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Derek Leavitt Jul 2014
An End. Finally.
It all comes down to this moment.
A choice.
Is it worth it all though?
I am faced with decisions for the fate of humanities best interest.
I take a moment to remember all those faces.
All those lost.
All those loved.. and not forgotten.
And End, Once And For All.
To this unspeakable evil.
My wounds are unbearable.
But I am so close. I can hardly breath.
Destroy it.. or Control it.. or BECOME it..
It has taken everything.. and everyone, I have ever loved..
My friends.
My Comrades.
My Family.
My Home.
It's time to put an end to this madness.
Derek Leavitt Jul 2014
"There is no forgiveness for any kind of unspeakable Evil that one has already committed... but redemption.. at any cost.. may not be forgiven.. but shall help proceed, one, onward in the journey towards something that might be suffice. To become something.. 'better'."
Derek Leavitt Jul 2014
"I.. Am.. Fear... I am the bringer of death... I am the shadow that stalks your every move. I am the chilling breeze that lifts the hairs upon your back spine. I am the anxiety attack you build up under pressure. I am what keeps you awake at just about all hours of the night. I am the sting in your painful nerves. I am the keeper of the gates of Hell. You think you know pain? you think you have experienced what it is like to suffer? I will show you things you'd never thought physically and mentally possible. I will douse you in ****** till there is literally nothing left of you, till you ash has become nothing and you have disintegrated and are particles so small it'd be hard to even spot you with a microscope. I am the cool frost bite that you feel when the snow stabs your face in a blizzard storm. I will rip the very flesh from your body and force you to watch and feel every detail as I take every physical and emotional thing from you and just RIP.. it away.. haha.. I am the silent space in which you hear nothing for life times to come. I am the bringer of darkness. The birth of war. The creator of Chaos. I am what you cannot stop. I am what you have fear all these years ever since you can remember. the monster slithering under your bed and hiding in your closet.. The creature at your window. the noise you heard in the woods. I am.... you. just take on look in the mirror.. looks deep into your eyes.. deep... deeper.. deeeeeeper... deeeeeeeeeeeeper... peer into your own soul.. and witness.. your own wrath... you own Terror... you own.... Monster... witness.. yourself. "
Derek Leavitt Jun 2014
Do you even know what TRUE 'Evil' even is?!
Let me explain it to you, while your still alive..
Stay with me for a moment,
I realize it is difficult to focus with a 2 and a half foot machete dug through and through, but please, let me elaborate this for you.
I have not hit any vital organs, therefor you will live.
(Only for as long as I allow it)
But that does not mean you will enjoy what is to come next.
On the other side of this wall are several people you love.
And I do mean,
truly.. 'Love'.
the first 3 are members of your family,
the one next to them is your lady/boyfriend.
Next to him/her is a pet you have held close dearly for a significant amount of time in your life.
And finally, your best friend.
You are going to watch me, as I rip the very meaning to your entire existence into oblivion.
Think I am kidding?
Watch closely...
You won't want to miss this.
Derek Leavitt Jun 2014
Victory... is inevitable.. without sacrifice.. You win.. you still lose.. you lose.. you still win.. it's a tragic mystery. And yet, a beautiful outcome.
Derek Leavitt Jun 2014
The pain drops terror into the pupils of my eyes..
and yet..
it Excites me.
I can feel the scorching blaze of the fiery, red hot steel blade, press onto my back..
In this dream I am tortured with the lust of a fantasy that will never again become my reality.
This room of warm selfish hate and antagonizing self pity makes me dizzy with emotion. I can't control it..
My heart longs for her..
her touch..
the brush of her soft, gentle white skin against mine..
"I Love you"..
I manage to whisper in this room of thick warmth..
She sighs..
The breeze exits her lips and smoothly caresses the side of my temple.
It's cool..
almost as if to be winter-like.
Enough to give me the strength to lurch upward towards her!
Only to be held back just a fingers length, gap..
Her arched neck and burning eyes pierce through my forehead and exit the rear of my cranium..
Her panting had become ****** some how.. almost as though she enjoyed it.. but when I look up.. I see darkness no more.. but instead..
I am weak now.. too weak.. My flesh is beaten.. my heart is bitter.. I close my eyes and feel her hands brush the edges of my back, ever so gently..
I feel a tear hit the back of my neck and faintly hear sobs..
Before it all goes.. after I feel her lift my face up from defeat.. her hands cool like ice... and her hair.. as black as my soul.. I hear her whisper faint, but also between sobs..
"I-.. I Love You, Too.."
A dream I had, once a long, long time ago. Memory is faint so I just improvised a few things, but most of it is as accurate as I could get..
Derek Leavitt Jun 2014
"Love".. is such an intoxicating and poisonous thing.. like a drug I suppose.. it gives you the excitement and strength to concur most things an average human cannot. It give's you depth, courage and the ability to do things with confidence.. it gives you a sense of clarity.. and yet.. Love is so blinding.. it's only when we have lost the one thing we love most.. walk away.. that is when we are beaten and weak.. hopeless.. and defeated.. most people find it difficult to recover.. others aren't so lucky to even survive. Time is not our friend in times of loneliness. But time DOES heal.. and it brings back a strength we though to be lost.. it brings back something stronger than 'Love'.. something no one could ever, in their right minds think, this can concur love? no way.. Time... gives us Hope. and Hope.. makes us better. and that my friends.. is a very big part of the journey in life..
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