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mark john junor Aug 2014
the empires silk wraps the parchment
blue and gold ribbon of such regal device
but this neat folded apparel
tangles in my mind
with fog of memories frame
door table tray
the parchment bears the blessings
but the ink is as black as his heart
cold as his intent
child i was
child no more
forged instrument misshapen
a single paper cup of jungle juice spilled
haphazardly on the clean lines
the parchment adorned with the
phrase and emblems of republic
stained with my child's mind
child i was
child no more
mark john junor Aug 2013
the center of my passing moment
her face profiled into the corner shadow
pale and delightful

her beach sand picker outfit
gives an upscale look of leisure
but her eyes
shout her intense inner demons
nervous energy dance her fingers
on the kitchen table

a fine sheen of sweat
covers her cleavage
which she opens further to cool off
oh my....

her wrist sparkles
with bands of silver and jewels
and makes small metallic sounds
as she reaches up to brush away a strand of hair
with a swift soft movement
that is almost ******
as her perfumed and lithe form leans toward me  
as i in one sweeping moment get a glimpse
of what it must be like to be in her arms
and that intense and absolute beautiful moment
in the near presence of this goddess
leaves me without the ability to speak for several moments
she asks if i am allright and becomes alarmed
when i do not respond
i manage to assure her

i adore women
i love being with them
i love just being around them
they make the world a beautiful place
my girlfriend says that im a typical male pig....i disagree...i am a hedonist to be certain, at least to an extent...but beyond that, women are without any doubt one the universes most wonderful and mysterious creations...and i am in love with certain specific women (like my girlfriend) but i am also in love with womanhood (which is a universe and a temple,  a deep wood filled with dark mystery, a wonderouse land of delight and joy....) i love being in love with women and everything about them. (the woman i wrote this about had a good but embarrassed laugh upon reading it...she wishes to remain i dedicate this poem to an anonymous goddess)
mark john junor Sep 2013
her bare feet touch the cool surface
of the kitchen linoleum floor
soft sticky sound
a pattern set upon itself
with her one wrist wrapped gently round
the hard coarse thin metal
engaging its tension with a tender grasp
bending it
to the form she dreamed

carnival horse and wire wood fence
separate her from the thing she hears
she watches it with her minds eye
as she leans nervous into the encircling frame
leans with one bare foot in the dusty gravel
the broken weeds a thin line in the rocky soil
mirror her stance darkly
in miniature echoes of the intense soft lines
of her delicate face
her sorrow etched clearly in the unnatural sunlight

her voice echoes soft and trembling
a voice ethereal but rich with meanings
that she endures but
that she is alone in the false dawn
so to save herself she has bent the
convex of the lens
bent the pattern into her figure alone
and as she wraps herself in the thin metal
gauze of shallow breathing
she seeks to behold not be beheld
to mask her feelings
to leave the thoughts treading shallow waters
to leave the intense moment
in the open ocean of the linoleum
where her footprint leads to my gasping eyes
the swirls of sand with slight breeze
mask her passing
and leave little trace of her presence

but her presence remains
in this image
powerful and sublime
full of the imagery dark musics
filled with the scents of burning
this sharp clean image narrowed focus
like a shutters thick sound
in the silence of a lone fan's endless drone
which reveals a thick sadness
in the shadow slivers in her hair
in the soft line of her lips
in the casual line of her arm draped over the hoop
i sense her assuage her hot tears in the starlight
in the backwoods of a small town
from the edge of wooden bridge
her sounds echo in the kitchen
with soft edges to their thought

the archway door
its hard bricks lean into the wind strewn alley
into the the narrow gaps
between the perception of
what is and what she creates
with crafted line
with slow depth exploration
the wire wood fence hides all matter of beasts
their rabid shadows are narrowly seen underneath its edge
but their faces are only in my perception
are only in my vision of the images edge
mark john junor May 2015
out of season rain
falls steady on my roof
its pattern on the slate walkway is a confusion of circles
birds continue to sing
cars continue to speed by
it is only i that has ground to a halt by this
gentle downpour
rainy season isnt supposed to be here yet
so why have you clogged my day
with your wet bedraggled deluge
away with you rain
away with you
mark john junor Sep 2013
his untutored mind
struggles to grasp the issues
he masturbates the thought process
while events unfold around him
he wings through the darkly lens
showing images of all matter of
profane beast imaginary
while a real one gnaws slowly upon his chest
and he relishes displaying their crude natures in ink
while the real one bleeds the marrow of his soul

a figurehead
his ability to reason is fundamentally flawed
its cracked surface
displays the madness rampant below
the grinning madman
is yourself reflecting yourself reflecting yourself

the headaches are worse today
there's the sound of thundering hoofs
like a hundred strong horse bearing down out of
the darkness
a sickness grips him
repugnant man
the ***** within
puts his sour and rotting mouth upon
his thoughts
kissing each one
with a deep light giggle of unbounded power

rumor leeches sap his strength
their constant words whispered
in his aching ear
leave nothing but the entrails of troubled thoughts
stinking and rotting in the minds eye
between the devils within and the devilish around
how is he to find a safe way
and still there is that awful thundering of hoofs
like a thousand strong horse bearing down on
naked and defenseless him

his minds eye
stripped of its pretensions
peers around the dim place
finding neither familiar nor comfort
only the strange shape of feeding things
and the feel of dirt
and filth
he masters his fear
and tentative step upon
tentative step can only release him
from this

