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Jenna Vaitkunas May 2014
A Response to Thought Catalog

Number One.
"She won't touch your stuff
because she doesn't want to do anything"
Which also includes leaving her bed
before six pm
meeting your friends
or seeing the movie you've been begging her to see
since the trailer came out last year

Number Two
"She'll probably forget you borrowed
money from her"
or to pay the bills,
or your birthday
or getting groceries

Number Three
"She's a cheap date"
more than likely because
she doesn't care where you go
but she wants to be back in her bed
the minuet she gets into your car
because now her insecurities
are buzzing in her ears
and clawing at her throat

Number Four
"She probably doesn't want to
meet your family"
sitting in her room terrified that
she's not good enough
that she will never be good enough
and they won't accept her

Number Five
"She will probably get drunk
and you can have *** with her"

Number Six
"You can get free drugs!"
she knows about her missing
pain pills and antidepressants
but she won't say a thing because
you love her, right?
it's selfish of her to think she needs those
she has you. right?

Number Seven
"She has poor memory
and a short attention span"
Unaware of whether its Monday or Thursday
or if she ate this week

Number Eight
"She won't talk that much"
instead she can soak up your words
and turn them against herself
until they infect her insides with acidic words

Number Nine
"She'll pamper you because
she's sensitive"
Here's the newest game you wanted
I hope it makes up for me not being good enough
Here's some money, go out with friends
I don't want to bring you down

Number Ten
"It'll make you look better"
She's a charity case
a lost cause
who lost herself
but she's *so lucky
she found you
She's like an accessory
that you drag around
she'll make you look perfect
won't she?
It's supposed to be simple.
Dating the dead girl walking.
besides the fact she'll
bawl her eyes out every time
you grab your keys
or the fact you have to deal with
the burden of having to hide
your mother's steak knives
so you can sleep in peace
without worrying whether
you will find her lifeless body
on your bathroom floor
Number ten
You can romanticize
the pain she goes through everyday
while her hourglass hearts
last grain of sand falls to the bottom
but you will NEVER
be able
to say you were the hero.
This probably sounds worse written than spoken but eh
3.7k · Jul 2014
Drunk text
Jenna Vaitkunas Jul 2014
I don't mind
When you text me at 3 a.m
When you've had too much to drink
Because it means
That even though your mind was jumbled
And you could barely walk on your own
I was still on your mind
3.0k · Aug 2013
Sushi and Daisies
Jenna Vaitkunas Aug 2013
Someone once asked me
questions I would answer blandly
they weren't what I wanted to answer
Questions of perfect dates
and perfect people
when simply
I wanted them to ask
"What is you favorite flower?"
I could respond with my fascination
with these tiny
white petaled
ones that made me smile
so wide
eastern Europe could see my teeth.
I wanted someone to ask
about my favorite food
So i could respond
with this amazing blend
of rice and fish
and seaweed and other ingredients
but I'd add
that I only eat them with chopsticks

I would look at them and ask
If I was to fall in love with you
could we share these things
and face the world?
but I couldn't do that
because who wants me,
the girl who wants **Sushi and daisies.
1.8k · Jul 2014
I am dying.
Jenna Vaitkunas Jul 2014
I'm dying.
I knew I was dying from the start.
I was reckless,
I knew I was dying so I took risks.
I took chances,
I knew I was dying so I didn't care.
I was heartless,
I knew I was dying so it didn't matter.
I was generous,
I knew I was dying so I gave my all.
I was living,
I knew I was dying so I did what I wanted.
I was falling,
I knew I was dying but I tripped and fell
and I happened to fall right into your arms.
you are the worst thing that's ever happened to me.
Because I knew I was dying,
but you made me want a little more time.
1.6k · Jul 2013
Jenna Vaitkunas Jul 2013
It was silly,
I felt stupid,
You had a grasp on my heart,
and my palms were sweating
even tho you barely muttered "hello"

So many times
I thought this one or that one
and for once it felt different
So I turned to my friend
and said
This one

like looking in the shop's front window
Wishing this time
I could get what I want
but they scold me
and tell me I don't want that
It's ******* anyways

