How those blue eyes sparkle, like diamonds full of sapphire.
And I cannot imagine the beauty of that big heart of yours.
When mine is so black and ***** and full of soot, but you got one made out of pure flowers, blossoming in the spring time, and those veins are rooted into a body, ready to fulfill good deeds with short notice. But I'm a little bit of an ungrateful ***** at times and you deal with me. And I don't know why, or for what good reason. But you do it without asking, or requiring of me. I'm given a gift, and sometimes I can abuse it. And that's bad and I'm not sure how much you'll put up with till you finally leave like every other person I know. I use constantly, like a impaired druggie, and I know not how to stop. But your the doctor to my disease. If only you could really cure me. And I'm a shooting up, and drinking to much, wondering if you care far too much.
something i randomly made up, hope you all enjoy