grasping his sword he blindly strikes
at the shadows fleeting and quick
the dashing little that bite and gnaw
but they are just the dancing leaves in the summer wind
time will tell
if the untutored mind shall escape this place intact
or forfeit his future
for penny's on the pound
mark john junor Dec 2013
the shadows are long on the wooden floor
i can see the etchings of every weary foot
that has sought rest in this place at worlds end
there's a mist forming where the sun is burning off the rainwater
and the light is getting golden
that kind of glow that romances every face
that makes even the darkest night
seem comforting
her dress clings to her shoulder with a fine sweat
and her eyes cast down till i cup her chin
and she looks up at me
and thats all iv ever needed
the shadows are making inroads to making me sleep
so we step outside
and i gently pass my hand over her face
and her whisper clings to me
like a softly spoken hurricane
she leads me to the bed
and pulls me down into her scented arms
down into the sweet darkness of her love affair
and i am filled with the sounds of my
triumph and submission all at once
a sound like a hard race car engine
with the sigh of an old man
like the sound of a mid summer moon
high up in a warm forgiving sky
far above all the toil and mud
up here in her bed
in her arms
watching the shadows of the sun make
inroads to darkness
in a south florida motel room
a rain storm is comin
mark john junor Oct 2014
fragile heart she lay ruptured in my lounge chair
grey faced i mumble a few parting words over her
before i lay out the finest bone china
all the makings of tea and biscuits
all the fixings of ******
with the sounds of the snapping of necks
sharp wet sound fresh on the air
she was here to mourn her lover-boy
gone astray
i was here to see the deed done

i was the grey faced hangman
come to get his pennys
in my song you can hear the rope snap
in my heart you can feel the fall from the gallows
and my hangman's noose swinging in breeze
has its own peculiar creaking sound that sounds
like love to me
i was the grey faced hangman
that knows no sympathy
come now you wicked ones
sing my song with me

grey faced i lead the procession
up the graveyard road
the overgrown and thick summer feel to it
claws at the senses
but i keep walking stiffly
with the sound
of snapping necks ringing in my ears
its my song

he had cried like a child as they carried him to the gallows
he had begged and wailed
but my hangman's noose had claimed him
cold comfort awaits
to the tomb they cried out with joy
to the tomb with the scoundrel
while she lay weeping her lost lover-boy
and while grey faced i cleansed the world
of scoundrels like him
while grey faced i silently mourned
for i had run out of rope
(a little halloween for you)
mark john junor Feb 2014
to all of my readers, i wish you a very happy valentines day...with all of my love and some patchouli scented hippy hugs for you...((((((HIPPY HUGS))))))
mark john junor Nov 2014
she lay in the vanishing sunlight
vulnerable and beautiful
she was as lovely as dreams
she gave herself to me with her heart full of desire's dark romance
with her heart full of the magic of love's tenderness
it was then i knew at long last what it was to be loved
she played a fragment of her song
its beauty like a setting sun on a deep blue sea
and then i knew what it was like to breath once more
like i never knew what it meant to be alive
until her song played
until all my sorrows had vanished in her arms
so she played her song for me all night
it was sweet as a tropical night wind
full of promise and beauty
like this daydream of her soft hand in mine
warms my heart
till her song vanishes
mark john junor Jul 2013
a coin harlot he showers the day
with his turn of phrase that would sell
a sunken city to a floating fat man

the floating man
isnt really fat
but he belives himself to be
after all they wouldnt lie on tv would they
so he spends his lackluster days
become a deeper shade of golden tan and thinner by
shouting phrases of strangers arguments at
the passing clouds
nawing on the bone of contentious verbal meat

he floats in a life peserver
from the Lusitania
and its well peserved sanitys sealed in a jar
which he grips with a fevered hand they
are both his bane and plastic fantastic lover doll
all rolled into one evil mocking grin rubber ducky smelling henchwoman

she languishes in her sand and shell embrace of her lips
her rubber ducky superglue scent
is her own chinese man trap
after all dosnt every man secretly desire a love affair with
his rubber duck
they wouldnt lie about that on tv now would they
course not, dont be silly

i wait for first my ride home
but failing that
i will swim
goodnight and sleep tight
least you find yourself a rubber ducky
you can f@%ky
be very afraid of crossing pathes of the evil mocking grin rubber ducky smelling henchwoman...
and yes i am very deeply and madly in lust with my rubber duckie..her name duckie...she loves me too..( more drinks with umbrellas..ever)
mark john junor Oct 2013
nonsense plays in the background of my thoughts
lackluster little patterns of thought
that gather round and batter at the door
of my perception hoping to make enough noise
to get free out into the real world
but the denied little monsters are thrown back
into the darkness

i reason with myself
try bribery
try threats
but i ignore the dire consequence
and proceed to groom the
versions of what will be and letting them
run through my head
repeating the worst versions
and the better ones become mocking
like making love to sandpaper

dance for me
do the logic shuffle
find a fitting little balance if that suits ya
find a symphony to play the grand design of your scheme
but its a heavy line you gotta tow this rowboat with
on wheels would work better
but whatever is sleezy...i mean easy
we can paint waves on the sidewalk
you can row that puppy all the way home

whatever reasonable rationalization
gets ya thru the night
don't matter much if its occupy something/anything
if you think mocking me is gonna fix you
its gonna be a long long night sweetcheeks
cause i dont depend on what anyone thinks

so i jump in that rowboat with ya
and we can row that puppy home
toast the town with champagne
celebrate our diversity
mark john junor Aug 2013
the version of night shifts as each person
unfolds within mind what they see
it mutates as time proceeds
a contagion of the eye
makes her sad face regal with its pure and true
beauty clean line and side cast gnawing fear
makes her soft skin a sandpaper of insecurity's
and her sexuality a landmine filled no mans land
she moves restlessly in her seated position
spreading and folding herself
like a spastic lotus flower
like a wasp confused by butterfly's

