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 Sep 2018 Wynter
 Sep 2018 Wynter

Ever had that point in your life where
you wished you could just press
a button and restart your whole

Never losing any of the knowledge
that you have now?
It seems like I'm having more and
more of those days...

I try my best to walk on the path
of light, but I can't help but turn
and feel the shadows crawling
behind me

How they yearn to sharpen their
blades with their poisoned whispers
and seek my neck to slit my throat
The memories of my 'childhood'
coming back to bite and drag me
down to my death
I only wish to build for my future,
to move on,
begin anew,
to rise about the turmoil that burns
in me

For the man I hate most in this world...
Even now, I'm not sure that I fully
understand the past
I have so many questions, still
But I guess I will never truly understand
it, not as I am now anyway...
But it's better to understand than me
seeking to solve it

I can't change my past
I can't delete my mistakes
I'm still at war, fighting off my insecurities
my self-loathing
my depression
my anxieties
my shame
my anger

As scared as I am, my hand
is on the handle that leads
to my Hall of Hope
Small, it may be, but hope
is something that is hard to ****
once it has taken root

The key, stability, is there beyond
my gaze
My future is the only thing I have
There's nothing left for me in the past,
nothing but pain and a black-hole
of emotion
So I humbly ask you...

Help me to overcome and experience
my best life that hides behind my fears
I won't let anyone jeopardise what could
be for me, for the sake of jealousy or even

I can't be a tree that never bears fruit...
For risks are apart of life
So I will follow you,
with my heart praying for salvation
From the smoke from the past,
you present me my mirror
even if it's something I do not wish
to see

My past, I will make peace with
but I will create my bright future

Picking at an emotional wound...
 Sep 2018 Wynter
Did you know?
That greatest couple
Ever left for alive
Are estranged in the sky?
Barely glancing, never seeing
They're now just a hint
A reflection within the other's eyes

Although, back in their more youthful days
Oh boy, oh boy, were they alive
Burning with passion and cooling with shade
Ever imprinting looks on each other's minds

But now only shade is ever thrown at the shine
Because the two original lovers are estranged in the sky
And ostracized to a life on high
The moon said "I love you" and all the sun could say was "I know"
 Sep 2018 Wynter
 Sep 2018 Wynter
Someone, we’re breathing the same air.
I give my love to the air.
Hoping you can feel it.

Someone, we’re under the same sky.
I give my smile to the sky.
Hoping you’ll smile, when the sky says "Hi".

Someone, we’re oceans apart.
I’ll swim if there’s a little hope.
A little hope that you, as well, will swim.

Someone, please know you are lovely.
And i think it's so lovely to be lovely with someone.
Maybe it's like floating in the air, the skies, and the ocean.

Someone, i will not say goodbye.
I’m just going to float somewhere,
Somewhere i can be with no one.

Then i realized, you were with your another someone.
And, I, could never be, will never be that someone.
Till then, you have my love always, someone.
 Sep 2018 Wynter
Laksmi Dewi
I don't know how it all first started

All I knew was you came like the sun in rainy days

Joyful, warm, delightful

But I was too in love with the rain

Even when you shined brightly

But you didn't give it all up

You stayed

You were always there, when I locked myself in the dark

What a senseless silly girl, I was

What an ignorant person I was

I never knew that stranger could make me smile this wide again

I never knew that stranger could make me laugh this much

I never knew that stranger could make me feel loved

I never knew that...

I would fell for that person who was a stranger to me

I once told myself

I promised myself not to involve your feeling into anyone or anything

But I guess I'm just fooling myself as the clock ticking

The more we talked, the deeper I fell for you

I couldn't help myself but to let myself fell

Hoping you would catch me

But, again, I forgot that someone said that falling is hurt

But I'm loving every minute of it

I enjoyed every pieces of my heart that had been shattered

Hoping that you would heal me

But, expectation is a cruel *******

You never get what you want

It only leads you to another brokenheart

So I stay here, with every pieces left, trying to build walls

And go back to my old self
 Sep 2018 Wynter
Rose Amberlyn
memories can repeat,
like a catchy song on the radio.
stuck in your head,
missing some verses,
but the chorus is strong.

whiskey can help,
just for a bit.
Hoping it passes,
and biting my lip.

I guess I'll wait.
 Sep 2018 Wynter
Why do I stay inside all day?
The sun don’t feel the same

This sadness is ...
Part of me, I’ve never known life without it
Keeping me under, deep away from the light
A beating to my skull,
I will never be good enough

Some days are manageable,
I quiet the hate in my mind and go about my day
These days could not be worse, I cannot move
I sit alone, afraid of how others will deal with my burden
failure, rude, not putting myself out there
Just a few names they pin to me

During the days I can let myself breath,
I think maybe
just maybe
I’ve broken from the grasp
I will be able to live freely
It’s a short lived high.

But I know I’ll never be right
It’s so hard to live
But they told me it only gets better

But the sun still doesn’t feel the same from inside.
Rest in Power Mac Miller & those alike
 Sep 2018 Wynter
 Sep 2018 Wynter
To the person I love,
I'm writing this with all my heart,
You made me happy,
You made me cry,
I'm sorry, I tried.
I'm sorry, I lied.  

I love you, I really do.
I'm sorry I have to leave you
even if I dont want to,
I wish I could stay,
but I know soon, you will be okay.

pls let me be the one that got away.

By then, I will leave this world,
Selfish and UNCURED.
 Sep 2018 Wynter
Both can ****
        The only difference is
                      Cigarettes shatter lungs
         She shatters everything

            I remembered the first moment
my lips pressed the filter
     as I lit it up breathed it all
                savored every smoke
       as if we covered up painful lies
        in a container of painkillers

The same way  
we used to pressed our lips
     sparked something between us
           savored every moment we had
    as if our love was a rose
               in a valley of tulips

— The End —