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21.8k · Jan 2016
Little Bear Jan 2016

Read this to yourself.
Read it silently.
Don’t move your lips.
Don’t make a sound?
Listen to yourself.
Listen without hearing anything.
What a wonderfully weird thing, huh?

Now, hear a whisper.
A tiny whisper.

Now, read this next line in your best crotchety old man voice:

“Hello there sonny, does this town have a post office?”

Awesome! Who was that?
Whose voice was that?
Certainly not yours.

How do you do that?

Must be magic!!
Written by the wonderful poet, Shel Silverstein.
12.3k · Mar 2016
It's okay to say no...
Little Bear Mar 2016
It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to say no to someone you love. It’s okay to say no to a friend. It’s okay to say no to a parent or child. It’s okay to say no to a job or relationship.

It’s okay to say no to ****** advances. And it’s okay to say no to a person who’s romantically interested in you. Even if it hurts someone’s feelings, even if you disappoint people, even if you’re judged and ostracized — it’s okay to say no to anything and anyone that causes you pain or makes you uncomfortable. You’re allowed to put yourself first. You’re allowed to set limits and boundaries.

And you deserve to make your happiness and well being a priority. You don’t ever have to settle for something or someone that doesn’t feel right. And you definitely don’t have to compromise yourself for the sake of making other people happy. YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, AND IF THAT MEANS SAYING NO, IT'S MORE THAN OKAY.**

A quote by – Daniell Koepke
"No" is a complete sentence.
It does not require justification or explanation

(not my quote)
6.7k · Aug 2016
Little Bear Aug 2016
if only we would love  
with our eyes
and our hearts

we would not see
the outer shell

we would simply
fall in love with
the soul
the spirit
the heart
before us

for the rest
eventually falls away
Thank you all so so very much for all of the wonderful comments and kind words. I am so very grateful. I woke this morning to so many emails.. i actually thought my Mum had finally managed to use the email account i had set up for her and had sent me some messages :o)
but no .. haha bless her heart.. :o)

So.... again.. thank you thank you all forever, for all the hearts and all the love..
i feel it ***
Little Bear May 2016
I am madly in love
with humans.
Especially the strange ones.
For it is ever so beautiful to
be strange. To do things differently
than others. To see things in a rare
light. To me; that is such gold to carry.

                            - Christopher
One of my favourite poets ever.. I sleep with his book under my pillow. Never have I slept so well.
4.6k · Feb 2016
The Twits ~ by Roald Dahl
Little Bear Feb 2016
A person who has good thoughts
cannot ever be ugly.
You can have a wonky nose
and a crooked mouth
and a double chin
and stick-out teeth,
but if you have good thoughts
they will shine out of your face
like sunbeams
and you will always
look lovely.
An Excerpt from The Twits by Roald Dahl
One of my favourite quotes
4.4k · Jun 2016
Painting the roses red
Little Bear Jun 2016
I remember a time when he would come home.

And i remember that, you must stand at the door and welcome him home like you are happy, don't forget to be happy.
Tea was always ready and the house would be clean and tidy because it should be, you wanted it to be, and woe betide you if it wasn't.
And then, when tea was finished, he wanted his beer and the tv on
and now you mustn't talk because you shouldn't.
So the kitchen was tidied and everything was just so..
you mustn't forget to make it just so.
But you know the time is coming where the beer is all gone and the match would be lost and the anger would flare.
That's when you want to become invisible but you can't
because he needs to punch something and well..
you're as good as any door.
So after the room was cleaned up and the broken glasses and lip was put away, it was time for bed..
And you can't pretend to be asleep because that doesn't count
as a no.

Thankfully there was a little glow in the dark star on the ceiling you could look up at and wish upon it that you weren't in this room, in this bed right now. I think the people who lived there before left it behind. I knew that if i moved i would take it with me.

And the need to run was immense. But there was no where to go and nobody knew and, after all, it was the way of things, don't complain.. it could be worse.. remember that.. it could be worse.. he said.

I often dreamed of a tiny little bed all of my own with fairy lights and my own place to put my books, but that would have to wait as now is not the time to think of such a silly notion. Stupid ***** that you are.

And so each and every night, i painted the roses red.. so i didn't loose my head.

And running wasn't really an option because, contrary to popular opinion, that is harder than you think.. after all... this was normal and... this is just what happens and... this is just one of those things and... **** it up buttercup, now clean the house again you stupid ****.

And in the gaslighting, which burned very bright, you would have enough of a glow to paint the roses red.
Perfectly red, everyday they would have to be red.

And life carried on for years like this and my friend, the little glow in the dark star and i were the only ones who knew what 'behind closed doors' really meant.

Inevitably children were born into this world of mine, and you can't say no to no contraception, because the need to see his fertility bloom was the most important thing in the world.
Most important.

But i was indeed blessed with more than an armful of joy.

And so we all painted the roses red and in time, we all wondered, which one of us would loose our head.

We moved house and the years passed as they normally do with various reasons to run and threats that made us stay.
But you never run..  because now he might **** you all,
and not just you.
If it was just you, you wouldn't have minded so much...

So we moved house and the little glow in the dark star came along too. It was placed near the light fitting over the bed and i put my finger to my lips and said 'shhh' as i stuck it to the ceiling.
But we knew.

And so, for a few more years you carry the weight of the world, the little secret, and a heart full of love, and begin painting the roses red with your children.
And now you definitely can't leave and you can't run because they might loose their heads and now, now you might have to watch.. while you get to keep yours.

And then a tide turned, well, four tides turned, and damage was being done that my love could not repair.
And that is when i had to be brave and i had to do what i should have done many years before.
I was conditioned to suffer along side and this was normal.
Not that any of that is an excuse.
And although i knew it wasn't right, i knew it was normal.. for me.

A contradiction if ever there was.

But my love for my children will always be far greater, greater than my love for any one else could ever be. Even if it was their flesh and blood.
And him saying we couldn't leave now did not count as a no.
But we didn't leave.
We made him pack his things and go. We had found safety in numbers, we all stood and were counted, we exposed only what secrets needed to be told.
The rest we keep for ourselves.
He never said sorry and he left. And never came back.

