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in hard times especially
those of us who can afford it
should be generous

unless we want to have
tanks in our streets again soon
only small minds believe
putting others down
makes themselves bigger
Fake it your flaws,
Life is just like cub paws,
Either way though it diverse,
Choice are to be made,
Elseways living would be the curse.

Hitch up with the people you love,
Oust the imposter with mop,
Beginnings are always rough,
Choice are to be made,
Between peppy and tough.

What would be your life's aim?
Would it be achieving only name and fame?
Succeeding could be the other game,
Choice are to be made,
Else your life will be full of shame.

Voice are to be raised,
Choice are to be made.
I met a girl with
Lovable nature and  pretty mind,
Smart enough to fool people,
Ambitious character as she is very kind ,
Never will I meet another like her .

Ripped jeans with
Amazing outfit,
**** back off, she is mine,
Better take this wine,
Hand her to me and say goodbye ,
Acrimoniously I made him cry,
Nothing will be possible as they say,
Don’t give up soon ,just give it a try,
Awesomeness of mine ,
Reckoning me to be her husband was fine,
I would declare the poet name with first letter of each and  every line.
And then they scream,
Louder with every bite of dark chocolate,
Late movies date and fun mate,
Misters were in each ones dream
was their real fate.

Conflicts and sorrows
Comes and fades,
Love was the only reason as  they relates,
The winter brought happy,
Like the apple was arouse as Appy,
Secrets keeper,
Like salt and pepper.

Fashion parade, dance and date,
Truth and dare inappropriate,
Again the conflicts rise and shed,
Love was the only reason ,
The sisters were made.
 Jan 2017 Mayela
Chloe Chapman
Who made you the centre of my universe?
Because it sure wasn't me.
Do you think that I want my life to revolve around you?
like i'm just a planet orbiting the sun,
A pair of jeans in the washing machine
Or flotsam in a whirlpool.
I don't suppose you'd understand,
How dizzy I get,
after a day around you
Or even a few moments.
How I can't keep my balance
And the world sort of tips
till' everything is inside out
backwards and all mixed up.
Except you.
because for some reason
the only stable thing
in this topsy-turvy world
is you.
not really sure how this came out.. critique welcome
it is difficult
to find the right words
when you don't want to be with somebody
and yet
when you envision them with another
your bones are rattled with urgency;
a feeling that occupies places in your body
you didn't know existed
the type of thing you can't seem to shake off
you feel it under your skin
and then, you are faced with two options:
do you send him away because you don't truly love him?
or do you become selfish
trailing him around like dead weight
knowing full well nothing will become of it
but wanting to drag it out for as long as possible
I looked you in the eye,
felt your hands linger around my neck
and knew in my heart I would only bring you pain as I have others
but foolishly I clung to you like you were gold,
not knowing that once you left
the fools gold I had mistaken you as
would turn out real, promising
now you and I(because there is no "us")
sit amongst mixed company,
you in the back of the blue kia,
I in the passengers
your eyes bore into the back of mine
I look out the window to drown you out
and as you notice my disengagement
you reach your hands to the back of my neck
wanting to make me better again
wanting me to save you from the grasp of my rigid behavior
but how the **** can I save you when you were the one who was going to save me?
don't touch my neck like you never left
don't touch my heart
don't make me shiver under your embrace
because it was you I had to myself
and it was you that I lost
I saw you today and it hurt so i'll tell you all the things i'd never actually say to you
 Jan 2017 Mayela
Elizabeth Carsyn
"I love you, a lot.
        Don't break my heart, please.
                It ***** when people do that to you.
                        I did it to someone else to be with you so
                please don't do it to me because
        that'd ****, a lot, because
I love you."

It’s a two-way street, love.
        I won’t break your heart if
                you promise not to break mine.
                        You see, I’ve broken and been broken, so
                I know. But how you came is
        how you’ll go, so excuse me
for being cautious.
 Jan 2017 Mayela
i had
 Jan 2017 Mayela
i had the universe in my hands
but i dropped it because you are my universe

do you understand?

 Jan 2017 Mayela
 Jan 2017 Mayela
Roses are red
I think you're cute
This is a poem
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