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 Feb 2016
DaSH the Hopeful
Your love hanged me high
       And watched me sway
              A puppet with a master placed in a play
    *What if you go
      What if you stay?
         What does it matter to you anyway?

                          It's all written down and the stage is set
     The drama ensues and my lines are said
    As I choke
                 You pulled the string tight and cut all my ties but your rope never broke and those puppy dog eyes made me forget

             You feel so real this must be free will
              Your hand on mine is no more a guide than a dot is a line fingers long and divine purchase grip on my spine and I really start to shine a star with a mind all its own
    Super nova behind my closed eyes
     Your love is asphyxiation and gets me so high I can't breathe without it
               I'll never kick the habit
                    **I'm addicted to an addict
 Jan 2016
Ezra the Poet
I feel as if I am drowning under the weight of thousand words unspoken,
feel still lost in the I's and the eyes on the tip of my tongue and teeth in my lips in your eyes in your lips.

If I could unblock the rot and make the heartache stop.
If I could rewind the time and decamp this vast desert filled with landmines.
If I could start over again and just pretend, that this is surely not my trying to fend for myself, would you hold me with your touch, caress and noone else?
 Jan 2016
Lilian Mike
Tell me it's okay
Tell me I can't say anything to make you stay
Tell me im not the reason you're walking away
I'm out of breath
And we are out of time
I guess I'm not good enough
I was holding onto something that was never mine
I don't want to say goodbye but
I'll see you in my dream tonight
And darling you'll be my kryptonite.
 Jan 2016
Angie S
she glanced up at the shelf hovering above her daughter's bed.
the digital clock was dimly lit.
"I can't read the time on that clock. It's junk," she thought aloud.
"Me neither. It was a good clock when we first bought it," the girl replied.
her daughter took the sad clock into her hands
and handed it to her mother.
she in turn fumbled with it as best as she could,
and found a button on the back labeled "brightness"
and upon pressing it, the clock lit up again.
her daughter smiled weakly.
"You fixed it, mom. Thank you," she said.

"I wish there were other things I could fix, too," her mother whispered.
the worst thing you can ever feel is the weight of your mother's sadness on your shoulders.
 Jan 2016
Holden Feldbauer
I thought it nice to make a correction,
to a saying that may have caused much rejection.
For all those lovers who's long distance relationships they fear,
I shall leave this simple note here:

While distance may make the heart grow fonder,
Too much distance will make the heart go yonder.
 Jan 2016
DaSH the Hopeful
I met Sally on the hill with a nickel bag of ******.
      She didn't pay me in money.
Instead, information and a little persuasion made the baggie leave my right back pack pocket
     “Dollars could never have made sense of it anyway
          We throw pennies away opting for the opulence that big bills entail
   Retail will never amount to the amount I've blown on blow”

    Or so she said behind Louis Vuitton shades shielding eyes half dead
           A ****** with a monkey on her back fed by a steady stream of opiates
       “I open this line of communication so you can see we lack foundation and stability and yet
      We're trying to build a sand castle with all the powder we can possibly get
And if we're forced to forfeit that fortress, we snort more, still trying to forget”
and with that she placed her sunglasses on top of her head

     I stood back with my back pack and I finally understood
                               Why drugs will make you richer than working ever could
                   They bag a gram put it on the scale and tell you what it weighs
      But they don't tell you how unnoticeable it is when your life slips away

         We sell the dream, we sell the aesthetics
    The drugs, the parties, the scene with guest lists
        Pretty lights.
                Fun. All a lie.

*I almost fell on my face walking down the hill, staring into those blue eyes over my shoulder all the while.
 Jan 2016
DaSH the Hopeful
I put you on my wall today
          As soon as I got home
              And I smilled at how you were crooked
                   And I tilted my head to really see you

      And that's when the water sloshed out of my ears and I was drowning

                      Your eyes became bubbles that helped me breathe
              When I sucked them in
       I became one with the pressure
The fluctuating force that I knew all to well
         Spilling from my ears like a cloud too heavy to hold its weight
             You drift off the wall and float with me, fragile, yet permanent and meaningful in my mind
 Jan 2016
Bianca Reyes
If *** was the answer to all of my pain
Your lips on my skin I'd never refrain
If *** was the answer to all of my pain
Your every touch would drive me insane
If *** was the answer to all of my pain
I'd get lost in your body again and again
If *** was the answer to all of my pain
The beast inside me you'd never restrain
If *** was the answer to all of my pain
The swirl of darkness would cease in my brain
But that darkness will always remain
 Jan 2016
cassiopeia miel
DXM-choke me down, restart again because your princess is in another castle and she's shacked up with some *******; a trailer-sailor with cheap beer on his breath and his roving hands groping for her chest. You've already folded before you check the hand you've been dealt because this is the worst pain you've ever felt and so you robotrip 'til you imagine you've sunk his ship. Hide behind these substances that you pretend give your life sustenance, but they don't and I see you clearly and hold you like a child to my chest dearly; please don't fear me. I'm not trying to flirt, I just want to soothe your hurt, but I'm too weak and too meek to assist, so I don't insist. Just pretend I don't exist; not a malignant tumor, but benign cyst, and what humor; a dark twist.
i'm best friends with your ex and she is nothing like the hatred you spewed about her. you were the liar. you were the *******. (still are.)
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