**"It's just a crush"
******* this poem
1.6k · Dec 2014
(don't send me a) Drunk Text
Jenna Vaitkunas Dec 2014
I hate when you text me at 3 a.m
when you've had too much to drink
because your mind is jumbled
and you can barely walk on your own
and its the only ******* time you think of me
Jenna Vaitkunas Jan 2015
Those words have been abused
I'm so sick of wondering
If I
September 4, 2014
1.3k · Feb 2015
taste bud satisfied
Jenna Vaitkunas Feb 2015
Ahhh McChicken, oh so sweet,
probably filled with beaks and feet
I want you in my tummy now
cause you're a chicken and not a cow
I love that you are just a buck
and that you used to cluck cluck cluck
I mean I think you did before you died
I'm not sure what you are 'cept fried
but ahhh McChicken you're my baby
I love that you're chicken (maybe)
1.3k · Jul 2013
Happy Birthday to Me
Jenna Vaitkunas Jul 2013
my hands shake
as I place a single candle
on top of a store bought cupcake
it doesn't mean much anymore

I take out my lighter
and light the wick
staring at the flame
as in flicks
lighting the shadows in my dark room

I start to sing
choking on the words
trying not to cry
or wake anybody up

"Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday, dear Jenna
Happy birthday to me"

I try to blow out the candle
one pathetic attempt after another
until I finally succeed
I wish to simply disappear
like i never existed
to save my family and friends
from the heartache

and i quietly clap to myself
tears streaming down my cheeks
but i know this isn't my last year
and next year I'll make the same wish
*over and over
1.3k · Sep 2013
Willow, Wallow
Jenna Vaitkunas Sep 2013
Underneath the Willow tree,
is where you used to dance with me,
but only in my sweetest dream,
where we sat talking by the stream

Underneath the Willow's shade
the leaves create a barricade
we'd hide from monsters that left holes
but those monsters were our souls

Where that Willow ramified
I stood there crying, terrified
I watch as you swung to and fro
and wondered why you had to go

Underneath the Willow tree,
lies two stones, for you, for me
'cause you were gone and my pain grew
I just wondered, 'why not me too?'
1.2k · Jul 2013
Remember Me
Jenna Vaitkunas Jul 2013
Remember me,
when you go to read a book,
remember our first kiss
between the shelves
at the local library

Remember me,
when you take her down
to overlook the river,
Remember our first date
walking down the boardwalk

Remember me,
when you kiss her
on someone else's bed
Remember how we laughed for days
about the water bed and the cardboard house

Remember me,
when you go ice skating,
remember how that
was supposed to be
our first date
but we never got around to it

Remember Me,
when you see a brown teddy bear
Remember Valentine's day
and trying to make me smile

Remember me,
when you see the words
I Love You
and remember the first time
I whispered them
while we lay under the stars
and meant them for the first time

Remember me,
when your old and grey
Remember how
the back of my closet
will have an old box

please  *Remember Me
I wasn't sure how to end this poem. I apologize.
1.2k · Apr 2016
I Promise I Promise
Jenna Vaitkunas Apr 2016
The uncertainty of the first moment.
The hesitant step forward and your lips against mine.
The awkward laugh and shifting of weight
I promise  I promise
a silent contract shared between two energies,
moving in harmony together, dancing at the thought
I promise  I promise
I traced the goosebumps on your skin with my lips,
reading the braille your body sent out to me,
going over it with my fingertips to seal the deal.
I promise  I promise
I'm a bandaid, you'll toss me once you stop bleeding
or maybe if you bleed too much
I promise  I promise
you're not that temporary
this means so much more
I don't want you to go
I promise  *I promise
What did we even promise?
1.2k · Jul 2013
Jenna Vaitkunas Jul 2013
what do you see?
when you look into my eyes.
the start of something new,
or your past I so despise?
Do you see my secrets?
floating like a ghost.
Do you really like my voice?
or is this just hoax?

I really can't remember,
what you said on that day
it passed by so quickly
what was I supposed to say?
that after you showed the world
the beauty that you hold
That I wanted something to become
a story to unfold?
but that's not how it happens
in silence we drove home.
I wonder what I could've said
where we could've roamed
to create another story
erasing all the lies.
I wonder what could've become,
the memories, good times.