the version of night shifts once again
and the two of you stand in the
narrow shadows at the edge of a vast
pitted concrete slab
the air is thick and greasy with tropical heat
she is ****
you cannot help but to reach over and touch
she only watches your hand
thin smile on her thin lips
inside your your separate minds
you each hold separate conversations silently
imagine the dreamlike responses
the version of night strains as she slowly
dresses and you silently walk
side by side into the the darkness
back to the noise room
back to the chair she cried in
back to the floor you feared

the version of night is fluid
like a infected river
it flows thru her veins as she
injects another dose of crying and coughs
breathing heavy
you sit cross legged at her feet
an apostle to the teaching that
beauty is no measure of destiny its only a means
a student of the humanities isolated and afraid
by a spastic lotus flower
a wasp confused by butterfly's

she batters down the defenses
contagion of perceive then process
that becomes reality governs her motive
it mutates as time proceeds
lies repeated become fact because they were spoken
so much they defied truths razor
fact becomes fiction
as truth is distorted in the crucible of
think think think think think
as truth is hammered clean of impuritys
and worked by the hands of the mind
into a better package
a more palatable lie

help me
help her
the night is unsympathetic
as she injects
sweat panting for abundant air
this is a killing cycle
i did not, she did. we are fine.
I sit bedside
and listen to the stirrings of his mind
snake their way through reason and folly
see the flashes of the rational come and go
watch the man I had come to call brother and friend
as he wanders the borderlands
between the light of awareness
and the dark of the illness that laid him low

He has not died
but lingers in half-life
like a man tied to a heavy stone
trying to drag it back to the light
while darkness creeps behind robbing him of the notion
he is a Sisyphus of the modern-day
treading the same steps over and over
while I sit in vigil bedside
hoping to catch him aware and awake
a chance to fare thee well
rest now brother
brave brave brother

I stand here by your side in dark or light
vigil for the man who is not gone
who wrestles with the darkness
in favor of light
mark john junor Jan 2016
these pale lips that so
swiftly rob me of my strength
these honey sweet lips
from which such soft words like butterfly logic
do so entangle me
and tie such aching around my very soul
with such a tight gentleness
these pale lips
that i reach over and with one finger
drawn slowly across them
i do shudder from head to toe with desires
these blue eyes
so adorned with paints
so shadowed behind lock of hair
such deep pools of hunger and light
her dream is a village road she has walked
her entire life
strewn upon its scoured bricks are
the romance notions written in french
because its a beautiful language when spoken softly
her paris clothes discarded in the dream
her skin reflecting moonlight
her lips glisten
as she walks the village road
mark john junor Apr 2013
no timid creature
its  leathery skin
its unseeing eye
moves thru the dark
between our worlds
a shattered place of promises we had
thought to keep
things we had gathered thinking to
build a world with
loves we had vowed
to keep or a avenge

time is making a new man of me
time is making new roads of your future
time is our lover and our nemesis
time is the jackal that feeds on
our hopes'
time is the farmer who sows the seed
of the growing hope you have in your cold cold eye

time is the reason i am now
so afraid
in this dim light motel room
with paper winged nightmares spreading across
the landscape of my dreams
time is the reason i hope
that we can flee

time is a viper
that is in the dust and dark
your grasping fingers
and your weeping
your educated whispers in denial
are just invitation
to the vipers kiss

release me from your side
release me fool
i dont share your wish to die
time is drawing near
i must flee
i must flee
mark john junor Mar 2013
beautiful viper
her soft shine hides
the sharp edges in her eyes

she is my perfect intent
my moment sought
my hope

her lean form in the shadows
is covered in a thin sheen of sweat
her fingers streach out grasping at the air pleading
but her cold thoughts show
her pale hunched anger at the sidewalks edge

she emptys her lust on the table
her broken eyes bright
and pumps her blown veins for poisons breeding
its her avaid hope to spread taint and sour

her body the midnight oil of twisted ruin
her mind the meat of the apothocarys to the souless
her drug the sleepless dreamland between dusk and dawn

i would surrender to kiss her
i would die to feel her heat next to me
touch that soft memory

to suckle on her disease like mothersmilk
and languish in the slow death of pale monster
her taste and words on each moment
her cold lips caress and thin fingers fumble
would be the heaven iv hoped for all this torn life

she is my perfect intent
my perfect moment
my hope
my love
mark john junor Mar 2015
his rustic way
the easy as they come grin
the soft shine in a hard land
had a gift in his brotherly manner
it was vulture's way
the name didn't fit the man but few do
he was a kind soul
always had time to mend fences
had time to build bridges
and the boy could dance
look at him go in the firelight
while the music sang softly
always thought he was most at home
sharing a meal and the comforts of conversation
few knew him as well as I
spent years chasing dawns early light with my friend
laughing and carrying on like two kids
it was vulture's way
last time ever laid eyes on him
he was laughing and talking with some fine young girl
just as natural as can be
a true hippie
relaxed and at ease with the world
he died later that spring
but to me he will always be alive
in summer breeze and moonlight
watch him dance and shake thous old bones
my good friend will always be there
in every smile i ever see
mark john junor Mar 2014
the words only come
as she turns and walks barefaced
into the deluge of night
but they fail to turn her path from
this motorway travesty
the traffic gives no appeasement
and so i retreat alone back to the civility of light
the waitress from the dinner
in her crisp black uniform is a soft vision of
transient beauty in this dark world display
her sharp step on the tiles is made clear by
the click of high heels
with genuine concerns painted vividly
on young face hovers over me
with instruments of refreshment
and implements of less casual soul meats
she gives comforts and care
to my wearied thought
she defines the end of her entertainments
with her sharp pencils pendulum scratchings
with bill in hand
i am loosed upon the night once more
now alone to roads delights
homeward bound
mark john junor Jul 2016
midnight lived in her eye
shadows of which graced her words
with a tale of yearning to be told
one of the heat of her passions self-denied
one of heartfelt awe of the power love could hold
traveling this dark evening with naught but starlight to behold
with naught but the souls secrets to keep you warm
wrapped in the threadbare veil of the lies you tell yourself
fluttering in the ever present cutting wind
with great care unwrap the bandages of hurt you hold to your heart
with great pity unleash your hope for tomorrows dawn
it will begin with the glimmer in her dark
every soul must walk alone with midnight
before they can understand the breaking of daylight
feel its warmth with their soul
know the truth
you need never walk alone
mark john junor Mar 2014
the carve of morning light
is hard against the grain
but i navigate its demure maiden
and her demands of devotion
and set out alone for the beach to find the
goddess of night

