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Apr 2016 · 1.4k
Anthem of youth
Emmalee May Apr 2016
God, I'm naive, but I don't care.
At the moment I am young and beautiful
And I ache to experience the world twice over
Emmalee May Nov 2015
I am so in love with you
It hurts to think about not having you
I want more than anything for you to be mine
Because I am already yours
I think I always will be
I love you so much
I want to hold you and tell you I love you
I want to hold your hand
I want to kiss you all over
I want to come home to you
I want to wake up to your touch
I want to know that I am yours
I want to not be afraid of loving you
I want to be certain of you
I want to hope with you
I want to tell you about my day
I want you to tell me how you feel
Oct 2014 · 3.4k
my day today
Emmalee May Oct 2014
one day a sick little girl
went to the doctors
they stole the blood from her veins
and left her waiting in a lonely room

what's wrong with me?
what's wrong with me?
what's wrong with me?

no answer.
she waits
she waits
she waits
                                                           ­                                     until
the moment she decided to free herself

"Nothing is wrong with me."
she smiled, picked up her purse,
and continued on her way
Aug 2014 · 4.1k
Emmalee May Aug 2014
i look at you and hot blood rushes through my veins,
making me weak,
thrumming with energy, excitement,
thrilling me to my core,
warning dangerous dangerous dangerous
the sensation envelopes my body as thoughts of you envelope my mind
you're dangerous and not good for me, but
my heart melts and I can't help but want you
Aug 2014 · 507
one more question:
Aug 2014 · 30.1k
Emmalee May Aug 2014
Patience is a virtue
but how can I be patient when all I want is you?
Aug 2014 · 424
Emmalee May Aug 2014
I can't keep my eyes from lighting up when you walk by.
I can't keep the tears from falling whenever I cry.
I can't keep you here with me, though it's all that I wish.
I can't keep from asking you for one goodbye kiss.
Aug 2014 · 953
What You Taught Me:
Emmalee May Aug 2014
Love letters are just pretty lies and wishful thinking.

2. There's a difference between loving a person and loving the attention they give you.

3. Hearts are resilient
Aug 2014 · 328
let me in
Emmalee May Aug 2014
I want to make you happy.
Your smile is beautiful to me.
Why do you shut me out,
because I care about you
more than anything in the world.
Or at least, I want to.
Jul 2014 · 596
give me something
Emmalee May Jul 2014
trying to forget you is as pointless as pretending you care
either way it hurts too much
Jun 2014 · 2.4k
"I'm Fine"
Emmalee May Jun 2014
when did fine come to mean depressed, anxious, scared, suicidal, desperate, self-conscious?
when did we start to lie?

"I'm fine," she says, as her stomach gnaws away at her insides, growling for food

"I'm fine," he says, as he pulls the sleeves of his sweater down over his blood-stained wrists

"I'm fine," she says, after purging all of her dinner

"I'm fine," he says, when the anxiety gets so bad that he can't breathe right

"I'm fine," they say, as they write their last goodbye,
one last lie.
Jun 2014 · 365
I want to hate you
Emmalee May Jun 2014
but how do you hate someone that makes every particle in your body sing at the slightest glance?
Jun 2014 · 780
Unexpected Love
Emmalee May Jun 2014
I remember the time you stood outside my door
in a suit and tie and asked my parents for permission to take me out

I remember the flowers you gave me
and the smile on your face
and the way your eyes glistened in the pale glow of the moon

I remember the scent of you and the cliche romantic gestures
I assured you you didn't have to do, but you said that a lady deserves a gentleman

I remember that was the first day my scars were visible
and I was so afraid you would be disgusted and angry

I remember your hands travelling up my arms and tracing over the marks
red, raised, recent

I remember you telling me
I was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen
and I remember how you held me as I cried
because no one had ever cared before
not ever
Jun 2014 · 285
Emmalee May Jun 2014
I want you to know that I understand
I see the sadness in your eyes
I see the emptiness and longing
It's familiar and painful
and I want more than anything
to make it better for you,
but I'm still trying to stay afloat too
and in trying to help you
we'd both drown

— The End —