaces,
Shelved into cubicles, and packed in plastic,
Tagged, named, priced and  gagged.
Tube lights shine brighter,
Whereas the sun burns us alive.
And with this day to night, night to day meaningless plight of life,
Caged within boxes,
Claiming to be closer than ever before.
Endless shards of colored glasses,
Surround every corner of these walls.
And we crawl, on all fours,
Instinctive  human nature,
Communicating with the sound of our souls,
Wailing beneath the surface, weeping behind screens.
Lost in this concrete jungle,
Finding purpose to life,
Searching for wonders of the mind,
Destructive, intelligent,
Yet foolishly locked in a perpetual cycle
Of muted perceptions.
©Meenu Syriac
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Pages upon Pages
Meenu Syriac Oct 2014
And she sang - sang to the night
To the moon hiding behind the clouds...*

Waters receding, tears fall like ink,
Damaged within, like a withering flower,
She wrote pages upon pages,
Day and night, night and day.
And as the fire calmed down to embers,
And as the embers forgot the warmth.
Her eyes wet from tears,
Like rain, they fell to the ground.
A quiet girl once sang by the shore,
Her voice sang lovely, the heavens adored.
And when the night crept in as silent as the wind,
Watching the lights in the distance,
She sat wondering why she was alone.
Within those pages,
This poem she wrote, her dreams, she etched between lines,
And her thoughts she painted without err.
Her words gave life,
Her words added color.
Her soul saw love,
Through another pair of eyes.
Her melancholia was the source,
To every picture painted,
To every succinct detail,
About the life around.
This poem she wrote, among the many,
In those pages she filled without fail.
This was her song to sing,
Her story to tell.
This poem she wrote,
About herself,
As she sat by the dying fire,
Looking out at the moonlight,
Dancing with the waves,
Kissing the shore.
©Meenu Syriac
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
In the silence of the night I hear myself talk,
A song, a whisper, knowing that this peace
Is the only thing sane in the chaos that surrounds,
And in this quietness, a radiant light shines within my inner self.

And as my mind finds wings, to fly out of this prison
Gracefully gliding across calm waters of a flowing river
Finding its way into the sea,
I give my thoughts freedom from the misery of life.

As the skies begin to cry with tears of devastation
All that is beautiful, needs an eulogy for being lost in our sins.
And as coal black our hearts have turned,
The spring may never greet us with open hands
The birds may never sing the song of their hearts.

Sink me in a river, chase my soul into the wilderness,
Where my breath is shallow and my thirst is never quenched.
Alas, these musings of the night will end soon
As another explosion rocks the very foundation of my faith in humanity.
©Meenu Syriac
Sep 2014 · 606
Stronger, no more Silent
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
She is meant to be weak,
Silent and submissive,
In a world where only men rule.
She is to be rescued,
Because she is incapable,
That is all she is meant to know,
Locked away in the tallest tower,
Every fairytale retold in the girl's mind.
To limit her speech, her ideas, her rights,
To be pretty, dumb and stupid,
Only to be looked upon.
And as she grew, as she blossomed,
Her eyes spoke countless volumes of sadness.
Sexualized in a world where the savages disfigured innocence.
She was voiceless,
Lost to the noise of mindless inhumane babble.

And she looked out at the horizon,
Watching the waves race towards the shore,
The sun as it peeked out, from behind,
Only to bring light into this immortalized darkness.
She put her hands up,
Knowing one day she would touch the sky.
She knew she was stronger,
More than who she was brought up believing,
Meant to be who she was,
And everything she could be,
Every bit of the universe,
Every grain of sand,
Every idea that makes us human,
*Both woman and man.
©Meenu Syriac

