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20.1k · Oct 2015
Differences of Love and lust
Hong Denice Oct 2015
Love is of God; lust is from the world

Love is selfless; lust is selfish

Love can wait; lust is got to have it now

Love is giving; lust is taking

Love is purity; lust is sin

Love develops; lust destroys

Love is peaceful
Lust is full of anxiety

-Charles Stanley
5.4k · Sep 2015
secretly more than friends
Hong Denice Sep 2015
When we met
it felt seconds
Comparable to a movie in fast-forward

When we part
it felt forever
Having no ends to meet

Both of us knew it
that there was something
A spark
when we are together
A deep connection
Even if we are living in distance

We may be denying it
when people see us

But clearly we know
that we are not just friends

Conveying feelings in disguise
Running around the bush

Mutually desiring to see one another's face again
but only doubt keeps us apart

Only doubt...
1.4k · Sep 2015
Hong Denice Sep 2015
Sometimes the rudest can be the ones closest to you.
Because you did not see it coming.
1.1k · Jan 2016
Hong Denice Jan 2016
Why do you tell everyone that you like.
but you do not like
Why do you tell everyone that you love
But you do not love
And worse
Why do you say
that you do not love the person
But on the inside
you do
1.1k · Jun 2017
Chase your Dreams with God
Hong Denice Jun 2017
Chasing your dreams does not mean leaving behind your morally right and christlike values, character, behaviour, people and the most heart breaking is putting God aside. No matter what you believe He exists or not....You will have to take responsibilities of your mistakes or the better word sins.    Mistakes are mistakes and sins are sins  Those are two different things.
852 · Dec 2015
Hong Denice Dec 2015
We say things are complicated.
Truthfully it is not
Simple as it is. 
We can understand.
But we choose not to. 
We have the understanding
As deep as the sea.
We have the enduring love
Like a mudfish can survive
Without water.
But we have a faith
That is weak
Much like a wind
That goes and disappears
With just a flick of a hand.

Remember this
Love is not in the air
But within us.
753 · Nov 2015
Time Runs
Hong Denice Nov 2015
Whether you like it or not.
People get old.....And older.
No one can stop time, or even slow it down.
But why do we cling on or hold on to the people who flee.
Who are made to flee.
As you yourself did.
We all have our time to get together and separate.
Few will stay.
Past is past.
Think of the memories.
Which comes from the past. 
The given earthly life is limited, as we are humans.
Do everything you can for the good and for the better.
No memories can be made.
If you don't move.
680 · Jan 2016
Hong Denice Jan 2016
Sometimes in life
The journey matters more
Than the goal.
676 · Dec 2015
Hong Denice Dec 2015
Precious Gold
Made into Silver

Second fiddle
Made into Main

To Love
Made to Like

To Carry a Child
Made to carry a Burden

To eat for Health
Made to eat for Death

Made into Divide

Naive heart
Made arrogant

Most Important
Become the least

Wise man
Mad to Smart man

Smarter you are
The more robotic you become
Hong Denice Nov 2015
Here's to the friend that you've out grown,
The one whose name is left unknown,
The one who wiped away your tears,
And sought to hold your hand,
When others turned the other way,
No beginning, just an end.

She's the one you turned to,
The one that you called a friend,
She laughed with you, she cried with you,
And felt it was her duty,
To remind you of your worth,
And all your inner beauty,

When other's eyes can only dwell,
Upon your exposed outer shell.
They saw a fat girl steeped in braces,
Not seeing you they turned their faces.
But she was there to whisper,
When others didn't care.

she held your secrets in her heart,
That friends like you could share,
You never had to be alone,
But now she is, 'cause you've out grown her for those others whose laughs you share,
As you run carefree through the air.

Time has eased your form and face,
But she's the one who knew your grace,
When those who you now call a friend saw no beginning...
Only end.

-C.S. Dweck
"Chicken Soup for the Teenage SOUL" book
535 · Oct 2015
Hong Denice Oct 2015
Yes I am now walking away.
Because so far all I can hear is a "No".
Felt you're scared of something which didn't exist at the first place. 
Is it the fear of commitment?
Or you're just......
Let's face it, playing.
I have thought of it. 
The words you have said before
Were they true? Or just?

