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I was feeling so trapped;
I wanted to die.
I locked all the doors,
Thought, "why even try?"

Yet soon I want out.
But I can't find the key.
So I break through the window,
I've escaped now you see?
I was feeling very down awhile ago, but things are looking a little better now :)
A girl sits crying
In the bathroom corner.
Just use another bathroom,
Just leave her alone
She will be fine
The next day,
The girl is not crying.

And people move on.

A boy comes in,
His face black and blue.
Just look away,
Just don't ask questions
He will be fine
Two weeks ahead,
The bruises are gone.

And people move on.

A child's screams,
Heard across the street.
Just lock the door,
Just close the blinds
They will be fine
The child is murdered,
They'll never recover.

And still,
*People move on
The clock hits 5am
Im laying here looking at the glass next to me
its half full of the soda i have been drinking
this makes me think that maybe
there is more of a meaning to this saying
maybe that glass is me
half full and half empty
19 years YOUNG and living my dream
full of life with so much to strive for
full of passion and goals
full of ambition to be great in my future
full of thoughts and hope
full of wonder of life
19 years OLD and fighting
Empty from things that destroyed me
empty from people dragging me down
empty from people telling me i can’t
empty from trying so hard to just fail
empty from loosing what was important to me
The scaary part about being this glass
is that you never know when you might tip
spilling the remaining full you have
and becoming completely empty
But I’m still sitting here alive
half full and half empty
looking for that thing in life
that will take me as this glass
and take me for the full part
and accept me for the empty parts
sitting here thinking of the girl
who wants me for this glass i am
who wants to love the reasons I’m full
and take away the empty and fill it again
So won’t you take me
for this glass i am?
If I told you that,
I can hold my breath for
Two and a half minutes,
You may ask,
"Why hold your breath when,
You live in a world filled with oxygen?"

I will always reply,
"It is so,
When life starts to drag me,
Beneath those waves,
I will survive
**That much longer."
I thought I had better follow the last poem with something more hopeful...
It's a small bed we share
barely enough for the two
but big enough for the pair
to see the years sail through.

The wood now creaks with age
shrunk thin the old mattress
weighed down with passing days
buoyed up with embrace.

The pillows are thick with stains
of tears that flowed all the while
from rivers of joys shared pains
upon travel of the long trying miles.

Loyally it carries us along
our bed of priceless worth
could mere wood be that strong
if not bonded with warmth!
 May 2015 Erin Holston
I am the book that’s already been read & put on the shelf.
I am the first generation of ipod.
I am the broken guitar string.
I am the car that won’t start.

I am the kid sitting alone downtown at 3am.
I am the 300 year old clock that just broke again.
I am the song that finishes too soon.
Today, tomorrow; I am invisible.

I’m not sure if this should be an apology letter.
I just figure for once, I might be able to make things better.
Me; is just something you should never ask me to define.
Modern day society can make you feel like this sometimes. I myself, have felt each and every one of these analogies day after day. I thought, instead of describing and explaining each one out, I'd be better off to leave the readers feel their own versions.
His hands are large and strong
I knew this all along
Strong enough to hold me down

Smiles are contagious
His are crooked and malicious
Watching me squirm, crying

My daddy is not safe
I know now because he was taken away
But I thought this form of love was ordinary

I didn't mean to get him in trouble
But I was afraid when his hand was my muzzle
Now everyone looks at me like I'm made of glass

My mom says I can't talk to him
But I just don't get it
He said he wouldn't hurt me

My daddy wears orange
Mom answers his phone call with a look of warning
His clothes are in boxes down in the basement

There's a stack of papers on the counter
That mom's been staring at for the past hour
I think I need to help her with her homework

We make the bed with stains across the mattress
I don't think I can keep up with this practice
I pretend I don't see the guilt in mom's eyes

My mom and I sleep next to each other at night
Because we're both afraid he'll appear in the morning light
Looming over us with his hungry eyes
For the 1/4
Do not keep quiet
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