(Something that I felt like I needed to address on after hearing Emma Watson's compelling speech on Feminism for the UN Women.)
Sep 2014 · 549
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
As the wind tangled in the curls of Aphrodite's hair
Entwined as though, being apart means to speak blasphemy
As the waves rushing to kiss the shore
Urgent desires being locked up for too long.
As the breath of air, potent and needed
A gasp of life flowing into the veins.
As sinful as the first bite of the forbidden fruit
Seeking only enlightenment and truth.
That's how much I hate to see you go
That's how much I need you.
©Meenu Syriac
Sep 2014 · 487
The Human Condition
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
A silent rendition,
A drama of humans with their brains,
Dire consequences of a guiltless game,
Loosing oneself to this endless paranoia.
Provocative minds, useless disjunctions,
Fanciful  conjectures, truth less indignities.
Welcome to the Human Condition.
Welcome to Earth,
Our Alma Mater
Third Planet from the Sun,
Wherein humans,
Bountiful, Knowledge seeking,
Long for The Truth
To set them free.
©Meenu Syriac
Sep 2014 · 900
To Matter
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
In moments like these,
*His breathless whisper,

Silent and comforting.
Soft eyes, believing,
Words like music,
That flow in a soothing ebb,
Ever so ecstatic in form.

If only I could know.

And in that tide of pure happiness,
That fraction of a second,
Wherein only the purest joy exists.
When our eyes meet,
To be known, to matter.
For that brief moment of time,
When the veil drops,
And he peers into my soul.
The warmth in his eyes,
Nulling out everything
That makes life miserable.
To know that at that moment,
My existence matters,
And I'm not someone,
©Meenu Syriac
Sep 2014 · 473
Magic Of The Moonlight
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
Shadow dance under the moon light,
You slip your fingers into the hollow of my palm.
*From right to left, slow dancing into the night.

And all this magic, stars in your eyes,
Lover, show me your realm,
Bare me your heart,
*Rid me of this world's senseless vice.
©Meenu Syriac
Sep 2014 · 443
Building A Home In My Heart
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
In my heart, you built a home,
Promises and stories,
Whispering sweet nothings.
And ever since you walked out,
The cracks on these walls,
Have grown wider.
Lost in the memories,
Of a beautiful yesterday,
Still trapped, mindless
Within these four walls.
You built a home in me,
And left me hanging on,
To all we were,
But could never be.
©Meenu Syriac
Sep 2014 · 3.7k
Veil of Ignorance
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
Dying thoughts of a mind lost in pace,
Stars on a dark night, silent whispers in play,
Embers of a life, all that is left of the chaos, deranged.
Heartless words of a world consumed with hate,
Shadows singing a serenade,
Did the fire burn your soul away?

Hiding behind the lie of life's enduring "honor",
Pride and dignity, a mask of ignorance, a veil for the society ,
Listen to the song, the children, they sing.
Protect your honor, but have you lost all sense of humanity?
Sacrifice morality, much prized possession lies in wait,
What about brotherhood, has the greed, yet, consumed your honesty?

Listen to the song, the children, they sing,
Hear it fade with the sound of the world outside,
Hear it no more, lost to the noise of our souls enslaved.
©Meenu Syriac
Sep 2014 · 765
Finding My Way Back
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
I haven't looked up in a while
Neither for a god nor for the stars
I am one to walk lost among the crowd
Ghostly calls beckon me from my past
Morbid thoughts follow me into the dark
Lonely alleys drown me in desperate calls
And I search for your face, something to pull me back into the light.

I haven't smiled in the longest time
Nor have I sang our favorite song
Everything you left me with,
Still burnt into my mind,
Imprinted into every cell that makes me who I am.
And as I trace your touch across my body
Tears find their way through my scars.

Every star we named, the heavens we conquered
And the doors we unlocked with every thought, every smile
Everything I fondly remember as being close to my heart
Now, in remorse, here I am trying to bury all that
Collecting all the pieces and keeping my head held high.