So we kept some of the red paint and we added orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. And we painted all of our roses any **** colour we wanted to. Including ourselves.

And I took down the little glow in the dark star, it had seen far too much and probably needed therapy :o)  

And we will live happily forever after.
Oh so very simplified. All i know is, you do what you have to to get by, and when the tide turns.. do what you must.
Little Bear Feb 2016
I truly believe if we love enough,
the earth will love us back.
You are made of wind
and fire
and rain
and dust
and as long as you spread kindness
consistently and abundantly,
the flowers and trees will grant you freedom.

Your body will be so warm,
the sun will ask you to dance,
and you will feel so wonderful.
There is no way you wouldn't say

- Christopher Poindexter ❤
One of my all time favourite poets.
I have many books under my pillow,
his is the most dogeared and loved.

Taken from his book "The naked human"
3.0k · Jul 2016
moth man
Little Bear Jul 2016
the moth man
is waiting
for the moment

to pin You
little moth

so delightful
is the light
so light
so bright

You can't
but help
battering yourself

little moth

hide from his light
take flight
little moth

for the light
is night
and death

oh little moth
i beg
take flight

the moth man pins
whilst You flutter

pins while You shine

While You shine
so bright

he pins

he takes your light
little moth

just out
of sight
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.
2.9k · Jun 2016
The weight of absence
Little Bear Jun 2016
This is for the father that does not consider to be a whole in his creations life.
This is for the mother who chooses to 'opt out' of being a giver of love to the fruit of her womb.
This is for the one who has chosen to be an absent parent..

This is for you...

WAKE. the. ****. UP!!

What are you doing?

What is wrong with you?

It seems to me you may not fully understand the ramifications that your chosen absence will play in the life of your child.

So I will spell it out it for you..

Your child, your gift, your delight, the one who was created from your very own dna, the one that you willingly gave life to and brought into this world...

will remember everything you have not done.

And they will carry this as a load upon their back for quite possibly most of their life.

Each will carry it differently, but carry the load they will. Some will carry it with forgiveness, some will carry with resolve, some will carry with the added weight of a heavy heart. Some will carry defiantly and will never truly forgive.

And no matter how they position the weight you give, by choosing to be absent, they will still carry that load...
because of you.

And you will continue to add weight to that load every day you choose to be absent from their life.

Each missed opportunity will be a pound of disappointment that your child will carry... for you.

Each broken promise will be a pebble.
Each late appointment will be a handful of sand.
Each missed birthday will be a tablespoon of gravel
to fill their pockets.

And every achievement they experience, that you have missed, will weigh upon their mind and their heart.

And because of this, throughout their life,
they will continually try to win your love.

You hear that...??
They will try. and. win. your. love...

Because... it is not given freely...
so they will try to win it.!!!
because, bottom line...
let's face it...

you're a selfish ****.

And because of your self centered behaviour, everything that they need, want and have to experience without you will be tainted with your chosen absence.

Every tear and heart break, every grazed knee, bad dream, smile, whisper, secret, colouring on the fridge door, every clay model, every needed word of advice, comfort, support and encouragement, every exam result, every moment of despair, loss, grief and first love...

each and every lost opportunity to say 'i miss you'
each and every unuttered 'i love you'
will be carefully, silently and invisibly weighed,
and carried.

And i promise you this..
the weight you have placed upon them will be keenly felt  
when it is their time to fly.

This is not to say they will not fly, because they will,
and beautifully so..

And with wings that you did not help to fashion.

And, because of your chosen absence, your creation, your child, your very own delight will always carry the weight that you have placed upon them.

And the weight of your absence is so much heavier than you could possibly imagine.
This is a thousand times NOT about parents who fight to see their children against insurmountable odds and the evil they face in even gaining a few hours with their own child. Nor is it about the parent, for genuine and honest reasons, often out of their control, which means they cannot spend as much time with their child as they would wish. To those parents i wish for you so much love and kindness.

This is a rant if you will, for the 'parent' who 'opts-out' of being in their child's life. Who chooses to be anything other than a parent.

Maybe this will be controversial.. ?
I don't know..
This is written only from my own experiences.
2.8k · Feb 2016
Message in a bottle...
Little Bear Feb 2016
In a glass bottle
of cerulean blue
sent out to sea
a message for you

Floating on tides
finding it's way
across the blue ocean
are the words that I say

The bottle holds wishes
some hopes and some dreams
of which you are needing
to sew up your seams

They are sent with a kindness
and a hope for one day
you will open the bottle
and again find your way

The wishes inside
are for you to find peace
for you to let go
for your sadness to cease

The hopes are for quiet
like a balm for your soul
to find once again
a way to be whole

The dreams are of silence
to be still without sound
for a mind that will settle
and serenity found

The very last wish
is of healing and care
sent with all hope
from this Little Bear.
After receiving a message to say...
"seems kind of arrogant and patronizing, just constructive advice." I wanted to apologise for maybe coming across as both arrogant and patronising. I really hadn't intended it to be so.. I appreciate any constructive advice, but unfortunately I cannot reply as the sender has blocked me. Should you read this, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to message me.

For Bill... While I wish for you every hope for future happiness, I must also keep myself sane and whole for my children, my friends and myself. I wish you well and hope you find peace, stillness and quiet in your life again. I believe that in time, you will.
2.6k · Jan 2016
Little Bear Jan 2016
My thoughts tick
in a different kind of way.

Slightly twisted,
with a little 'kink'

Wanting what you give,
giving what you want.

My mind and my body is yours,
to do with as you will.

Dominate my sweet love for you
and I will surrender.

Giving myself over to your pleasure.

My obedience is infinite.

Tie me to the bed
with the pink ribbons from my hair.

Make your fingers dance over my skin
feeling, stroking,
penetrating me
over and..

Take what you will.

Hard and with passion.

Fill my mind,
my thoughts,
my body,
with your essence.

Whisper softly in my ear.

'You are MINE!'

There is nothing I want more.