there along the boston post road
laying in the thick miami sun
with her scented petals and potions in small containers
she lingers her wet lips behind the crisp cold glass and watches
the vivid colours of the flowers and regalia
backdrop her thoughts as she waits for a setting sun

languishing in the ****** tropical night
adorned with only moonlights kiss
she reclines on soft warm sand
with her attentive lovers caress
and give sweet voice to their wanton carnal dreams

her lovers
both man and woman speak to her with
gentle kisses from such tender loves
and with such burning naked lusts
that it feels like they are feasting upon her with
their lips and hands
a deep longing and powerful tide of ecstasy's warmth
washes over her
she releases herself to its pleasures

afterwards with a lingering hand
she bids her lovers farewell
and wistfully walks barefoot up the sandy shore
carrying her sandals and basket of rhymes
she will flee north only to return
like a changing of seasons
to this empty stretch of beach this time next year
to find her lovers once again
and know once more the carefree loves and wanton desires
mark john junor Jun 2014
as day is gently washed away
on the sounds of her voice whispered sweetly
the tangle of words slip quiet into the
slumber of my heart
waking the dreams always near
the true ones of loves under cloudless stars spinning
the beautiful thunder of hot passions tender kiss
the one where its just two lovers forevermore
waking my eyes to you
as day is gently washed away
mark john junor Aug 2023
I lay in the shroud of shadows
while the steady rain soaks my bones
the liquid becomes my eyes
the sound becomes my soul

I lay on a bed of last falls leaves
they crumble at the touch
but give a sense of comfort from the hard ground
and cling to me like dreams and wishes unfulfilled

I lay under the scant cover of this ancient tree
and watch for signs of sunrise in the cloud-locked sky
and whisper invocations of some deity unnamed

I lay in a shroud of shadows
waiting to see
what cannot be seen
waiting to feel what I have never felt
take this misery from my eye
mark john junor Oct 2013
she was given to tragic speechs
at a whisper in the rainswept night
at the top of the cliff
overlooking the bay
the same place she sat and watched his
ship set off to sea
she still remembers seeing him
there high in the rigging
unfurling the sail
and recalls that he may have waved fare thee well
that the last time she would ever see him
the last voyage
of that schooner
which lay broken at the bottom
of some distant sea
with all hands forever to stand at the rail
looking for homecoming
forever seek familiar shore
for a wave dancers last waltz
and there they shall lay
brothers of the sea keeping eternal watch
while pulling line
and singing songs handed down
generation of seafarer to the next
she dreams of him tonight
as she lay thirty year distant
from that stormy night
thirty years waiting to go join him
in the halls of the Almighty's kingdom
mark john junor Jan 2014
the lights from the street below
shine weakly into the silent room
she lay in the tangled sheets
staring off into the night
a television set oddly turned to face the wall flickers while
its low volume garbles its incessant whispered babbling
like some deranged man talking to himself
the scents of ******* thick in the air
there is a tray of food gathering dust
a bottle of wine untouched
she is motionless
the **** skin of her face glistens in the
shifting shadows of her silent thoughts

i sit in the hardback chair
with difficult breathing apparatus trailing my mental footsteps
i tread carefully through the narrow dark wood
of her languid eye with small talk
laying out a feast of interesting topics
she is not hungry

a storm flashes lightening far out to sea
images come to the mind of a ship chasing the dawn
desperate to break free of the natures fury
and the captain at the helm
heroic figure standing fast against the odds
holding to the wheel and shouting to all hands
the rain falling in tangled sheets
focus returns to the room
she is falling motionless entangled in the beds sheets
i am the brave helmsman standing fast
this ship has already sunk

daylight appeases the minds of the
littered minefield of broken and bent on the bedroom floor
so they now allow begrudging paths safely to be seen
her eyes have closed
the dust encrusted food and the stale wine
make a feast for the birds who's small wing fluttering
are the only sound
the sun's heavy light falls in a narrow shaft
that glows against the dark wood background
i slowly ease my hand into its warmth
like a swimmer testing the waters
i dive in
and my soul swims the shaft of light
up to the bright world
leaving this place of shadows
and this woman of darker dreams

she awakens hours later
to find me laying on the floor with one hand extended out to
where the sun once held sway
laying there wrapped in my dreams of liquid light
dreaming of the day just past
and the days to come
she lay next to me
and cups me in her arms
while weak lights from the street below
shine up into our quiet room
mark john junor Jan 2014
his heavy face drags his head down her shirt
pleads innocence but the grin on his
face calls him a liar liar pants on fire
she just nods knowingly and unbuttons the next one down
cause she has been through the catalogue of this fools parade
and knows a good catch when she has her hooks in him
he starts flapping his arms like a fish outa water
we all just laugh we all been there
we all been a bird in the air

