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 Feb 2016 martin
Julia Mae
 Feb 2016 martin
Julia Mae
i want to peel
my skin from my face
because i feel unsafe
living in such this way
and therein contained
is such overwhelming ugliness
i don't want you to see me
in this skin
i want pure and unblemished
a sight which you can cherish
 Feb 2016 martin
Nida Mahmoed
 Feb 2016 martin
Nida Mahmoed
Time is running like a fast train,
But there is always a time,
To hold a moment,
To feel a love,
To say all; which still are hidden,
There is always a time,
To make things right,
To know your real feelings,
Convincing ourselves; we are right,
Chosen to stick with stubborn behaviour,
Destroying nothing but you,
Change it; before there is no mean to change,
Everything can start again,
Every moment, you can hold and become whoever you have waited to become!

By: Nida Mahmoed.
 Feb 2016 martin
 Feb 2016 martin
Above all else, I felt complete.
They were confused - thought me eerie –
But they were vastly intrigued.
Because to them,
That which appeared to be chaos,
I found to be peace.
 Feb 2016 martin
Aw man,it really itches
Fight the urge to pluck the stitches
No wonder everybody ditches
Just a creep full of glitches
 Feb 2016 martin
Arjun Raj
My skin, few shades darker than yours
Stand between you and me,
Beneath we are all blood and bones,
But do you even care
when you pick me up from the bunch
Ask me, to remove my jacket, my trousers and boots
When I ask why, you say there is a reasonable doubt
But you know it, and I too
It really just, is,
the colour of my skin
As the metal detector traverse the length of my body,
Our eyes meet, and I stare right back at you
as the rest in the queue, just walk past me,
With nothing to say, with nothing to do,
they just watch me go through this drama I am used to
Sigh !
This is what the world has come to
There's only one you,
There could never be a more beautiful you,
No matter how many times you call yourself a fool,
You're beautiful,
With a purpose which only you can fulfill,
No matter how bad you feel,
Realise that you deserve people who'll love you no matter the situation,
Its not too late to change what you think of your reflection,
You're beautiful.
Not only for girls and women,for boys and men too..
We're all beautiful,
And you truly realise your beauty when you stop comparing yourself to others.
 Jan 2016 martin
 Jan 2016 martin
Before the closure
And after doubts, after collecting shattered thoughts
Before exposure
And knowing if that's what you sought

Last chance to dwell deep in illusions
To dream of perfect world ahead
Not to decide, nor reach conclusions
And get the ego fully fed

Keep, save the tension
For few more moments, bittersweet
Longing affection
Unknown desires raising up the heat

Sky is the limit
Tomorrow offers hope, tomorrow may destroy
So for one day, one hour, minute
Intoxicate, seek, hide, fear and enjoy
Let my spirit give you life,
Open arms to the light.
Either in fragments or
Pieces in jars,
Open your eyes
Those steaming stars
I promise,
It will beam anew.
In it,
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