So delicious
So divine.
Edited :o)
2.6k · Mar 2016
Leaving nursery.
Little Bear Mar 2016
So, I've had a really smashing time,
playing all those games,
singing songs and colouring,
and playing with your trains.

I've had a lovely time at school,
but sometimes I've not been good,
and perhaps I've not quite acted,
the way I really should.

For the times you have been patient,
and listened to me shout,
for the times I've been quite naughty,
And needed a "time out"

I'd like to say a "Thank you"
for looking after me,
and making sure I'm okay,
in your nursery.

But sometimes I'm really trying,
and hopefully there'll be,
more days that I am better still,
you won't believe it's me.

You've been so kind and helped me,
accepting me as I am,
which will help you out in a year or two,
because next
I wrote this in 2001 when we said goodbye
to all his teachers in nursery school.
I wrote this in his card.
And now,
my eldest son is spending the weekend away
with his girlfriend..
One day he will leave home and spread his wings.
I miss him already and he still lives at home.
He has come so far but still has a million miles to travel..
He can always come home.
I love my boy with all my heart.
2.5k · May 2016
Happy home :o)
Little Bear May 2016
There's nothing like a house full
when you're a single parent
and you'd think the mess you find you're in
would be a good deterrent

But there's nothing to compare
despite the tears and all the struggles
to everyday the love you have
and the kisses and the cuddles

And i'll say this from the start
there's no one else i'd rather be
and raise my kids alone
it's a job made just for me

And despite the sleepless nights
and the sticky fingerprints
and the ***** piles of washing
and the room that always stinks

There's a bundle of four children
who are as happy as can be
they really are a rabble
but I know that they love me

We've all been though some heartache
and quite traumatic things
but everyday is worth it
no matter what it brings

And even if the washing
is piled to the sky
and the dog wants to move out
though I can't imagine why

And the plugholes always blocked
and there's arguing afoot
and everyone got taller
from the last time that I looked

And they play on the same server
all laughing with each other
all in different bedrooms
two sisters and two brothers

You'd never know that last night
there was almost World War 3
and a hostage negotiation
over playing DayZ

But rules here must apply
there are chores and a curfew
a sense of order must be kept
even if you're 6 foot 2

I count my blessings as I go
and for each other we are glad
when you raise your kids alone
being both their Mum and Dad.
Being a single parent is, without doubt, the most challenging and yet the most rewarding thing I will ever do.

At times I will fail but I will try to do my best my whole life
to be what they need.

And one day, I hope they will to go into the world happy,
well rounded, open minded, open hearted adults.

That is my mission
2.5k · Sep 2016
She wore flowers in her hair
Little Bear Sep 2016
even in autumn
she wore flowers
in her hair

as if
they belonged
next to her beautiful
like the daisies
growing within
the grass

she was an angel
in a summer dress
To me
her darkest secrets

like precious gifts
She spilt them
from her sweet tongue
into my mouth

and i knew i would
never again
go hungry
as i ate every
Little Bear Sep 2016
i feel i am an acquired taste
maybe i'm not everyone's
cup of tea
i am one who will
not always
have the right words to say
but will search high and low
even down the back of the couch
to find ones that will fit
to make you smile
just so i know
you are happy

i won't always have the answers
to life's whys
and wherefores
but if you give me reason
i will believe in you
and follow your lead
to the ends of the earth

my only pleasure
will be in
my giving you
i seem to be
that way
it's just how
my heart works
i'm soft
and i can't change it
no matter how hard
i try

i guess most others
want the one
they share their life with
to have spirit
to be feisty
to be strong

but i am very often
none of those things
in my own way
i am them all

i come as a package deal
complete with fairy lights
a quiet soul
and a sunny disposition
i don't know if that's annoying
probably is
but like i said
i'm not everyone's
cup of tea

but i like coffee
so maybe it doesn't matter
all that much

so for now
i will keep it
to myself
for when the moment comes
and someone asks
to take me out to tea

until then
i will wait
with hope
behind my eyes
eyes which will always
look upon you
in wonder
my goodness...!! i found this on my phone today, written it seems forever ago.. on a bus journey to work :o)
2.4k · Jun 2016
Pressed Flowers
Little Bear Jun 2016
Flowers so delicately bloom
their roots run deep and thrive
from white to pink
lilacs and hues of purples and reds
such baby blues
to the deepest indigo
a miracle
with the brightest
and most beautiful of petals
a scent to fill the air
fragrances to lift the heart
such a delight it is
to have sight of them
but flowers that are picked
by uncaring hands
will often crush their velvet petals
in their eagerness to have
allowing no light
nor care
a desperate want for their eyes
needy hands
and when the flowers begin to fade
through such damage
they are placed within a press
so that they may be held
for a longing
to covert
all light and care turns away
as the butterfly screws
tightens it's grip
of such delicate petals
time will pass
and maybe it will be remembered
and held to the light
a tiny shadow of bloom remains
among others like itself
and it will be held
for all time
in a book entitled
I was so very fortunate to grow, be loved, be nurtured by loving parents and have deep roots within a loving family. Only for most of my adult life to find i was picked and pressed. Strangely enough, most of the physical and ****** violence i experienced are the things i am learning to live with. The things that happened will stay with me and i am a very anxious and nervous person as a result.

But it's the cruelest words spoken to me
that may stay for a while yet.
2.4k · Jan 2016
Excuse me?...
Little Bear Jan 2016
I said...