I haven't looked up in a while
Neither for a god nor for the stars
Because they remind me of you.
©Meenu Syriac
Sep 2014 · 888
Happy Birthday
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
Its been a year,
Held up in a tiny space,
My head's too small
For everything I've been thru
Just yearning to let it go.
Somewhere along the way,
I wrote this song for you.
It's been a year,
Feels like forever.
Wonder what it feels like
To live life as you do.
Do you ever think
How it feels like, on this side?
Do you ever wonder,
How the pain never lets go?
Its been a year,
Counting down
To the smallest fraction of time
And here I am
Still wondering what went wrong.
Happy birthday
You were a dear friend
Yes, I wrote this for you.
You're the closest I have come
To knowing friendship
In its true form.
Guess, I can never be anymore wrong
Than I already am
About you.
Anyways, happy birthday
And God bless you.
One sided friendships are always painful.
©Meenu Syriac
Sep 2014 · 736
Revelling in Maddness
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
In tears, she thought to seek her prize,
Only to know in them she knew life.
Alone she wept, her dreams kept watch
Mid summer's night meant little to her now.

Set sail long ago,
Now in the middle of an ocean,
On a boat, sailing into the unknown
To chase dreams, she left home
Now, silence her true companion.

In chaos, her mind revels,
Reality obscured, between deception of sorts.
Damnation due, on a silver plate
The truth hurts to a heart living in fear.

Slowly fading, wrapped in darkness
Strangely comforting,
Drowning in black waters.
Silence maddening,  
Shadows soaring,
Her song is all that's heard.
©Meenu Syriac
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
Old Man by the Fire
Meenu Syriac Sep 2014
What do you see, old man, sitting alone by the fire?
Heartless world of scorn and hurt , treasuring hate like a philosopher's stone.
Judgment passed, greybeard by the road,
Must be a thief, waiting for the night to dawn.

His sunken eyes know the way into the dark
As evil forbearing comes with the folds in his hand
Wrinkles on his face, countless tales to recount
How he crept thru the darkness, still and quietly,
And watched as the baby cried with fear.

How shallow this world, with its looks and half learnt lessons,
The old man by the fire, his tales of a world so far from this.
Child, learner, lover and father
His sunken eyes reveal the times he's forgiven with a heart, so grand.
With his very hands, he's cared and worked for the ones he loved
His wrinkles recount tales of a life well served.

But now, he sits, alone by the fire,
Disowned, refused,
Unwanted, forgotten.
Caught up in the web of the world,
Buried in the sands of time.
Aug 2014 · 371
The Serenade of Her
Meenu Syriac Aug 2014
A depravity of sorts, life always had a way of twisting her out of shape.
In moments of utter disbelief, she, the woman with her veil,
Would silently walk away.
Its been so, for all the years of her existence, as far as she can remember.
Most of it, she choose not to recount. Even her thoughts scare her.

She always believed she was invisible from the rest of the life forms,
Minimal space occupied,
Metaphorically of course.
But now she had her doubts.
Her fears were clawing at the boundaries of her self restricted territory.

Underneath the dirt and gravel, life threw her into,
Her eyes shone with the brilliance,
Of a gem of its own unique design.
There was hope in them.

The noise of the world around, gave in
As a soft lull accustomed to her forgiving and forgetful ears.
She loved but was never loved.
Yet she never gave up.
Her story was like the serenade the band chose not to play..
The most beautiful, but also,
The most painful.

And when she smiled, she threw on that veil
And hid all the hurt she bore.
You could see the tear build up at the corner of her eyes.
Glistening eyes,
The trademark to her soft face.
The veil, she refused to lift,
The truth always hurts.

