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Rereading conversations
Remembering the past
You love him
You hate to say it
I'm your metaphorical God
You're depressed
You want to go home
You want to leave the town
You already left
You have to come back
Life is rough
Living as a misfit
No one will understand
Understand your depression
Unless they have felt it
Sadness for no reason
Feeling like a freak
Like a misfit
Because of the way you feel
Yet you have to appologize
For the things they did
They need to apologize to you
For being an ignerent ****
Expecting you to be happy
When all you want to do is cry
You thought you left this town
Tear soaked bed
Makeup smuged pillows
Terrible memories
Terrible mistakes
Terrible guilt
You thought you left it all behind
But you didn't
You have to be the stronger person
Even though you're
Breaking at the seams
You aren't apologizing anymore
For their ignorance
They won't understand
Just wanting to sleep
Tear the skin off of their body
The awkwardness
The innocent watching
You hate yourself
And your feelings
You want to go back to where you came from
Leave this town
Leave it a mystery if your coming back
Or never
You're still stuck
With the tear soaked bed
And makeup smuged pillows
You don't know if you can handle it
I'm here
I'm going to help you
Help you through those terrible nights
That, that I promise you will happen
This is a conversation between my best friend and I. It was sad how poetic the conversation was.
He wondered
"Can I fly?
I like the heights,
I love the view.
To see the city
At this view
Is amazing.
I want to fly
Like a bird.
Will I live?
Will I die?
Will they miss me
If I do?
Honestly, I doubt it.
They barely know
I'm even in the room.
What will happen?
The love I have
Is fake.
There's nothing in it
That is really love.
I could die, and
She wouldn't even know
I'm gone.
It's easy,
Just like this.
I jump...
It'd be painless,
I'm going to do it"
So he counted in his head
He jumped
Deep in the obis of a poet,
There's a playlist,
Called "Dead Poets"
It's where the songs of their lives
Live. Filled with death, despair,
Haunted memories.
Where no one dares to tread.

Once that poet has gone,
On their own terms,
They search through the poet's
Obis, they find a letter in the notes.
It reads "Love,
I must leave you here alone.
I am sorry that I have forsaken you.
In the depths of the Obis you will find
The playlist I lived by.
Under the name of Dead Poets.
There you will find,
The reason I had to leave you behind
- Your Dead Poet"
They searched the obis,
They found the playlist
In the first words of the songs read
"You Could Have
I have told myself I'm okay for
Far too ******* long.
I want to disappear forever.
Go somewhere I won't be found.
Where people will give up on the search.
I'm not
Who people think I am.
I'll leave in the night,
When everyone is asleep.
Maybe not. I'm not sure.
"I'll be back later"
"Where are you going?"
"On a walk"
No one will think anything.
*I'll find an overpass,

Climb over it.

And *jump.

At just the right time.
Do demons ever sleep?
    If so, do they ever dream?
Or do they just live in us,
   Only as real as we allow them to be?

In my dreams
of demons,
Sorcery of Horror
Takes hold while I'm sleeping
I wake up screaming
In the oblivionic darkness
Cold sweat and shallow breathing
I don't know what it means
but I think Nightmares could be
A gateway for your mind to see
into the Dreams
of Demons...
Late night, mostly asleep ramblings
 Mar 2015 Matheus Pagani
 Mar 2015 Matheus Pagani
I'm scared you're going to slip away
Like water through the cracks of my façade
As I cling to you desperately, irrelevently.
I need you to live,
But as we slowly forget that each other matter,
Too preoccupied with what's in our lives and minds,
Maybe it will be too late.
All the water will be gone.
And I will look back and regret,
Thirsty for something I had.
Terrified that the lack of constant contact will make us crumble. I selfishly miss you and that's the truth. I know I shouldn't bother you, that you have more important matters in your mind to deal with right now, but I miss you. And I'm too much of a coward to tell you that with all the meaning those words should have.

By the Beatles
So this is defeat.
This place in which helplessness and discontentment meet.
This off rhythmic step to a melancholy beat.

It seeps into the creeks where light once resided.
Confiding to no one the fears that I hide when shedding my tears in places pride cant thrive in.


This feeling that cant be beat nor destroyed.
This strong-force that makes all joyful things void.
In this world so dark and dim, I ask myself "where do I begin?"
How do I open the windows to my soul to shed the light in?

For it's harder than it seems... the fall of shattered broken dreams.
This place where self-destructive schemes and life's worn down seams meet.


*-Bobbie Leigh
 Mar 2015 Matheus Pagani
I wish i was empty
void of life, void of emotions
because only then
would I not bother with this facade

Putting on smiles as fake
as my friends' concern,
lying has become my second tongue

And I wish I could spill the sadness
in my soul to you
but dear I'm afraid you'd
(Sorry it's sappy and all, but I had a lot of bottled up feelings when I scribbled this down in a journal, hahah. This is my first post, so I'm still not sure how things work on these site so um..yeah, I'm ranting now, sorry. Hope you enjoy!)

— The End —