Ribbons lemon chewing gum
Daisies dandelion
Button teabag souvenir
Cheese cake Uncle Brian

Pepper buses diary
London *** Nantucket
Leaves carrot underwear
Ten piece bargain bucket

Raisins phone apple pie
Sock key Zanzibar
Duvet sausage dinosaur
Peanut bumper car

Mouse banana chicken wing
Fleas vermilion
Elephant soda stream
Stoat pavilion

Moose flower stickleback
Garlic salted butter
Taco dragon paper cut
Poison pizza cutter

Sandwich Batman coffee cake
Vaseline grape snow
Golf ***** haberdashery
Weasels tally-**

Just being silly :o)
2.2k · Aug 2016
how to paint a unicorn
Little Bear Aug 2016
1)  get a canvas

2)  get some unicorn paint

3)  paint a unicorn

4)  realize you can't paint a unicorn

5)  cry

6)  paint the moon

7)  put glitter and a horn on the moon

8)  pretend it's a fat unicorn

9)  be happy

10) show your dog

11) call the dog back into the room

12) show your dog again

13) get a new dog

14) show that dog

15) tell that dog it's being too critical

16) ask that dog to leave

17) put the picture in the bin

18) decide never to paint unicorns again

19) eat chocolate

20) decide to paint a dragon
Little Bear Jun 2016
open your
before you
open your
lips and
try and tell
someone they
are living the
wrong kind of
being different
is the only god
**** thing
this world
2.0k · Jan 2016
Be Soft..
Little Bear Jan 2016
Be soft.
Don't let the world make you hard.
Don't let the pain make you hate.
Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.
Take pride that, even though the rest of the world may disagree,
you still believe it to be a beautiful place.
Not my quote, I believe it was written by either Iain Thomas or Kurt Vonnegut. I wish I had thought of something so wonderful myself :o)
2.0k · Sep 2016
free fall
Little Bear Sep 2016
and for the first
in my

I felt loved

it was like
of free


without a parachute

trusting you

with your
pure heart

kindness and

words of

you had then
me wings

taking your delight
as you watched
me soar
2.0k · Mar 2016
Always my fault...
Little Bear Mar 2016
it's always going to be my fault

No matter what you did or what you said
it will be my fault

Even the lies you tell
will be my fault

The love you gave and the love you lost
will be my fault

The pain you feel and the tears you shed
will be my fault

The agony and the injustice of it all
will be my fault

And the punches I took and the bitter words you spat
will be my fault

The obsessive
you poured upon me
will be my fault

The others you slept with and threw in my face
will be my fault

The secret child you made
will be my fault

and so I left you

that will not be my fault

that would be yours.
1.6k · Feb 2016
Poetry's Demise
Little Bear Feb 2016
There were two mighty warriors
whose rule upon the land
were what legends now are sewn upon
each feared by every man

Odin was like a panther
sleek and strong and lithe
nothing less than greatness
was for all that he would strive

Kester was just like a bear
his size gave him great power
over mighty oaks and castle walls
he easily would tower

The warriors began a fight
and the people stood around
peasants Lords and Nobles
threw lamenting on the ground

They fought over who had the right
to be the poet king
folk ran to preserve themselves
as the fists began to swing

Believing they both owned all words
to poetry, verse and prose
both grandiose and posturing
to each a thumb upon their nose

So the fight grew on relentless
both knew it was to death
howling obscenities from Whitman
hurling lines from out Macbeth

Yelling words of literature
pounding blows on blows
quoting Thomas Hardy
and Shakespeare's words of prose

Grabbing Kester's throat
Odin threw him to the floor
like an angry roaring lion
Odin screaming metaphor

Like madmen holding hands
grappling with each others cloak
tearing at each others skin
whose throat they'd love to choke

There had to be a victor
their words shook the city walls
Odin held tight to Kester
and kicked him in the syllables

But no one stood victorious
as poetry's life began to wain
they thrashed it till it bled
not seeing both their shame

Clothes were torn and bruises bloomed
wearing blood upon their trousers
the people cried in unison
"a plague a' both your houses"

As the warriors stood back a step
and looked upon the ground
wounded and in agony
poetry didn't make a sound

No words on lips were uttered
poetry blinked last unto the sun
for its life about was scattered
"My lords look, what have you done?"

And as they wept they looked above
Clouds gathering over head
tears blurred those fated words
on the sky the message... "He is dead"

The warriors stood on trembling knees
with death they both had kissed
the last line they both uttered
"Was sorrow... to this."
My thoughts on writing this started with the line
" A plague a' both your houses"
often used as an insult in our family. :D
Along with "Your mother was a hamster
and your father smelt of elderberries! "

I have quoted from various poems just for fun.
From Wystan Hugh Auden-stop the clocks.
Shakespeare's - Romeo and Juliet.

And, for the life of me I can't remember who else...
'Like madmen holding hands
grappling with each others cloak
tearing at each others skin
whose throat they'd love to choke'
is based on something I read
but can't remember the poem...

Re-posted from my previous account
1.6k · Mar 2016
Happy :o)
Little Bear Mar 2016
Things that make me happy..
I believe it is the little things
that are the biggest
...if you know what I mean :o)

little things make me happy
the biggest kind of happy I can be
and so I thought that I would list them
so that you can see.

okay so sunshine makes me happy
and cats and birds and dogs
and smiley happy postmen
and kittens and hedgehogs

I like bus rides that are easy
warm socks and and being tickled
walking home in daylight
burgers with extra pickles

I like holding hands and kissing
hot coffee, the colour yellow
children playing happily
sweet toasted warm marshmallows

I like friends that make you smile
even ones that make you frown
and ones that give you butterflies
and they will never let you down

I like sleeping late and bubble baths
words and reading books
blanket forts and fairy lights
sleepy mornings tender looks

I like chocolate coins in summer
iced cold drinks on hot hot days
words of love and of kindness
that make me smile for days and days.

And I like to know you're happy
no matter who you are or what you do
what makes me the biggest happy
Is knowing you are happy too.

internationaldayofhappiness :o)
1.5k · Apr 2016
let me take you home
Little Bear Apr 2016
Where are you?
I am here my love
and I'm not leaving
it's so quiet
I can't hear you
I wont leave you to the silence
I won't leave you
I am here
where am I?
You are here with me
let me take you home
I won't leave you to fight this battle alone
I will fight with you
I have to go
No.. don't go into the silence with out me
Take me with you
Don't go in to the silence alone
I will bring you home
Don't leave me..
My love
I'm not leaving you
for the demons to feast
Where am I ?
Can you hear me?
I am here
I am here
I am strong enough for us both
I will carry you
just let me take your hand
and I will take you home
I'm frightened
my sweet child
my broken child
lost in the wilderness
I will find you
I am here
I can't seem to find
my way home
just open your eyes my love
look and see
I will save you
I promise
But how can you save me?
Because that's all I know how to do
I will bare the silence
and the raging noise
I will take your place
I will take your place
Please find me
*.. I am lost

I know you are lost
but I will find you
my child
my love
please take my hand
let me take you home
Children with anxiety and depression
sometimes can't find their way 'home.'
You have to show them the way.
1.5k · Apr 2016
I love you, you idiot.
Little Bear Apr 2016
I am so ****** frightened to tell you
I love you
I don't want to say it.