So easy to forget a face,
But how can you forget the pain
In her voice?
Aug 2014 · 563
Turning on the Ignition
Meenu Syriac Aug 2014
In her eyes, everything was a darker shade, as clouds hovered uncertainly to cover a morbidly sorrowful sun, a desperate attempt to try and save its shine, or whatever was left of it.
And the skies resounded with thunder, the earth shook as if in fear and silent submission. Dreamers awoke from slumber; the real world always caught up. The shadows grew longer and the gods, their tantrums, they made known. Anger and disappointment, lining every under note of the raging storm. The wind blew as if, all it was ever meant, for all of its wondrous existence, was to tear man from limb to limb, rather than the feel of it in one's hair. The thunder, the wind, the storm, the rage. The gods were definitely angry. The tremble evident in every way the land reverberated with the cacophony  of the gods.
And then, there was silence.
A ray of light breaking in through the thick cloud cover.
And suddenly every bit of the wonder of the universe rang clear in her head.
As she stood by the rocks, watching the waves meet the sand.
Only an hour before, her purposeful drive to the beach was to contemplate on how subtly she could make an exit from the stage of life.
Her disheveled self esteem had plucked on some courage, as she saw the ray of light shine through the darkness.
The seas grew calmer and the light of the day, back to shine again.
The gods of her mind's creation were now watching, as she picked up a shell that caught her eye. Turning it around in her hand, all she could think of was how she forgot that the light always broke the deathly starkness of a life quenched by the storms that raged like fire.
She climbed onto the driver's seat of her barely held-together sedan.
Turned on the ignition, metaphorically turning on the ignition to a brand new life.
Aug 2014 · 534
An Unquiet Mind
Meenu Syriac Aug 2014
An unquiet mind,
Toiling with thoughts,
Evil as the doom that lines the dusk.
And on your doorstep the devil waits,
Vicious words, way of the world
To taunt and hate.
So what does your devil look like?
Pain, disgrace or greed and shame?
Hatred boils, right to the core of the soul and heart.
Soldering iron, ablaze, red hot,
Imprinting a gene, an instinct sought.
And as the night creeps in, so does humankind
A curse, or so I believe, to wander the low land.
What you sow, so shall you reap,
And in heaven, will your judgment heap.
The way of the world to my unquiet mind
Shadows daring to seek out the wrath.
Pure evil, our hearts are dark,
And in this hour of the darkest night
Seek out the only light that shines within.
Meenu Syriac Aug 2014
Left our hopes back at home,
Couldn't pick up the broken pieces,
Or shed tears, that we haven't already.
Left our dreams back home,
And now there's no going back.
Brandon Stanton is on a trip across some of the war torn regions of the Middle East. And some of the stories of the people he photographs, are heart wrenching. Makes you wonder. How many of us ever count our blessings and what have come to? The petty condition of humankind.
Aug 2014 · 432
When The Smoke Clears
Meenu Syriac Aug 2014
With the wind I fly to the ends of perception,
And in fields of sorrow I reap my shadows.
In the darkness I hide with the fear of tomorrow,
And in my sleep I forget who I really am.
Weathered roads that lead home,
Skies that foretell a bleak end of time.
In the storm, a dark night when stars fall,
In the midst of burning stars I see you cry.
Walking towards you, all I know is what I feel,
My eyes fixed on you, your existence in the midst of raging war.
All I know is that you are every bit of memory I hold close to heart.
Wake me up when the smoke clears and the skies are blue again.
When I hold your hand, and everything feels right,
When I look into your eyes, and there's no  more stories of hurt.
When our minds can dream and live the dream.
Aug 2014 · 719
Everything I Dream Of
Meenu Syriac Aug 2014
I remember the days when you were but a faint echo
Far into oblivion, softer than my mother's song.

When I would yearn for your gaze as the air that fills my lung,
As needy for the bread that could feed my soul.

Sitting under the shade of spring's bloom, I turn to another page of life
You are but a quiet whisper, now my joy, in its sweetest tone.

And in ocean's tide, a lover's song to silence the storm
In the light of the rising sun, I touch your face as I find what I lost.

Time stops to this moment's own, as I lay my head on your shoulders, strong,
What pain can seek me till time's end, if by your side I am everything I dream of.
Aug 2014 · 475
Because It's A Broken World
Meenu Syriac Aug 2014
Lost to the chase, her hands bear the trade
Talking to walls, the closest to a conversation she's ever been in.
That's what this life presents,
Choices we cannot guarantee, to a crown of fallacies.
She was broken even before she could mend her shame
Her arms told stories where blades met to caress and tear.
Because its a broken world, broken records of life lie in the shade
She could swim against tides, she owned the waters she said,
Only to be found dead in a pool full of her own blood.
Aug 2014 · 345
Perpetual Darkness
Meenu Syriac Aug 2014
There, in the distance,
Grey clouds rolling in like waves,
Blues skies and grey clouds,
Shadows fall on a clear day.

