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 Apr 2017 Marvin Paul
 Apr 2017 Marvin Paul
So tell me babe, why do you stay
Is there something stopping you from making a change
You go on, getting stuck in your ways
Is there somewhere else you wish you could be today
Now don't fall asleep, and don't follow your dreams
Don't wait up for me, and don't you dare to believe
That there's anything more to this than what you're able to see
I like someone I can't deny.
I think of her every time.
Sight of her make my time die.
Butterfly want to come out fly.

I don't know how can I comply.
My feelings acting like wild fire.
I want her heart too know my heart.
Eminently want her this hard.

Only If I could tell what I feel in my heart.
Hear me saying can I be in your heart.
I will cherish you, Care for you.
Do everything for you.

If only I could tell.
 Apr 2017 Marvin Paul
 Apr 2017 Marvin Paul
Steam rolled down the hall
Invitation of an open door
Your sigh of incitement whispered
Kisses burnt between lovers
Hot water cascades down your back
Beads of desire
Washing off my fingerprints from the night before

Your aroma danced in the dust of a new day
Hot coffee caressed your lips
Detached from the now
Sunlight glistened in your eyes
That spark of moonlight lingered
The silence of dawn filled the air

The evolution of an afterthought
Cautiously optimistic
I wrapped myself in the flames of never
Divulging in a feeling
You left scars on my thighs
I enjoy the burn

Secrets stream from the walls
Like decades of nicotine
The stains remain upon my soul
A meant to be lover
I keep a lighter in the drawer
A night like this
I watch the water
beam from the sun
and that is what you call
making love
The Earth is the greatest poet I know.
I pluck at her expression
every so often
merely attempting
to translate her lyrics
into something,
just something
we can all feel and understand
My salutes to you, Earth.
Musical brush strokes paint
               the pink honey moon
               full and bright ;

the melody wafts lightly
               with a sensual scent
               of Jasmine fleur

Lonely hearts sip the sky’s
               lambent elixir’s gentle persuasion
from separately dispersed novas

the perennial blossom of the perpetual tide ..,                                       .
               merely pined moonlight

Immersing wholly in wistful reflection
               alight on wellspring emerald pond

Verily unspoken words cavort
               like musical rivulets spiraling flow
into the crystalline echo

Luna’s haloed heavenly sighs ,
               emanation bestrewn
               shimmering through dark nebula

like shooting stars shattered
               by the weight
               of their darkest radiance,
echoes upon the tide-less mirror pond

               the nimbus of moonlight
               imbuing all the ways I want you
. . .

wild is the wind ...© 6.17.2015
from a year ago, still longing for the touch of solacing song in the breeze as the waning last winter moon stirs the ache of loneliness
I know you're awake right now

and i’m still up, thoughts in overdrive.

I knew I was wasting my time,

but feathered brains speak in dissonance.

I knew you were gone months ago

with the wind as it guides the clouds,

laughing with sunshine and dabbling with the dark

as careless as you know I cannot be.

I stood grounded in mud, and you

kicking up dust on your heels

as you skipped away into the moon,

and I asked aloud why you left

but the pavement didn't answer me.

Silence filled me up like a ringing in my ears,

and it tasted like blood that I meant nothing,

and so I watched you drive away

and I said nothing.
 Mar 2016 Marvin Paul
She wanted to go home, back to stars. No more lonely boulevards and loud cars. No more expectations and broken promises. Just back to the place where her heart wasn't heavy and her soul full of darkness. Where the wonder and magic still tingled on the tips of her fingers, and no gravity pulled her down to the cold reality of the world. Just back home. To the stars, where the planets belonged to her and twirled around her, pulling her hair gently with care,  and her future yet untold was still promised  a galaxy of love, wonder, and no more pain.
 Mar 2016 Marvin Paul
Mike Hauser
Worship creation
Instead of the Creator
What's the sense in that
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