But I'm now walking away with a smile on my face.
532 · Jan 2016
Hong Denice Jan 2016
A place full of grasses, plants and trees, sun exposure, animals, birds, oxygenated air, minds are cool and thinking conclusions.   Is surely a beautiful place to live in.  Rather than a place surrounded by towers, cements, walls, minds are thinking of how to defeat the other, covered with shades or darkness.
Until the walls break down.
Then every human will seek real life.
502 · Sep 2015
Be new
Hong Denice Sep 2015
In every thing that has been done.
Was decided and done by you.
The only person who can make a change in your life is YOU.
Not anyone.  Be a better person than your yesterday self.  Surround yourself with the people who really care about you.  But do not forget to return the favor.  As we all know this is what we call gratitude and not kissing ***.  We have used that term too much that we dont know whom to trust.  Sadly we have fed up our Pride that it grew bigger and fatter.......More than anything else.

Always have the heart to be NEW.
496 · Nov 2015
The quiet one
Hong Denice Nov 2015
When I tell you that I miss you.
I really miss you.
When I do things for you.
Take it as a gift.
I like you anyways.
When I hug you.
It's a real hug.
Not for the people to see.
If I talked or approached you.
I wanted to know more.
And is 100% interested in you.

Sorry, I am quite a reserved person.
But when I speak my mind....
Will you listen?
451 · Dec 2015
open book of my words
Hong Denice Dec 2015
I have grown too old
To run around the bush,
To make things complicated,
To make you feel rejected
To stir your mind,

But truthfully I didn't want to do these things
Especially to you.

My words
They are not poetry
Any meaning should I include
That is not the word itself?
No, it is unecessary for me to do so

I just hoped
That you took everything what I said
As it is

Hoping to meet your understanding and self-realization.

If you could have given me time
Time to spend with you
Then I might have told you
What you wanted to hear
It was the chance for me
To open my heart and mind
And say........You are dear to me.

I have loved you differently
Differently that
I didn't ask for romance
But for your presence
To the dearest boy of my twenties.
As I see you growing to be a man.
I am happy, but hope that you will remember me when you become successful in your dreams.
450 · Oct 2015
"Catch a heart"
Hong Denice Oct 2015
There's something in the air
That I needed to catch
And that is your heart

Your mind tried to forget our last Summer days
But your heart cannot

You worked, I supported
No matter what happens
I am always by your side
I will gladly care for you

T'was our brightest summer
Though it was not literally spent under the sun
Still I remember it well..
So so so
I decided to give you my heart

Know one else can receive it
You know!

It will be only yours

I cannot promise to give you my heart FULLY
Because my Saviour, Christ is a jealous God.
And I love HIM
More than anything else

Do confess personally
In which I know
Is the BEST thing
that you cannot do
For now

You said that you were a less thinker
Change that a bit
And try to see and treat matters differently

Do feel it
That someone loves you
Like you do

And that
you are loved
416 · May 2016
Not about you
Hong Denice May 2016
This poem
is not about you

even though
your spirit is in every word
your voice sounds strong
in the halls of my mind
telling me things
I am now sure
I want to know

this poem is
about me

trying to understand

By "Walter W Hoelbling"
#anticipation #wondering
374 · Oct 2015
Mr. Anxiety
Hong Denice Oct 2015
I started thinking of
And end my thoughts with
"It is time to sleep".
But after you, I just stopped from getting sleepy.

It is hard,
I don't even know what the problems are now
When I close my eyes
You come
I want to leave this feeling
The feeling of hopelessness
Everytime you appear
I want to go somewhere else
Somewhere I can breath in
Fresh and rejuvenating air of nature
Stop encasing me
From the happiness and joy
I can have in life

More of the goodness please
I request
Even just for a little bit
Let me sleep with a smile
343 · Dec 2015
Hong Denice Dec 2015
Saying you love
But later seeing people as a pest

My head aches
when you shout hipporacy

My thoughts become a fighter
But I do not wish to fight

My heart beats rapidly
As my hands shake and become cold

Fine afterwards
Hoping for myself
To be better
And be ready to ignore
Your heavy rain fall
316 · Oct 2015
Hong Denice Oct 2015
We soar through the skies
Exploring one another's world
Slowly we change
Opening our minds to have connection
In our minds
Spending time hand in hand  
Words and actions unveil our hearts
But still
Yet to confess

— The End —