i make coffee but they are intent on the the sideshow
taking place on the couch
i turn to find the girls choir locked in dire straights
with the ****** circus clowns
they will be singing the blues soon enough
cause we all got a price to pay
when the penny comes to a pound
when the carpet bagger comes to call
and the price you pay equal
to the tears you lay

i sit back and light up the room with my handy dandy
nightwatchman flashlight
but soon realize that there are things here id rather not see
as the girls choir gets down and ***** with the clowns
they would rather have a warm bed now
than the cold promise of better kitchens two car garage tomorrow
and im not one to say they are wrong
iv swallowed enough swords
iv seen enough of the bitter bread
so make some room sweetheart
cause you look like you could use some company down there
in your dark corner of the strange parade...
is that a horse head you have on?

this room gets real wild at a quarter to three
the old man has come down
and is talking up the future to some young honey
who knows better but has an eye on his wallet
we all got a price to pay
he gonna give up his riches
shes gonna give up her dreams
all got a price to pay
when  the carpet bagger comes to call

i shake off the dawn
and stumble out to the street
look back to find the whole circus waving goodbye
they all look so happy and content
even the ones with the bloodstains
but that's the price i gotta pay
looks so pretty from this far down the road
looks so warm and inviting with their smiles and lollipops
the circus clowns and the pregnant girls choir
even she seems friendly
in the heat haze of the long hours away
but something reminds me of all her warts
all her filthy fingers grabbing at the shirt-tail
he eyes pleading a different case before the high court
of her own self doubts

when the carpet bagger comes to call
he opens his bag of tricks
and shows you a world of wonder
all glitter and lights
but it isnt till the bill is due
that you remember we all got a price to pay
we all are fish out of water
He wrestles with the blanket
trying by sheer strength of will
to swim out of the deepening tide waters
that overwhelm him
as unseen hands hold him back

no longer am I a brother
I am a stranger tugging at him
as he tries to flee
some unseen danger that troubles his mind

Difficult to stand and watch
difficult to write

He wrestles with the blanket
and curses his accusers
slanders the mediocracy of such an end
to a life lived unapologetically
I never knew that you were so strong
till that strength was gone
fare the well longliner
a son of the sea
may the waves rock you gentle to sleep
long blissful sleep
mark john junor Jun 2014
me and juilet went a walking
in the late day summer sun hand in hand
waving our hello's to neighbor and a few
we lived our smiles
and it did let our souls breath
breath it in deep breath in the worlds beauties
and her hand in mine felt so natural so real
just set the rising sun to the sea of my dreams
felt so natural so real

she lead me into the old town
to this little place where the old woman welcomes
you to her table an feed you a feast
sit and tell the worlds tale
and we lived her smile too
felt so natural so real
the hour grew late
and she passed us the keys to the worlds dream
so we went wanderin under a sea of stars
hand in hand with my true love
just so as they say we lived our smiles
set the rising sun to my sea of dreams

we walked all the way to the beach and back again
so my love lead me once more
this time to our safe harbor of our bed
and we lay entwined and deep with eachother
we lived our smiles once more
felt so natural so real
and just as i drifted to slumbers
i kissed each trinket and bauble woven in her hair
one for her one for me
we lived our smiles on a sea of dreams
so natural so real
mark john junor Sep 2013
capture the falling moment
catch the feeling of being free
as you plunge
the spike in

she crouches in the corner and laments
so forlorn of your passing
so bereft of your soul
she had played her soft hand
had promised all warm things
as you slip in and out of consciousness
as you slip in and out existence

she smiles wide
she knows death when she sees it
she senses it as lovers know each other
she caresses its cold cheek
she takes him inside her
a blackness that consumes and feeds her
a needle point of sharp pain
that spreads her lips in a deep gasp
of pleasures that she cannot contain

darkness forever
with him
entwined in cold sleep

she stares
while you slip benith the surface never to return
saying only that she always wanted to see
someone die
she always wanted to be that close to
her lover death
and she swears that she could feel him in the room
she could feel him plunging into her soft ****
as he pulled you into the next world
death is a doorway
from which there is no return
mark john junor Jul 2013
wet. ambition of her silken hair
scatter my moral compass
but after terse words
we set out on the road
her tale carries us for miles
and leads to many thoughts
but I'm easily distracted and distraught
by soapbox celebritys and their
rabid claims to fame
and am left to letting her choose our path
she pens regrets to me and mails them
to the wrong address so ill never know her love for me
has grown cold

I befriend the postman
putting the letters of my words
carefully on his face with a fine line pen
but he keeps whispering that I should be
so sad because love has been rejected
and my heart was returned marked postage due
the description sours when
the ink hits the page
never quite suits the thought
as we trundle along the stony path
the bone rattling pace lends misgivings

find my way home in the song of her heart
find my weary way to her door
turning the door inward
and see the vault of her hearts fortress
reduced to rubble ans she has
now gone