So tell me now, what are you thinking?
my secrets you now hold.
and everything I've ever said
is everything you loathe.
Tell me to wander somewhere else
and find another heart,
tell me I'm young and reckless,
they've said it from the start.

I won't forget you,
not at all,
your name,
your face,
the way you call
my name
it sounds like once before
when everything seemed flawless
cliche eh?
Jenna Vaitkunas Nov 2017
One morning I held a funeral for no one else to see;
Laying in my full sized coffin I mourned the loss of me.

When I left my body and I scrubbed away my sin;
Took one last look down at my shell- now tired, worn, and thin.

I'm lost now in an empty hall of a haunting memory;
An in between, my own little hell, of his smile following me.
this ones new- rhymes?
1.2k · Jun 2014
Our broken room key
Jenna Vaitkunas Jun 2014
Do you remember the time we went on that cruise?
We were on our way back from the seafood buffet
Laughing and tripping over our own feet
when You threw our room card off the ship.
It was after you broke it beyond repair
We found the highest place we could
And drank too much champagne
With slurred I love yous
And messy kisses
We found each other
Use some or all of these things in your story or poem:
a cruise ship
a broken key card
a seafood buffet
sparkling champagne
1.1k · Apr 2016
Jenna Vaitkunas Apr 2016
He does not think he is beautiful
He does not speak when my hands travel the mapwork of his body under mine.
I mark my favorite places with my lips, several times to be sure theyre real.
Again and again I want to show him he is loved
But he does not believe me
He does not believe me because
They are telling him no
Dont look in the mirror yet
But this morning you look beautiful
But you look so sad
So i try to kiss my favorite parts of you
But youre not here
Nothing but air.
1.1k · Jan 2015
Be careful what you wish for
Jenna Vaitkunas Jan 2015
I miss you.
I know that is not
what you wanted
but, I miss you.
They told me life
wasn't a wish granting factory.
If that is true,
how did you cease to be?
Leaving no memory or trace
of the broken heart that
could have healed mine.

I think of you.
I know that's not
what you wanted
but, I think of you.
I see you in the mirrors
in my eyes, although you are free
you scream and scream and scream
begging to God to erase your existence.

I wonder if you are me.
I know that's not what you wanted
but, I see myself in you.
I hear the words you once screamed
yet never screamed at all,
my grandmother said that
God doesn't always give us
what we want but always what we need.
So, I wonder why he took you,
and every memory you had imprinted upon this earth.
16 years earlier,
your mother holds what was once a positive,
but this time around it is not.
I know this is what you wanted.
so why do you weep twinning tears,
to match those of your mother?
" I don't want to **** myself. I just want to cease existing, as if I never was born"
1.1k · Dec 2014
Jenna Vaitkunas Dec 2014
I looked God in the eyes and I saw the fury
I saw the fire burning and I knew what was coming
I heard his voice boom but no words were coming out

God looked me in the eyes and he saw the indifference
He saw the light in my eyes diminish
along with the faith I had instilled in him

I looked God in the eyes and I saw the disappointment
I saw the ghost of tears he would have shed
if this was the first time I had failed him

God looked me in the eyes and he saw the fear
He saw me tremble with every breath he took
he heard my heart fail and start again

I looked God in the eyes and I spoke
I saw his expression change before I heard my words
"*******, you cannot fire me, I quit"

I took the sharp knife of his actions - or lack there of
and I slit my throat with trembling hands

I looked God in the eyes and I watched him laugh
He spoke words that shook my bones
I felt my heart begin to beat again

