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 Jan 2017 Mayela
Robert Ronnow
I have the shape of the institution.
Each email address is a human.

They are known by their words and actions.
The whole wide world is just a fraction

of all I do not know. Expansion
and contraction, breathe in, out, meditation

on existence, non-existence, creation
and duration. I have no explanation

for fusion, fission, taxonomic relations
or artificial classification.

More I do not know: locomotion
by combustion, electron separation

and transportation via superconduction
which supports the idea of the unified nation.

What girls are like behind their eyes. *******
a useful restraint on overpopulation.

The story of a life, my life, any life, cohesion
must be rationed, conjured, a fiction

about a vexed, tenacious town, its rail station
truck stop, high school, night spots, recreations

the temporary citizens enact visions
dream-like orations, ballets, conflagrations

to in the end receive in annals honorable mention
from family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, institutions.
 Jan 2017 Mayela
Some days I seem to care
Then the next I'm not fully there
And other days,
I'm a little in-between.

When I care,
I am entirely selfless
An angel, if you like
Helping the helpless

When I am not myself
I'm restraining the urge to demolish
To tear lives, buildings, the world down
You could say I'm demonic

And then
When I'm in-between,
Expect the best and worst
Of both versions of me
My moods define who I am, and when I am any one of these... personalities
 Jan 2017 Mayela
Some things can not be explained
They can only be felt
 Jan 2017 Mayela
 Jan 2017 Mayela
I'm sorry.

For what?


I don't understand.

I know.

Will you explain?


Why not?

I can't.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I apologize too much,
I'm sorry I can't explain why,
I'm sorry I never have the right words to say,
and I'm sorry I'm always late to reply.
I said it before.
But i didnt explain.
The complexity of my words.
What did i say?
"My tears are like knives
And im crying all over my body
Ive got scars all over"

See i wasnt lying.
My cheeks look like a cuttingboard.
Each time my body gets cut open
My blood runs black.
It oozes through my veins, and out to the ground.
I am not to be understood.
Like one runs into a train
The roads so similiar
But wind up here,
On this one tear.
These tears that cut,
Are like unopenable doors that shut.
The wind up closes,
As my final thoughts choose to vanish.
These tears
These knives
Prove often to be poetic
Because i often write about the scars.
I often write about my pain
but my silence echoes.
 Jan 2017 Mayela
 Jan 2017 Mayela
the things that i think about-
no one else would want to think about
and i'm convinced nobody does think
about them.

i treat my past memories as razor blades
and carve into my skin until
i am lacking sufficient blood
and i am struggling for oxygen.

i wish someone would explain to me
why you still have such a hold on me
and why your words still echo the walls of
my empty mind
especially on lonely nights
like these.

why can't i fall out of love with someone
who never loved me to begin with?
 Oct 2016 Mayela
Djordje Pavlovic
Were you sent for me?
For gates of doom you're the key
Or Lord is this your hit?
To heart of mine to give the beat

Come close my sweetest dream
And wash my face in your flawless stream
Because I'm blind and I can't see
If it's pleasure or pain I feel

I still can feel, so double the pain inside
And maybe then the pleasure'll be by my side
I am strong, I know that I will survive
I'm in love, in love with the pain of mine
I still can feel, so double the pain inside
 Oct 2016 Mayela
If a rose is a rose
Called by any other name
Is it still a rose, if a stem is all that remains?
 Oct 2016 Mayela
cannot help
the hands
that touch me
when they
could heal me
I know
its a distant
on my soul
I wasn't
but she reads me
and I feel
more than
                               My greatest wish
                               I couldn't say
                              is by her
                        ­        my greatest hope
                              is only
                              that I could
                             hold her
                               that we'll make love
                              while we're
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