she has fled eastward
wagon laden with tales and trinkets
her blue dress flowing over the side and fluttering in the breeze
wet ambition is no mercy
wet ambition is cold
written on and spell grammer checked by kindle fire.
mark john junor Nov 2014
for that moment
in the rush and heat of the crowd
under the television cameras and brilliant lights
there was camaraderie and purpose
there was the beauty of belonging to something bigger than
something grand and bright with promise
stood shoulder to shoulder against the powers that be
made the man back down
comrades in arms shouted the chants
held the line
for that moment we were heroes
we were heroes
but now a swift year has flown by
and the struggle no longer makes the five o'clock news
the cameras and crowd is gone
but you linger
because you want it all back
want to hold the line shoulder to shoulder one more time
chant and raise hell for the cause one more time
we were heroes
but its all faded
down to loud rebels in quiet coffee shops
down to the faded glory of 'remember when's'
and old photographs
(november the fifth)
mark john junor Apr 2016
we danced like we were in paris
danced like lovers under a summer moon
everyone saw us
everyone loved us
the beautiful songs played
while we breathed the romantic night air
wrapped in each others arms
entwined in each others hearts
we were the center of the beautiful world
we were swept away on a sea of love
forever in each heartbeat
forever in each others eyes
we danced like we were in paris
we danced like lovers do
we were the center of the beautiful world
the light shined all around us
everyone saw us
everyone loved us
a warm rain of smiles
a hot long kiss of tenderness
we danced like we were in paris
till the song faded away
we were the center of the beautiful world
till the song faded away
mark john junor Oct 2014
we skipped stones into steel boxes
we sheltered pretty songs from dark nights
we were strong as the sun
we were men of the concrete woods
hammer in hand we smashed stone
hearts in mystery we broke natural laws
gave voice to the unspeakable
made us stronger men
stood on the boulevard and saw the world fall
we brushed back the lace curtain
stood in the pitch black and watched moonrise
with younger eyes and it made us men
wills entwined striving to conquer
striving to find
we were men of shadows
we were men of light
as we skipped stones into steel boxes
and struggled with our demons
we were men of shadows
stronger than the sun
(for stuttering phil and all my other old friends)
mark john junor Nov 2018
we danced like we were in paris
danced like lovers under a summer moon
everyone saw us
everyone loved us
the beautiful songs played
while we breathed the romantic night air
wrapped in each others arms
entwined in each others hearts
we were the center of the beautiful world
we were swept away on a sea of love
forever in each heartbeat
forever in each others eyes
we danced like we were in paris
we danced like lovers do
we were the center of the beautiful world
the light shined all around us
everyone saw us
everyone loved us
they all whispered how lovely we were
marveled at how we danced so beautifully
we were beautiful
we danced like we were in paris
till the song faded away
we were the center of the beautiful world
we were paris
till the song faded away
mark john junor Feb 2017
Quixotes is a dream,
It's a fireplace and songs
Its strong friendship and
beautiful moments shared
It's a thought that guides souls
to a peaceful way
It's wood and brick paint and posters
built with gentle care and loving soul
Quixotes is a world away from the world
where dance is freedom
Laughter and joy are the air we breath
Song a rich tapestry that tells the tale
of how we came to be
Song a river that has flowed thru our lives
in this palace, in this beautiful dream
Quixotes is a sweet jem
sparkling in the sun
forever home for our hearts
Quixotes is a music venue i used to work at, i was the nightwatchmen
mark john junor May 2013
my lover wrapped in white linens
with the small breezes stirring
the curtains
with the first rays of summer morning breaking on her brow
like wild horses scatter full of the power of beauty and purity
with the power of my desire for her
my lover
she lay in my arms
warm and breathing softly
and i tenderly kiss her lips
and tell her that she is my temple
she is a epic adventure that i open each day
to find what wondrous vista she will teach me
what deep mystery she will unlock before me
to find the wonder and beauty i find exploring her and her sweet form
to know her
to be with her
in her
to see the world thru the hope i find in her bright eyes
to see each-other in the everyday of our lives
isn't so hard
when its with someone like her
this poem isnt about bullying...but it is about love and thats somthing we all need.. if your being bullied, and you need door is allways open, you are never alone...there are alot of people out there who want to help you....reach out.
mark john junor Nov 2014
the quiet place where i write
breeze swept field and shade tree
in the distance mighty towers
construct of hammers and hands
down by the ocean and its mighty ships
the scent of open water stirs the soul

this quiet place
where my heart builds little worlds
magnificent noble creatures come to wrestle
with a deeper sea of dreams
this quiet place where
innocence still laughs undaunted by the world
when my pen can speak its heart
unchallenged by the weary day

this strange place my heart goes to put pen to page
a place of memories both real and wished
a place where all could have been and was
this quiet place
crepe paper constructions of grand dreams
christmas tree tinsel lions chasing dawns wicked approach
where innocence still has the heart
to take joy
to take joy
mark john junor Apr 2016
she wondered at when her heart had become winterbound
when the lovely garden had been
overgrown by sorrow and anger
wondered at how long she could pine for a love lost before
it consumed her very soul
she strayed each day through sketches she had drawn
captured happiness expressions of soul
whimsical moments of those bright days
she had always held love as a hope
a perfect place when she could live forever
but love takes many hearts to many different places
love wares different masks for its pleasure and play
it is an intoxicating brew
which drives men mad
it is a beautiful thing that women cherish
that gives life meaning
that is the very essence of our souls
she wondered at when her heart had become winterbound
when the lovely garden had become a tangled web of tears
but as spring grows upon the days
so her heart grows bold
and she learns how to leave that darkness behind
she will still steal glances backwards
but she will learn to love again
she will learn to leave behind the memory
and walk once again in the summer sun
mark john junor Nov 2015
her face is what my heart paints into
this whirlwind of conflicting images
her velvet voice just within perception beneath wild wind
calling my name with reassurance and empathy
intensity of the night tries again and again to overwhelm
but the grainy vision of my confusions cannot withstand
fragments shatter and her intent sweet and sure shines into my eyes

brittle stone that i lay my head on
while rain soaks the woods around me
pieces of sky seen through canopy of leaves
rushing torrent of clouds
shades of grey
my pale mind grasps at swift thought
like reaching for a ghost
droplets of rain gather in the palm of my hand
slowly pooling there cold and indifferent
swallow them whole bitter and smooth

