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82 · Dec 2019
True Faith
Erik Luo Dec 2019
True faith

comes from the love of life
To give your self away
Without doubt or fear

To know that all is well
and love will win it all
To hug without care
And kiss with all your wills

To see love with life
and live as you are

True faith

Does not care for god
And it loves
as god's will
A faithful being you are
and see the living as death comes

True faith

is a love so strong
that even god can't trump
A love so strong that you become


True faith

Lies in every moment of life
Quietly whispering in your ear
Telling you to feel
Without worry
Its love for you

True faith

Is outside of time
And travels
through cause and effects
Ripples above and below
To the self and all, at once

True faith

Might be hard to understand
Because it is the being of us
and the face of God

True faith

Is living this life
as you and I
and dying to love
as God
Erik Luo Sep 2020
I’m waiting for the hourglass window
Singing a song about a widow
It was sad and kinda surreal
Like a good drink taking over your soul

Time is an actual window
Through which I saw the sorrow
Of the quiet peace in my pillow
Speaking to me about that yellow

Oh, I am here
Waiting patiently.
No pain or sadness
Only being

A glass overflowing
A fruit ripe and ready
A sky perfectly clear
A shadow cool and steady

I dreamed of this moment
over and over again
I know you are coming
So I called your name

What I seek is already here
Through the infinite waves of endless love,
I felt you in my body
And I breathed deep into my belly

In eternity I sit
Hearing your voice calling
So far yet so close
As I disappeared,
Into you...
79 · Jul 2020
Erik Luo Jul 2020
It's raining in this cold night
From the cloud that was once mine
I dreamed of that moonlight, like your eyes
As it faded and died without a voice

With you I faded
away into the void
The sweet love of the quiet night
Feeding my desire for that sweet wine

Oh your shapeless love
Faded away from my heart
But with what tear
Will I be there

With what, dear
Will I be there

The sunlight is covering the stars
Like how I covered my heart
Maybe in another life
I had you by my side

But I faded
Away into the night
Alone and full of light
Sad but can't cry

Oh your painless love
Faded away from my heart
With what tear
Will I be there

With what, dear
Will I be there
With you
78 · Jul 2020
Can you see that light?
Erik Luo Jul 2020
Can you see that light?
Deep inside you
It has weathered the storms
Yet it is still burning

The darkness surrounds it
Crashing it into tiny pieces
But it just keeps burning
Small, but bright

Can you see the love in your pain?
The beauty in your blood
The reason for your loss
And the greatness of your pasts?

It happens so quick you won’t be able to react
When you finally see the love that you have
To realize the meaning behind all of your pasts
And look to the direction of that golden path

It takes a shift in perspective
To see the world as a great act
To realize the perfection in our existence
And accept the flow of creation

The infinite wholeness is always us
It is eternally together and forever apart
As we dreamed of this endless love
We danced in joy and sadness
As love
78 · Dec 2019
Maybe I will see you
Erik Luo Dec 2019
Maybe I will see you
from the other side of the door
Maybe I will know you
by the edge of the shore
Maybe we'll meet
In the sky among the stars
Maybe we'll just be
a flower in the sod

And when my hair
on my skin

And when the wind lightly
on my face

I see the sky with
and red

and the fire
on my eyes

and I sing
and feel
my beings

and others are whispering

and I feel
your love
on earth

and I know
my life
is complete

and I see
you standing
by the fire

with the light
blowing on your face

and your rope
that cross
in the yellow
and the gold

in the fire
with warmth

and you flow
with the wind

as life
you by

and when time
gets you down
you go up

and you smile
and your beauty
your grace

took me away

into a
of unknown

and a song
I embrace

and I dance
moving my head

my hair flowing
and free

and I feel
your presents
under the stars and the moon

I know you are
I know who you are

and this moment
of time
will never

eternally present
forever and ever

and as we grow up
and grow old
and die

we will look back
and see the fire and the sky

and when we
the song
of life and love

forever and ever
a breath

then we will dance
in that
divine void

forever and ever
we are all

and when I
my love
for you

I know

I know

I know

and when I
your love
for me

I know

I know

I know

I am
with you

forever and ever
without tears

and as the stars align
as the universe stays

we'll both be
in each other's

much to one

you see
the fire
that we're in

the beauty
and grace
of this life

and when you feel
the wet
down your face

as I know
your love
in my heart

and maybe it will rain
and maybe it will snow
and maybe the sun will
never comeback

and maybe we'll die
and maybe the sky
will become so
so real...real-

as love
and you
and me
and all


our reality
in god!