If I tell you that you're an idiot
and I lean my head on your shoulder
and I look at you
like you are made of magic
you'll know  
that's exactly what I mean..
1.5k · Aug 2016
Little Bear Aug 2016
we see the same sun
and stars
you and i
breathing in
the same air
the same water
and yet
we struggle
trying to teach
to teach each other
of our want to
be loved

soft and broken soul
you are already
you are precious
beyond measure
so believe me
when i say
even the smallest sparrow
knows of your heart
even when you
have no words to say
1.4k · Apr 2016
A date.. well, kind of.
Little Bear Apr 2016
So.. I went on a date, at least I think it was a date..
Okay.. I'm going to call it a date because,
if it wasn't..
I'm not entirely sure what it was.

Okay so.. the story goes like this...

It was July last year,
I was walking home from work and I passed
an elderly neighbours house.
If he is ever in his garden we say hello,
but never much more than that.

This time he was talking to a man
who was also in his garden,
turns out he was a family friend
and was visiting for the day.
He also lives nearby.

As I walked by,
the neighbour said 'Hello' and so did I..
The friend said hello too
and watched me walk past and down the road to my street,
where upon I looked back to see if any cars were coming
so I could cross the road,
only to see this friend watching me..

two days later,
again I was walking home
and a car pulls up beside me..
people are always asking for directions so,
I thought this person might need directions..
But It was the friend of my neighbour..
His name is Skeletor.
(just humour me okay...)

He asked me if I was going to talk to him,
if I would like to go out for a drink,
if I would want to get to know him..

I totally was unprepared for this
and so I said
'I don't know and I don't know and...
I don't know' ...

I then said I had to go
because I needed to go
and so I said
'i'm sorry but I have to go"
and I went...
I am not very good at the talking to strangers thing..

two days later,
I was walking to the bus stop,
a car pulls up and ...
you guessed it...
It was Skeletor.

He asked if I wanted a lift to work and we could talk..
you know,
get to know each other.
I declined as politely as I could
and I said that,
I didn't know him
and I would get the bus to work because
'oh look...there's a bus right now...
thank you,
you are welcome and goodbye'

two days later I was walking home
and driving up my street was Skeletor...
He pulls over and winds down his window
and said "Hey.. how are you..?"
and so we talk for a little while
and he tells me that he would like to take me out..
and can he have my number..

I give him my number
and he calls it and I then have his..
he said he would like to call me
and would I like to go out for a drink.

So to cut a very loooong story short...

Two days later he texts me
and asks if I would like to meet him..

Firstly.. no...

But then...
he is someones family friend that I almost know,
I know his name and have his number...
I also have his car registration number...
and I told all my kids exactly what was happening.

And how will I ever meet anyone
if I don't actually...
meet anyone.?

So I said yes.
He seemed nice and,
even if a little persistent,
he seemed okay.
So I said yes..

He said he would text me and he did,
we arranged to meet 8pm on Saturday,
it was 25th of July..
two days before my birthday.

Saturday came..
it was 7.55pm and I was completely nervous
and just knew I would fuckit all up somehow.

8.05 and nothing...
8.11 and I let down my hair and hung up my bag.
8.19 and I'm making coffee,
hoping for a quiet night in.
and then he texts me..

'Hi it's Skeletor,
do you still want to go out...?
I can pick you up in 5 minutes...'

So I take off my slippers,
clean my teeth for the eighth time
and wait at the top of my road.
He pulls up and I get in his van..

I told my kids who I was with,
his number, his name, the car reg...
and they were to text me at 10pm
to ask if I needed to come home..
they would call me if I said yes or didn't answer.

We drove to a pub but,
on the way we talked about how neither of us really drank very much and so I said,
could we go and feed the ducks and have a milkshake..?
You know..
just something simple and fun..

He said 'yeah sure'
and that's what we did...
well kind of...

So we get milkshakes and go to the lakes..

I text my kids where we would be
while he got the milkshakes..

We pull up but we don't get out of the van..
he just wants to talk..
So I ask what he does at work
and he said he works in London,
so I ask what he does at work
and he said he works in a big complex...
and so I ask how he knows my neighbour
and he said he has known them for years
and so I ask how he knows my neighbour
and he said he is a family friend...

ugh... it was such hard work...

I ask him what his surname is because Skeletor is pretty unusual
and he said yeah it is,
so I ask him what his surname is
and he said it is Eternian
He said it was ncerfveon;wc...
I said pardon
and he said ovncervhbo3chhf...

So I said "oh..."

So he said he was kind of tired and he yawns,
puts his arms behind his head and stretches..
he said that he had had a busy day at work
and he wanted to sit in silence for a while
and just listen to the sound of the ...

this is what my mind was doing...

'Okay... I think he wants me to shut up.. but he wanted to talk.. and his eyes are closed...okay don't look at him because that's creepy, okay this is weird, I thought we were going to feed the ducks or something.. oh look.. ducks... two fat ducks... well this is fun.. I've got to the bottom of the milkshake and I can't **** the last bit because it so quiet in this van and... I think he's asleep... **** what if he goes to sleep..? how will I get home? no.. he's not asleep he flexing his muscles.. what? ummm what is he doing? why is he flexing his muscles with his eyes closed..? I want to drink this last bit of milkshake.. I'm trying to be quiet.. he said to be quiet.. and oh look GEESE!!!  ****... I think he's asleep... this is weird... he is definitely flexing his arm muscles and okay don't look because it's creepy and he would think you are weird...I think It's getting dark... I am being so quiet... what if he's dead..? **** what if he dies...? please don't be dead... nope not dead.. he's flexing again... okay this is *******... oh look.. geese"

And he kind of wakes up a bit and looks at me,
smiles and says
'Did you know you are beautiful ?'
and he touches my face...
and I said 'well ummm thank you'
and he said
"You have lovely eyes,
they are so pretty
and your lips are so kissable...
I can't think why you are still single..
I could look at your lips forever,
you know...
your lips would look lovely..."

