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 Nov 2014
Andrew Durst
I'm discovering
that sacrifice
will always be
a necessary
  and that
  the only time
  we ever
  is when we
 Nov 2014
Elizabeth Squires
                    ­                              thinking

the subject matter doth
put the mind into a thought seat
is there sufficient verbs for me
to place on the paper's sheet

verbs by definition are words
which have an action
they on the reader
do have an impaction

so let's explore a topic
worth a thousand of them
how I'll express this piece
shall test my mind's stem

here is the matter I shall discuss
without any duress or manner of fuss

all over the globe there is much trouble
our planet is not as a carefree bubble
the inhabitants often observe strife somewhere
our corners of four not of an according air

were there to be peace and calmed relations
no concerns would beset our world's many nations
yet a propensity for war doth  ever prevail
what sane men shall see the wrongs of this pail

verbs shall never explain man's idiocy
as he's ever involving himself in armory
yet a man who did advocate cordiality
lived with his brothers in true harmony

he was a meek man of the Indian land
a message of non-violence he did band
the lessons of history are never heard
man seemingly ever in the warring herd

the middle east is a tinder box of hell this day
exploding bombs and munitions all spray in affray
verbs of dialogue aren't put to good use
an ongoing lighting of the fuse doth suffuse

few statesmen of Gandhi's ilk now exist
so the torture and torment of war shall e'er persist
diplomacy has lost its edge around the globe
our planet shall remain bound in worrisome lobe

the count of verbs in this piece didn't quite reach a thousand
yet deaths in conflicts outdo that number by the thousands
#war  #diplomacy  #verbs  #peace
Do you want a slice of cake,
might keep you going just for now.
But as you are not used to eating,
you have the hooves we'll keep the cow.

The modern world is dying younger,
unlike those in the poorer east.
Who die through lack of food and water,
we're dying because we're obese.

In this modern city arena,
it seems our portion is the more
free health and overwhelming safety
but we save that small slice for the poor.

The waste is massive, over burdened,
tons of food are chucked away.
As we stick to our sell by clearance
just think for what so many pray.

Do we need such a massive slice,
even half would fill our needs.
The west gets fat the east is wanting
scrubbing around for scraps and seeds.

So next time when feasting in McDonalds,
and washing down with large milkshake.
Try and see your own reflexion
and you'll see whom eats all the cake.

Before you leave that busy food-hall,
just have a quick look in the bin
and you will see the unholy waste,
perhaps you'll also see the sin.

The slicing of this planets cake  
seems to be divided wrong.
So cut it into a fairer slices
and send it to where it belongs.
November 13th 2014
Thanks go to my friend Joe Malgeri who through his wonderful comments gave me the idea for this poem!
 Nov 2014
Jason Cirkovic
Is there tear gas in this room?
Because I can't stop crying
The gas crawls down my esophagus
And crushes my wounded heart.

“God this hurts”

I keep typing,
Praying to computer screen
That I'll forget the smell of your hair
I type till my fingers bleed
So I can forget what your touch feels like
How our lips fit perfectly together.

“God I hate myself”

The only phrase I think of
When I'm pleading for things to back to normal
Back to the days
Where you didn't want to to crack open my skull
And see all of the ugly things
That drift around my cranium

“Baby please I'm sorry. I’m a mess,
A klutz, who waltzes around with stupidity
Baby I get this feeling in my head
When you are not around
I want to keep writing you these love letters
By sliding them under your doors called your eyelids”
But I can’t

I sit alone in the bus called life
Looking across my seat
I see you, my love
Holding onto the bar
Your pretty Blue headlights
That make me drawn to you
Your pretty Blue headlights
Covered with the rain I caused
I'm a rain man,
you see, when people get close to me
I get scared
And force the skies rain to tears with pain.

The only thing that floats in my mind
Is that I hope the man of you life
Buys you flowers
Sunflowers especially
And shows up to your work unexpectedly.
I hope you can travel to Paris
and keep a long list of all of the countries
you've cuddled in.
With him.
I hope you he can handle seeing the stars
From your eyes every time you guys cuddle
Under the moon light.
I hope he can teach you how to slow dance
And I hope that he can teach me
On how to be a better man.
Poppy, oh poppy abundant and flowing
across all the fields you're still constantly growing.
As your seeds blow and find their own bed,
they're reminding us of the most glorious dead.