is infinite love
is just you
and me
and all the

and we dance
and we cry
we laugh
and we fight
through the eternal

and perhaps
you can look me in the eyes
and tell me the words
that you are here
to say

so that
I can
I am

so I can
of your love

and in that

we sing
of this song

of us
of life
of death

and when
we say
the words
the truth

we say
we say
we say
we say

we sing
we sing

this song
of life
and we know
that we are
just one

and we know
we are
we love
and live

we die
we cry
we sing

this song of life
77 · Oct 2020
The gift
Erik Luo Oct 2020
The gift
Of existence
Something we granted ourselves

It is through eternity
That we see the bliss in mortality
It is through difficulties
That we can love without pain
It is from the words that we sang
That we hear the truth speak
In silence
We see the lives of infinite beings
Through the cycles of love and pain

And being aware of here
We felt the love from that sacred place
Speaking, without a word

Being, love.
77 · Dec 2019
Erik Luo Dec 2019
When I speak to you
Like the rain drizzling on your skin
It hit your body
But it can’t reach your soul

I wish you can remember
The rain that you were born
Because your body might be wet
But your heart is already dry

Let me reach you
With a drop of love
And let that cold drop
Warm the heart of your soul
To remember who you are

A raindrop
In the sea of my existence
76 · Dec 2019
Erik Luo Dec 2019
The reflection of life
Happens in an instant
Though small
has ripples
like a drop
into the darkness

The time
has passed
And we
have fallen
from where we once were

The sight
of the light
reflecting back
over our past
with wrinkles and scars

And when the elder’s light reflects onto the newborn
The love of life might have sunken under

But soon we will see
A reflection so bright
that we died

And as the light pass and fade

We stop and love

As the reflection

Of a life

75 · Dec 2019
Realize Now
Erik Luo Dec 2019
Realize now
That you are a human
Living on this earth

That you chose this experience
out of infinite others

Be aware of your mortality
And know that the time here is brief
The beauty and greatness of love
is present in every moment
It is the thing that built existences

Among the infinite lives you have lived
You are here now
For love
For the lifetime of searching
for who you are
Infinite love

And when the nothing merge with everything
When all light fades into darkness
When all being returns to emptiness
You stood before the void
And look back at your life
And realize
How magnificent it was

So live!
And love!
And be!
The love that you are
For in eternity
You will smile when you look back
At this moment in time
With nothing but joy
75 · Aug 2020
Perfect Unity
Erik Luo Aug 2020
Seeing the city light shining under the moonlight
As the gentle wind wash over our sorrow
The waves hitting over each other
As the dark night takes over

We have seen this before
Of the things that we treasured the most
We fought so hard for it
that it disappeared

The knowing of that place
In the back of your awareness
Where everything is a mystery
Being in one with symmetry

The moment of truth
has hunted our souls
To look past the goal
and see the final miracle

Dreaming asleep
Singing in silence
Seeing your self
Being inside...

I have seen it all.

As we felt the experience of time
We saw a single point
of perfect unity
And we all waved like the sea
Forever, together and apart
As we moved towards that nothingness
Growing into each other
as one
74 · Jan 2020
Is easy to see
Erik Luo Jan 2020
It is easy
to see separation
To feel the pain of existence
and ignore the pain of others
To see people as something other than you
To be something other than them

It is easy
to look at others
as wolf look at prey
To treat others
as an animal to its food
To ignore what our heart is telling us
And act with fear and suffering

The living is seeking
the forgiveness
of those who are dead
And asking to be permitted
to live without guilt
Not knowing that creating suffering
through the desire to end suffering
will only lead to the endless repeat
of more suffering
for the self and others

If only we can look deeply
And feel our being in our heart
Feel the love we have
So much love that we can conquer anything

It is easy
to see separation
because we are all there is
But perhaps
we are moving
with the path of god
to learn to love

to see unity
over separation
to be what we desire so deeply
to love each other
without limits or fear

The reality of things
Is that it is all love
Even the worst crime or sin
was done through the desire for more love

If only we see this
And we do
We just don't know it yet...
74 · Oct 2020
Love now
Erik Luo Oct 2020
Every second
Of your life
You are dying