dusk finds me walking slowly in the woods
without path or direction
admire the madness
question the sky in mumbled phrase
my body inked with the tread of darkness encroaching
seek patterns there like gifts of sweet thought
jumble them till they will play out like
a hopeful dream
a promised heaven on this dark earth

night finds me standing at the edge
of the football field in the drenching rain
in the utter darkness of solitude
my mind speaks loudly at me
gestures animated with images distraught and disturbing
so loud in my head i cannot scream
in some inner corner of me
i wait silent vigil holding hopes light up against
this dark of night

dawn finds me at long last
curled up under a tree
sleep wrapping me in warm tender bliss
i have survived the worst of it
a trail home lay before me
laid out with the clarity that her open and warm heart
had gifted me
sleep now be at ease
she waits for you
she waits for you
mark john junor Jul 2014
he took another pull off the whiskey jar
and worrying his last coin tween his worn fingers
spoke real softly of the night she went
on down the river road
you could taste this muscled man restraining
you could sense how deep it cut
this brute of a man brought to tears
cause the night she went down on the river road

he was a man of the plow and field
lived for the taste of newly broken earth
and the feel of seed in the sun baked soil
lived for the green growing
just wanted a life with her natural an free
take no more than he used from the earth
and to spend his life giving his all
building a world for the two of em to live happy
till the night she went on down to the river road
now look at this poorboy
wracked to ruin
by the cruel truths

high up on the hill
neath a threadbare tree
he laid her to rest
six feet under
you could taste the once living soil
gone to corruption in the shovel
as he filled in the last soil he would ever touch
he went on himself walking real slow
to the river road
hoping that he could meet her fate
and join her in the great beyond
find him there today working the steamships
and metal rods for the harvests of steel
a sorrowful song on his lips
'tween pulls on the hard whiskey jar
for the night she went on down to the river road
mark john junor May 2014
this place
in the thin track of woods
behind a shopping center
a boulder and the bare beaten ground around it
littered with beer cans and pizza boxes
a girls shirt with mud on it hangs in a bush
one mans shoe

but its so quiet here
the breathing of the wind
as it stirs the leaves overhead
and makes a shifting sunlight fresco of shadow's light
a crow beats wings into the clearing

who was i with that day
where were we going
a girl but who..who....
i cannot even remember what she looked like
the color of her hair
i cannot even tell you the year
i was a young man in a motorcycle jacket
and engineer boots
was it a dream
dreamt so long ago that it in
memory's eye it was real
no i know the place we were all to well

that clearing is fresh to the mind as it was that day
but time has eroded all else
i wonder who she was
i know i loved her after a fashion
i held her in that clearing
we kissed and talked for some measureless time
i remember her laugh
i remember her kiss
who were you

my sweet lost lover
forgive this old man his scattered mind
forgive my thoughtless forgetting
as the days end rush up upon me
i look back with a fond eye on my passing life
if we shared little else
i know we shared that day
and i know that my heart smiled for you
my sweet lost lover
mark john junor Sep 2013
her face a bold echo of all she left behind
a slow symphony of nasty things that linger in her mind
she lives them over and over
in the off color technical vision
of an artist trying on her own guises for a adventure
the night crawls over her thigh
lodges in the warm wet of her fingers
and spreads into the windows
grey fades into black

the slow devolution
into the jaundiced eye
into the nicotine stained tapping fingers as she impatiently
waits for words that can never be spoken aloud
the slow desire for tears
so deep and immediate that its a bible to the lonely soul
and her senses deny you
even as you touch the door
even as you evaporate down the hall
melt yourself into the humid night
so fair is her face that you live each of thouse seconds in dire regret
so fair is her touch that you must lean on your last breath
to let go

the night crawls
in her bed clothes
laying its fetid eggs
like a stain of pollution tender and sickly sweet
its insect face bitter staring from her soul
now i see you

you escape over and over
humid night
humid night
but you never leave

narrow her eye jaundiced and rancid
lay open for the world to see and be seen by
and she molds him to the stain of her hurt
deep impressions over the years leaves him little room to
wiggle wiggle worm, wiggle wiggle worm
mark john junor Jul 2013
the other side of shatterbox's wall
is my room
stretch my hand out
feel the warmth of sun on bare skin
turn my closed eyes to the sky
and drink in the day like wine
intoxicating and bitter aftertastes
but cool and filling the senses

i slake souls thirst for essence of a gluttons bread and butter
taking the dreadlock girl to bed with me
she makes headway to her notions
of making a home here and finding a reason to stay
but i am wary of the fast female now that
i am so entangled within the gears of this past one
my lusts seep from her and soil the sheets
she laughs at this unconcerned

we go for dinner and we laugh and play
on the beach
she loves to be in love
she loves to whisper under the sheets long into the night
even when we are the only two there
i dont want another relationship
i dont want to repeat the last one

grapple with eachother till dawn
and smelling like fresh *** we dash out to the store
get doughnuts and coffee

she eats doughnuts the same way i do
i dont want a relationship

its the wine talking
but the shatterbox man next door
has reminded me that its too easy in this world to end
up alone in a room with nothing but your thoughts
the other side of shatterbox's wall....nothing more in common i keep telling myself...dosnt matter that shatterbox used to write poetry.
mark john junor Jan 2014
glean from the grey light
of storm infested day
knowledge and rumour of
portent and potions which are
the ingredients of her heretic mind
and its tricksy path through the thorns