Silent revolt, still and quiet
Grey clouds, a lost world fading away,
Blue skies, grey clouds,
Dreams lost to wayward winds array.

Desolate storm on a summer's eve,
Conspiring against the light of day,
As daisies perch on some false hope
The sun will shine again.

Blue skies and grey clouds
The silence ringing loudest
At street corners, begging gaze
With darkness comes pain.

Eery and queer,
Grey clouds lie in wait,
Blue skies there were,
The last day, the light ever shone again.
Jul 2014 · 980
Tantalizing Effects
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
The kiss, reminisce to a hot summer afternoon,
The scent of him, hangs like a cloud above my head .
And every breath burns, like a flame set on fire, inside me.
His touch, dissolves, now a part of my very being,
His taste still lingers as this sweet dream of a passionate love affair.
And as the night draws closer, my soul aches for the sound of him,
And with every beat of my heart, his coincides to be of one.
Sweet nothing, as true as the sun that rises in the east.
And into his arms I fall, onto a bed of roses,
Underneath the sheets, skin and skin meet, burning desires,
As the dreamer in me awakes.
Jul 2014 · 813
Dubious Thought
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
Into ocean's deep, I sail life's shimmering dreams,
And in its depth, I ponder life's unending questions.
Very random. Does this make more sense than I think it does?
Jul 2014 · 2.4k
As She Burns You
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
As the light touches her skin,
A fire deep within,
Ablaze to set free, your desires.
And in the light of the moon she lies
Ethereal beauty,
The queen,
On *****, she breathes her fire.
Purifying the soul,
Her eyes burn,
Deep within your whole.
The night she claims her own
A magical spell to weaken you.
You, oh Icarus,
Fly too close to the sun.
And in her arms you lie,
Charmed and bewildered,
Wanting for more.
Jul 2014 · 790
Him and Her
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
And He saw Her stand there,
With the wind in Her hair,
And the light dancing in Her eyes.
And He saw She was alone in a world,
That He wanted to be a part of.
And while the wind toyed,
With the strands of Her eloquent brown,
He could feel the world spin,
Much faster than He could bear.
And in it He felt there was life,
A life, He had never known.
Little did He know that He had fallen,
For the girl who used to stand there,
Just to watch Him,
While He made life His own.
Jul 2014 · 578
Weeping to the Gods
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
Her silent tears wept, in crystals withheld.
She wore her silks and touched up her scars,
With sorrow, she walks out into the sun.
In white, she glistened, but her heart, coal black,
In shimmering dreams she had lost herself,
Lost to a world, worn and surreal.
Her emerald green eyes, crying,
And with each moment her fears, surpass.
To the world she is a flame, burning the eye,
But within, her heart cripples as the flame  burns out.
The clouding eyes of foretold doom,
Written between the lines of her wrinkling life.
Distant calls on sleepless nights,
Escapades from this loveless life.
Shadows lingering, as voices whisper,
Her wings, clipped to the sides.
And in white, she stood there,
Under the sun,
Lifting up her eyes, to the heavens above.
Crystals shed, held captive to her pride.
The day after the storm,
*She finally weeps in front of the Gods.
Jul 2014 · 370
Children of Pain
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
Under the light of the moon we sit,
Amidst the raging battle of fire and hell.
The cries pierce through the silence of the night,
I close my eyes, trying to imagine a better world,
Yet my thoughts are clouded, unable to see past the flames.
When it rains, I only see tears set our foundation.
Is this suffering what we are made of?
Is our passion for destruction all that we are?
Somewhere along the road, we lost to the ways of life,
And how far have we come?
If in the morning I wake up as myself,
Or dead and buried in a world fuelled by hate,
Remember, there were cries in the night,
*Before the silence began.
Jul 2014 · 560
The Disease
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
Tears fall
The barren land receives
Like a broken soul.
Cracks that line us,
Keeps us together.
We forget, and never forgive,
What is left of us
Is anything but lies.