But at the same time
Being reborn
Again and again

The you in the past
It’s gone forever
Never to be seen

Yet you are here
Every moment

You have everything
You are everything

A simple reminder
72 · Jan 2020
I used to search for you
Erik Luo Jan 2020
I used to search for you
Used to think about
how we will love and hug

But lately
The idea of you
is fading
And I am more than present

I used to look for you in the mall
And search for you in the dining hall
Used to see you in the park
And a glimpse of your back in the crowd

But lately
I stopped
Because you are right here
I feel you right here
The love of our life
is right here

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
All I ever searched
All I ever sought

When I look down the street
or open the window
or sing in the forest
or swim in the lake

I see you
right here
I feel you
right here

The bliss
of loving you
is right here
There is nothing
more to need or want
But living here now
with you
Erik Luo Dec 2019
When your light shines through the tree leaves
And your breath swipe the world
I hear you calling to me
Saying I love you and more
But tonight I wish to feel
Your body dropping on me
As I sing the song that we were born

But today is another day
And you are here like always
From your light, I see the source
An infinite love that Maricle works
Maybe I see you right now
And maybe you see me here
But it doesn't matter

I love you you said
And I feel my body begin to merge
Into that light of infinite love
Appear and disappear all at course
Falling through the deep sky
And see the stars that all align
I feel your love over and more
And eternity we are here for sure
So let that being live with me
And feel my pain and suffering
For you are the one and only being
And I am you forevermore
71 · Nov 2020
Love death
Erik Luo Nov 2020
Shoot your peace at me
And **** me with your love
So I can wake up again
With you in my arms
Heard this one in a dream
70 · May 2020
Our Nature
Erik Luo May 2020
The fear of our nature
Has the love for the future
And the tears of our pasts
Can only be taken with love

To the horror that we each face
Inside the depth of the sorrow gaze
With the language of love and hate
Spoken by a higher name

What mystery is there to solve
What beauty is there to see
What shadow is there to chase
What dream is there to forgive

In the deepest part of our heart
We hear the calling of the void
Filled with unspeakable love and hate
To the end and the beginning

Out of fear
we loved,
and out of love
we feared
70 · Sep 2020
The sea of forgiveness
Erik Luo Sep 2020
The endless dream is once again here
To sing a song about you, dear
Of how you carried those scars
That was given to you by these tears

Like the rain, it falls
Onto you cheek and down to your heart
It holds the sadness like a hand
Seeping into the depth of your chant

Of where you reside
Ageless and innocent
And once again, it made a noise
Like a cry but without eyes

And then up the spine
Where your mind hides
It holds onto those fears
And it speaks of more tears

Like the dust, it falls down
Onto our soul without a sound
It is only in that light
That we see them materialize

Through that endless flow
we began to forget
Of what was there before
and what is still there now

I hope you can see
The you beyond your heart
The you that knows the art
of hearing the sounds of our hurt

The words that were said
It melts away like the snow
And like those tears, it will drop
Onto the color of your ego

Forgiveness is like the ocean
Through which we felt the passion
Of life and love and existence
Towards that beautiful essence

It is made out of those tears
That we had when we are apart
And as we come together here
We said to each other

“I’m sorry for hurting you.”
And then we moved,
and waved,
and merged
Into love...
I hope this makes you feel better
69 · Oct 2020
Waking Sadness
Erik Luo Oct 2020
Dreaming again
Of your voice
Echoing to me
Without a sound

I slept in
For a long time...
But why?
Do I feel sad
61 · Sep 2020
A dream
Erik Luo Sep 2020
I dreamed of that golden light
In a mist of pure night
As these thoughts flowing through
Consuming my love, for you

Life is never a straight line
Through the ups and downs
We heard that voice
It tries to pull you down
Into that void

I feel it often.
But it doesn’t faze me
I let it wash over me
Knowing that it is my own doing

Life is more interesting
When you can be sad sometimes
When you feel painfully afraid
Or when you are lonely and depressed
Like the wind it will pass
And maybe leave you with something to ponder,
some time to wonder

It fuels me with inspiration
A pure and deep desire to make
Something that is beautiful
To turn it and give it more light
So I can see it without my eyes

I’m tired
I go to sleep
And I dream again
Of all these pain and joy
Haha, of course.
This is it
61 · Jun 2020
Erik Luo Jun 2020
The white horse’s name
Is one of many ways
For the poor wish of love
And the red frame with god

