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 Mar 2017 Elizabeth
Kasey Wheeler
We let each other go
With the wisp in the silence that was in between
You had hurt me so deeply
But you'll never know
For it was time to let go

There are no hard feelings,
No second guesses,
You did what you said
For the first time ever

And trust me
It was a breath of relief knowing that we were free
From these bounds that we once called home

I'm sorry that it didn't work out how we wanted it to
Or how we imagined it would be
But that was for the best

I wasn't made to be in your life forever
And that's okay
People change

However the world still stays the same
It'll still rotate on its axis
And the world would move on

This isn't such a bad thing,
We left a mark together in our own worlds
In our own way
That's what matters most

Our time has come to a close
But that is not such a bad thing
It was for the best, my long lost friend

I wouldn't change a thing

This is goodbye, my friend

I wish you the best
Talked to her, she understood. Now we have been parted
 Feb 2017 Elizabeth
morning glory
Fear is a vine that beats down across my back, leaving uneven lines and parallel marks.
Is it always the prettiest flowers that become the most deadly? You’re poisonous to the touch.
All that calms me is all that fails to bring me happiness. Your jasmine scented perfume only reminds me of a love left unanswered; of a bird too scared to lift its wings and try out flight.
Maybe I would like the cold when I wake up, a thick shield of darkness to cover up and hide the person who I was never strong enough to be.
You’ll look me in the eyes when you tell me that it’s too hard to love me. Those oceans will be replaced with dull, empty ponds but you’ll mean every word, you’ll speak as if getting it off your chest will make the sun come back.
i'm left here wondering if the sun needs the moon too.
 Feb 2017 Elizabeth
Tammy M Darby
To my friend from Down Under

I was driving down the road and what did I see
But a grasshopper with his pants on fire
With a snake hot on his tail he was moving his feet
That grasshopper with his pants on fire

Hopping high as he could go
A moving fast and ducking low
That grasshopper with his pants on fire
Well the snake was closing in and his race was soon to end
With that grasshopper with his pants on fire

The hopper tightened up his hopping
The snake knew there was no stopping
That grasshopper with his pants on fire

He’s got long legs for a reason
He's the toast of the season
Silly grasshopper with his pants on fire

All Rights Reserved @ Tammy M. Darby Feb. 16, 2017
 Feb 2017 Elizabeth
Cait Harbs
 Feb 2017 Elizabeth
Cait Harbs
She scraped the splattered soul
from the inside of my bones
and baked a cake for her new lover
with its still-sweet flavor.
There is nothing of me left
but my cynical, cyanide-tainted breath;
I have nothing to cry over, nothing to share,
and no tears left even if I cared.
 Feb 2017 Elizabeth
Yash borana
I know that i love u...
No matter what happens
I will always save u...
In myself i think that
I wanna live with u....
But one day ...
We fight for a silly thing...
Which separates us for once and for all....
Which separates us for once and for all
That one day ... changes ur lives
Our lives.
So i wanna say that i have some unknown in me..
Which will hate everyone......
Which will hate everyone......
So i wanna say that
One day separates two lovers for life
 Dec 2016 Elizabeth
I am so **** tired
Of having to tiptoe around you
I can't say what I want
Or you might snap
How can you think we are a happy couple?
You think I am some innocent little girl
Well, guess what,
I'm not.
I am just so freaking done. I am not talking about my boyfriend, but someone in my family. Why does my family have to have that one ****** bag??
 Dec 2016 Elizabeth
phil roberts
That's me in the middle
In the middle of the world
Just as everyone else
Is in the centre of their's
And we'll never meet
Or even live in the same climate
A thousand miles to west or east
And yet
By the grace of various miracles
Your words may move me
And hopefully, mine will move you
To defy distance and differences

                                                    By Phil Roberts
 Dec 2016 Elizabeth
Aaron Combs
Broaden my soul, keep me dreaming,
enable my soul to do good, infinitely, forever.
Speak over the barriers,then let me celebrate
in the halls of your power and song.

Let me be taken underneath
a thousand more colors of peace,
teach my soul and knit wisdom into me,
  make me whole.

Keep me in love with you,
take away my blindness,
clear the soul scars,
open the mirrors of yesterday no more.

Dry out the pain in my heart,
let me not stare in fear,
or wander, teach me, uplift me,
be my star in the sky.

Lord, remove my enemies,
appoint your strong angels
against them,
for they are many who seek
to destroy.

I am yours, think of me

always, blend my soul with your
breath and beloved music and song.

Keep me as long as the Earth endures.

          I love you.
Love prayer
 Dec 2016 Elizabeth
Aaron Combs
There was a dream. A dream of a
long road that led to
a rock. Beside the rock was a
snake and the pigeon
were meeting there,
the hummingbird
and crocodile were
resting before the grass,
and darkness was behind

The hills were flat
and the deserts was covered in roses.
The land was filled with animals of
every kind in perfect unity surrounded
by a lights of beauty and wonder filled all
along the rivers and trees, calming the
world with grace and glory and awe.

My mother were there and father,
my friends some which at a time
were my enemies, and my people
gathered waiting for me.
I was home. I was home.

The eternal honey from the rock,
poured upon our feast,
love and light overwhelmed
the atmosphere.

In turn, fear's face was crushed,
tears and pain was a forgotten memory,
illness and disorder was alien, and the colors
of seven thousand rainbows danced in the air.

The surface of music sounded so perfect,
flowers sung around our yards and
rivers of waters between our mansions that we lived in,
and perfect praise was upon our lips.

We were robed in glory and our hearts magnified
the living Lord, our thoughts were pure,
and our bodies were perfectly whole.
My house was filled with glory and perfect love,
perfect love. I was home.

Then I saw fire which echoed
the sound of the world before the room
where the Lord stood, and there was chaos
in the land before where He heard the Earth's cries.

The movement, and passion of the Lord's
tears filled this one room, and brought me
in such distress, what room was this?

I heard people's homes were torn apart by rage and
hatred, men were slaughtered and women
ravaged, echoes of countless babies
tore through the Lord's heart.
The sound of curses stung his eyes,
and rebellion ripped his veins,
we heard the devil's laughter,
and people worshiping evil.
The Lord wept.

I shouted, "Lord what can we do, we must
do something, is there something we can do?"

He said nothing.

And the river of blood in his eyes, filled
with such compassion and heavy warmth,
almost like honey.

He held my hand, and then finally
replied, "I sent my only son to save the world,
for how I love them, so that
no one may fall but have an everlasting life . "

And then suddenly I woke up with
His tears in my eyes.

Filled with perfect love, I arose
from my bed. I ran outside
picked up a rock
headed toward that road.
This is a poem I have kept hidden for sometime, it is my jewel. Now I feel it is time, thank you for comments! :D Hope it's a great joy! :D
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