Fire burns
In the heat I stand,
The flames, a part of who I am.
A disease, spreading
Shallow whimpering
Sickened by everything we are.
Greed, filth,
Pay no heed to the cries.

Ashes to dust
Our creed, we forgot.
Deal with the devil,
Sell our souls to the dark
Humans we are,
We forget our strives
In our imperfect world
*We build, rule and ruin lives.
Jul 2014 · 922
Words Fail
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
Words fail with skip of a beat
Soft falling snow
Singing of our faceless defeat.
Walking through rough waters,
I see your arms stretch out.
Rain pours right through us
Drenched in shadows
We pray for gods to hear.
Lost to whispers
That reign our sleep.
I see your arms stretch out
And ache for me.
Words fail like an unsung song
In the night I hear
Your story, sad and forlorn.
Like the setting sun
See its sink as low as our own.
Words fail knowing,
You were once all I had.
Through the darkness
I hear your voice call out,
Here today, gone tomorrow.
Words fail
I lay here in bed
Your name is all I have
Outside, the rain pours
And your name is all I have.
Jul 2014 · 806
The Sound Of Your Voice
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
I like the sound of your voice
How the wind changes to make it drift into my soul.
As pieces fall into place, together a dream it beholds
Stolen kisses are the best of all, lips meet to complete us whole.
Dreamers meet under moonlit promises, hands reach out craving,
Eyes that hold deeper revelations of the world around.
Best of all, I love the sound of your voice
Hear you sing about me, a moonlight dance of words entwined.
Jul 2014 · 285
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
It was red,
The brightest shade of red
In it the color danced,
A consent of mockery,
Yet vibrant as its entity.

It was red,
A passionate red
To add to the flow.
In it, losing way,
Blindly falling through.

It was red,
The crimson hue
Of lust and blood.
Piercing, etching
And leaving a mark.

It was red,
Time came to stop.
Silence loud and ringing,
Death came silently
And all she saw was red.
Jul 2014 · 633
You and I
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
The night and stars and the moon alight
In the darkness, a cascade, our dreams alive.
Searching for reasons for this love abound*
You and I, *under the night sky tonight.
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
In this world of hate and haste and greed
When everything was in fast forward
And I could never catch my breath
In the middle of it all, I held out my hand
Trying to touch the surface of reality
And as my longing hands met yours,
Through the mirror of all things unknown
I saw in your eyes, dreams of yesterday,
And tears for tomorrow.
In our hearts we forgot the world
The speed and the rhythm,
The show, the blitz and the chase
I saw in you what you saw in me
I wrote lines on lines about you
Songs poured out like lost symphonies

And in this world of hate
I stood by you in the shade of life
Watching the waves kiss the shore
And return back as transient tides
Never again the same, never again right
I look into your eyes and see the stars
That burned out long ago in our lives
Some say they were our dreams
Most say they were the light of our souls
That lost their way in the darkness.
The shadows were never inviting
Always darker than the darkest black
As I touch your face, every moment
Every breath stops, silent as time

