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Jul 2016 · 566
Garret Dychiao Jul 2016
It was somewhere between
The edge of tomorrow
And the break of dawn
When I decided to take a plane
Across a dark expanse
To the city that never sleeps

In some strange utopia
Where men and women flit across
From avenue to avenue,
Skyscraper to skyscraper —
I was in the middle of a hive
Where the bees never cease to buzz.
It was a beautiful yet horrifying maze
With allies that crisscrossed heaven and hell,
The certainly uncertain knowledge of what lied ahead
It was an adrenaline that could not be quenched.
Blink for a second
And you might find yourself
Lost in the modern labyrinth of Daedalus
Yet falling into the unknown
Was the part that kept me awake.

I saw you along a black and white corner
Amidst the hustle and rhythm of the concrete.
You stood there as if time had no tomorrow,
Leaving the rest of the world to spin on its axis
As you stood your ground.
Perhaps by destiny, I saw you in the greyish fog
That blurred the shadows of moonlight
Cast upon the metropolis skyline.
But in this monochrome existence
You were in technicolor.

You scraped the heavens
Higher than any iron spear.
You were the compass
That gave direction in an urban jungle.
You were the silence
In the ceaseless tumult.
You were the color
Of a life that lacked a bit of flavor.
You were the light, a pinch of stardust
That shined in the wake of the morning sun.
But you,
You were just a dream.
Jul 2016 · 442
Garret Dychiao Jul 2016
I wish that time was like a schedule,
That you could plot out the dates
And never feel uncertain of where you were going.
If only time was definite,
That it was a railroad track turning left and right
And never feeling like you didn’t know what to expect.
Why can’t time be on time?
Instead of leaving me waiting for something to happen.

Time hasn’t exactly been a friend of mine.
Sometimes we’re moving too fast,
Others we move too slow.
Often lost and fogged by smog,
Yet with every chug it gets a little bit clearer.
But time has done one thing right,
Time brought me to you.

Time allowed for a brief moment of our lives to intersect.
As if by fate, we crossed paths and pulled the brake.
We stopped for a minute, you and I
With no worries of what was and where we were going,
All that mattered was us, here and now.
And now lasted forever.

But let’s face it
Life is locomotion
And time is an unstoppable momentum,
A constant that can never be defied.
I wish that I could just stop with you forever
But that’s just not how destiny planned it for us.

So we move on.
On a different track, on a different road, forward.
Our lives moved in opposite directions,
Further and further away from the another.

But no matter how far apart we are,
No matter how many mountains you’ll pass
And rivers you’ll cross
No matter what direction you'll take
I’ll be there.

And wherever we may go someday,
near or far, high or low,
At least we know for now
That now will last us forever.
May 2016 · 704
Garret Dychiao May 2016
Wanderers. We’re all just wanderers
Hermits on a journey to rest
Nomads who have always been lost
Hitchhikers on some random path
Nobodies who’ve never had a place to call home
But I think that if you take a closer look
At how wonderful every detail is
Then maybe home becomes something
That isn’t just a roof above your head

Maybe home is a warm smile
The feeling of light coming in
As you let out a solid laugh
Or seeing those flawless whites
Shine from ear to ear
And hearing a terrible joke
That made you giggle nonetheless

Maybe home is a simple Hello!
Hey how was your day?
What’re you doing tomorrow?
I believe in you!
Hope you’re doing fine!
I’m always here for you okay?
… And that person who listens
Even when no one else will

Maybe home is waking up each day
Having that glimpse of the sunlight
Brisk gently across your stone cold face
The smell of breakfast and a new day
A chance to begin again or to start trying
To live each day like its your last

Maybe home is a warm embrace
Reassuring you that everything will be okay
That no matter what happens you will never lose me
And even when I let go, I’ll never leave you
Sometimes all you need is to feel wanted, needed, loved

Home. Home has never been a single place
For us to go back after each dragging day
Its more of those moments we take for granted
And the people that are too often overlooked
Perhaps we should stop searching for home
And let home surround us instead
Apr 2016 · 890
Garret Dychiao Apr 2016
I don’t understand why it hurts so much.

Why does the thought of you with him,
Feel like a dagger in my chest?

Why does the thought of you being happy, without me,
Feel like I’m being suffocated to death?

Why does the thought of you forgetting me,
Feel like I’m empty and broken into pieces?

I don’t understand why it hurts so much
When you were never mine to lose.
Apr 2016 · 709
First Sight
Garret Dychiao Apr 2016
I walked into a room filled with unfamiliar faces.
I sat down and felt a chill of insecurity creep up my spine.
I looked around and I saw you for the very first time.