And my phone rings...

And I am just so relieved...
and so,
to celebrate,
I loudly drink the last bit of my milkshake...

And so I say I have to go home..
it's late and my kids need me to head home now..
And so he drives me home
and sings all the way home in the car to me...
and I am so glad we are heading back
and I just want to go home.

And he pulls up at my house
and I say
'Thank you for a lovely evening,
and thank you for the milkshake,
it was very kind of you to take me to almost feed the ducks.."
and he leans in to kiss me.

I open the door and shakeing his hand I say
"Thank you Skeletor" once more.
I jump out of the van,
close the door and go very quickly home...

Where upon,
for the next half an hour,
I lay on the floor in the kitchen,
relaying the whole sorry tale
to children who think this is both hilarious
and very dangerous.
They happily tell me
"And this is exactly why you are single"..

They make me coffee
and tell me I am very special
and need a very special kind of person
to put up with me...

Especially one who actually feeds the ducks
when they say they will feed the ducks...

I will say though..
I kept the paper straw cover like a little keepsake
of my first 'date'
in about 46 thousand years :)
NB. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Skeletor was not his real name.
1.4k · Jul 2016
let her sleep
Little Bear Jul 2016
do you think you'll ever lay her to rest?
allow her to sleep?
she's stayed awake for months on end
and every time she tried to close her eyes
you shook her awake

telling just one more tale
one more tall story
one more lie
that we must all
simply listen to

listen to this little ditty
i'm sure you'll recall it
once i'm done
do you remember the time we...?
no.. not really..

without sleep
all she sees are hallucinations
disjointed recollections
of the tissue paper life
that blows..

in the breeze

did you know
sleep deprivation
is a form of torture?

and you have kept her up
long enough

and she's tired of being worn
like an overcoat
as your splendid outer garment
in all it's melancholy finery
passersby remark
on how well you wear her
and you have the audacity to say
'Oh this old thing'

she's wearing thin and eventually
she'll disappear

she's becoming threadbare in places
and no matter how tightly
you wrap yourself up in her
she won't keep you warm

but that's only because
you don't want her to get warm
or let her go to sleep
you just won't let her rest in peace
will you
1.4k · Jan 2018
Little Bear Jan 2018
i don't think
i will ever not be in love
with trees
it makes my heart humble
seeing in one sweeping moment
the expanse
of their life
so beautiful is it
that it must span
the length
and breadth
of the sky...
1.4k · Feb 2016
My Magical Garden
Little Bear Feb 2016
The flowers flutter
and the butterflies bloom
grass climbs the walls
and the snails zoom

The chimes ring the wind
and the birds feed the bread
the vegetables grow
in the flowers bed

Leaves grow green
on the trunk of the tree
the birds nest in jars
for all to see
Worms sunbathe
on the deck getting tans
dandelions roar
at the lettuce lambs

Spiders caught
in a fly's tangled web
a blanket of flowers
put the weeds to bed

There's a wide open space
to float up to the moon
be careful where you land
because there's not mushroom

Come spend the day
in my hot box shed
playing in the garden
getting out of your head.
Re-posted from my previous account.
1.4k · May 2016
Little Bear May 2016
It is for the broken hearted ones that we should seek
for they are the ones whos need is to feel love
and it is for the ones whos soul aches that we should befriend
for they are in need of comfort, giving a safe place to land
and for those that are crushed in spirit we should lift up
for their spirit is bruised and very often lost to them
they are the ones we should find
the weary souls
from among ourselves
our time in this cosmos is fleeting
and what better way to remain forever
than to love

P. Every word is yours x
I guess a little bit like a prayer. But not really maybe.. I don't know..
But I just wanted to write some words of comfort for my friend.
1.3k · May 2016
gently divine
Little Bear May 2016
Such warmth do i feel
soft skin on mine
feeling together
our glow sublime
your taste so sweet
so gently divine
your body a heaven
just like mine.
1.3k · May 2016
Twisted Idioms :o)
Little Bear May 2016
We must not ignore the pachyderm in the attic.
Trying to pull knitted fabric over our visual orbs.
For I am sure, although it's home is vacant.. the electric bill must be huge!
Maybe it requires a soupçon of his own panacea?
But we all know the summation of a pair of pairs..
And will come to the realisation.. it is a cadaverous fellow promenading.
We should all indicate the direction with our index finger...
And declare.. Pachyderm!!!

*We must not ignore the elephant in the room.
Trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
For I am sure, the lights are on but no one is home!
Maybe it needs a taste of it's own medicine?
But we all know, adding two and two together...
And come to know.. he is a dead man walking.
And we should all point
And yell.. Elephant!!
My kids doing homework today came up with this :o)
1.3k · Jun 2016
Paper lion :o3
Little Bear Jun 2016
King of the park is my little paper lion
he struts his stuff like he owns the world
prowls and growls
rubbing and snubbing
while he eats from is little pink bowl
But he is KING!!
king in his own back yard
his eyes amber and black
as he stealthily creeps
beautifully lean
prowling unseen
dangerously mean
ever so fluffy
and oh so virile
so powerful too
leaving his mark
rubbing the bark
so very King!
'So watch me human,
watch me be magnificent
as i pounce on this butterfly'

