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 Apr 2017 Marvin Paul
"I didn't mean to break it" he said,
Holding my heart in his hands.
"I didn't mean to break it
I swear it wasn't my plan".
He held my mangled heart out,
Unsure of what to do.
"I didn't mean to break it,
But I don't have any glue".
I watched him let the pieces drop
And bounce around the floor.
"I didn't mean to break it,
But I don't love you anymore".
For you
Aspirations become crushed by life,
As the will to succeed hits a brick wall.

Hopelessness transpires through devastation,
Emerging a fractured outlook about fate.

When the dream becomes broken,
Promise is always an option.

By climbing out of that hole,
Hope is a possible task.

If greatness can’t be fully restored,
Alternatives can be proclaimed with honor.

Whatever course destiny’s tale will tell,
Success can win through decisiveness.
Strolling around in
our dear Old Paradise Street
I nearly swooned, my
love, yet, though, rose up into
your deep blue empyrean.
I long for myself
and for those I love
and for those I lead
to be like the
wild sequoias.

Let our reach
be high and vertical.
Let our roots
be firm and intertwined.
Let us be
strategically planted
in deep reservoirs.
Let our bark
be thick and resilient.
Let our seeds
be released
and germinated
when the fire comes.

Yes, let us be
an enduring grove,
outliving difficult
seasons and enjoying
the plentiful.
 Apr 2017 Marvin Paul
Chad Clarke
All of these stars have a reason.
A reason to shine,
A reason like mine.
I'm not sure if I should complain anymore
Maybe this is my fault, I literally chose this life
Clothes on the floor, in the bathroom, overflowing everywhere
And she sleeps comfortably
4 more weeks
Lights burning until 5 am when you should probably be asleep because we both know you'll probably sleep through your 8 am, 8:15 am, 8:30 am alarms
And your classes, how many have you missed this semester?
Don't even reply
I chose this life the moment I chose to live here
But I didn't choose you
I didn't choose random civilians sleeping on our floor
Only to be alerted to their random comment on our behavior at 6 am when it's dark and the last thing a girl wants to hear in the midst of darkness is an unfamiliar male voice
4 more weeks
I did not choose your habits
The dishes have been piling up and
Is that mold on your sponge, don't answer that either
You laugh at the strangest things and maybe there shouldn't be a smile on your face while holding sharp objects
I did not choose my polar opposite in the worst possible way
We are like literal day and night and I never thought that I would hate it this much
4 more weeks
Just 4 more and then nothing but the bliss of being alone again in a safe place
My space
Fresh new night
and all fast asleep.
I step out my room
to meet my friend
like every other night.
we meet quite often but only at night.
Don't know what's inside
but we both love nights!

Walking through the empty dark roads
with less people around
we planned for a long drive
& rented a car.
We went along the roads unknown to us
& I wished it should be a never ending path!
And all of this brought back my smile!

As I seek & peek outside through the window of the car
with fast-paced movement of other cars.
No bright lights to be found across
but to feel all the beauty amidst the dark world of night.
Knowing not where I am or where I will be,
my ears enjoying the melody of the songs of yester-years.
and cherishing our unplanned plan.
A sudden burst of laughter in-between
cracking some jokes to disturb the stillness of night.
While passing through the highway,
mysteriously sweet feeling pierced through my heart.

It's just me & my friend into the road less taken.
from midnight it turned into 4(am)
but still wanted to keep going through the untrodden roads.
It was too late though so had to return back
treasuring the moments beneath the heart.
And wondering If I never had to put an end to this night!
# when was the last time you did something for the first time?
Last night was my treasured moments. I love nights.
For the first time I went for a long drive at night.
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