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 Sep 2015 Jasmine
picaso 29
 Sep 2015 Jasmine
picaso 29
Now let's go back, back to reality we fell for each other but there was no gravity to hold us, but I caught you, held you tight with all my might even though we were crash landing, I loved the flight, I would do it all again start from the beginning where we were just friends
I would go through the all pain I endured when you walked away just for a moment in my arms where you would lay because time with you always took my breath away
 Aug 2015 Jasmine
 Aug 2015 Jasmine
There is nothing greater
Than being loved by you
But honey there are times when
I'd wish you'd love another
For I know how much you've suffered
From my complications
2 am thoughts
 Aug 2015 Jasmine
I think of you often
in unfinished sentences
and half written lines
because you give me a feeling
I'd almost forgotten
with words I cannot define
 Jul 2015 Jasmine
always anxious
You don't hear me when i say, mom, please wake up, dad's with a ****, and your son is smoking cannabis.

No one ever listens this wallpaper glistens don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen.

Places places get in your places theow on your dress and pur on your dollfaces

everyone thinks that we're perfect please don't let them look through the curtains.

Picture, picture smile for the picture
Pose with your brother won't you be a good sister.

everyone thinks that we're perfect please don't let them look through the curtains
Melanie martinez-dollhouse
 Apr 2015 Jasmine
Dee Bach
I’m radiating a smile,
In this moment I’m unstoppable,
I can do anything.
No one will break this smile,
For smiles are the most beautiful,
When worn for not everyone,
But for yourself
When you know you are
I’m radiating a smile
Because I know
I Will Be Okay.
 Apr 2015 Jasmine
Dee Bach
You may have torn me apart
Undressed me
For all your pleasure
Sang me a lullaby
To get your way
You are a devil in disguise.
Spewing lies as a natural language
The language of deceitful, cunning lies

The hell you put inside of me
I want out
But you don’t have the key do you
I’m trapped within myself
So you’re not the devil are you?
But the devils help.
The only devil lives with me,
Everyday.  **And you don’t even know.
 Apr 2015 Jasmine
Dee Bach
 Apr 2015 Jasmine
Dee Bach
When you leave
leave me with an umbrella
to walk under the grey clouds with
to remember you by
I know
I wasn’t the only
one who thought that
we meant something more
but to you I am only a
friend asking to
much of you
wishing you
thought of me the
same way as
I do you
so please
I keep hearing about this glass house
having only lived
after plucking
the glass

who am I
to doubt the tale
with a rock in my hand
leaving bloodied glass in my trail
The greatest Art in Life is: the precission of capturing the exact moment for speaking or for remaining silent.
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