And as I look into the mirror
Tears cloud every field of vision
On the other side, a figure stands, lone
Searching, for someone as lost as her
I see myself, a man, a woman, helpless
Jul 2014 · 424
A Poet's Mind
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
To the words that flow uninterrupted,
Misconstrued to a poet's imagination
Sketching, painting, plotting, twisting.
To the silence that reigns everything around
To the peace found in the eye of the storm
Perched in a corner, for all of life to be written down.
An inborn error, discovered, captured, tamed and taught
Wild to the mind and food for the soul
Words become friends and sworn enemies.
A journey of words and faces, realms of an untapped drive
That writes words like ant trails on paper
A prelude to a poet's mind.
Jul 2014 · 305
Of Fire and Hell
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
As the hour fell, the light streamed in through the crack in the wall
Almost brilliant, but the crack leaving a tale untold.
Her eyes searched in hunger, her soul craving for the shadows that haunt.
Together, her broken self, she tied it with what life gave,
And what life gave, life took.
No consistency rewarded, not for the sake of hope.
The dreams she saw, the joy she wished,
Her darkest nights were when she knew the light no more,
Within the darkness, she dissolved,
Until she felt she was nothing but the starkness of truth.
And it hurt her inside, like the fire she once put out
Back again, to ravage her whole.
As the flames burned, like hell within,
There came a point when she no longer began to feel the pain.
That moment she felt that this fire was her joy, she reveled with madness,
Unsure of why.
She touched her face with the tip of a sword,
She held it down and wrote her life in bold.
After everything,
After the darkness and the truth,
After the fire and the rainstorm,
She walked out mightier,
She was strong.
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
As an anthem I'd sing,
Let my walls down for you
If this song is everything
Then in your arms
I'll find love and life.

Winding stairs lead
To a window on top
As I look out of it
I see the sun kiss
The face of the planet.

And the orange skies
Pan out under the heavens
And burning stars dance
Across the darkening facade.

As an anthem I'd sing
For all there is to our love
I see it in the star filled night
A wondrous infinitum of a song.

But if my words ever run out
And this melody is all I have
We shall sit under the starry sky
And listen to the music of our hearts.
Jul 2014 · 343
Without Recognition
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
My soul wears thin of the lies you have fed me with,
The setting sun brings certain melancholy into a life that has left me breathless.
Your heart beats with an unknown rhythm and without recognition.
I stare into the empty space of white between the lines on a blank page,
Even in it I seem to loose myself for the want of it.
I'd sleep like an angel, if sleep could want me, sunken eyes reveal my disguise,
For even the smile through my tears, do no justice,
And the hysterical laughs sear through my cover.
Its either hide in the dark, or hurt in the open,
Both ways, I can see you take pride in all that you have done to me.
As you watch me writhe and twist,
And break and fall,
Into nothing.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Rainstorm (American Haiku)
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
Color me in shades of grey,
Like the dawning skies awaiting
The opening of heaven's floodgates.
My first try.
Jul 2014 · 720
The Universe sings for Me
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
The Universe sang
A song close to my heart.
And in it I lost myself
Choosing Dreams over Whispers
And Life over Death.

The Stars called out
And in their blaze
I sought to find my Light.
As I poured out my everything
I realized that You were all that I had.

The Night almost at its end
I draw your figure in the Sand.
The dark skies barely frighten me
Not more than the distance
You keep between our Hearts.

The Universe sang to me
A Song I thought I never knew.
It led me home to the prairies
Where the northern wind
Blew strong, a magic of the Stardust.

I knew the Shadows
Would one day return,
A Haunting, my dreams never fond of.
But if the Storm got too rough
I'd sing the Song the Universe sang.

And in it I'll lose myself,
Once again.
Because in it, I came to know
The only Reason that keeps me alive.
*Because in it, I found You.
Jul 2014 · 562
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
I may stumble
I may fall
But I wear my smile
Through it all.
Jul 2014 · 807
Into the Light
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
Because every now and then,
Someone slips away,
Passes on to never walk the earth again.
Makes you wonder, how every blessing
Needs counting, and each moment treasured.
You are here for what counts,
An unsung song for receding tides.
A breath, a whisper, before you know it you're gone.
Walk the face of earth,
A passing wind that kicks up a storm,
Or a silent contender for a game we call life.
Shallow desires, our selfish deeds and dallying with a price.
The shadows call, can you hear their song?
We dream too much to never know the day,
A day when your eyes open to the darkness,
Give in to the voices that call our names.

Will you ever wonder of the song you left?
Joyful or as silent as the beating of your heart?
Will they sing of you, a song of pride and respect?
Because like everyone that deserved to live their life thru,
You were a breath, a whisper,
A dreamer, a believer,
And now you're gone too.
For a friend who passed away...
Rest in peace. May his song never end.
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