"My dear child, you cannot quit, only I decide who begins and finishes,
and right now is not your time"
1.1k · Jun 2013
The Rain Girl
Jenna Vaitkunas Jun 2013
young bare feet tiptoe down old wood steps,
counting each one,
one step,
two steps,
three steps,
down, lower and lower
until her soft skin touches cold wet pavement,
listening to her soul music,
a light wet patter
creating the soundtrack of her life
the clocks screech out
the darkest hour is upon us
but she doesn't mind
she is elsewhere
as cold drops land upon her
she takes a breathe
a long deep breathe separates her
from reality and paradise
to herself she whispers
'the rain loves me
i love the rain
the rain is cold
lonely and sad
scared and broken
but it loves me
and i love the rain'
999 · Aug 2013
Jenna Vaitkunas Aug 2013
I was climbing this wall trying to get to you
a wall of rusty nails and barbed wire
I'd climb a little bit and then
I'd loose my footing
a couple feet lost
and I'm closer to the bottom
further away from you
Fight for it soldier
you yelled
Watching me below you
but i kept falling while
the people who surrounded you
pushed me down
and my fellow soldiers below
fighting their own battles
told me they needed help
and my battle was useless
so I let go
I loosened my grasp on the wall
and fell to the depths below
the bottom
but I did not know
that above me
where you stood
there were mean people
holding you against your will
and you wanted me to save you
you yelled for me
and I let go
and I left you there
i thought you wanted me to fight
to be worthy of you
but really you said
Fight for me soldier
because you needed to be saved
Jenna Vaitkunas Sep 2013
il tuo sorriso,
come le stelle sopra di noi stasera
Non credo che potrei abbastanza confrontare
il modo in cui i tuoi occhi brillano alla luce della luna pallida
essi sono di colore blu
sono sempre stati
ma è diverso questa volta
perché questa volta ti piaccio troppo
questa volta siamo completamente persi
in un mondo tutto nostro
ma mi rendo conto di minuetti dopo
sveglio nel mio letto
lacrime sulle mie guance
era solo un sogno
e questo è tutto ciò che non potrà mai verificarsi
English Translation:
your smile,
as the stars above us tonight
I do not think I could quite compare
the way your eyes sparkle to the pale moonlight
they are blue
they always have been
but it's different this time
because this time you like me too
this time we are completely lost
in a world of our own
but I become aware of minuets after
awake in my bed
tears on my cheeks
it was just a dream
and this is all that will never occur

Wanted to try some other language writing although i had to look some words up c:
Jenna Vaitkunas Dec 2014
I heard of the beauty there
of the colored hair
and future freaks.
I heard of ballerinas in the streets
and boys like you
trying to find themselves.
You reckon you'll get lonely there?
I'd break my piggy bank
if it showed you I cared
We can travel the city
with six strings on our backs,
acting like we're not scared.
Even though we're scared as hell.
I could step on New York City
and scrape it on a beach
and that's where I'll find you.
next to the circus tents,
stands the main attraction
“Balancing act of the broken boy”
standing there is you
alone and afraid
holding on to dignity and pride
self-worth and meaning
talent and potential
******* and lies,

but not me.

Everything but me.
might add more, might not
911 · Aug 2013
The Orange Carpet
Jenna Vaitkunas Aug 2013
It was a filthy orange carpet
filled with dirt and dust and disappointment
but I couldn't stop smiling
or staring in your direction
861 · Aug 2013
That One Boy
Jenna Vaitkunas Aug 2013
I wasn't quite sure why
Maybe it was his voice
or the way he looked nervously ahead
maybe it's because it was busy around us
or maybe, just maybe it was the ***** orange carpet
but right then I knew
I didn't want to look away
I wanted to stay there forever
eating sour patch kids and thinking with you
I thought a lot
about my choices and how I felt
at 3 am 'cause we can't call each other anymore
and we couldn't ask for hugs
and we couldn't call to hear each other's voice
on the other line
I thought a lot that day
on that orange carpet
eating sour patch kids

                                                           ­                                                                 ­       I just hope you did too.
Jenna Vaitkunas Sep 2013
there's a bottle by my head
I just want to go to bed
It made me feel so tired
but a the fuel started a fire

and my heart begins to race
and my mind is out of place
it seems I left my sanity
on memories and broken dreams

My thoughts are blurring out now
I can't seem to find out how
but I can barely write these words
the sentences in herds

The spelling can't be right
just thinking is a fight
because it helps me sleep
I had a drink, it came out in heaps

Now a headache starts to rise
the screen is straining my eyes
and I try to go to sleep
but secrets are hard to keep

I'd mention about the lines
the dance across my shoulder
I never expose them, nonsense
I'm afraid of your cruel comments

They're pale and white, but you can see
I've felt so alone, for eternity
I wanted just to hold you
but I found I couldn't pursue

I took a chance and asked you
about coffee and walks and the zoo
and when you told me that you would
I thought I finally understood