The beautiful sea
With people dying
At the expense of pain
And the greed for shame

What can possibly become
Of the cycle that surrounds our name
As death take us home
And fame passed in the brain

Oh mother of all
Can you smell that dying light
Can you taste the flowering eyes
Or touch upon that sacred hand

Help these poor souls
Who has lost the sight of the other side
Maybe soon you will come for them
And bring them to a newer light

Or to that creature of chaos
And the laughter we heard
Was not merely a point of pleasure
But a declaration of truth

And let that river
Flow to the north
Guided by that force
That takes the words...

In eternity we searched
For the love that has been lost
To forget the past
And missed the real act
Of a lifetime with blood
and silence, without us
61 · Sep 2020
Cosmic rainfall
Erik Luo Sep 2020
The rain has fallen
For eternity and more
like crying
From both joy and sorrow

If you take a sip
of that sweet drop
You feel the cycle of life
and falls, deep into its trance

The moment happens for you
To realize what it’s all for
Through all the struggles and pain
You finally begin to see why

There is nothing to worry about
For no matter what you choose
No matter what you do
You are moving towards love

It is inevitable
Stopping is impossible
As time flows
You become more and more

The meanings and games we play
It’s only to make us love more
For when the end comes
You will see just how much it was

How everything happened
For love
There’s nothing to worry about, follow your heart and love now
61 · Dec 2019
Is hard to know someone
Erik Luo Dec 2019
Is hard to know someone
and be alive
To see others
without judgment
or criticize

Is hard to know someone
and be in love
To live with them inside
and sing with our being

Is hard to know someone
and make them understand
what you are here to do
what you are here to say

Maybe we just don't see
the love in each other's eyes
And maybe we just don't feel
the time between us passing by
Maybe we both agreed to love
but realized we are already love

of a life
with you
but fails
to say
the rain
over our head

Is hard to know someone
and not give up your life
Not seeing life together
and broken without silence

The idea of us
will fade away
like how we used to know each other
deeply we heard
the life we lived
We sing and said
It was hard to know you
But I love you still
With my broken heart
60 · Aug 2020
Full Circle
Erik Luo Aug 2020
The full moon is smiling at me tonight
As the gentle wind kiss me good night
The sorrowful cloud is passing through
Slowly and lovingly, away and apart

Feeling the air flowing into my body
As that sweet bliss takes over my veins
The awareness of that deep knowing
Of where everything is going

You kissed my heart
With so much love and joy
It opened a path
Towards that guiding moonlight

There are times
Where everything is perfect
You are exactly where you are,
where you needed to be

There are moments
Where everything starts to make sense,
where you come full circle in life
and realize what it all means

Tonight is one of that kind
Where stars and planets aligned
Where your faith becomes blind
And your love becomes unbind

That long awaited clarity
Is once again here
You feel this In your heart
All around your being
And sighed,
at its perfection

Oh you

I love you
59 · Aug 2020
Erik Luo Aug 2020
At the tail end of every beginning
Lies a beautiful ending
Where the mystical magic flows through
And the cynical laughter of that which remains

The tides of our life
is flowing as we wave through pain
The sense of light
is shining beneath the blue night

Of all that which we dreamed of
This diamond shines the most bright
It contains the mystery of joy
And that sparkle of light

We are often blindsided
By the nature of our own being
To see or face any pain
Without the truth that remains

What the sky sought,
Was there all along.
But as the dark void
We can’t stop...

To see the beauty of our existence
We need to reach an acceptance
Of the cycles that we call life
And realize...
Back to some more intricate writing.
58 · Apr 2020
Erik Luo Apr 2020
Listening in the rain
of the voices of our pain
To survive this night
with enough fear to blame

And what we often said
Before we give space
is the pain that we faced
and the gate that we closed

To what degree of pain
shall take our heart to the grave
To **** the love with fear
and ****** those in the rain

Yet when the gate is free
and the mind is open
we can hear their pains
inside the rain

and as the water fills up our shoes
We can finally hear
the screams of others
and the love they carry

Listening for the first time
The heartbeat of the sea
57 · Sep 2020
Erik Luo Sep 2020
I’ve been falling for eternity
But I feel a sense of serenity
Because I know you will catch me
So I kept on falling