Glorious in the contribution they made.
Glorious for the price that they paid.
Glorious for fighting for what they believed.
Glorious for the terrors and hell they received.

Standing their ground in the eye of the storm.
Standing their ground whilst receiving the swarm.
Standing their ground in the mud and the vile
Standing their ground through the horrors and toil.

The death and the blood flowing like a river.
Like the fields of the poppies the breeze does now shiver.
The seeds carry on into a new time,
an horizon of red the future will entwine.

Poppy, oh poppy so winding and red,
reminding most deftly of our glorious dead.
You are constantly sowing your own little seed
as those who had fought did for those who were freed.

Although many thousands of lives they have gone
your legacy will  like that small seed go on.
Although now in history and most never met
you can take it for granted we shall never forget.
In tribute to 100years since WW1 and every other encounter when our troops and allies have given the ultimate sacrifice for their home and countries..
 Nov 2014
fifi S
Pondering visions scrambled
in my dreams
puzzled I awoken unrefreshed
from my slumber
pieces of scheme cooking
in my mind
parts of life stewing contrasts
mixed in dreams
pressure building steamy
I awoke exploding
particular matter blowing
my nightmare vented
perculated coffee soothed
away night's fright & flight
Perhaps I am cleansed
from this stressful life?
Are dreams a pressure vent that help us deal with stress?
 Nov 2014
Elizabeth Squires
the chickens we eat
are laced with growth promoters
fruit and vegetables
in cold storage
are gassed
not to forget
and fish
they've had an enhancement or two
this makes for a toxic brew
which we eat all the year through

the organic ways
of producing food
has gone by the wayside
and we the consumers of food
have been taken on a ride

the scientific fraternity
make discoveries
and when it comes to the subject of food
they've a lot of enlightening
things to say

drugs and all
they are causing the consumer
to question if it is safe
to stow in their mouths
what is served on the plate
I got a crush
              on a poet
          Wouldn't ya know it?
He's got everything
              I want
       Everything I need
When I read his
            My heart beats
     all crazy
There's been so
        many poems
          Written about
     not loving poets
Well sometimes,
        us poets...
         Just can't help it!
Although this is
       It's really just
            a game
I got a crush
          on a poet
     Can you guess his

Comment with your guess, unless you already know, then that's cheating!  Lol
 Nov 2014
Riley Defluo
We are expected to do great things
To save the world
Even when our own lungs
Heave though each breath
Like they're ******* in water
Instead of air

Know this
Sometimes it is enough
To close your eyes each night
And simply say
You made it through the day
Alive again.
 Nov 2014
GitacharYa VedaLa
Deep in  the Ocean of Time
Right into the layers of space
Dwelling through infinite dimensions
There existed an atom

It searched for a friend
Found one to its taste
Lost an electron
Gained an electron
A bond was then formed

It has no name
But there was no worry
For name is but an identification

But see there's some more atoms
And they too did the same
A little bit of sacrifice
For love needs it
Lost an electron
Gained an electron
A bond was then formed
They started dancing

Growing in complexity.
Living things, masses of atoms for they were
Dancing a pattern ever more intricate
DNA and protein
Cells and tissues
Life came
At long last man came

He was the observer
Who measures the universe
Out of the cradle
Onto the dry land
Here it is standing
Atoms with consciousness
Matter with curiosity
Stands in the ocean of time
I, a universe of atoms?
Or an atom in the universe?
To Richard Feynman (again)

Posted long back.

I think this is my best poem (proper) till date. Most of the times I manipulate ideas to twist them into poems (almost all of them very short). But rare few times they flow into a verse of quality. This, I think, is one such, excluding haikus.

Want to see how friends here receive it. Of course few of them might have read it.
 Oct 2014
The sea, endless, magnificent blue
Reminds me of your deep swirling eyes
Looking at me with mischievous love
Reflecting the big, open skies

The stars of the dark night
Remind me of the scars dotted on your skin
Painting your body in loose touches
Polaroids of everywhere you've been

The Sun, in its bright glory
Reminds me of your smile
Radiating, powerful, from cheek to cheek
Sadly, I haven't seen it in a while.

And finally, I must say, my love
I realize, as I finish this verse
Before, I saw the universe in you
*Now, I see you in the universe
I don't know but yeah.
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