That I don't need those bottles or pills
they were supposed to protect me from ill
but I needed your touch and kiss
to know it gets better than this
854 · Jul 2013
My raincloud
Jenna Vaitkunas Jul 2013
I looked at her
and I whispered
I'm not just sad
I'm lonely
in the most crowded rooms
and broken
because the glue won't hold
and i hate passing mirrors
because my inside
shows on the out
when I look into the glass

She stared at me
and simply said
"You don't look depressed"

I looked up and laughed
"I'm sorry, Did I forget my raincloud today?"
*stabs eyeball for being an awful poem*
820 · Jun 2014
Jenna Vaitkunas Jun 2014
I never liked being alone
I found comfort in the sounds of you
The deck of cards you kept in your pocket
And the coffee you left on the kitchen table
I never minded cleaning up your messes
I never minded the fact you loved Jazz
And fell asleep to the sound of an alto saxophone
But i never needed you
Like i need air
I wanted you
I am not a fragile butterfly
And you will not tear my wings
I used a "weird prompt" for this because writers block.

169: Random Things
Use some or all of these items in your story or poem:
A *** of rice
A butterfly
An alto saxophone
A deck of cards
815 · Jan 2015
lack of faith
Jenna Vaitkunas Jan 2015
I'm not going to tell you there is no God.
But, I AM going to let you in on a little secret.
God believes in the faithful.
God stopped believing in me,
the exact moment I stopped believing in him.
I was 6 years old.
Nobody told me much about God.
just to pray every night
and thank him for what you have got.
I called out for him to make it okay again,
and he returned my calls with silence and dialtones.
I wish I knew then
what I know now.
God is not a wish granting factory.
I wish someone had told me sooner
802 · Nov 2017
Get Over It
Jenna Vaitkunas Nov 2017
I know it's hard for you.
I know you try but you can't possibly understand what it's like to have the weight of someone else hold you down and pull consent from your lips like the lyrics of their favorite song.

I sat in the shower until my skin itched and burned a smoldering red and the water ran cold because all I wanted was to feel CLEAN again.
I packed up everything I loved and drove hundreds of miles to feel SAFE again.
I will not lie to you...... both of those things have yet to happen.

And I know it's hard for you.
Because you are strong and people believe what you say.
You have never had to defend your innocence and purity.
You never had to defend what you were wearing. Even to bed.

So I understand what you mean when you tell me it gets better.
But YOU don't actually know this.
You don't know what it's like to wake up every night from the same nightmare.
Sweating and crying because for some reason yo think he's still there.
The weight of his body holding you down and drawing consent from your lips like his favorite song.

I know it's hard for you.
But have you ever considered that it's harder for me?
I've been hiding these sensitive poems so here they are I guess
767 · Nov 2013
I never understood
Jenna Vaitkunas Nov 2013
I never quite understood
why you wanted that girl,
the one who wore too much lipstick
and flirted with your best friend.

I never quite understood
why I never bothered to say hi
whenever you walked by
or picked me up in your car.

You see,
I never quite understood
why I wanted you to want me
and wanted you to forget about that girl,
who wore too much lipstick
and flirted with your best friend.

I was never quite sure
why you wanted someone
who didn't care
about your favorite movies,
or books,
or people.

I never quite understood
how I would never get to study you,
underlining the most important parts
over the softness of your skin.

I never quite understood
why I thought what I thought
or how I felt what i felt
when I looked at you
and you didn't look back.
761 · Jun 2013
Figure it out
Jenna Vaitkunas Jun 2013
i sit and read
and read and sit
wonder what you meant by it