Surrendering to it all
Surrendering to your heart
Surrendering to your love
Surrendering to your being

I’m not afraid anymore
I feel the wheels turning

I’m ready to make it work
Whatever it takes

As I fall into you
Into your loving embrace

I can and I will
Success is assured
The path is cleared
I’m ready for you
I’m ready for love
I’m ready.
from you to you
Erik Luo Jan 2020
I used to own a bottle
of pieces of my self
And as I grow
The bottle broke
Like stars making out

I used to own the hat
of the likes of us
And sit in comfort
As we hang
on the ceiling rat

I used to own a book
of people I love
But time
Tore it apart, over and over
without care

I used to light a fire
of my passion and heart
As others take warmth
Without their sorry faces
Smiling in the dark

I used to see a light
of life as it passed
but lately I see
The shadow that's left
Swallowing my whole

I used to own a lot of things
Now I own nothing
And maybe that's who I am
Maybe that's the pieces of my love
as I am
without you...
57 · Feb 2020
Today is the day I die
Erik Luo Feb 2020
Today is the day I die
And I have seen the world as a fly
With rainbow colors and falling leaves
I dropped down from the heaven keys
As I jumped, I fell asleep
With all the angels and all the dreams
The life of the moon and the joke from the stars
The tiny moments as I cried out my hearts
To look at the earth and take my ring
And throw it to the seven seas
And grabbed the knife with my only knee
And sliced the apply from the golden tree
As I flow through the streams
The open doors begin to chase
And I died trying to slip through
To wake up and see the song playing too
Until the light of time fades away
And my existence begin to pray
For the thing that started all of this
Is what you and I called playing games
As I dream, I see the end
Of your kiss on the tip of my lips
I walked and danced through the path
And flew through the bottle cap
As this endless thing
We begin to feel pain
And then as pleasure and joy covered our name
We went back to being again
We went back to being again
56 · Sep 2020
Always here
Erik Luo Sep 2020
I swear
sometimes I can hear you
Talking to me in my dreams
So I kept on dreaming
hoping that
I will never wake up

I swear sometimes
I can feel your gentle lust
Like sudden pulses of electricity
Flowing through my body
Aching for more

I swear sometimes
I can feel your love
Deep in my heart
Like the sun
so whole and warm

You are always here
Like a part of me
that never sleeps

I feel you so deep
Deep inside of me...

I love you too
53 · Feb 2020
Erik Luo Feb 2020

Is it the times when we are lost
Or felt too true to love

Is it the creature in us
Or the fire of our past

Is it the water of wishes
Drowning us weightlessly

or the baggage of god
lusting for powers
That has left us dying
Without seeing clarity

I sometimes feel
The need to feel love
And thought of the past
Merged to now

The love that we seek
Has made us bleed
It has killed and died
Through the desire we have

Yet it is love
That is life
Without the struggles
Our love will be mundane
Without the struggles
The happiest will be lost

If we draw a picture
Of our highs and lows
We will realize that all is love
And while I write this poem
We are rippling across to each other
Saying all the crazy things
That we know so much about
That we are
53 · Aug 2020
I ran
Erik Luo Aug 2020
I dreamed of you last night
Kissing someone else
I felt a sickness in my heart
And I ran away

Is it jealousy?
Or maybe is the curse of hope?
Am I insane?
Or am I in love?

Either way
I ran
away and full of pain
And then I heard myself from above

I love you
I love you so much
I will always love you

And I cried
And laughed
And smiled
And just sat
but loved
A simpler one, I hope it resonates
52 · Jan 2020
Erik Luo Jan 2020
No matter where I go
I always see you
No matter where I look
I always know you
No matter what I do
I am doing it for you
No matter what I feel
It is my love for you

You are the trees and the sky
the night and the light
the voice and the cries
the face and the eyes
the bottle and the wall
the paper and the claw...