You and your crooked smile and awkward laugh.
You being the center of attention in the room.
You and your ****** yet wide eyes.
You and your gorgeous hair folded behind your ears.
You and your sporty look because you knew you could work it.
You and everything about you.

Never did I think that
love at first sight was ever possible.
It was an absolute cliche.
Then I saw you, and I knew
that I was in deep **** right there.

I will never forget the first time I saw you
because it was at that instant that I knew
that I loved you beyond sanity.
Apr 2016 · 456
Garret Dychiao Apr 2016
The harsh reality about everything and anything is that
all great things come to an end.
Don’t get me wrong,
I’ll never forget the midnight conversations we had,
nor the times I dreamt about us being together.
Not a day will go by
where I won’t think about you,
or your plans for the day, or who you’re with.
But the hard truth is inevitable.
This isn’t me giving up.
This is just me accepting that we will never be.
You and me was a simple fantasy in my head,
but let’s face it, not all fairytales have happy endings.
I know that I’m not the best for you.
Seeing you with other guys, smiling and laughing ;
I’m beyond happy for you.
As much as it may ****
that I’m not a part of that happiness anymore,
or that I know that you’d be perfectly fine without me…
Yeah it hurts, but at least I know
that somewhere out there,
you’re having the time of your life with someone else —
something that we never could’ve had
no matter how hard I try.
Apr 2016 · 625
Garret Dychiao Apr 2016
It takes about 365 days for the Earth
to make one complete rotation around the sun.
It takes 365 days to make a year filled with
memories and experiences that one will never forget.

But the crazily depressing fact that I’ve recently learned
is that the world won’t stop spinning,
nor will it tilt off axis, if I disappear from it.
It ***** to know that you can live 525,600 minutes
without even thinking of me.
I hate the thought of being that worthless —
that even if I just turned invisible,
you wouldn’t even know it.

It hurts more than you think,
realizing that I never mattered that much anyway ;
To know that you’d be perfectly fine without me
heck maybe you’d be even happier that way.
I can’t stand the thought that
even after the 365 ways I’ve tried,
you’ve found 365 more to get away.
Apr 2016 · 1.7k
Garret Dychiao Apr 2016
You once told me that you’ve always wanted to be an astronaut.
An explorer of the galaxy, an adventurer of the universe.
You said that there’s so much wonder and beauty
that the great beyond holds ;
That beyond our world was something
indescribable and phenomenal.
You told me that you wanted to be an astronaut
to see perfection beyond what’s within reach,
when all this time all you had to do was take a look at yourself.
Your wonderful and amazing self
that not even the entire universe could match.
Stop looking out and look in
because to me, you’re more stunning than any constellation.
Apr 2016 · 516
One Day
Garret Dychiao Apr 2016
There’s a reason why I keep it in.
I wouldn’t have bottled up my feelings
if I knew it wasn’t going to explode in my face.
But Dear God I just want to say it already.
There are so many things that I’ve wanted
to tell you since I’ve felt this way.

Let’s start off with this ;
You’re perfect (well, to me at least).
It’s funny how you don’t see it.
I love it how you can look at the mirror
and not see how everything looking back
is absolutely wonderful in indescribable ways.
You’re so weird sometimes… all the time actually.
But that’s what makes every fleeting moment with you
that much more memorable.
I love how you laugh at everything I say,
even when I don’t make sense 99.9% of the time.
Just believing that you’re smiling or laughing,
makes me smile and laugh along with you.
You and me are absolutely, positively different.
Sometimes we don’t have anything in common,
but hey, that’s never stopped us from being close.
I love how you bring out a brighter me.
There are days when I just get so lost and lonely,
like there’s no one who’d listen or who’d make me feel lighter.
Then I talk to you for about 20 whole seconds.
Suddenly nothing seems to matter anymore,
and I just smile.
I love how you bring out the best in me.
Although you might not know it,
you motivate me to do my best in everything.
You’ve shown me how I can always rise above anything
as long as I worked enough for it, and as long as I deserve it.

I guess that’s another reason why I haven’t told you.
You deserve so much better than me.
As much as I hate to admit it,
there are guys out there who’d be better for you.
I hate that. But the truth isn’t always what we want for ourselves.

Finally, I’ve never told you any of this
because I don’t want to lose what we have.
I don’t want to put our friendship at risk.
It’s not a risk I’m willing to take, not now at least.

I just wish you knew all of this.
I don’t know how I can ever say all of this to you.
Maybe someday, but definitely not today.
I hope that one day it won’t be too late.
I hope that one day you won’t leave me and all this goes to waste.
I hope that one day I can say this all to you.
I hope that one day you’ll feel the same.
One day.

— The End —