who you wanted to impress
i need to get this off my chest

I write some words
not one not two
every word i write's 'bout you

a simple thought i push away
much to foolish,, unwanted ways

I wish and hope
and dream you'll say
a few fresh lines  you wrote today

of tragic love and hopeless dreams
of  butterflies and shakey knees

to conceal a secret for my mind
a bittersweetened lullaby

do not cry or scream and shout
i ask one thing
Figure it out.
734 · Sep 2013
Keeping Up With Julia
Jenna Vaitkunas Sep 2013
her laugh, her smile, her cry
one day will belong to someone new
maybe they'll be like her
different from me, different from you
Maybe they'll be like that lovely girl
the one who's name was simply there
the girl who hated so much of the world
she cursed at the wind, she tugged at her hair
Julia, my Julia, sweeter than our summer's grow
Your smile spreads to others faces
and even so a beautiful face
for curious eyes to wander places
far to vast for me to find
a meaning in my Julia's smile
i couldn't understand her then
and even now, it may take a while
for me to understand my Julia
to run the fields of green and gold
slightly feeling the itch of summer
keeping up with Julia, watching the hills fold
She turns a bit as they write it down
she smiles in her endless sleep
dreams of laughing there with me
and in the distance here the beep
the monitors run flat again
and quietly they planned the date
not a soul knew just then
of when my Julia met her fate
722 · Apr 2015
All At Once (...?)
Jenna Vaitkunas Apr 2015
When you left, I didn't feel it,
I didn't feel a thing but sweet, sweet relief
and the breath I had been holding since you said "I love you"
left my body all at once.
All at once.
That's how it hit me.
The pain didn't creep up on me.
It hit me.
full force at my throat
into my lungs, chasing the oxygen I had left
through my blood stream and out of my throat.
It smelt like our first kiss.
and *****.
not because we we're being ***** ourselves,
but we were, quite literally, *****, on the ground, next to the lake.
I wonder if anyone ate that pizza we left because we were so full of each other, we didn't have room to eat it.
Last week,
I couldn't breathe. I was walking home from work,
and it smelt like you.
It smelt like late nights in your car,
it smelt like Sunday mornings in your bed
when neither of us wanted to get up but your parents were going to be home soon.
it smelt like my high school parking lot, where you asked me to be your girlfriend, and I barely responded because I could not stop smiling.
it smelt like hello and sunshine and summer.
it smelt like goodbye and cold and winter.
and it smelt like you and it hit me,

and it's over.
Jenna Vaitkunas Dec 2013
Walking away was useless.

They never came after me
because they knew
I'd always turn around
and come right back.

Mostly because I had nowhere else to go.
711 · Aug 2013
In that moment
Jenna Vaitkunas Aug 2013
it's like this
you are at this place
maybe it's your first time
maybe you've been here a million times
and its filled with strangers all around you

it's like you shuffle past
and try not to focus on them
because like I said
They're strangers

you listen to the music
that blares out
as your favorite band
stands in front of you

and as everyone around you
screams the words
the chorus and the verses
the instrumentals and just smiling

you realize that these aren't strangers at all
these are the family members you haven't met
the best friends awaiting to be found
and the memories awaiting to happen

but it all starts there
in that one venue
with that one band
when you realize

sometimes its not what you wear
or who you talk to
it's not the color of your skin
or the people you dream of kissing

it's those two minuets and fifty seconds*
when we all forget about being strangers
and it's like we have known each other forever
it's the moment i could live in forever

Everyone is smiling
singing the words
to the song they fell in love with
by the band who stole their hearts

all these different people
with all the same hopes
the same thing got them
through the terrible weather

and I realized in that moment
I was not just a speck of dust
in a universe of greater things
I was part of a whole

I was part of something so much bigger
that even the most complicated
nor simplest minds could understand
It's as if

In that moment I realized
that band needed us
as much as we needed them
and I didn't feel so small after all
This poem wasn't only inspired by my concert experiences but specifically by the best I've had, I dedicate this poem to Silent Stories for always being there when I was upset, whether it was through their music, or even occasionally in person. I don't think they realize the impact they've had on me as a whole. I remember times where I'd be extremely upset and so done with everything and I'd press play and my favorite song would come on and I could just barely mumble the words i knew so well but I did it and I made it threw the city, the four tracks that have picked me up over and over again and never got sick of doing so. I remember the first time I met Nick Reynolds, I wanted to take guitar to be like my dad and he was basically my guitar teacher for a good amount of time, along with the actual teacher and a few other kids but he worked with me and a small group. I stopped adoring my dad after I realized he wasn't going to call anymore and that it had been months since he said hello. and that was the year I decided I liked guitar and that Nick was a good guitarist and I wanted to be like him. He has become such a great person and guitarist since then, It has been quite a while but well worth it because I have found something I love. I remember the day my aunt had committed. It was during a silent stories show. I checked my Facebook and saw the posts, not too long after, I got the call. It was before Silent Stories was up so I walked outside and sat behind a tree, terribly upset. I remember the band walking out and flicking on the headlights to the car, right in front on me, where they practiced jumps and guitar tricks and flips as I watched quietly. as soon as they were done they were on their way in to play their set and I just felt like I couldn't move but I remember Adam stopping and looking down at me as if he knew and he just kinda said to me "you gunna come inside?" It was simple just a question but it made me feel better because I didn't even think they noticed I was there struggling not to break down. It's these moments I remember and every moment in the crowd at their shows in different venues, different states, different cities, that I realized I'm not as alone as I feel at times and maybe I'm a stranger to that crowd when I walk through that door but we're a family as soon as that first note is played.