I walked down the street
and saw you
so I turned the other way
and saw you again

I walked back and forth
without time
til I forgot who I am

As I see you again and again
Not knowing sometimes
The line between us
faded away

And everything becomes clear
Of course it is this way
It has to be
It just is
52 · Sep 2020
Wherever you are
Erik Luo Sep 2020
Wherever you are
I hope you can find
The love you deserve
The peace you desire
The flowers you dreamed of
And the happiness you live for

Wherever you are
I hope you can let go
Of the pains you held on to
Of the fears you cared for
Of the hurt you remember
And those deep sorrow

Wherever you are
I hope you can see
The light in the sky
The moon in the water
The stars in the night
And all the beauty in this world

Wherever you are
You are not alone
We are all here
Singing this song
Playing our part
Of this existence

Wherever you are
Say I love you to yourself
Because I love you
I will always love you
I am you
to whoever needs this right now
51 · Jan 2020
Light doesn't know time
Erik Luo Jan 2020
Did you know?
That light doesn't know time

The things you see right now
as light shooting into your eyes
are the same ones
since the beginning of existence

What we are
as lights that exist
Have traveled so far
to meet each other
in this life
To kiss and hug each other
so deeply
To **** and fight each other
so painfully

The light probably knows it all
All of our secrets and love
It has seen the future and the past
and it is rendering the present
The light and shadow
created the shape and colors
of us

And together
we lived
but to lights

It has always
and will always
be us
48 · Aug 2020
The power of love
Erik Luo Aug 2020
The power of love
Is unlimited
It can create miracles
With a billion light inside

To be everything and nothing
You feel the existence
As this infinite self
Connected deeply to all

There is infinite pain
But also infinite joy
There is infinite darkness
But also infinite light

Like waves, we all folded
Onto each other as we died
Without time or space
As we accelerate towards that emptiness

It is so full
So whole
So peaceful
So much love
That it kills you

The idea of separation
is eliminated in a fraction
consumed by that illumination
without any desolation

You are there too
Laughing at how we tricked each other
To believe that we are not together
Of course it has to be this way
For the love we felt can't be explained
We looked back at all the tears and sorrows
All the hugs and laughter
And said
Let’s do it again...
47 · Sep 2020
Just be
Erik Luo Sep 2020
It’s easy to compare yourself
and feel lack
But know that
there is no absolute good and bad
The things you are going through
Are giving you something
that others don’t have

Every point of the journey is beautiful
And wherever you are on it
Follow your love
And just be
And enjoy
I hope this simple one makes you feel better.
47 · Aug 2020
Unconditional love
Erik Luo Aug 2020
Every obstacle I face
Is there to push me
towards unconditional love
To love without fear
Without expectation
Without differences
Without conditions

I have infinite love
I am infinite love
I am that which lives and dies
That which dreams and lies

I love
Because I am
To love no matter what
Is who I am
46 · Aug 2020
Loving Paradox
Erik Luo Aug 2020
The rainbow colored light is shining through my heart
Giving me infinite power beyond all of my doubts
The true faith that was once born from these painful tears
Of the self-knowing,
that, I am all

How can you be afraid?
If you are fear itself?
How can you doubt?
If you are all...

You are so powerful that you cast a spell
Of one, that made yourself small
But when the wheels of the eternal turns
It will reveal all these loving paradox

What is sinking beneath your consciousness
Is so profound that it will shock you
To realize how powerful you are

I have been talking to myself
Lying to myself

I am...
You are...
We are...
41 · Jan 2020
What we sought
Erik Luo Jan 2020
What we sought
As the dying of the lustful desire
Is present
Without a doubt
And the birds of lakes of mountains and seas
Is present
As we speak the truth

What we seek
Is over our head
And below our belt
It is in the room of light
And the box of void

The sorrowful light
Whispering to me
Without the caring voice
Of a year in repeat

The idea of us
Is over the top
Of our heart
With salt and sugar
Laughing with all its will

The vengeful thought
Of a dying light
Is inside the highlight
Of what we seek

As the look of the past
Is left without love
and over our shoulder
It cried without tears

What remains

Is a flower of sorrow
And a treat of love
As we saw the shining window
With leaves and greens
Below our feet
We jumped
And fell
Under a world of desire
40 · Sep 2020
The mirror of essence
Erik Luo Sep 2020
A moment of irreversible glace
happened when our eyes met
It stopped the flow of time
and I was gone, with you

For a moment
we are one

Complete and whole

My eyes became yours
and yours became mine
and we saw each other
with nothing else inside

It lasted for eternity
and when we came back
we just knew
we love each other
we are each other

but this ego-mind
who have been hurt so many times
cannot believe in such love,
in such joy and happiness
that I am this beautiful
I can't be

Like a mirror, they show you the truth
of who you are in your essence
but will you have the courage to love
with such purity and innocence?