"yes.. you are a magnificient derp nugget"
Oh but he does have a nasty streak
attack and retreat
spitting and clawing
meowing and mawing
as his grey fur stands on end
and bristles
like a bottle brush
and the lazy lion thing
is lazily lounging
after a busy night on the town
spreading his affection
in every direction
he is now king of the chair
king of the cushion
he is declared triumphantly
throughout the land
fanfare please
"THE SOFA KING .. all hail the SOFA KING!"(annoying feline)
oh dear.. my little paper lion..
believing he is king
king of the jungle
'But i am king!
aren't i human?
okay well,
just of the park maybe
but i am a little bit king- ish.... aren't i?'
silly little pouty McWhiskerface
what a pity
fluffy little kitty
just make your self pretty
pouting and sulking
"Now that is no way for a king to behave
now let me fluff your cushion
*while you drink your milk and eat your Dreamies"
If you have a cat you will understand :o3
Haha i have no idea where i was going with this, some of it rhymes, some of it doesn't.. bit of a mess really..oh well.
But it is all completely how our cats are..
our little paper lions... :o)
Little Bear Jul 2016
and here i stand
offering you my light
for it to shine so brightly
that your steps
may never falter

may it give you comfort
in times of grief
and love
in times of loss

i send it as both
a wish
and a hope

for i feel deep
within my heart
all that you feel
in the very depths
of yours

i see your need
feel my love

may it lead you
through the bleak
of your darkness

may it
stay you
when all else
"Hail Erendil brightest of the stars"
1.3k · Apr 2016
painting the sky blue
Little Bear Apr 2016
she paints the sky blue
with a field of meadow flowers
smiling daisies grace the canvas
looking to see heaven.

the sky comes to life
a creation from mortal hands
painted with the warmest yellow
and the saddest blue.

clouds of linen white
moving silently
over the painted sky
as colours of blue and green
fill the fields.

the scent of blooms
fill the room
the buzzing of bees
the warmth of the sun
as colours comes to life
in the eye of her imagination.

the breeze
a movement of the brush
filling the page with colour
and the room with summer.

life and love
poured endlessly onto canvas
tapped into the fountain
of her emotion
filling her eyes
with water colour tears.

painted in hues
of the deepest green
capturing and releasing
the picture that lies
within her heart.

a field of hopes and dreams
appear as magic in the room
as daisies smile up at the sunshine
and she paints the sky blue
1.3k · Sep 2016
Perfectly imperfect
Little Bear Sep 2016
he always said he
could count his
flaws on
both hands

I loved him for
the way
his imperfections
made him whole ..

I saw how his
was so
torn and

that all of his
imperfectly scattered
would always
fit together perfectly
with mine
1.2k · Jun 2016
cotton wool brain
Little Bear Jun 2016
My head doesn't fit my shoulders today
feels like it belongs to someone else
someone who's asleep.. or dead
because this one is full of cotton wool and candy floss
and doesn't work properly
maybe it's the brain inside
there must be lots of room in there
because it's all over the place
thoughts here, thinking there,
mind wandering every ****** where
i can't grasp a single thought and see what it is
not one of them will stay still long enough
for me to hold it to the light and say
"ah yes... i should be doing " ...**** i forget
everything just slips through the cracks and nothing holds fast
i've lost brain cells somewhere i'm sure of it ..
you know.. the ones that make the brain work properly
probably in my bed
or has slipped down behind the nightstand
all i can think of is how much i can't think straight
i know i am always a little bit 'Phoebe'
always a little quirky.. odd maybe
i can't help that
and i don't always think in a straight line anyway
but i need my own head today
i have a very busy day ahead .. i think
but my head is full of cotton wool and candy floss
and my mind..
it's just not there.
1.2k · Jan 2016
My little secret
Little Bear Jan 2016
You are my little secret,
and you will be the death of me.

But I am addicted to the taste of you.

To wrap my lips around you.

To take you into my mouth.

To taste you.

Filling my mouth..

I know which way is best.

Just the tip and ****...

I could do this ten times a day,
if you would let me.

Taking you in my mouth,
taking you down as deep as I can.

But I often wish I didn't want it so much.

But I always want more.

Like an addiction.

**** it! you will be the death of me
if I don't give you up.

And at £6.49 for a packet of 18,

you are a very expensive secret.
:o) Giving up smoking is not easy :o)
1.2k · Jun 2016
Little Bear Jun 2016
never have i felt such a contented bliss
than to feel the quiet in a world such as this

to pack my belongings within my mind
and travel the world with such wonders to find

to journey across both space and time
to live in a world that is simply mine

never has such a love unfurled
within the pages of another world
Ahh to spend the day lounging, sleeping, reading..
among other things ;o)
1.2k · Jan 2017
Shopping (re-post)
Little Bear Jan 2017
Shopping :o)

one bag of flour
the self raising kind
a pound of bacon
without the rind

a loaf of bread
a jar of jam
remember the pickle
to go with the ham

dog food and cat food
cheese and coffee
don't forget raisins
and nuts for the toffee

tomatoes, sundried
get those if you're able,
if you're not sure
it will say on the label

toilet rolls, eggs
shampoo and stir fry
get rolls without seeds
heaven knows why

salad and butter
hot dogs and sauce
get reduced fat, low sugar
and lo salt, of course

chocolate and sweetcorn
chicken and stuffing
a chocolate chip, walnut
and blueberry muffin

pizza with pineapple
ham and some cheese
fairy and cookies
ariel fabreeze

turkey, satsumas
not oranges with pips
tin foil and razors
and food bags with zips

nutella is best
it's the one we like most
so get a big jar
to spread on our toast

boys, thank you for helping
It's a great deal to me
oh, and don't forget cake
and biscuits and tea

i'll leave it to you
if there are things that i've missed
Just get what you think
if it's not on the list.
1.2k · Aug 2016
Little Bear Aug 2016
i've been trying to explain this
my whole life
and one day
i will finally find
the right words

i am not going to stay

i will always find a way to fly
always find a way

i am sunlight
but never the sun

i will never be something
you can hold
always finding a way
to let go

my roots need air
not earth

to be held above water
is to drown

something in my heart
tells me
i will never belong

to anyone

one day
i am a flower
and at night
i will close my petals
opening the next sunrise
to have my clocks
float away

i will always
grow in the meadow
where i can live
and die
on the summer breeze

i am not going to stay
i will always
want to be free
1.2k · Jan 2016
Fibber Face
Little Bear Jan 2016
It is of my opinion that you have desisted in truthiness.
And as such,
you will hence forth be known as a
'Teller of Untruths.'