*The song referred to is here:
**Band Referred to;
706 · Sep 2013
I'm too young
Jenna Vaitkunas Sep 2013
I'm too young to understand,
the troubles of life,
the troubles of boys,
I'm too young to make you happy.
697 · Jul 2013
Jenna Vaitkunas Jul 2013
5 years old
She wants to be a princess
elegant, sweet, and beautiful
Daddy said she'd always be his princess

7 years old
She wants to be a musician
to write songs
and tell daddy she misses him
She doesn't want to be a princess)

11 years old
She wants to be a warrior
to fight off the mean people
that took her sister
because she was sad
they told her she couldn't sing)

15 years old
She wants to be an angel
She gave up on everything
they told her she wasn't good enough
the mean people want to take her too*)
666 · Apr 2014
Set Me Free
Jenna Vaitkunas Apr 2014
He walked away with my beating heart
as if promises were meant to be broken
he kissed my lips, just to depart
and took my heart as a token

he let his fingers run through her hair
and let his breath graze her skin
into her eyes he had stared
begging her to let him in

i found her bra on his bedroom floor
he could have sworn it was mine
one excuse, three, ten more
and he expects me to act like it's fine?

He had the nerve to call me last night
i answered with three words "set me free"
659 · Sep 2013
He was a Balloon
Jenna Vaitkunas Sep 2013
He was a balloon
that some girl had let go
out of my reach
and he couldn't save himself
658 · Jan 2015
Jenna Vaitkunas Jan 2015
I think I lost my inspiration
the same night I lost you
because what the hell's a poet
without their ******* muse?
646 · Jun 2015
Do not love her
Jenna Vaitkunas Jun 2015
They told me not to love her
But ******* she was beautiful.
The kind of beautiful that reminds you of home.
When you were young and the streetlights were your curfew.
I've been watching them turn on
But I don't know where to go
Because home was her smile, her arms, her.
So I've been sleeping on the street where we used to meet
Hoping she'll turn up
And let me get lost in her puppy dog eyes.
I hear she's with you now
And i know she is so ******* beautiful
But I'm telling you,
Do not love her
Because the streetlights will come on
And you won't know where to go.
642 · Aug 2013
The Same Girl
Jenna Vaitkunas Aug 2013
I remember this young girl
with long curly blonde hair
dimples and a bright smile
she had green eyes and she never lied

She never let anyone cry
and she was always there
to catch accidental tears

This was the same little girl
that loved to eat her vegetables
and loved to listen to her Daddy
sing and play guitar before bed

Well, soon enough
Daddy stopped playing
because he wasn't there at bed time
so she tried to play herself

this was the same little girl
who has had hateful words
thrown in her face

This was the same little girl
who was beat up at school
but still managed to smile
and say "Everything is gunna be OK"

But along the way something snapped
She cut off her long blonde curls
and her eyes no longer were a bright green

Her smile wasn't as bright
actually, it barely was there
but she still said
"I'm OK"

this is the same girl
who resents the man
who she thought
she was safe with

this is the same girl
that wants to be
who she used to be

this is the same girl
who sat in the dark
and writes these words
602 · Feb 2015
New and Improved..(?)
Jenna Vaitkunas Feb 2015
I used to write about being untouched
and how I was like the world
with pure intentions.
You took that from me,
I can't really put the blame on you,
I might as well of put a bow on it
and a tag addressed to you.
I'm not sure I made the right choice.