It makes you deeply afraid
of what it all means
It makes you question your mind
of who you really are

You might run away
or try to escape
But in your heart, you know
you are already one

so eventually you learn to surrender
to this miracle of love
and if you have healed enough
you might be able to make it last

And unite in a world
where you are so whole and happy
that you can love unconditionally
that you can love everything

that's who you are
38 · Jul 2020
Erik Luo Jul 2020
Feeling desolated
ready to break free
To let out that cry
and sing through the pain

Things don't always go as planned
life is always an unknown kind
The hopes that we held on to
we are afraid to let go

This pain inside my heart
is there to show me my love
No matter what happens
I will be okay

Break my heart over and over
To feel this pain deeper and deeper
To awaken to the truth of my suffering
until I love myself to the very end

The beauty of our lives
is to live and cry
to feel and suffer
but still never falter

I shall swallow what life gives me
I get on my knees and pray with sincerity
To feel more deeply into this suffering
and then release it into my being
in eternity
37 · Jan 2020
I slept for a day
Erik Luo Jan 2020
I slept for a day
And felt your soul in my way
So I woke up in silence
And died, in peace

But the other room might stay
To turn the light on for another day
With me watching
It passed in pain

Soon I will see
What the light has to say
With the rings and fires
Burning with desires

To what name shall we blame
For the dying of another day
With the promise of tomorrow
And the grief of all the pains

What looked
was not me
Singing its song
til the very end

As I wake up again
And saw
The will of my being
without pain

Only to remember
is all a dream
35 · Jul 2020
Our Plan
Erik Luo Jul 2020
At the end of my life
I merged back to you
And I look back at all the moments
And stood in awe at its divinity

We have planned this for eternity
To have this perfect experience
To live through our suffering
And see the depth of its meaning

We loved and we cried
We are so grateful and proud
Hope took us through this journey
Of finding ourselves and loving it

The perspective shifts
Like infinite lives folding
Like how we hug and kiss
Moving towards that emptiness

The great story that we made up
Is so beautiful that we all cried
We hurt and loved each other
So that we can be together

Through this infinite journey
Our bond is never-ending
When you become me in the morning
We both see each other in eternity

To that future we will experience
Every moment is never wasted
Every second is added to the whole
To make all the others
infinitely more beautiful

We joined hands as we merged
Our hands and arms holding tight
Like water we become one
And we know this will be forever

I love you
It echoed infinitely
From me to you and you to me
And we become this holy thing
As our being lives and dies
We became nothing
35 · Feb 2020
Erik Luo Feb 2020
The thread of elusive dreams
Have died many times before
As the mind speaks the truth of silence
The heart sings it’s course

I have been here many times before
To take the thread and connect the shores
But somehow I am missing
The lighthouse, that guides the desires
of my own hands, and the masks I wore

As I searched, I drowned in the water
of the nature of my own desire
And as the heart floats above the sea
leaving my body without a dream

I realized
That I have given it to you
I have given my dream to the sky and the stars
So that I can feel less pain

But I know you are protecting me
To keep it safe before it’s ready
As I walk through the circle and back
You will hold my missing link to the past

Until I see through the sky and the light
And connect the thread to that unknown dot
To realize the cycle of beauty and life
And living in here, to be a part

of this grand piece
34 · May 2020
The Mask
Erik Luo May 2020
The mask of what we are
Have covered our sins
We wear it from day to night
To look past existence

Sometimes the mask carries
All the ***** secrets we have
Sometimes it holds onto
The beauty and dreams that have passed

Some of us
Realized they have a mask
And others
Wearing them without a touch

The self struggles deeply
At the depth of its own identity
But to what degree of self-acting
Will we learn the truth of our own playing

The mask that holds us
Switching from the void to the map
of the journey towards our own destiny
and the experiences we had

In us
We know
We are
32 · Jan 2020
What shall we say
Erik Luo Jan 2020
My light
is so bright
That it is blinding sometimes
Like the whispers in the dark
Hiding from love

And what shall we say
To comfort our sorry souls
To not feel sorry
For the other's vote

Life is what you are
And light
is the darkness that has passed
So when my past shines
Don’t be afraid
of my love to you

Soon, I hope
That you too can shine
the darkness inside
And let me see myself
with you inside

Whole and perfect
Happy without worry
Then we can just love and be
in bliss

— The End —