As a result,
I do believe your trousers have combusted.
You are a blaggard and a rapscallion.
Good day...
Ha! liar liar, pants on fire!!!
1.2k · Feb 2016
Invisible me.
Little Bear Feb 2016
Sometimes I wish I was invisible.
Not to go around and be sneaky.
Doing **** that upsets people or hurts them.
I just wish I was invisible because
I'm just so ******* tired of being seen.
Having to hide my insecurities.
Having to lock up my emotions.
Having to keep myself safe.
Just being out there.

I rock.
Not the kind where i'm awesome...
The kind where I find I hug myself.
Where I move back and forwards.
All the ******* time.
When I eat.
When I write.
When I read.
When I do anything.
Just gently rocking.
Always have and probably always will.
But it comforts me.
I comfort me
That's so ******* weird.
But it's honest.

I wish I was invisible.
So that the world could leave me alone.
Because it gnaws on my bones.
Like it has the right to do that to me.
I just want to be invisible so I can live quietly.
Doing my own thing.
And no one will know I am there.
And hopefully no one will see me.
And, if I close my eyes.
And rock quietly, and slowly.
I think that's the closest I will ever get.
To being invisible.
Anxiety *****. Being an introvert in a world of extroverts is so draining. Just makes me want to be invisible for a while.
1.1k · Feb 2016
Little Bear Feb 2016
I leave this place.
The clouds of humiliation hang heavy,
drenching my naked skin.
The air damp with shame.

Looking back at the town
called worry and torment.
My naked form ridiculed and put in stocks
as the towns folk aimed their best.
My time was served
for no crime that I committed.

And I am now leaving.
To wander the hills and woodland once again.
To find my peace.

My rucksack now packed with my hopes,
like Lambas bread.
A small cake of it
would feed a grown man for a day,
even with a hard march ahead.
I know there are many in my bag.
Enough to last a lifetime.

My water skin filled with laughter,
drinking deeply to quench my thirst.
I know the clear springs I find
will fill my bottle to the brim.

My dreams are worn about me,
as the finest cloth,
To give me warmth at night
and to hide me from my foe.
Their colour indiscernible,
neither grey nor green.
The soft Hithlain hangs about my shoulders
clasped with a broach of comfort.

I wear my friendships under my garments,
keeping them close to my heart.
As strong as Mithril.
And just as beautiful.

My map shows the way to happiness,
just over the horizon.
Away from this town.

The sun shines through the trees,
showing me the way.
The only thing I can trust is that it will rise in the east
and will set in the west.
Everything else will be met with caution.
A lesson well learned.

My heart is light,
my mind clear,
I know the way ahead will be led
only by my own footsteps.
Walking barefoot to the new lands that await me.

waving my map...


I love Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings'..
Just read 'The Hobbit' for the second time.
Now reading 'The Fellowship of the Ring' again...
'The Two Towers' next!!!

One day I will be brave and read 'The Silmarillion'

When life gives you lemons, keep 'em, because hey... free lemons.!!

1.1k · May 2016
Fancy that..
Little Bear May 2016
Under a jesters hat in the court of kings
is a dancing peasant before the queen
such fine robes of purple silk do I wear
fancy that.. you pretty thing.
Such splendid tea parties with the finest of ladies
conversing gaily of the weather
and other such nonsense
things I know not
What utter tripe
pouring tea
Such dainty things the tailor brings
twirling in such finery
while the little piglet powders it's nose
and calls herself pretty
1.1k · Aug 2016
Brave little bear (part 1)
Little Bear Aug 2016
and she placed her forehead
on the closed door
shutting her eyes
she wept
her palm flat against the wood
feeling the last place he had touched
wishing he could feel her fingers spread
through his back
into his ribs
taking her with him
and the room fell silent

in the back of her mind
she heard a dark smile
slowly opening her tired eyes
knowing now
what stood behind her

the sword he had given her
lay at her feet
too heavy to wield
weighing more
than her courage
but she very slowly
picked it up
scraping a line on the floor
and she heard him whisper
be brave little bear

turning, slowly, knowing,
with the weapon
heavy in her hands
held out before her
shaking with it's weight
her eyes traveled
from her feet
on the floor
to the 'smile'
of the grinning dragon
and right then, she knew just how very small she was
1.1k · Sep 2016
being human
Little Bear Sep 2016
I won't
Close up my heart
And never
Allow it
to be broken again

Even if
Losing everything
To stand here with my
in my hands
For all the world to see

For counted
All its broken
I can see
And such

But I feel it
Because it means
I'm alive

I am
a small
Human being

That once

And finally
After so many years
Of thinking
I wasnt even human
Because i couldnt feel

Instead of being

Because i allow
Myself to feel

I am found

Life has taught me
That after loss
A putting together

One tiny hope
At a time

And honestly

nothing will make
Me more
Blessed to be

Will make me
More human
Than that
1.1k · Mar 2016
Sometimes life...
Little Bear Mar 2016
I closed the door.
Falling to my knees,
head in my hands
and I wept.
I shook.
And I rocked.
And I wept.

The world fell silent,
and dark.
The blood seeped through my clothes.
Burning scarlet.

The arrows embedded so deep.
Deep into my flesh.
Piercing flesh and organs.
Each a death blow.
And I wept..

The arrows stood out from me,
proud and valiant.
Poison tipped.
Bringing about my demise.
And I wept..

And in this silent world,
the voices came.
And one by one
the arrows were taken from me.
Tearing skin from flesh,
flesh from bone.
And in my agony,
I wept..

The ground,
a pool of my blood.
Pouring carmine.

But the voices remained.
Whispering prayers.
Words to heal.
Songs of kindness and hope.
Lullabies of peace.

And in time,
there became a comforting stillness,
and a moment of light.
An ember.
Blew upon
with the breath of kind hearts.

And in that moment,
I had hope.
I felt loved.
And I will remain.

My wounds will heal.
My skin will be marred for all time.
But I will remain.
I will stand up and smile once more.
I will be happy for my time.

Opening the door,
to do battle once again.
Sometimes life kicks your ****.
But that's when you put on your happy face
and kick it's **** right back.
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