I used to write about going unnoticed
and like the clouds slowly moving,
I held beauty, I was there, secretly.
I gave that to him.
I had my doors locked and the key hidden,
but he was actually really good at picking locks,
he told me that my house wasn't fit for me, dangerous,
a year later it burned down.

my point is,
I used to write about a lot of things.
but I'm newer now,
You and him took the only things I had going for me,
He, with my best intentions,
and you, with yours.
597 · Nov 2013
Forgive Me
Jenna Vaitkunas Nov 2013
You died around this time last year
I didn't go to your wake
I didn't say goodbye
I hope you forgive me

You died around this time last year
I never went to your grave
I don't know where it is
I was scared to find out
I hope you forgive me

You died around this time last year
I wrote to your family
I hope they got my letter
It took me awhile to write it
I never said I cared
I hope you forgive me
595 · Jul 2013
Please Stop
Jenna Vaitkunas Jul 2013
Stop telling me
how beautiful I am
or how my eyes sparkle
or even how adorable
my dimples are
Stop saying that
I'm the happiest girl you know.

Beautiful girls
don't stand alone at parties
or spend friday nights alone
Happy girls don't lock their door
and take out their razors

                                                                                                                                                         **and cry.
594 · Jul 2013
You Weren't There
Jenna Vaitkunas Jul 2013
You said
that  you'd love me
no matter who I was
what I did

But you weren't there
that time
i cut my wrist
with my broken razor

and you weren't there
that time
i stopped eating
because thin is beautiful

you weren't there
when I realized
I'm more dangerous
to myself
than any killer or devious boy

I now know
you won't be there
each time I swear,
Tonight's The Night
because you don't love
the girl who says that
594 · Jan 2015
I wrote a poem about you
Jenna Vaitkunas Jan 2015
These words don't have any significance,
I see your eyes light up
as I say this once more.
But the taste is too familiar.
These words are razor blades
cutting into my throat.

I wrote a poem about you.

I hate to see you smile when I say this
because honestly,
I am the Taylor Swift of poets.
I have written poems about you
and five "yous" before yourself.

I know it is hard to believe
but I mean every word scribbled on this
ink filled,
tear stained,
coffee marked
that I wrote on our first date.

and I mean every word neatly printed on that
water damaged,
slightly wrinkled,
late in arrival,
The I wrote on her 16th birthday.

I mean every word I have
into neat little lines
for you
and her
and him
and her
and you
and him
and her
and you were not the first.
581 · Feb 2014
Make A Wish
Jenna Vaitkunas Feb 2014
Some people like to wish on candles
Placed carefully on frosted cakes
marked with the words "Happy Birthday"
but how happy can a birthday be
if you are making wishes to ask for more?  
For Father to come home and bring a treat
for mother to stop crying and get out of bed
but you know that dad isn't coming back
and mom hasn't been the same since he left

Some people like to wish on stars
streaking across the universe
most likely about to hit earth
and to completely destroy something.
what a shame, it's so beautiful
and it holds all our deepest secrets
so why must it crash and take our dreams with them?
I wrote this to use as an experiment for my web design class, turns out I liked it enough to post.
556 · Jan 2015
The radio in February
Jenna Vaitkunas Jan 2015
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
All of these love songs
Remind me of you.
I'm getting real sick,
They all sound the same
About how they miss you
And they're screaming your name.
To be completely honest,
That's not how it goes,
You didn't leave your toothbrush,
Favorite books or your clothes.
You left just your memory
And I'll start to forget
'Till I have nothing
But despair and regret.
This is a lot more relevant than when I wrote it.
September 07, 2015
553 · Jun 2013
Reach Out
Jenna Vaitkunas Jun 2013
marks of war across your arm
a boy with artificial charm
a hatred stronger then my own
who taught my heart and mind to roam

A warning one or maybe two
I've been told the ways of you

i have secrets
you have lies
we'll make secret lullabies

of war and past and peace and love
from hell below and heaven above
of hate and pain and warmth and truth
to older age from newer youth
this was about a...friend...of mine per say...and I hope he would understand each line.

and my goodness that last stanza was horrible!
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