her face defends against such conversation
deflects the angrier intents and sends them off
like petulant schoolchildren to
stand in a meadow of butterfly's and balloons
their angry little faces red with envy
at the good kids who get ice cream
think bland thoughts children
live bland lives and you can have cookies and cake
all day long

quiet now here on the back porch
'cept Cecil who is mumbling his disgruntled
mind to the saints above
while he sips his bottle of red wine
the soft rain and winter birds
are the symphony to his lone act stage production
of another mans life
which is well lived and hardy
a life without such rain
a life without winter birds

winter birds
huddle next to eachother on tree-limb
waiting for a chance to join the swift sky
dance in its rivers of air
dream in its wondrous star laden halls
breath its wide open sea
winter birds want to fly away
just like me
just like me
mark john junor Apr 2016
i unfolded the bright sunlight
unbound it from the winter sky
held it in my rough hands
and let it stream down upon me
wash away the night chill from my bones
let my soul drink its beautiful warmth
like a sweet wine...
my feet in puddles i walk an echo of images
the sky perfectly preserved in a watery vision
i look and see in the liquid world expressed at my feet
winterbirds flying slowly in formation southbound
moving from one puddle to the next unbroken and free
perfect reflections of beauty unleashed
each breath held for a moment
then released like a softly spoken prayer
a wish that like the winterbirds i could take to wing
be forever free on the open sky
be forever at peace...
i unfolded the bright sunlight
unbound it from the winter sky
and handed it to her
she smiled and said she would always cherish it
put it in a golden locket
that she would open in the furthest deep of night
giving birth to the beauty of dawn once again
to give my weary old heart life again
winterbirds float
unbroken and free
on the liquid sky
where i want to be
mark john junor Dec 2015
winter calls me
ease into the walking away
maybe it'll all have meaning someday
maybe it will all be clear to me
when iv found the home iv searched for all these years

i can watch the snowflakes fall
spiral round and down
intermittent feelings bring me back
winter calls me so quietly
that its sound is no more than a soft kiss in my ear
it says to leave a trail behind me
move forward and know that there is no knowing tomorrow
till it comes
there is no knowing how much holding hands means
till its gone

winter calls me
and i reply
ever so softly i tell quick stories in poem form
ever so quietly i speak to the heart
winter calls me
and i loose myself in its dreaming
look back and see the trail i took
to get here to find
winter calls me
a soft kiss in my ear
mark john junor Dec 2014
she was my winter dream
with promise of spring
dreamed her one cold night
and every night since
she became the light in my life
she became laughter and warmth
a song that played me sweetly
she was my winter dream
frightening how quickly became everything to me
scary how quick became more than just memory
became more than me
i saw her in the falling rain
saw her in the light fading away to the east
saw her in my sanity disappearing into the night
saw her everywhere i thought beauty should be
when all other hope had faded
tasted so near to real for a moment
tasted like summer starlight kisses
like vibrant light of the heart brought to life
but then...
mark john junor Feb 2015
winter holds her
barren with beauty's decay
she gives silent flowers of the mind to the cold wind
that transports them like dreams into the distant landscape
she gives her soft heart
to the falling snow
which transpires like a whisper flowing down to melt on soft ground
like a passage of the nights tale told and retold
by the fairest of souls in the solitude of starlight...
so intoxicating is the falling snow
it leaves her with numb lips from the verse unsung
it leaves her with aching in her limbs from
the untried ballet of winters solstice...
such is winter's night
a possession of the snow and cold
a rite to be passed with delicate thoughts...
winter holds her in its hand
and yet even barren she flourishes like a rose blooming
in beautiful spring
mark john junor Dec 2014
darkness withers the heart
but for some that thrill is life itself
unseasonal to her tenderness but she is drawn to it
to her mind it was the tempest she sought
a desire too strong to deny
she derided him for his winter heart
magic he would say
liar she would cry
but she would never turn him away
never deny him his pleasures
dire and dark a man with his winter heart
bright eyed she opened herself to whatever he desired
passions flame burns quick
untill all she is and has is gone
mark john junor May 2014
winter's monday horses
unfold in the simplicity of muscular ambition
gracefully these earthly creatures contemplate asphalt flowers
they are flawless in the playground of the surreal
tranquility crafted  from the rapture of angst
i am barefoot in my disbelief peering at their silken perfections
winter's monday horses with angelic skill
leave me addicted to the cosmos trapped in
the shred of their approaching eye
they gallop toward me like a flood of thunder
terrifying portrait timeless like a woman giving birth to a thought of love
let me depart now
on the grim sails chaotic and forlorn
under the skeleton of moonlight
grieve winter's monday horses no more
they are free passionate waterfall on the worlds dark surface
lament only the puppets of their deafening heartbeats
such as i
addicted to the cosmos in their weeping eyes
mark john junor Oct 2014
rainswept morning leaves me
in a soul deep stillness
where my mind wanders the reflections of my heart
the sorrows that held me captive
the dreams that set me free
the hopes that i cling to when darkness threatens
the love that sustains me

the rainswept morning
full of winters shadow displaced by
the last vestiges of summers warmth
the fall colors washed out and dulled by the grey skies
my mood melancholy as the day

the remainder of photographs litter the
wooden floor where she had sat in blue lace perfection
flawless and lovely
where she had with delicate beauty been legendary
while speaking in her silver screen dreamy voice
had created creatures to cavort from thin air
she had taken ashes and made worlds i could only dream of
i now regret this room and all that it could have spoken to me
but now cannot

shadows of yesterday on the transitory sands
of this strange paradise
within these blurred images
are the places in the soul where
grey dust gathers as a parched illustration of times passage
an image of abnormal life lived vicarious
hands i only dreamt of holding
smiles i only wished to share
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